Cover Image: The Maiden & The Unseen

The Maiden & The Unseen

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To say I am obsessed is an understatement. I INHALED this book. I have read other Greek retellings. I love Persephone but every retelling I've read was so unconvincing. This book had my favorite modern day
Persephone/Hades. (actually, just my favorite period. What set these two apart from others I've read are that they were the most believable and relatable. Their connection felt so real/not forced. Hades is the domineering ass until it comes to Persephone. Love the touch her and you die. Persephone is a total badass even as she navigates having her world turned upside down.
I grew up on the Disney Hercules so I appreciate my Hades with a bit of sass so I was ECSTATIC when Hades said "bitch please" in the very first chapter.
The dual POV is amazing. These authors NAILED it. It was perfectly balanced and encompasses their tone perfectly.
Not only did this have great plot and story- amazing, connectable main and supporting characters, creative spins, etc but the SPICE. Good lord. The spice. Ooooooooo.
I have already started recommending this to everyone I know and love and cannot wait for the sequel!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Rose and Star Publishing for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

For me, this one was a DNF, unfortunately.

As my first Greek Mythology retelling, I just couldn't get into it too much. The writing style for me didn't really grip me in the way that I wanted it to and the insta love also put me off the book. Whilst I understand that this is the end goal, and that it's based on mythology, some more dramatisation to add the angst, drama and chaos into the beginning would've hooked me more on this book.

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Although I don't like very much greek mythology retellings this Hades and Persephone retelling was absolutely amazing. It convinced me to read more. Great plot, lovable characters. I loved it!

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I love a retelling story especially spin offs regarding Hades and Persephone. Even on the original Greek Myth, they are the ppwer couple with the least amount of scandals and has really exuded monogamy - not the usual trend among gods and goddesses. That being said I was so excited to read this one.

Unlike the other retelling stories, this combined the modern and traditional magical powers that both deities possesed. There was also the involvement Fates on the plot making it really promising. If we are to base assessment on the technical components of a novel (setting, characterization and plot) this could have been wrapped up in less than 150pages, instead of 431 pages.

I love a good smut, there's an art put by the author in writing a good smut. This one however, relied on repetitive and to the point of frustrating descriptives that I literally had to skip the "deed" scenes. Like yeah, I get it you are h*rny for each other, next. Apart from that, the sequel seems to promise the actual meat of the series so yeah, I am still looking forward to it.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Rose & Star Publishing for the opportunity to review this eARC.

I LOVE most all Hades and Persephone retellings! I was so excited to be approved to review this.

This book is light on plot and heavy on sm*tty goodness.

If that’s your flavor, jump on in!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for the ARC. I love hades and Persephone and will pretty much read any book about them. This book started out really good, but ended up pretty much being all spice and no story. The first 50% was a slow burn, but the end was just smut. So much to the point where I just skipped it. The storyline kinda fell apart and took a back burner to the amount of porn. I can appreciate it, but I felt the entire end just focused on porn instead of advancing the book in any way.

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Recommended for readers who enjoy:
•Hades & Persephone Retelling
•Adult Romance
•Modern Setting
•Double POV
•Forced Proximity
Was here for the smvt

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I am a huge fan of Hades and Persephone retellings but this one lost me completely.

The concept sounded extremely similar to Scarlett StClairs A touch of Darkness but I was hoping there would be differences enough to make it interesting. But I was sorely disappointed.

It was very light on plot. And even if I came for the smut, it needs something to back it up. The pacing was weird and I would say that the writing could be improved upon. Hades and Persephone were more whiny teens than anything else and this book just kept losing me.

Some bits (like the godly appearances) was just outright stolen from ATOD so honestly I would just ditch this and go reread that. Given it’s release after ATOD blew up, it was clearly an attempt to emulate that success without an ounce or originality.

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<I>‘I won't share you, Persephone. When you're mine, you'll be only mine. I won't accept half of you.’ </I>

I ADORE Hades x Persephone retellings. ‘The Maiden and the Unseen’ reminded me ALOT of Scarlett St. Clair’s ‘A Touch of Darkness’, but with a bit of a softer Hades. We’ve got gods living in the modern day world, Hades, god of wealth, bankrolling all the gods and goddesses who come down from Mount an Olympus for a fun time amongst the mortals, whilst he is one of the only ones who has to work. 6 months in the mortal realm keeping his billionaire corporate business afloat, then 6 months as King of the Underworld sorting souls. It is a thankless existence, and he is over worked, with no time for fun and games.
In comes clueless goddess of Spring Persephone, who has been hidden away by her mother for nearly all of her existence. Now she’s finally free of her mothers clutches she works hard for her life in the mortal realm. She is bold, stubborn and confident, setting fire to Hades usual calm, controlled and tightly structured life. They want to stay away from each other, but fate has other plans and they can’t control the way they feel about one another.

This was such a quick and easy read, I enjoyed both Persephone and Hades characters, their stubbornness and love. For me, there could have been a little more plot and a little less sex- this book I feel was mostly explicit scenes and exploding lust 😅 I mean, it was quite well done and made sense for how the characters felt towards each other, fate and their own emotions pushing them on. It was also a brilliant change to see a confident and sexually empowered Persephone, rather than her being a naive and precious virgin. You go get what you want, P!
For me it still managed to feel a bit OTT, but I’m intrigued by the ending and hope that the second one has more plot development.

If you enjoy Hades x Persephone retellings, steamy spicy reads, office romance and fated love you’ll want to try this book!
TW for cheating, even though the character didn’t see it that way it really did come across that way 😅

***Thank you to the authors and publishers who gifted me an e-Arc of this book in exchange for an honest review***

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World Building: The book is set in the "mortal world" with hints of the immortal world throughout.

Characters: The two main characters told their story in dual perspective.

Plot: The story moved at a good pace.

The story was an interesting, spicy one.

Spice: 4/5
Rating: 3.75/5

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This clever contemporary spin on the Greek myth of Persephone and Hades, and a cast of gods, demigods, and other celestial beings, combines a smokin' hot billionaire romance with refreshing deviations from the classical source material in terms of explicit consent. These fated mates struggle against internal and external forces conspiring against them as individuals and as a couple. One story thread that runs through more than half of the book makes Persephone seem inconsiderate and immature, which was a distraction making it challenging to root for her even when that element resolves itself. That made it a three-star instead of a four-star read for me. The Maiden and the Unseen ends on a cliffhanger that will leave readers, particularly fans of Shai August and Katee Robert, in anticipation of another entry in what seems destined to become an irresistible series.

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I really enjoyed this book! I wish they would have included more from the background characters.

I finished the book with more questions than answers. I cant wait for the next book!

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I have finished this some time back. Forgot to give the review. If you are looking for spicy content with mythology retelling, this would be perfect for you.

However, I find that it’s a bit repetitive.

It’s an easy read.

Overall, I felt the plot could’ve been more than the smuttier part. 😅

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I got an Arc of this book from Netgalley.
It started out with promise, and I was looking forward to a good Hades/Persephone story, but it's definitely one spice book that would have benefitted from a slower burn, the characters also make some choices that make no sense.
I find it a bit had sympathizing with Persephone when we learn she's pretty much strung along this guy for a year without having any real feelings for him, and then continues to do so when things heat up with Hades, before finally getting out of that relationship.
When they finally do get together it turns really angsty, but instead of having an actual conversation they just have sex. I don't have a problem with spicy books, but there were sections were it almost felt like the authors were more interested in getting to the next sex scene than actually driving a plot forward.
I wasn't expecting it to end of a cliffhanger, as the story seemed pretty self contained at the start. I am wondering what the next book will be like though.

I liked the friends that were introduced and would have liked some more of them in the book, especially Helios and Mellie.
I did also enjoy the initial banter between Hades and Persephone, and the friendship that was developing between Persephone and Mellie.

So in short if you're favourite thing is spice it's def worth your time, if you need a more plot driven story you might wanna give this one a pass.

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The story of Hades and Persephone, but retold in a contemporary office setting! Hades, slick banker and business manager, and Persephone a feisty social media manager cross paths when her cash flow is halted by Hades who finances the Gods and Goddesses as they live amongst the mortals. She needs to work and he provides a position.

This is a smart, witty and very adult version of the Greek myth! The characters are full of charisma and the setting is novel. A fun lighthearted retelling, but graphic!

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This book is so full of spice that it might as well be one fire. It's a quick, face paced read but overall well done. I didn't like that Peresphone spent 80% of the book in another relationship, but I understood the reasoning. She was using it as a buffer between the ever building tension between herself and Hades.

Speaking of Hades, omg. I really loved him so much. The authors did really well about painting him brutal, yet also insecure.

I really really hope there's a follow up book about Mellie. I honestly couldn't get enough of her character. And I NEED to explore her relationship with Helios like right now!

Definitely two authors I'll keep on my watch list.

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So though i enjoy retelling of H&P . . .
I'm going to be honest with you and b tell you my main reason for reading this book was the spicy-factor. I was hoping the story would portray sometime of love story between the two, with off the charts passion. It's the little things, sue me🤷‍♀️.

What I got instead is a story that left me with the feeling of more dissonance than calm that I usually get after finishing a book. Frustration at a character for spending almost 70% of the book in a relationshipSo though i enjoy retelling of H&P . . .
I'm going to be honest with you and b tell you my main reason for reading this book was the spicy-factor. I was hoping the story would portray sometime of love story between the two, with off the charts passion. It's the little things, sue me🤷‍♀️.

What I got instead is a story that left me with tall these feelings. I have more dissonance than calm than i usually get after finishing a book. I'm frustrated at a P for spending almost 70% of the book in a relationship with someone she says she doesn't care about yet remains with, but she denies the sparks that fly every time she is around H. I hate stubborn characters. I mean it. She goes from hating H on one page to professing her undying love on the next. I'm confused about a cursed that isn't really explained yet shouldn't be triggered, only to kinda be triggered; so now what🤔?!? I'm hella annoyed with all these one-dimensional characters that are supposed to be millenia old but act like they aren't. P is Little Miss Bossy-Boots while trying to act naive? H thinks he's a bad-@ss, but is a pushover 🤨. The rest of the gods are all tools. They don't have to be compassionate; but if H is literal your wallet, I can't fathom how in old their years, they would have the audacity to talk to him the way that they do and he take it. It's outrageous. Most of all, I'm bewildered by how the author's didn't think the readers wouldn't noticed inconsistencies, poor character development, and repeated dialogs.

It had potential for me, but they're was just too much overall for me to just let go and go with the story. It was too much of a turbulent ride with everything.

** Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to review the advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion **

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I enjoyed this. The writing was great, I can’t wait for more I would definitely read and recommend to others.

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Such a spicy read!!!

This book has the spice. The premise behind the story is thrilling and beautiful. The spice is absolutely amazing scenes.. however, there are times that the book feels as if it focuses so much on the spice that it becomes a repetitive plot over and over. The retelling isn't bad.. but it isn't one of my favorites.

However, those who heavily like smut and spice will love this retelling.


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I love a good Greek mythology retelling with Hades and Persephone being my favorites. I love how this one took it to an office romance setting and talk about spice! There’s a lot of smut in this one which was fine for me. I wish the ending was a little different, but overall, I enjoyed the story.

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