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Dirty Laundry

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3.75 stars

I think we can all agree that Ciara is the worst but it was still fun to follow along this whodunit drama with a varied cast of characters who could have all done it for different reasons. I'm not sure why everyone talks about hating all the characters, I found a couple to root for (ok so mostly the children... ) but still. This book kept me interested and turning the pages quickly to figure out what happened.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Ballantine for an eARC copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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This book is the new mean girls! This book starts with the end and then leads you through the lives of the women and men of a small village in Ireland obsessed with popularity, social media, and deciet. The concept of the book was great, I got a little confused by the time frame and memories popping up within each chapter but once I found my way I enjoyed it. The middle was quite slow with lots of drama; but the last few chapters of the book really reel you in to where you cant stop reading!

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I went back and forth between a 3 or 4 stars and settled with 3 by the end. This book has many characters but none of them are likable at all (except the kids? Poor Finn is always caged in). The delivery of the story is interesting, I did enjoy the different voices. However, there’s just too many unfinished stories and unclear background stories. I must say tho it was pretty slow in the whining but the pace picked up considerably. Overall I do enjoy this book despite the dislikeable characters and some holes in historical stories.

Thank you Random House Publishing via NetGalley for the e-ARC!

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I read an ARC of this book from NetGalley. This story was like watching a soap opera unfold. The neighborhood held a lot of secrets and it was interesting to see how the storyline played out. The ending was alluded to in the beginning and then the story goes back to build up to that ending. I enjoyed this book; it won’t make my favorite list for the year, though.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of Disha Bose new book Dirty Laundry.

Easily a 4 star read with some dark revelations and twisted people. I really liked the setting - Ireland and I can’t say I’ve ever read a book based there.

The main characters are; Ciara the “It” mom of the village, mom of two Littles, married to wealthy Gerry and queen of the social media groups. Everyone loves her and follows her advise regarding parenting, skin care, fashion, etc.

Then we have Lauren, in a relationship with Sean and three kids between them. She lives next door to Ciara and an outcast with the other moms of the village. She has sort of strange behavior and you learn more about her last with her boyfriend.

Finally you have Mishti, married to Parth from India. They had an arranged marriage and moved to Ireland for Parth’s work. They have one daughter. Ciara has taken Mishti under her wing and they have become best friends.

The book is told from these women different perspectives and also will go into the last a little bit for the reader to glean more info about their lives.

This book shows that things are NOT always what they seem when people post their lovely, glamorous lives on social media. One never knows what goes on behind closed doors.

I hated Ciara, felt a bit sorry and exasperated with Lauren, and liked Mishti but felt she was prisoner to her family upbringing and could never be herself.

When one of these women ends up dead, I was left wondering and guessing who did it. There were some strong reasons why I guessed who it was, but it was done different than a lot of books.

I will definitely read more by Disha Bose. I loved it! I’m a sucker for these neighborhood and domestic thriller books. Great read.
#dirtylaundry #netgalley

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I was pretty disappointed in this book. I was hoping for a “Big Little Lies” type book but this one kind of missed that mark. Yes, it centers around mommy cliques and there is a murder but this book just drags. Seriously, some of the anecdotal chapters just didn’t seem to mesh with the book. I think if the author had stuck to the POVs leading up to the murder the book would have been better.

Secondly, none of the characters were likable. The summary makes it seem like Ciara was a she devil but the other characters weren’t saints either and there wasn’t really any type of redemption arc for any of them in the book.

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Thank you to Random House Publishing Group and Net Galley for the ARC of this book!!

I am giving this book a 2.5 stars out of 5.

This book, for me, was comparable to Desperate Housewives. None of the characters, with the exception of Mishti, were likable and there was a ton of drama. There were times where the plot was a bit confusing because it jumped around a lot. The book would get interesting then have a few chapters of fluff, then back to interesting. I think there was too much back story that dragged on, which took away from the main plot. I felt there wasn't a great plot for this book in general though.

I also was not very satisfied with the ending. It felt really abrupt and I was looking for more to tie it all together.

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Thank you Net Galley and the publisher for an ARC of this,book. This book reminded me somewhat of the Housewives show. There was a lot of fighting amongst the women and also lots of cheating. It wasn’t in modern time though the family picked your husband but not in all the cases. One woman had a following with her neighbors support. The neighbors all wanted to be her friend so they would feel good about themselves. I wasn’t too sure about staying with it but it kept me interested to the point I wanted to see how it ended.

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Sharing on Good Reads and Instagram 1/28/23.

Reality is not what it seems for this group of mothers living in Ireland. The small town clique has put one of their influencer friends on a pedestal and it ultimately leads to her downfall. Bose writes a story of domestic life, unhappy marriages, toxic friendships, love (sort of?) and deceit.

I wanted to like this sooo much. This book has all of the ingredients for the perfect suspenseful story… but for me, it fell short. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a cast of highly unlikeable characters (and they ARE unlikeable, save for Mishti). But goodness… these women, these mothers, were TOXIC. And not in an “it’s okay because it’s very entertaining” sort of way. Cringey. Sad. Frustrating. I honestly found myself avoiding reading because the story here was weighing me down and not really keeping my interest. But okay enough to finish. Too many perspectives, too many flashbacks within timeframes. Lots and lots and lots of detail and backstory about characters but nothing really meaningful or captivating plot wise. And for the love, I just wanted one of the women to stand up for themselves without being written off as a mega bitch. Sigh. Not terrible, but not amazing either.

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I would have to say, neighborhood /domestic thrillers are probably my favorite reads!

I’m always apprehensive when I see the word ‘debut.’ Not now! Disha Bose wrote an unputdownable, suspenseful read that won’t stop racing through my mind!

Three couples, all neighbors in a small village:

Ciara and Gerry are successful, proudly living in the largest home on the block. In Gerry’s mind, his wife keeps herself busy posting on Instagram. Well, not quite. Little does he know she’s a very popular influencer, managing to secretly stash away a small fortune of her own.

Lauren and Sean are the outliers to the neighborhood. Everyone has an opinion about them, none of which are good. Poor Laura desperately wants to fit in…but she just can’t help herself.

Mishti and Parth, a couple who are together thanks to an arranged marriage. With seemingly nothing in common other than their shared daughter.

The author really brought all these characters to life in vivid detail! You have an glimpse inside each marriage and friendship. Not only the side of themselves they show the world, but revealing their own hidden insecurities as well.

Mishti was my favorite character, and I’m sure many readers will feel that same way. She unselfishly put her own needs and happiness aside to appease everyone else in her life. I’ll be honest…She kind of broke my heart💔

Now one member of this neighborhood group has been found dead. You’ll find out who right away. But the storyline takes you deep into the inner-workings of the neighborhood to root out the guilty party and their motive. Enjoy the journey!

I am so glad I had the opportunity to read this book! This author is highly talented and I cannot wait to read more of her books in the future!

Thank you to Random House Publishing Group via Netgalley

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Dirty Laundry is an impressive debut novel by Disha Bose. A thriller, a mystery, a cautionary tale on living your life through social media. This is a story of three women and their husbands and the tangled web these neighborhood couples have weaved. The charm of this book for me was that the characters are not overly likeable yet I had to know what was going to happen. As we learn more about each of these women's lives, the complexity that is human nature is fascinating to read about through each of their points of view.

A satisfying, must read thriller, I am looking forward to Disha's future work, she is an author to watch for!

Thank you to Disha Bose, Ballantine Books, and NetGalley, who provided an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review. I love this publisher's trust in readers that are new to reviewing and in the process of building a following, and I am grateful for the opportunity.

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For me this was like the adult version of ‘gossip girls’ - instead of teenagers we have three couples who are incredibly unlikeable; self absorbed, selfish and materialistic. Around the 15% point the story picked up, and in waves, the story would drag and then pickup and repeat. There were times I found myself skim reading only to slow down to get every word. I did not expect that ending!

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Thank you to Netgalley for this eARC.

This story is comparable to Desperate Housewives in that there are a lot of unlikable characters, tons of drama, scandal and lies.

I'm not sure I liked any of the characters, except maybe Mishti, but even her I wished for some changes in her life.

It also has a Mean Girls dynamic bc the MC has her group of followers in the neighborhood who all band against one of the other ladies and basically bully her.

I'm not too drawn by drama in my real life, but when there's a book full of drama, you can be sure I'm enjoying it immensely. This book was no exception.

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Taking place in suburbia Ireland, we meet three very different, and unlikeable couples in Dirty Laundry. This book reads like an episode from Bravo's The Real Housewives. The story is told from each of the women's POV's. Ciara, the widely followed and quite brash blogger, Mishti, the pushover friend, and Lauren who is ousted from the group for unknown reasons.
I felt like this book was a bunch of fluff full of foe-friends and characters who bullied each other amongst other appalling things. However, you will be surprised at the twisty-murderous-domestic twists that happen.

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I received an e-ARC of this upcoming debut novel through NetGalley.

This is a reasonably entertaining soap opera in book form, taking place in a suburban neighborhood in Ireland. The soap opera centers on three couples, two of which are married couples, the other unmarried but with three children. Early on, the reader learns that one of the three women, sort of the Queen Bee in the neighborhood, is found dead in her home. The author then backtracks to create the build-up to the day the woman died. Was she murdered? If so, by who? Why?

None of the six main characters are likeable. Lots of marital infidelity, jealousy, selfishness, backstabbing. So there is nobody to root for. Almost any one of the other five characters had at least some reason to want to wipe out the woman who was killed.

Without spoiling anything, I wasn't very satisfied with how the book concluded. High marks for keeping my interest level high throughout.

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This was a book about a group of unlikeable couples who are self absorbed yet very realistic. The plot was interesting and I enjoyed the twist that was provided. The book did drag a bit for me but I did find it to be a good twisty read overall.

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Dirty laundry by dish’s Bose publishing April 2023. This a story of a culd sac in Ireland of self absorbed twenty year old moms

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If you like domestic thrillers, murder mysteries and anything Irish, Dirty Laundry is for you!

Intense domestic thriller. A twisty story about a small group of mothers living in a village in Ireland. A seemingly quiet neighborhood is inhabited by young families, but behind every door lies at least one secret. Behind false kindness, you can find hostility, envy, adultery, and much more. All of common human nature congregated in one place.

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Oh wow! You wicked little vixen! Ciara, known as the Queen Bee of the Internet, is beautiful and she has it all... a successful husband Gerry, a gorgeous estate, and children. Being a sensation has kept her busy with her mothering style, and influencing other mothers to have the perfect life. With her pretend life online, take a closer look at her self absorbed life and you will not see perfection.

Ciara's neighborhood friends do not stand a chance at matching her. Mishti, also a mother, is her best friend and wants everything Ciara has. Her husband, Parth, is a psychiatrist and very successful, but she is still not content because her marriage was arranged for her.
Then there is Lauren, a typical mom with children and a husband, Sean. She appears as the butt of jokes in the village with her dysfunctional actions, her mothering style because her children are chaotic, but happy with their situation. But even she pines for Ciara's life. The fun ignites when Mishti and Lauren unite in their endeavors.
In this intense domestic thriller, you may not like any of the characters and will not be surprised when Ciara ends up dead in her home. The mystery behind it all is fun to unravel and you would love to say "I told you so." Greed, envy and self-absorption leads you down the city of Cork that will have you turn your head from this over confident woman in love with her power.

"SECRETS, DESIRES, BLOOD . . . It all comes out in the wash."

Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Random House for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A storyline with characters you see in your Instagram lives and you will either hate them, envy them or feel sorry for the character.
The story moves along at a good pace. It did for me get long in parts but overall a good plot.

Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced reader's copy of this publication.

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