Member Reviews

*The Prince's Pregnant Secretary* by Emmy Grayson delivers a classic romance filled with royal intrigue, unexpected developments, and heartfelt moments. While the novel offers a satisfying escape into a world of luxury and love, it also follows familiar tropes that may feel predictable to seasoned readers of the genre.

The story revolves around [Protagonist's Name], a dedicated secretary who finds herself in a life-changing situation when she becomes pregnant with the child of her royal boss, [Prince's Name]. Grayson effectively captures the emotional turmoil and excitement that come with this dramatic turn of events, drawing readers into the characters' journey.

Grayson's writing is smooth and engaging, with a flair for creating vivid, opulent settings that enhance the fairy-tale quality of the story. The chemistry between the protagonists is palpable, and their evolving relationship is portrayed with sensitivity and warmth.

However, the novel doesn't venture far from well-trodden paths. The plot unfolds in a largely predictable manner, with few surprises to keep readers on their toes. Additionally, some of the secondary characters could have been more fleshed out to add depth and variety to the narrative.

Character development is solid, particularly for the main characters. [Protagonist's Name]'s transformation from a dutiful secretary to a strong, independent individual is well-articulated. [Prince's Name]'s journey from a reserved royal to a loving partner adds a heartwarming touch, even if it follows a somewhat predictable arc.

In summary, *The Prince's Pregnant Secretary* by Emmy Grayson earns a solid three stars. It’s a charming and enjoyable read that delivers the expected romantic escapism, but it doesn't push the boundaries of the genre. For fans of royal romance who appreciate a well-written, classic tale of love and duty, this book offers a delightful experience, even if it doesn’t break new ground.

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I breezed through this book in one sitting, finding it to be a pleasant and light-hearted read that provided a welcome escape from reality. While the story was engaging enough to keep me entertained, I couldn't shake the feeling that it followed a somewhat predictable trajectory.

That being said, there was still plenty to enjoy about the book. The characters, in particular, were well-drawn and likeable, with enough depth and complexity to keep me invested in their journey. Despite the familiarity of the plot, their quirks and motivations added an extra layer of interest, making it easy to root for them as they navigated the ups and downs of unexpected parenthood and budding romance.

As a fan of stories involving royalty and unexpected pregnancy, I appreciated the inclusion of these elements in the narrative. While they may be considered overused tropes by some, I found them to be comforting and enjoyable.

This book provides a pleasant and satisfying read for fans of light-hearted romance. It's the perfect book to curl up with on a lazy afternoon when you're in need of a little escapism and a dose of feel-good entertainment.

I received an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Clara is pregnant with her boss’ baby after they spend a night together. Alaric decide that they need to get married to avoid scandal it would bring to the kingdom. Alaric is fighting his attraction to Clara whilst Clara never once wanted Alaric to tie himself to her and their child.

The storyline is engaging and it was easy to get into the story and my attention throughout the whole book. Love the chemistry between Alaric and Clara and their sweet moment together. Overall it is a sweet read to me.

*review post scheduled to be posted on 3/1/23*

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The Prince's Pregnant Secretary was a very quick, easy read and exactly the type of story that Harlequin Presents is known for. As the title suggests, it is about a prince (Alaric), his secretary (Clara) and the pregnancy that occurs after a fateful night together.

Overall, I thought this was a very sweet read. Alaric and Clara are both fairly likeable characters and suited each other well. However, they did make some frustrating decisions and were occasionally overdramatic in their reactions (e.g., the miscommunication in the final conflict).

I think most readers (romance and non-romance alike) know of Harlequin--and Mills & Boon--books so are pretty familiar with the concept and what to expect from these books. But if not, I would recommend these books to anyone who enjoys short, sweet stories and/or who wants the book equivalent to all of those wonderful Hallmark movies (especially the seasonal ones)!

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The H is a prince who feels he must clean up the reputation of the royal family since his father was reckless and a philanderer. He has a good relationship with his executive assistant. Their is an attraction between them and one night they act on it. The h has to deal with in-laws who blame her for their son’s death. The h gets pregnant. Eventually they are able to work out their issues with each other.

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I love harlequinn books, they never disappoint, the romance is good, the smut is good, the drama is good, they always serve.

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Prince Alaric and secretary Clara must marry after a night of passion resulting in a surprise pregnancy. Alaric insists upon this marriage to avoid the scandal it would bring to the kingdom. The honeymoon reminds them of what brought them together in the first place. Clara genuinely seemed sweet but I was definitely waiting and hoping for her to push Alaric back a little, hoping she'd have a back bone after the traumas she'd already been through with her ex. Alaric is fighting his attraction to Clara, his executive assistant with secrets and pain of her own. They shared an intense physical experience during a very stressful moment before the wedding of Alaric's sister. Alaric’s reaction to the pregnancy wasn’t what I was expecting and was the main thing that endeared me to him as a character.

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I just loved it. The harlequin company and their authors books are just fabulous. I cant get enough of them til this day.

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After reading Briony's story, I was really interested in finding out more about the Van Ambrose royal family.
This one did not disappoint, but it also wasn't anything fantabulous... However, the plot did keep me riveted, and I was rooting for both Clara and Alaric. Just felt the conflicts felt a little too drawn-out and predictable at times, which sorta threw a dampener on the feelings then...
Best enjoyed in one fell swoop
**Voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by the publisher via Netgalley - all views are mine & mine alone**

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This was quite a nice read. The writing flows well and was quite engaging - it was easy to get into it and it kept my attention throughout. I think both of the main characters, Clara and Alaric, were quite well-drawn; I got a good sense of their personalities and they did feel quite distinct. Some of their decisions were frustrating to me as a reader, and I will say I never fully warmed to either of them. I found Alaric to be slightly pushy and a bit annoying sometimes, but Clara was quite likeable.

Their romance was good; I liked the honesty between them and how it got started between them in the opening chapters. Alaric’s reaction to the pregnancy wasn’t what I was expecting and was the main thing that endeared me to him as a character. There were some sweet moments between them as a couple and I enjoyed some of the more domestic elements of this book.

However, I wasn’t keen on the final conflict towards the end; it felt a bit overblown and as I mentioned earlier I found some of their decisions a bit frustrating, particularly from Alaric. I also thought it all resolved a bit too quickly.

Overall though this was a solid romance book. I think if you like the tropes it involves and are looking for a quick read, this would probably work very well for you. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing a free copy of this book.

Content Notes: Death of a spouse (in past), alcoholism (side character), cancer (side character), traffic collision (in past), intimate partner violence (in past), on-page sex, unprotected sex (view spoiler), infidelity / cheating.

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After a humiliating breakup with his fiancée, Prince Alaric finds comfort in the arms of his assistant, Clara. When he discovers Clara is pregnant, he insists they marry at once for the sake of the royal heir. Can a marriage of convenience turn to love?

If you like romance built around an unexpected pregnancy, you may enjoy this book. For me, there was a little too much telling rather than showing in the beginning. I liked the strength Clara showed despite a difficult past. Prince Alaric was overbearing but proved willing to learn to do better.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Inconveniently married...

Clara and Alaric marry after the preganacy test turns positive. He's a prince, she's his secretary.
This was a pretty quick read that was entertaining and focused on them marrying after Clara becomes pregnant with his heir.

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This is book two in The Van Ambrose Royals Series and it is Clara and Alaric's story. The attraction and chemistry between Clara and Alaric is strong and intense but as he is her boss they try hard to keep there distance but when they spend a night together which results in Clara being pregnant so Alaric decides that they need to get married to avoid any scandal but will it work out between them giving them a happy ending. I absolutely loved this book as it had great characters and a storyline that had you turning the pages to see what would happen next and kept your attention throughout the book and it was a really easy read that was well written and could be read in one sitting. This is the first book that I have read by this author and I enjoyed reading it so much and I can't wait to read more of her book's in the future.

I Voluntarily Reviewed a Copy of This Book.

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There is something so unique about Harlequin Presents novel that gets me every single time.
Yes, the situations are over-the-top. The secret pining is always there. The dramatic breakup to get to the happily ever after, yes! These are all the aspects that I love and enjoy them.
Anyway as a long time Harlequin Presents reader, I thoroughly enjoyed this romance between Alaric and Clara. From page one, we learned that Alaric was angry about the mess of his former engagement with a woman his father, The King arranged for him to marry. Alaric is fighting his attraction to Clara, his executive assistant with secrets and pain of her own. They shared an intense physical experience during a very stressful moment before the wedding of Alaric's sister. Suddenly, that moment of physical attraction leads to Alaric and Clara having to marry to protect the throne, or so they say to themselves.

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The Prince's Pregnant Secretary was a short, quick romance book that can easily be read in under two hours. The plot was utterly predictable and features the surprise pregnancy trope between Prince Alaric and his secretary, Clara.

Clara was not a strong female lead and the characters were not overly developed, which was fine for the fast pacing of this book where the end goal was to get them together as quickly as possible so that they could live happily ever after as a family.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. A fun romance for anyone who is not looking for a plot heavy novel.

Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this in return for my honest opinion.

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Emmy Grayson brings us a story of Clara and Alaric. Prince Alaric and secretary Clara must marry after a night of passion resulting in a surprise pregnancy. Alaric insists upon this marriage to avoid the scandal it would bring to the kingdom. The honeymoon reminds them of what brought them together in the first place. Yet, once they return, things shift. Will royal protocol and the past get it their way?

Emmy Grayson brings us another chapter in the Van Ambrose Royals books. Harlequin Presents brings us another story of romance, royalty, and dreams of your very own Prince Charming. I look forward to reading about the Van Ambrose Royals.

I received and read an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I would like to thank NetGalley and Harlequin Presents for this privilege.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This is the 2nd in a series but reads great as a stand alone. It is a one night stand/pregnancy genre with a Prince to mix it up. This is a quick read (can be done in one sitting). Clara is the Admin for the Prince Alaric and has had a horrible past marriage. I found that was the odd part-the handling of this relationship and Clara's dealing of it. She was a bit of a pushover. Regardless, this is still a cute story and a fast read. I give it 3.5 stars.

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loved every moment of this story and book. I wanted to get more and loved it all. will read more from this author. YEAH book. a surprise pregnancy i was there for it.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Love the cover and the blurb had me grabbing this one!

What did I like? This was a quick book as a one night stand turns into a lot more than either Clara or Prince Alaric bargained for. Both of them have a past that somehow affects the present. Still it was fun!

Would I recommend or buy? I rate very few of these types above three stars but this one was a great way to kill an hour or so. Three stars!

I received a complimentary copy to read and voluntarily left this review.

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The Prince's Pregnant Secretary was a cute read I finished reading it in one sitting love the characters and the surprise pregnancy especially when there done well 4 star read 🌟🌟🌟🌟

I was provided an arc e-copy by the publisher Harlequin for honest review. thank you so much for sending me a copy.

Happy Reading Lisa 📚

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