Member Reviews

I find the subject of neuroplasticity boundlessly fascinating, and this book provides some fresh insights into how adults might reshape their brainscapes at any age. I was particularly fascinated with the idea of re-enacting the developmental stages of brain development that too many children miss out on for one reason or another, and the idea that brain pathways can be cultivated at any age. The insights about the lower brain function also connected well (no pun intended) for me with Antonio Damasio's work on consciousness, where he delineates a hierarchy of levels and highlights the role of the autonomic nervous system along with the higher cortical maps that we equate with self-awareness, etc. As always in a book that is trying to bridge science with practical advice, a challenge is finding the balance, and there were times when I would've liked more narrative, and others where I would've appreciated more detailed explanations of the underlying mechanisms and systems. Nonetheless, I walked away from this book feeling edified, and I appreciated ultimately that Green finds value in both protection mode and connection mode, framing them in a dynamic relationship rather than mutually exclusive approaches to one's world.

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This was a great book. It's quite long but I took my time to be sure to read it all as it was so insightful and all the people's stories offer hope for readers that we CAN change our brains and our relationships. They were moving and relatable which is what is often missing from psychology books. I wish I had read this book in my darkest days. It was a welcome reminder that no matter how disconnected I may get there is a way back. It also offered me a lot of hope and encouragement to show compassion and rebuild connection in my relationships. Perfect timing for such repairs. Thank you to the author, publisher and Net Gallery for the advanced copy.

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Nancy Sokol Green's "Connection Mode" is a brilliant exploration into relationships and people's nervous systems. Chock full of relational wisdom and down-to-earth practical examples make this a must read for clinicians and lay people alike. Well done!

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I feel like the book was padded with way, way, way too many stories and the long development of how the author discovered each findings that led to this book and the program. If you want to help people, keep it concise, please. This reminded me of grade school teachers who loved their own voices too much, and who forced helpless students who could not escape listen to too too too many off-topic, or mildly-related stuff, just to learn a little. Could be useful, but keep it short and concise, thank you.

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