Cover Image: Dirty Laundry

Dirty Laundry

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I don’t typically love character driven stories, but this one kept my attention and intrigue! Disha is a fantastic storyteller 👏

Thank you NetGalley and Ballantine books for this advanced copy!

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A domestic thriller based in Ireland, Ciara is the town’s queen bee with her perfect family on the outside and her IG influencer status. But with her friend Mishti, her foe Lauren and their significant others, there is more to their lives than meets the others.

It’s filled with several twists, some that are easy to figure out and some that are unexpected. Overall a pretty decent book.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author, for an ARC of this book, in exchange for an honest review.
The premise of the book drew me in but once I started reading it, I just couldn’t get into it at all.
I wish the author, publisher and all those promoting the book much success and connections with the right readers.

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I had a hard time with this one. It started with a punch and I was totally invested, but it soon became rote with the same ideas over and over again. It finally came together but I can see many readers not finishing.

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I thought the story started out strong but sorta fizzled out. You found out the mystery within the first chapters, but then the remainder of the book was fairly boring. Just an okay book.

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An engaging novel that casts a powerful light on the dirty secrets of three couples. Things are not always as they seem. An entertaining read.
Many thanks to Random House and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Unfortunately, I could not enjoy this book. Though some books with unlikeable characters are salvaged by a great setting or an interesting plot... this one missed the mark for me. I did not find much redemption in any of the characters and could not really emphasize with them or their actions. Additionally, I felt the writing was choppy and the setting (Ireland) could have been so much more. Normally I like thrillers or neighborhood stories, but this one was a hard pass for me.

Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC. All opinions are my own.

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Quick easy read. I only gave it 3 stars because the ending was to abrupt. I turned the page and couldn't believe she ended it that way. I really enjoyed it up until then.

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This was a mystery about three women living in a small Irish town and one ends up dead.

Ciara is an Instagram influencer who makes her life appear perfect online, but in reality, her own husband has no interest in her or their children.

Mishti is Ciara’s best friend. She is from India and is in an arranged marriage. Her husband treats her like property. All she has in Ireland is her daughter and her friendship with Ciara.

Lauren’s been with Sean for years, they have three kids together. When she asks him to get married, she realizes that they both want different things.

This book was filled with unhealthy relationships and horrible men as partners. Because of the title, I thought it was doing to be about juicy gossip and lies, it’s more of a book about motherhood and dysfunctional relationships. It was an okay read. It was entertaining and quick. Read this one if you enjoy unlikable characters, multiple POV’s, and relationship drama.

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Dirty Laundry is a slow burn of women's fiction centered around 3 friends living in a small village in Ireland. Each has very different relationships. Mishti is in a loveless arranged marriage. Ciara, an Instagram influencer, married for money. And Lauren is a crunchy Earth mother who asks her boyfriend to marry her. Disha Bose has managed to create 3 unlikable characters that are broken in different ways, with surprisingly complete back stories. Highly recommended, this is an author on the rise.

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Ooooooh man! What a book!!!! You must read this! Wow! I absolutely loved every second of this book and will be talking about it for the next year undoubtedly.

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Dirty Laundry by Disha Bose is set in a small Irish village and revolves around three women and their husbands; Ciara is an Instagram influencer with millions of followers and a home life that doesn't match despite her best efforts. Mishti is from India and is trapped in a marriage that's not only loveless; her husband has no interest in her. They live like dutiful strangers. Lauren was reluctantly pulled back to the village because she inherited her grandmother's house. Her peers tormented her as a child for being a misfit. Ciara picked up right where she left off, never letting Lauren leave the past behind and start over.

When Ciara is found dead, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone without a motive to kill her. She has crossed everyone one of them in one way or another. The question that keeps the pages turning long past bedtime is who actually pulled the metaphorical trigger.

In the village Disha Bose created, there's no way of knowing what bubbles away beneath the surface of relationships of any kind – friendships, marriages, and everything in between. This dichotomy is reinforced by the chasm between Ciara's social media image, who she was, and her life.

Dirty Laundry is an aptly named dark domestic thriller. The plot moves quickly with enough twists to keep the reader guessing.

I received this advanced reader copy of Dirty Laundry from Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A story that helps remind us that the more perfect as life looks on the outside, the more strife there is on the inside.

The queen bee in your neighborhood may not be as put together as she seems. Then again, she may be. Unless you’re very close to her emotionally, her very best of friends, you may never know she’s not.

A great read.

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This was a book where I didn't like any characters but still enjoyed the book. The description makes it sound like the book revolves around the murder but it actually leads up to the murder.

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Three friends in Ireland: a foreigner, an outcast, and the influencer who has it all. One dead body. What happened?

This book is a great, binge-able book to read by the pool this summer. It is a cross between Mean Girls and a Lisa Jewell book. I really enjoyed this story.

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The story goes back and forth in time and switches between the three women. The reader is told early on about a murder but this can’t really be considered a murder mystery. Ciara is an excellent character though - self-centered, obsessed with social media, loves the power she wields in her social circle but its not entirely clear how she has ended up with this power. Her husband seems utterly superfluous to the plot, as do quite a few of the other characters. Although we have to follow each to find out who is responsible for Ciara's death. Mishti who has settled in Ireland with her psychiatrist husband (both of whom are dissatisfied with their arranged marriage) has fallen under Ciara's spell but again its not clear why (apart from one very early incident) Mishti continues to be friends with someone so clearly manipulative. We also have Lauren who appears to have no friends (and again, despite her living in the same village it is not clear exactly why nobody likes her). Lauren is a target for Ciara's taunts so she's a prime suspect. There are no likable characters and maybe that is what the author was trying to achieve but it makes it difficult to see the point in the book.

Thanks to Netgalley, the author and publisher for the opportunity.

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Wow, thank you for a copy from Net Galley for an honest review. I loved this book. Yes, some of the characters were behaving badly but hey we're all human, and isn't that what we want with dirty laundry? Catty housewives, cad husbands, a shy immigrant housewife expected to deliver hubby's every whim, What's not to like? I devoured this book like a fresh apple pie. My only issue was I wanted to know more after the murder! I'm not telling who, read it and find out, you won't be sorry!

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If you’re looking for an edge of your seat who done it mystery/thriller, look no further. We get a glimpse of what is going to happen in the end at the beginning of the book and I feel like that was brilliantly done, because it keeps your brain turning for the rest of the book trying to figure out how we’re going to get there.
The characters were really well thought out and written, the author was able to bring a lot of life to them and I found each one likeable and interesting in their own ways. I also really enjoyed reading from all the different character’s individual perspectives. The story was wicked and the characters all ended up tangled together which was very enjoyable to read about. The only downfall was that it was easy to guess what would happen about half way through this book, I wish it would of been a bit more tangled then it was. Other than that I really enjoyed reading this and found myself so excited to get back to it to find out how it was all going to pan out. Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to have an advanced reader copy of this, I am leaving this review of my own free will.

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Imagine a book full of unlikeable characters, who you shouldn't care about and you have Dirty Laundry. I don't think any one of the adults were people I'd want to know, except maybe Mishti, but she really wasn't a devious person. If you have no redeeming qualities, at least be an interesting character, and they are. That being said, I couldn't put this book down because I wanted to know who did it and what happened to everyone else.

This was a great debut! It kept me busy trying to figure out who did it and why, and what a little shock at the end!
I hope this author has a long career writing domestic thrillers, or whatever she wants to write. I'll be there to read them all!

Thank you, NetGalley, for the chance to read and review this book. All opinions are mine and freely expressed.

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Wasn’t really a fan of this one I found the main character kinda winey and that kinda ruined the book for me. Thanks NetGalley for the ARC

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