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Critical Threat

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This is book three in the Extreme measures series, I do believe it is a stand alone book, however you will miss a little history of some of the sub characters and some good reads. This book is full of mystery, drama, suspense and so much more, Eason does a great job in developing her characters and their dialogue. We met FBI Special Agent Grace Billingsley in previous books but we really get to know her in this one. Grace must work with prison psychiatrist Sam Monroe, whom she met previously and felt he blew her off. When they are paired to work to find a serial killer will they be able to find him before he strikes again? There are many twist and turns in this book and it would make a great movie. I was given a copy of this book for my honest opinion.

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4 1/2 stars!

I absolutely loved this book! This is the first book I’ve read by Lynette Eason and now I need to read all her previous books. This book had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. It definitely had some Silence of the Lambs vibes without the gory details. The action, nail-biting suspense, slow build romance, mystery, and inspirational messages, had me devouring this book in just a few days. It was impossible to put down.

FBI Special Agent Grace Billingsley has her hands full when a copy cat serial killer is abducting and killing middle aged women. A fellow psychiatrist Sam Monroe is called in to help especially since the killer has a similar MO as his serial killer father currently in prison. Grace met Sam previously at a conference and really liked him. She hoped to build on their connection, but Sam didn’t contact her again. Working together on this case is a little awkward at first, but they grow closer as they get to know each other and open up about their pasts.

The killer becomes obsessed with Grace after he watches her at his victim’s crime scene and begins stalking her. As the clues pile up, Sam realizes his father may have insider information but will he get his father to cooperate before it’s too late? It’s a race against time to catch the killer before he strikes again and prevent Grace from becoming his next victim.

I enjoyed Grace and Sam! Grace carries a lot of guilt over her brother which becomes even more burdensome as the story progresses. Sam is a real support to her as they’re trying to solve the case all while dealing with their own personal issues. Grace is easy to talk to and carries a humility about her that makes it easy for Sam to open up to her. Despite his reluctance to start a new relationship, he finds a deep connection with Grace. I enjoyed the way they were both able to be honest with each other about their past failings. I also liked Sam’s two teenage children. They were both likable and written in a believable, intelligent way. The killer is down right creepy! The way he goes after Grace and his ability to change his appearance had me constantly on edge.

It’s amazing how much the author was able to pack into this book! I thoroughly enjoyed not only the fast paced suspense, but also the romance, relationships, and element of faith woven into the story. It’s a page turner that will have you staying up late into the night. Highly recommend to romantic suspense and Christian fiction readers. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own and I was not required to provide a positive review.

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Critical Threat by Lynette Eason is the third installment in the Extreme Measures series – and this one is extreme! It’s a must-read for suspense and thriller fans.

Grace Billingsley is an FBI behavioral analyst and creates profiles for serial killers. While tracking a killer, he sets his sights on Grace. Sam Monroe is a psychiatrist who specializes in serial killers because his father was one. Grace and Sam team up to stop the killings.

This book as so many twists and turns. Sam is an interesting character because he’s a single dad with two teenagers and must manage a home and a stress-filled demanding job. He also carries a lot of baggage from his father’s actions. Grace also balances her family with her job, and they both feel the pressure of a killer who is so bold to show his many faces to get Grace’s attention.

Definitely check this book out if you like action-packed, intense stories.

I received an ebook review copy of this book through NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Special Forces, FBI and CIA working together in Turkey?! I guess Erdogan wouldn't be amused. And calling Turkey a holy place of Islam? Apart from the political aspects of this novel it was a quick and entertaining read with nice characters, some level of suspense, but not too much.

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Critical Threat by Lynette Eason

Supervisory Special Agent Grace Billingsley, has been tracking a serial killer who has been targeting older women. And she knows it is just a matter of (God willing) time before she and her team find and stop this guy. Grace knew that this was what she wanted to do since she was a teenager and befriended the psychiatrist who worked with her and others while she was in juvenile detention.
Agents had been working with local detectives in the hopes of stopping this guy, they called in Grace to do the profile, six months ago she applied and was offered the position of behavior analyst, with the Behavioral Analysis Unit 4, crimes against adults.
Once the 3rd victim was found then it officially became the FBI's territory.
While Grace and her team were at the most recent crime scene, Dr. Sam Malone showed up, and Jerry, one of the other agents, explained that he called him. Because he had an interest in the case. Grace was curious what the interest was, and she was happy to see him again. They had met and spent some time together at a psychiatric conference 8 months ago, but he made it clear that romance was not what he was looking for.
Sam clarified that he was there because of who his father is, Peter Romanos, the Cell Phone Killer, the moniker was applied because he kept his victims cell phones. She just blinked. Sam had introduced himself as Sam Malone. He changed his name to distance himself from his father. Sam worked for the local prison and also consulted with the FBI when needed.
Now that she thought about it, these killings did have similarities to The Cell Phone Killer, but he has been in prison for years ( the same prison that Sam works at). Copycat? or Something even more evil?
This is a fast paced book that grabbed me on page one. I loved seeing how 2 psychiatrists could work together to catch the perp. Thank you for allowing me to be on your launch team.

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With Critical Threat, Lynette Eason once again proves that her books are "must reads" for fans of romantic suspense. On page one I was pulled into the story and the mind of the killer and then quickly introduced to the female lead, Grace. She is likeable, brave, good at her job, and compassionate. Her counterpart, Sam, is a single dad and devoted to his children. I don't want to give any of the plot away, so I'll just let you know that the many twists and turns will keep a very high level of interest all the way to the end of the book. The dialogue flows naturally. The action and suspense are off-the-chart! The conclusion is emotional and satisfying. I definitely recommend Critical Threat to readers of romantic suspense.
I received a complimentary copy through NetGalley from the publisher.

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Critical Threat by Lynette Eason proves once again why Eason is in the top of her field. Personally, this book help get me out of a funk and it makes me want to ask the author how in the world did she come up with these crazy serial killers! Critical Threat is book three in the Extreme Measures series but reads as a stand alone. Even Grace’s friend’s from the other two books only made a minor appearance.

The book focused on FBI behavioral analyst (aka profiler), Grace and prison psychiatrist, Sam Monroe. Sam is the son of a serial killer that he helped put away so he comes with a little bit of baggage. He is working with Grace on her current case because it has a similar MO to his father.

Critical threat keeps the reader intrigued with complex characters and plenty of plot twists. I highly recommend. And don’t miss book two, Crossfire which is my top 5 best books of 2022.

I received this book from Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review.
You can see my full review at More Than a Review dot com where I rate the level of sex, violence, language and drug/alcohol use in books.

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Fast paced from the very beginning and the action goes until the end. The story is told from FBI psychiatrists Sam and Grace's perspectives as they try to figure out how all the leads connect to the serial killer they are after. The main characters have family issues that causes a struggle with work and home balance. There are clues as to how it all fits together if the reader pays close enough attention. Well written with good secondary characters to add to the story.

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Another exciting thrill! Grace is on the hunt for a serial killer with specific tastes and skills. Sam, another psychiatrist working with inmates, is also helping with the hunt but he has a personal connection that may help. The two pair up to create a profile of the killer while developing a closer friendship. Learning about the personal lives of these agents helped to create a more realistic story for these characters, and I became invested in the outcome. Although this is the third book in the series, each is about a different agent and has its own story. The agents met as teens while in juvenile hall under the guidance of a mentor that had a long lasting effect on their lives, and the group has been close ever since. I’ve enjoyed this series and hope it continues, I was lucky to receive an early copy and have written this review honestly.

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I loved how diffrent this book was from other suspense books. Instead of two LEOs, Grace is a behavioral analyst and Sam is the son of a serial killer, giving us new perspectives into crime solving. What I love about Lynette Eason's books is that I can walk away learning more about Law Enforcement when I'm done, and with Critical Threat, I was able to gain new perspective into the psychological side of suspense.

While I love hearing about a character's personal life, Sam's drama with his kids and ex-wife put me off (please note: I don't normally enjoy the ex and kids trope, but if you do, then the book may be right up your alley).

I liked this book, and if you enjoy romantic suspense, I'd recommend any of Lynette Eason's books. While Critical Threat wasn't my favorite, it wasn't bad and I would definitely read it again. I found the whole serial killer being related to the main character really interesting and a fun twist to the book. It's definitely not like other books, which is refreshing.

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It was a tad bit slower than the first two in the series, but it's still so good and has action and you can feel the sparks fly beween Grace and Sam.
It conveys the truth of your identity and that the words that were said or judgement placed upon you, have no hold over you and you have the choice to heal from the wounds.

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Critical Threat
Lynette Eason
January 03, 2023

Once another victim has been discovered near Washington, DC it’s time for FBI Special Agent Grace Billingsley to move in and analyze the case. She is a psychologist and behavior analyst specializing in serial killers. The murderer takes women of a certain description with the habit of vocalizing their opinions to the press and any one who will print their point of view. In addition he uses the opportunity to select a friend visit, use their phone and harm them.
In addition we find Sam Monroe the prison psychologist who finds himself involved in the case due to hearing the whispers of prisoners who have shared information.
Critical Threat is the 3rd book in Lynette Eason’s Extreme Measures series. It will be published by Revel of Baker Publishing Group on January 03, 2023. I appreciate their allowing me to read and review her latest suspense novel via NetGalley. It is an exceptionally well written plot that keeps the reader involved from page one. I encourage all mystery/suspense fans to select this frightening story of characters being daunted by the evil minded killer. Eason’s excellent novel is a good choice for the new year. It is outstanding, do enjoy!

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It is a race against time in this cat and mouse suspense-filled thriller by Lynette Eason. Time is not on the side of law enforcement as they chase this vicious and depraved individual who delights in exacting his own form of judgment on his victims. FBI Special Agent Grace Billingsley is the star of this one, along with Sam Monroe, a prison psychiatrist. Grace is a psychiatrist and behavioral analyst. Grace and Sam had a "moment" in the past when it seemed as though they could have a relationship, but Sam left her hanging. This past experience between the two of them causes some awkwardness at first, but they are both professionals. So, they promptly put their past behind them as they race against the clock to find this killer, who is both cunning and highly intelligent. He is also obsessed with wanting to know what Grace knows which puts her in grave danger.
Sam has experience in dealing with serial killers as his own father is a serial killer and resides in the prison where Sam works. The kills look eerily similar to Sam's father's kills. It is almost as if he is committing these crimes himself. There are many puzzle pieces to put together to solve this mystery between all of the twists and turns. It had my stomach knotted up. The actual crime scenes are grim, but that is what happens when you are dealing with a demented person. Fans of serial killer suspense thrillers or even true crime will inhale this book. I like that Lynette Eason makes her characters so "real". They have flaws and emotions that you can relate to as the reader, so that you feel you know them and can feel their pain and joy. The tension is high and palpable as this story winds to a close. If Lynette Eason writes it, I will read it, and this book is no exception. She is a masterful storyteller with a true talent for suspense, mystery and romance with a devoted emphasis on faith and inspiration as well.

Thank you to Revell Books and NetGalley for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Can you imagine living with the reality that your father is a serial killer? Sam not only knew but he was the one who turned him in to the police.

An interesting story that has quite a lot of underlying emotional overtones. FBI Special Agent Grace Billingsley has overwhelming guilt over her past. Prison psychiatrist Sam Monroe has his own demons to deal with.

Can Sam and Grace work together to catch a serial killer? Can they put their emotional issues aside to get the job done?

I enjoyed the book not knowing what was going to happen next. I have read a few of Lynette Eason's books and have enjoyed each one. I'm sure you won't be disappointed with this one.

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This mystery was full of suspense and so terrifying as the characters seek to stop a serial killer before they strike again. The story kept me guessing!

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Page turning romantic suspense. I quit reading after the first chapter as it was from the point of view of the serial killer. That turned me off. I am so glad I decided to try again. The second chapter caught my attention and the story kept me going until the end. Love a capable female tale. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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Grace’s job as a Behavioral Analyst Profiler has her scrabbling as we start of the 3rd book of this series. She, Mark, Jerry and Sam are all working together, though Sam is on the team more because of his past connections. A serial killer with some copycat tendencies needs to be profiled and stopped before more people die. Grace unwittingly gets in the killer’s radar. As they race to find clues, and well as trying to protect Grace, more pieces come into play. We also see mention of Julianna, Raina and Penny. Other minor characters are Frank, Hal, Peter, Douglas, Zachary, Mitch, Sam’s family and Grace’s family. Edge of your seat action and page turning story that keeps you involved until the last chapter.
A complimentary copy was provided by Revell via NetGalley. A review was not required and all thoughs and opinions are my own.

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Lynette Eason is back with another heart, pounding, fast paced suspense. Urgency keeps everyone focused on finding a serial killer who is fixated on the heroine. The hero and heroine have to overcome extreme challenges in their past as they take the risk to explore what could be. A really great Reid! Those who love, romantic suspense will enjoy every page.

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This was a solid romantic suspense read from a new to me author. When I submitted my request for an ARC, I missed the Christian classification. Thankfully for me, the Christian aspect was pretty low key. Other than one or two spots where the religion was a focus (and I just skipped over those), the other references were pretty generic. “He prayed for her safety.” Interesting suspense story line. While Grace is a profiler and she created a profile on the killer, the reader does not find out what she reports. There is some romantic kissing in case there are readers who prefer a chaste romance.

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Critical Threat is one of my favorite romantic suspense I've read this year. With a serial killer loose and all kinds of sub plots going on I didn't want to put the book down. This book is the third in the series. I unfortunately, haven't read the first two yet. But boy howdy, I will be reading those puppies soon. Even though I haven't read the first two, I didn't feel lost or not understand what was going on. It read like a stand alone. Believe me, this book kept me guessing until the end. I had my suspicions of who did it, but it really was a surprise with the twists and all. This is a great read and I recommend to all romantic suspense lovers.
*I was given a copy of the book by the publisher and this is my honest opinion.

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