Member Reviews

Thank you to #NetGalley and #CaneloCrime for my copy of #SuddenDeath by #RachelLynch
On a mist morning in the Cumbrian fells a race is taking place Fell runners from all over have come to take part.
At the same time a helicopter has just taken off and is on its way over Scafell Pike when something goes terribly wrong.
With so many people dead and injured and the bad weather hampering the rescue DI Kelly Porter and her team are going to have their work cut out to find the truth.

I have been a big fan of this series from the start and can't believe we lare at book 10!
This instalment finds Kelly, not long after the events of the previous book and in the midst of the Ian Burton trial. Still estranged from partner Johnny as they are opposite sides of the trial, they are reunited when reports of a helicopter crash filters through and, as experienced mountain rescuers, they head straight off.
In the aftermath of the tragedy, revelations of the people on board and the how and why the crash happened keep Kelly busy and make for another fast-paced, entertaining read.

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for the privilege of reading Rachel Lynch book number 10 in the Kelly Porter series, due for release on Nov 11th. Cracking story not let up and a finale to die for, ops. Builds on previous books but I suppose could be read as a standalone as the 'social' story line does not impact upon the main story. Definably recommend those who enjoy this series and those who haven't begun to be drawn into the world of DI Porter, go read it.

I love a police procedural with the insights into the characters and this definitely ticks all of those boxes. The research that must have been done into helicopters is admirable too. I know this is part of a well loved series, but in my opinion, it was overlong, repetitive and ‘flabby’. To me, it was obvious who had planned the murder, which left me wanting to get to the end quicker. I did like the final surprise murder though. I was also disappointed that ‘the goat’, who seemed to be building into an interesting character and possible romantic interest, just suddenly disappeared from the book.

I can't believe we are at book 10 in the well written DI Kelly Porter series, one of the best around in the genre. I have enjoyed every one of them. The plot centres around a helicopter crash in the Lake District, is it accidental or sabotage? I enjoyed the potting and the back story to Kelly's personal life, along with the well researched technical details. It's bound to be another winner for the author. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

D. I. Kelly Porter is at the trial for Ian Burton. Her ex-boyfriend Johnny is the main witness for his case. When Kelly gets a call that there is a major incident happening on the peaks of the Lake District. During a race on the fells a helicopter has crashed and killed and injured many of the runners taking part. Kelly and Johnny race to the scene of the accident to help anyway they can.
When they get to the scene of massive destruction, Kelly takes it on herself to lead the rescue and investigation to what happened and help save the survivors. There was only one survivor of the Helicopter Right Honourable Lord Donald Reilly. With him on the helicopter was Billionaire Bartholomew Kennedy-Craig. Lord Reilly is a major figure in the government. When the media finds out and the lead question in the investigation was, what was Lord Reilly’s doing with the Billionaire? And why was the Helicopter tampered with? What was the motive? When they delve further into the investigation, they find out that the pair are more to them that meets the eye, and the investigation takes a more sinister turn. Can Money really get you out of trouble?
Thanks, Canelo, for a copy of Sudden death by Rachel Lynch. This is another action-packed episode in the series. Where there is a race against time to find out who was responsible for the incident on the peaks of the Lake district. I couldn’t put this down and as always, the subject matter is greatly researched.
I also in the parts about Kelly’s personal life it gives the story a more realistic turn in the story and the will she or not scenario in whether to let Johnny back in her life or not. This is book ten in this fabulous series and I can’t wait for the next one. 5 stars from me.a

A race is taking place in in the peaks of the Lake District when, suddenly, a helicopter begins to spiral out of control, crashing amongst the runners. DI Kelly Porter is faced with a devastating scene with multiple deaths in a place which is extremely difficult for the emergency services to reach. There is only one survivor from the helicopter and when Kelly discovers that this is the Right Honourable Lord Donald Reilly and that one of the dead is the controversial billionaire Bartholomew Kennedy-Craig, media interest grows. Was the helicopter tampered with and, if so, who was the intended victim?
The opening chapters of Sudden Death grabbed my attention straight away with a scene reminiscent of a Hollywood disaster movie. The sheer devastation was easy to visualise and definitely brought home the extremely difficult tasks faced by the emergency services in this part of the United Kingdom. Kudos to Rachel Lynch for starting the book in such a gripping fashion that really set the tone for what was to come.
While this could be read as a standalone, there are plenty of references to events in previous books in the series (this is the tenth) that would serve as spoilers should you decide to go back and read the previous nine. In particular, there is a continuation of a case from the previous book and as an avid reader of this series, I was intrigued to see what the after-effects of this would be so was pleased to see this included.
There is much more to this book than a helicopter crash and I was surprised to see where Kelly’s investigation led. Sudden Death has a multifaceted plot and shows us how criminals of all forms can be hiding in plain sight.
Ten books in and I am enjoying this series just as much as I did at the start. Long may the Kelly Porter series continue!

I never repeat the blurb. This was another good outing with Kelly Porter and her team. It did drag a little in the middle but there was a satisfying conclusion.

Sudden Death by Rachel Lynch
On a misty morning in the Lake District, two men depart by helicopter from a private estate. Below, they see the stunning views of Wast Water, with Scafell Pike ahead, where fell runners are competing atop England’s highest mountain. It’s at this moment that the pilots lose control, and crash into the mountain top. Runners and bystanders are caught in the devastation.
I was over the moon to see the author has wrote another book in the brilliant character Kelly Porter. I have read them all but after the way her last one ended I felt that might have been the last one. I very pleased that I was wrong.
This title deals with an unsavoury subject matter - sexual child abuse , but the author writes about the horror of it in a sensitive way.
DI Porter is such a likeable character , and the fact it is set in my home county just adds to the plot for me.
Long may she reign.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read and review this book, Sudden Death by Rachel Lynch.
DI Kelly Porter is called to a catastrophic scene high on a mountain, both as part of the rescue team and a police officer. What seems like a deadly accident, soon turns into a complete police investigation. Porter and her team face a daunting task, trying to determine if this serious accident was really murder. Rachel Lynch provides great detail and an interesting plot to engage the reader. As the plot unfolds, the ugly truth will eventually be discovered and the guilty players are revealed, as usual.
In this story, politicians and billionaires make strange bedfellows, and their shady relationships make an interesting read.

I recommend this book!. The characters are well written and make you want to know what comes next for them. The plot moved along at a steady pace and although technical descriptions were needed on occasion to explain something (no spoilers) it was only as necessary and not overdone. The scenic descriptions helped picture the scenes

The tenth book in the series featuring DI Kelly Porter, although this is the first one I have read. Set in the Lake District, this book centres around a fatal helicopter crash. Porter's personal life features strongly at the start of the book and although I hadn't read the earlier books, the background was clearly explained.
I enjoyed the plot which followed the police investigation. The start of the book was fairly slow but once the investigation proper began, the pace increased significantly. There are some juicy surprises that kept my interest up. I can't say that I warmed to the main character. I found her rather efficient and cool but overall this was a quick, entertaining read.

I love all the Kelly Porter books , this was no exception. It’s another brilliant outing for our heroine , starting straight after the last book Kelly is estranged from Johnny after her latest case , they are brought together by an horrific accident where a helicopter has crashed killing and injuring lots . As one of the passengers is a government minister it soon becomes aware that the accident was a result of sabotage , Kelly must discover who was the intended target or was it the shady billionaire who had chartered the helicopter.
Great read kept me hooked all the way .

Another fabulous Kelly Porter story from Rachel. This series gets better with each new book. I can't wait to read more

Thanks to Rachel and NetGalley for allowing me to read Sudden Death prior to the publication date.
I will not try to add to the description of the book which is very accurate.
The story starts at Carlisle Crown Court where DI Kelly Porter and Johnny, her former partner and the father of their daughter, are witnesses. Unfortunately they are on opposite sides of the case.
When they receive notification of a helicopter crash on Scafell Pike, they put aside their differences to work together with Kelly co-ordinating the emergency services and Johnny working with the Rescue Teams.
This book moves away from the gift shops and coffee shops of the Cumbrian tourist trail.
There are areas where children are dragged up without morals in dysfunctional families by uninterested parents.
As the children aspire to the sort of lifestyles they see on social media, they are easy prey for criminals.
Elsewhere, it describes the large private estates tucked away behind high gates. Properties with boathouses and helipads, enabling the wealthy and their guests quick and easy access with the least inconvenience.
The question is, are they any less dysfunctional?
This book definitely has more than a few surprises!
The characters are well developed and whilst many are at best unlikeable, the reader is left to ponder on the reasons for their actions.

Following on from the previous book, Kelly Porter is at court where Ian Burton's case is being heard. Her former partner, Johnny, is also there, on the opposite side. They are both called out when the shout comes in that a helicopter has crashed in the Lakes, amidst a fell running event, and that there are major casualties. Both pilots are dead as is a business man passenger with the second passenger, a politician, severely injured., not to mention various of the fell runners. There is detailing, harrowing and, sadly, realistic descriptions of the crash, its victims, the help from the public as well as the professionalism of the police, mountain rescue and accident investigators. What was the cause of the accident, why were the two passengers, unlikely bedfellow, sharing the ride and how do their two families fit in. A fast paced investigation, well-written as usual and the pace just keeps up. Looking forward to the next in the series already. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher ford an advance copy.

Another great addition to the Kelly Porter series. A great mix of mystery,Intrigue and murder made me keep turning the pages as quick as I could. I just love the style of Rachel Lynchs writing, keeps me hooked from the first page. This can easily be read as a standalone but I recommend reading the series from the beginning so you get the background of the characters. I 100% recommend this book and author.

I have read this series from the very start and I was very much looking forward to the next instalment, hard to believe this is already number ten in the series.
We catch up with Kelly as the trial of Ian Burton is nearly at its end when a phone call sends shockwaves through the community as a helicopter crashes on a mountain while a fell race is happening. With a lot of casualties Kelly and Johnny reunite to race to the mountain to help in anyway they can.
We find out what caused the crash and why. I loved this easy read and raced to its conclusion.
I would like to thank Netgalley and Canelo for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

The court case of Ian Burton is nearly at its conclusion with DI Kelly Porter and Johnny the father of her daughter Lizzie has been put on opposing sides. While in the court both their mobile phones ring to let them know that while a serious fell race was taking place on Scafell Pike a helicopter crashes into the runners. This is a major incident as the helicopter was carrying a politician and a businessman. Kelly and Johnny take the call and rush off to the scene. This case proves to be more than accidental but when the truth starts to surface it affects many people's lives.
This is another great read in the Kelly Porter series written by Rachel Lynch The storyline pulls you in form the first few pages keeping you turning pages until the end. Brilliant book.

I absolutely love this series and couldn’t wait to start reading this and it didn’t disappoint. Easily read as a stand-alone or follow on of the series. Top marks again to Rachel Lynch!