Member Reviews

This book was hard to get into until midway through. The story and the dialogue came out stilted and somewhat forced, but once the action began, the adorable love story and intense scenes made up for the lacking beginning. I thought it was an interesting take on the paranormal romance genre.

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I believe that every book has a reader, but this book wasn’t for me. The premise was interesting, but the story and dialogue felt extremely forced.

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An action-packed, sweet love story gets this paranormal romance series off to a great start. It took a bit to get going in the beginning but then I couldn’t put it down.

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An action-packed, satisfying love story gets this supernatural series off to a rousing start….
I think the author has set the bar high here. Will look forward to the next book and hope it is as good as this one. Overall 4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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In the beginning I was loving it, but I felt it the middle it didn't move along that well. It took to long time to find out what main character was. Glad I kept with it as it picked back up.

The relationship and romance between characters was cute. The imagery and themes of torture and death were very good

Overall a good story and I want to read more.

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What a good read. Took a bit to get started but the I couldn’t put it down. A tale of good versus evil. When a guardian angel and a mortal meet something unusual happens.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

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Thank You Netgalley and the publishers for sending me and allowing me to read this E-ARC.
This is another one of my favorite books, I'm so glad I started off 2023 with a great book.

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Amazon Review
My life went sideways the moment I arrived in Haven Hurst, Connecticut. It’s one of those charming, quintessential places you find on lists like, The Top Ten Best Small Towns To Visit In America. It is beautiful, but what I now know would shock the tourists to the core.

The locals have been compelled to disregard the strange behavior of a particular family because they are Guardian Angels. I never expected my hallucinations to include something of this magnitude. I never expected angels to be monitored by The Council of Guardians, which has grown increasingly suspicious of me. And I never expected to fall in love with Michael Patronus, the angel in my senior class. But is love enough when mortal sins demand retribution?

My Review
A solid 3 star from me.

I like this story but didn't love it! The story was good and plot ok but the writing really let it down, i probably wont be reading the next book in the series. Its a shame because the cover is sooo pretty.

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A Soulkeepers Novel Book One
by Lori Adams

Pub Date 25 Nov 2022 |

Publisher : @Spyhop Publishing, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles
Genre: #Romance #Sci Fi & Fantasy | #Teens & YA

I would definitely say this is for the start of young teenagers reader the writing is easy to follow.

Angela, Demons and unwitting knowledge between the lot of them is for a fun start. The story was slow ans I didn't see any change of pacing through this book. For a start of a series I feel we could of gotten to know a bit more about the characters.

For me I really enjoyed the concept of this book but couldn't connect to any of the characters as they felt a little bit 2 - d to me.

3 Starts
#NetGalley #forbbiden #silkybookworm

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Sophia moves to a small idyllic town where she is drawn to Michael Patronus - a boy who is more than he seems. When Sophia begins to notice strange things happening around her, she begins to ask questions and discovers that Heaven and Hell are closer than they appear.

This books was almost a DNF for me - the positive review made me keep trying, but I didn't find it interesting until I got to the 75% mark and the plot began to pick up. The first 2/3 of the book felt like an elongated high school montage with no character development. As always, your mileage may vary, but this wasn't a book for me.

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Nope, this book was just not for me. I didn't care for the characters and actually disliked them more than liked so this is a dnf for me.

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I’m sorry to say that I wasn’t able to finish this book; the writing style was too perplexing. After reading sentences like, “He took care alighting on the lawn, waiting for the faint clicking sound as the fetching retracted and disappeared before lowering his arms,” and more incomprehensible diction, I said enough was enough. I feel like this book had great potential but wasn’t able to live up to it due to the fact that the editor didn’t reign in the author’s imagination a bit.

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The synopsis of this book make me feel like it would be something I’d thoroughly enjoy…but this one fell flat for me.

This books pace seemed on the slower side. I don’t feel like we knew much more at the end of the book than we knew at the beginning, we just spend most of the book waiting for the MC to find out what we already know and have that elaborated on a bit. When some newness did finally appear I felt like nothing about it was explained.

I did really like Dante, Vaughn, Raph and Gabe! Though Michael annoyed me so much.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for this arc. This story great and a fantastic read. It was an interesting story line.

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When I read the synopsis for this book I was extremely excited because I grew up loving paranormal romances like this! I know some people don't enjoy when one 'normal' girl seems to be two boys entire world but I love it.

However, I was disappointed to find it lacking. The characters need a lot more development and while the writing was good enough for me to breeze through, there was a lot of info-dumping. Especially in Dante's first chapter. I was extremely confused as the opening to the chapter threw so much information at me at once!

Also, our main character was super rude for no good reason. I don't believe it makes anyone quirky. Now, if its like a Wednesday Addams situation then I understand and even like it. But it really didn't read well in this book.

Thank you for approving me for an ARC.

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Angels and demons and high school! Good versus evil and finding yourself all twine together in a tapestry of secrets, mystery, and yes, angels.

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This book is a unique take on Heaven and Hell. Sophia finds herself torn between Michael, the Guardian Angel, and Dante, the Demon Knight.

While I did sometimes enjoy the unique writing style, it did also sometimes backfire and take away from the story. I found myself having to skim because it couldn’t keep my attention. This book kind of reminded me of Twilight, but the vampires are Angels and they werewolves are Demons.

Forbidden definitely had potential and I’m interested in how the story unfolds, but I’m not sure if I could continue with the next book based on the writing style. It might appeal for some people, but it wasn’t my cup of tea.

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I personally didn’t enjoy the writing style, and couldn't find myself liking or relating to the protagonist, but I largely think this was down to a clash between this book's writing style and my own personal preferences.
I do also think that this book could benefit from a better cover, if indeed the cover on here and Goodreads is the final cover. A simpler, more visually attracting cover would ensure that people who have enjoyed similar works would be interested to read.

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I don’t even know where to begin, but this book had everything. It had all of the best tropes, there was Angels, Demons, Reincarnation, and a love triangle. Forbidden is the first book in the soulkeepers trilogy and I can’t wait to read the rest of the series. Especially wanting to continue reading the rest of the series because of how this book ended. It was a nice quick read that I finished in one day. Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read this arc in exchange for my honest opinions.

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The story is full of surprises and there is so much going on that I couldn't stop reading. The ending took me by surprise and I am eager to find out what comes next.

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