Member Reviews

Martha Sweeney's "Frozen Lies" is an unconventional urban fantasy romance that goes against the grain. This book offers the unique combination of magic, holiday vibes, bikers, and a long-term feud, this premier book in a new series takes a new perspective on holiday romance storytelling. Prepare for the unexpected in this novel which will leave you eager for the sequel.

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The premise of this book was so fun for me, but the dialogue killed any magic that I was starting to get. Some of the dialogue felt too immature for the book’s audience?

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This book really wasn’t for me. I wasn’t big on the world building, the chemistry between the characters was almost non-existent, and the book overall was pretty cringey.

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A paranormal romance that has swearing, magic AND innuendos? Perfect.

Thank you to NetGalley for the early release copy in exchange for my honest feedback.

For more book reviews, please see my Instagram @blondesbooknook

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Martha Sweeney's "Frozen Lies" is an exhilarating and unconventional paranormal romance/fantasy that defies expectations. With a unique blend of bikers, magic, and a feuding backstory, this captivating series challenges the boundaries of holiday storytelling. Sweeney's vivid imagination and skillful storytelling create a world where passion and danger intertwine, making this a must-read for fans seeking a thrilling and edgy twist on traditional romance genres. Prepare for a wild ride with unexpected twists and turns that will leave readers eager for more.

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I enjoyed this but it didn’t capture me as much as I thought it would. I personally probably won’t continue the series anytime soon but I definitely think it was a unique story that could capture readers of the right audience. Thank you NG & the publisher for this arc!

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I don't like giving bad reviews, especially not when there's potential in the story, but this just wasn't for me.
The story needed more development as did the relationship between Noelle and Nikolaus. I found myself mostly confused as to what was happening and there were so many characters being introduced that it was hard to keep up.

It got quite repetitive and as a person who prefers some spice in her books, I was disappointed when it turned out to be a closed door book, even with early talk about sex.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exhange for my honest review.

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I think there's a lot of potential in this stories, there's an interesting world building and it could become a very entertaining series.
Unfortunately it didn't work for me as I felt the romance was too fast and i didn't care about it
Not my cup of tea.
Many thanks to the publisher for this arc, all opinions are mine

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The bitter fault of one caused the magic from within to wither and die.

A feud has ensued for many generations, leaving most from both the Frost Clan and the Klaus Clan unaware of its origin. What happens when Noelle Frost and Nikolaus Klaus find themselves drawn to each other? Will their worlds collide, destroying everything in their wake? Or, do they have the power to bridge the ancient chasm and restore balance to the world?

This is NOT your average holiday story and NOT for the faint of heart.

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ARC review

The book has a lot of potential. I did love the world into which it was build and would like to see more of it. Unfortunately the romance part and some of the writing was not my cup of tea.

At the beginning of the book, first or second chapter, someone puts a dent in a car, and then erases it and I was like: “OMG! This is twilight”. And then a girl sees it and asks the boy and he calls her crazy (and she fucking continues to flirt with him) “OMG! This IS twilight and we’ll get a toxic relationship all over again.”
I tried to shake this feeling out and continued to read the book. It was 2022 after all, no one would write a fucked up relationship and pretend it was a fairy tale this days, right?
It took me a long time to finish this book because of that.

Another down point for me was the overuse of expressions, like “snickers” (143 times!!!) to the point of being annoying.

The last third of the book I found more interesting, and got me curious to where the story could be headed.

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Noelle is a member of the Frost clan and the Blades, mountain bikers living in a town surrounded by mountains. She spends her time helping out at her family's bar and riding her motorcycle, but her routine is disrupted when a boy named Nikolaus arrives in her town and falls in love with her. However, he belongs to the Klaus Clan, which has been feuding with his clan for years, making his relationship with Nikolaus more difficult, especially if his family does not give them a break.

In this book, you'll find a destined mate, magic, a Christmas holiday vibe, and a sweet romance. Don't get too excited about the innuendo and "dirty talk," as it will disappoint you because it is happening behind closed doors.
If you're going to have a lot of innuendos and write about the sexy talk, at least write one scene where the characters bang each other with details, in my opinion! At the very least, the first time! That was both disappointing and aggravating. You'll read them teasing each other, but there won't be any more.
But, once you get past the frustration, the story is exciting and has potential. You'll encounter two clans at odds, love in the middle, magic, and secrets.

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Thank you NetGalley for the advance copy.

The first few chapters were fine but it reached a point in which it was difficult to stay interested in the story. The cousins are creepy, there's not build up to the love story which makes you think that Nikolaus is a walking red flag. Also, Noelle keeps making the same jokes that aren't funny at all, girl grow up.

I don't like giving bad reviews but it took me forever to finish this book, I wish I had dnf''d it.

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Noelle is a girl who belongs to the Frost clan and the Blades, a group of bikers who live in a town surrounded by mountains. She spends her time helping out at her family's bar and riding her motorcycle, but her routine is interrupted when a boy named Nikolaus arrives in her town, who is immediately attracted to her and vice versa. However, there is a downside: he belongs to the Klaus Clan, who have had a feud with his clan for years, a fact that will make his relationship with Nikolaus more difficult, especially when his family doesn't give them a break.

From then on, she must discover why her clans hate each other, as well as the secret behind her newly acquired magical gifts and the whereabouts of her father.

This story takes place at Christmas time but makes a mix in its plot where it incorporates clans, motorcycle gangs, a lot of swearing, magic, and mate fate.

This mixture seemed very unusual to me, but interesting. Although, I admit that it was a bit confusing for me, at least at first, to understand the mixture of all these elements and the mechanics that the author wanted to propose. Also, at certain moments I felt lost because of some jumps in time or things that happened but we didn't know about it until the characters talked about it.

As for the narration, it is in the third person that allows us to know most things that happen with all the characters, both the protagonists, those of the Frost clan, the Klaus clan, etc. as circumstances arise.

Noelle and Nikolaus meet one night at the Blades' bar, with chocolate and whiskey in hand. Although the clan disagrees with that relationship, between jokes and spicy innuendoes for Christmas, the attraction between them will increase and they will soon discover that they are mate fates.

The romance between them, if I'm honest, hasn't delighted me. Even though I have laughed on several occasions and at first it seemed cute, the more I read it became clear to me that they did not have chemistry nor did they transmit much to me.

Let's talk briefly about the characters:

Noelle Frost is a girl with a bit of joking and smiling personality that I liked. She has to go through a time of many discoveries and stress, especially when her family does not make things so difficult for them.

Nicolaus Klaus is the one who brings us the multiple insinuations and also the one who fights the most for the relationship since he is a somewhat tender guy.

Hope, she's a friend of Noelle's that I liked.

Frost Clan, I hate them a lot, some are idiots and treat Noelle like a girl who doesn't know what she's doing when she's 26 years old, the persecution is incredible. The only one who is saved is Grandma Sapphria, who is a real charm and is the greatest support of her granddaughter.

Clan Kalus, I'm just going to say that each character is very different, but I liked all of them very much.

The matter of magic and gifts, there is still a lot to develop around it, I guess in the following books since there are still many questions and things that the characters have to discover and learn.

In general, I think the idea of the story is original, it had a good start, although I think it could have had better development and a better romance. However, it's only the first book, so let's hope that the following books will have better execution.

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2.75 Stars. I struggled with this one. I was debating on even reviewing it because I had so much hope for this read. I loved the enemies to lovers / fated mates like from ACOTAR, however, this book fell short for me. I found myself comparing it too much to ACOTAR and I really lost interest. The innuendos of the characters threw me for a loop and it was random, and hard to follow. I did however like the ending and may be interesting in reading the second book.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I was excited about this one because it sounded interesting but it was so poorly executed I really did not enjoy anything about it.

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Thank you Netgalley for this eARC in exchange of my honest review.

I am not going to give you a summary of the book, as you might already have read it and want to know if it is worth it or not. My taste in book are my own and you might actually love it, give it a go and have your own opinion as the book is definitely not a bad read. It wasn't just my cup of tea.
In this book you will find fated mate, magic, Christmas holiday vibe and a sweet romance. Don't get too excited about the innuendo and "dirty talk" as it will lead you to disappointment, as it is behind closed door.
In my opinion if you choose to have a lot of innuendos, to write about sexy talk, at least write one scene where the characters actually bang each other with details ! At least the first time ! That was disappointing and frustrating. You will read them teasing each othe, but nope, you won't have more.
But if you get over the frustration, the story is kind of cool and had potential. You will find two clans enemies against each other, love in the middle, magic and secrets. Good potential to be a great story but the closed door and some aspect of the story are not for me. I found some moment in the ebook were a bit messy for me.
But again, it is my opinion, you should give it a go as overall is an OK read, just not for me.
It won't be a 5* and I actually can't be bothered to be frustrated by reading the next book. Either you give vanilla and cute romance or you keep on going with sex innuendos and teasing and write at least one scene a little bit more details and not a close door.

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This book kept me on my toes but I didn’t want to really keep reading. The plot seemed a little hard to follow. Maybe as a mood reader I will need to give this book another go.

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Frozen by lies is a novel involving Clans, fated mates, and has some holiday vibes. I loved and hated the romance between Noelle and Nikolaus. The enemies to lovers and chemistry between the characters were great. However, their interactions felt at odds with the fact that this novel is closed-door. It was like reading part adult and part YA. There were also a lot of contradictions within this book that made is pretty confusing for me.

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I really wanted to love this book, but I can't. I hate giving anything but glowing reviews so I will start with what I did like.

It has so much potential a West Side Story/Grease/Romeo and Juliet set up taking place between rival biker gangs in some frozen northern area (I mean motorcycles on snowy mountains are a bit unrealistic but it's fantasy so I can buy it and I am hear for it.

And I liked the fantasy or magical aspect to it, but I will be honest I have DNF'd it I am at 48% and I don't know if I can continue.... okay so I may finish this at some point, but I am struggling with the weird possessiveness by cousins for our main character it's gross and the weird instant love troupe that is so awkward for the main characters I am embarrassed for them and they aren't real.

If this had a really good edit with unnecessary scenes adjusted or taken out and some of the possessiveness from family members toned down by like 100 and the interaction between the main characters more natural I could see this being a huge hit.

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This book really wasn't it. I went into this book really loving the first few chapters it seemed cute and super cheesy but in a good like this is what I signed up for kind of quickly...snowballed... I forced myself to read the whole thing and it got so repetitive and confusing. We get it YOU MAKE THE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE, whiskey, One Heart One Soul, but we just met, ect ect ect the same points were made so many times it got so annoying. The characters weren't very likeable. Also like ever single interaction had to have some winter/holiday theme innuendo battle which again was fun at first but got really annoying. It was hard to picture the characters as mid twenties they all seemed very childish. The plot was hard to follow the character would switch to one solution and then the next chapter being doing the opposite. Weird time jumps. The family dynamics of all the groups were odd like are we a bike gang, a clan, a magical pack, it all read very odd. I think the basic concept of this was really different and interesting but the execution wasn't quite right.

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