Member Reviews

Fresh and original - I chuckled my way through No Life for a Lady, enjoying Violet's husband-avoidance and super-sleuthing skills. A brilliantly-written debut from Hannah Dolby and a keen reminder of the way it was for women back then - not that long ago!!

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A truly enjoyable romp featuring a strong-minded heroine, set in the 19th century Hastings. Violet Hamilton is an intelligent free spirit, despite being bound by the societal expectations and her particular situation as woman connected with a mysterious disappearance of her mother ten years earlier. She longs to be a Lady Detective but doesn’t have any experience in searching for missing people, so she hires a detective, a Mr Knight, to find out what happened to her mother. Violet is a delightful character, curious about world, and with enough guts to achieve her goas, despite her own limitations. The book is written in a first person, which gives us an insight into her mind and her frustrations, and this way the writing style is even more engaging and entertaining.

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This book was so good. It was funny and enjoyable. This is historical fiction with mystery added in. I loved the character of Violet. The writing style is easy to follow and is engaging.

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This book unfortunately fell flat for me. I wanted to like it, but I found myself struggling to read it and by the end the story felt like it was missing something.

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I loved every line of this wonderful book.

It was warm, laugh out loud funny, and utterly fascinating. Full of intrigue and interest, with a wild cast of characters.

I whipped through it in 2 days because I just needed to know the ending. I genuinely cannot wait for Hannah's next book.

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Unfortunately I read this when long-term sick and so while I noted a star rating, at the time I didn't have capacity for reviews for everything I was reading, and am only now just getting round to giving my feedback. Sorry that's not super helpful

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Great premise, loved the way the story moved and generally found it charming - if a little annoying on and off.

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What a great read.

Set in 1896 it takes you on the story of Violets life, her mother left when she was 18 and now 10 years later she wants to find her. She wants to solve the mystery of her mother’s disappearance, but it’s not suitable for a young lady.

Easy read that will make you giggle.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for a copy.

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I was sent a copy of No Life for a Lady by Hannah Dolby to read and review by NetGalley. This is a very readable and amusing novel. There is a clear sense of time and place, with a good insight into the expectations demanded of women at the time. This is the author’s debut novel and I can see the characters moving forward into a series, I hope so anyway! A great read if you fancy something quite light-hearted that makes you chuckle along the way.

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This was a brilliant debut. A quirky read that I absolutely loved! I’m glad to hear this will be a series as I’m looking forward to reading a next book

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This was a lot of fun to read.

Violet isn't your usual kind of 28 year old in 1896. She is definitely not looking for marriage.

Her mother disappeared ten years ago and Violet wants to know what happened to her. In doing so, she ends up with the kind of reputation that is the ruin of a young woman in the olden days.

During her quest she hires a detective, then has to hire another who has literally just decided not to be a detective!

There is a lot of potential here.

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For Bridgerton fans trying to hold themselves over, No Life for a Lady may make the wait a tiny bit easier. While regency-era romances and adventures are all the rage, this story deserves its place among the fandom. Readers are collectively living in the perfect moment for a story like this. The stakes are high enough to be thrilling but low enough to be incredibly relaxing and delightful.

Full review below.

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I DNF'd this at about 20%. I just couldn't get into the story and the main character was incredibly annoying to read.

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What a warm, joyful, entertaining, fun & romantic story. Just like a hot soup on a cold day or a piece of chocolate. Loved it. Thank you for this arc in exchange of an honest review (sorry for the delay, I fell a bit behind)

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Fabulous, engaging and wonderful. I really enjoyed meeting Violet and seeing her finding herself in a male dominated Victorian environment. Thank you for the opportunity to read this book.

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No Life for A Lady is a funny lady detective historical story about a lady named Violet. At the early start of her adult life she decides to take on her mother's missing person case. Fast forward ten years she is unmarried and determined as ever to doge all the suitors her father sends her way . Violet is determined to live to the beat of her own drum despite what her father and society says.

I really enjoyed this story , it was a fun and easy read with likeable characters , if you are looking for a light hearted historical read, this is the one for you.

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I didn't request this book specifically from Netgalley but inestead got an email with an offer from the publisher as I had reviewed for them before. I bleive this particular publisher occasionally does this and I've often not accepted the books because I felt like I wasn't the target audience or it wouldn't appeal to me. I was curious about this one because the protagonist sounds independent and feisty.

Yet I took a while to pick this up because it wasn't a book I had planned to read... in part I regret it, in part it was just the right time for a book that would just pick me up so effortlessly and take me on its journey. I found this was such a fun romp! Although no expert, I suspect it isn't very historically accurate or anything but it's also not the type of book where I care about these aspects very much. The main character, Violet, is feisty, independent, strong-headed, sassy, a little sheltered (I don't want to say naive as she is quick-witted and picks up on things quickly) and above all has a good heart. As I am typing this out, I realise this sounds very shallow and much like the "Not-like-other-girls" trope but there is something about her that I just like, including the narrative voice that the author chooses. It's just very readable. I think it's also fine to have a character that fits some stereotypes because the books isn't pretending to be deep or philosophical, it's mostly fun with a little mystery - the disappearance of Violet's mother - at the heart of the story. There is witty dialogue, there are likable main characters. There is LBTQ rep. The novel is just the right length with just the right pacing, at least for me personally. I loved it! I was surprised to see it was a debut novel of the author because the book felt well crafted and not as a raw around the edges as some other debuts may feel. I really hope we will see more from Hannah Dolby and I really hope it will feature Violet as well.

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This. Book was great, it kept the period theme running though, but also added few bits to chuckle at. I really like the main character- I so wanted her to become a detective, fall in love, settle down and be happy. However I also wanted her to stay strong and maintain her single, strong outlook. A very simple, but cute book.

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I thought this was a unique historical novel with a mystery aspect to it! Overall, I would recommend to those who think it sounds interesting!

I received an e-ARC from the publisher.

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Honestly I found this pretty charming. I was really deeply in love with the way that the author portrayed the heroine as resourceful and perseverant despite how much she had to go through alone and I liked the way humour was used to balance out the darker elements/topics. I thought the way that the romantic plot was developed was unintrusive in a way that felt natural to the first-person narrative and lent the story an optimistic note, especially at the end. I hope this becomes a series, and I would read more by the author!

*Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for the eARC*

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