Member Reviews

Oh, I don’t know… it was quite a twisty read, but it didn’t excite me much!

The husband is a serial cheater, family ties are quite unhealthy, add a mix of children and a good bit of lies and voilà!

I felt like the book was quite repetitive and I got a tad bored with the co-habiting part being described and how it was just so easily accepted by everyone without much change… not sure it’s believable to me!

Overall, it’s an ok ride to embark on!
Nothing too extraordinary, but I did finish the book within a day, so why not :)

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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When I started this book I had no idea about where it could end, I was just curious about what might happen. I'm so glad I read it as it was a thoroughly enjoyable twisty in the extreme read! Each time I thought I had figured out where this was headed I was given new information to throw everything back up in the air again where I didn't know what had happened nor what was going to!
I am going to have to look out for more books by K.L. Slater in future, The Girfriend was such a fantastic read!

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This is such a gripping, unputdownable thriller that will put you on the edge from start to finish!

Jennifer and Cole seemed to be married happily until Jennifer receives the news that her husband Cole had died in a car accident. After his death, a woman named Sara enters into her life, claiming that she had an affair with Cole and her son Rory is Cole's son. Not only that, she also tells Jennifer that the house now belonged to her and that Jennifer and her two children Miller and Sylvie might have to leave...but as soon as Sara settles down in the house, Jennifer soon starts suspecting Sara and Miller too starts behaving strange after Sara and Rory moves into the house. Meanwhile, the police discover that Cole was murdered by the blunt trauma on the head and not from the accident.

This was about the fifth book I have read from this author and I have too say, I wasn't disappointed! The story is told mainly from Jennifer's POV as well as Sara's POV and from start to finish, it was gripping with twists and turns along the way. The ending was completely unexpected ending. Jennifer and Sara relationship seemed to derail as Sara moves into the house as Sara accuses Miller of hurting Rory. Overall, I was literally hooked into the story and this book has all the traits of a good psychological thriller--grippig, unputdownable, fast paced with twists and turns. Overall, this book worth five stars!

Many thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC. The review is based on my honest opinion only.

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This is the first novel I've read by the author after listening to and enjoying two of her books on audio.
Jennifer and Cole and their two children live a wealthy lifestyle and until Cole dies in a car accident Jennifer believes his business is doing well. After her husband's death, Jennifer gets a shock when she discovers he had a girlfriend and a baby and soon they have moved into the family home.
This was definitely a page turning, compelling read that I enjoyed. It has an interesting and original storyline, ripe for a TV drama. However, it also felt that the author was trying to squeeze in too many subplots and subsequently it felt too rushed and unbelievable.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this digital ARC.

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The Girlfriend by K.L. Slater

Another brilliant story by this author. Gripping , full of suspense and a few twists along the way.
Jennifer is married to Cole , their marriage has had its ups and downs and money troubles , but it now seems all sorted.
Thats until Cole dies in a car accident and days later a woman arrives at the door saying she is the girlfriend and everything Jennifer holds dear now belongs to her !
Quite a few characters in this book to get to know , and aside from the main ones I kept having to remind myself who was who but nether the less they were all important to the story.
I thought I had it sussed a few times but did not expect the ending.
Well worth a read.

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K.L.Slater does a great job setting the mood for this story. From almost the very beginning a rather strange, but very original plot begins to unfold. The question is: "Why in the world did Sara do this?" Perhaps that's the question that I wanted to find an answer to; I really wanted that answer!

The author had me hooked from the beginning; although the plot did seem to drag a bit at times.

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Jennifer is happily married to Cole and they have two children, Miller and Sylvie. Life seems to be perfect until a tragic accident causes Cole to lose his life. Jennifer thinks nothing could be worse than the grief of losing her husband, until Sara shows up at her door with her baby son, Rory. Sara claims to be Cole's girlfriend and Rory is their son. Rory looks so much like Cole and Miller. Jennifer is devastated, and to make matters even worse, Sara apparently owns the house, cars, and all of Cole's assets. Sara offers to let Jennifer and her children remain in the home, but she and Rory will also live there. Jennifer is helpless, her only hope is there has been some sort of mistake or loophole that will get her out of this mess.
This book had me hooked! I thought I had some things figured out, and I was right, but there were so many other twists I never expected. I felt bad for Jennifer but there were times I wanted to shake some sense into her! All the characters were well written. I think I've found a new author to add to my list of favorites!
Thanks to Netgalley, Bookouture, and K.L. Slater for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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K.L. Slater’s “The Girlfriend” is a master class in slow burn dread. The dynamic between Sara and Jennifer reaks of the tension you can anticipate between the two based on their dynamic, and the book showcases the frustration, awkwardness, humility and the dedication of these characters to their causes well. I really enjoyed watching the slow build of paranoia, truth seeking and finding out what happened to Cole,

I found it a little difficult to get into this book at the start as the entire premise of Sara moving in felt very far fetched. Once I was able to wrap my head around that dynamic I really started to enjoy the characters. The last 100 pages of the book flew by as I couldn’t wait to know more.

This will certainly be a favourite for readers!! I would reccomend!!

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This book kept me guessing through out and right until the very end, it was my first KL Slater book & I couldnt put it down! It is definately a page turner, well delevoped characters & plenty of twists and dark turns.. I would highly recommend this book if you are looking for a new tense gripping read!
Thanks to netgalley & bookouture for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review

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Omg what a read, I love this author and for me this is her best book so far. I loved everything about this book. Great characters, full of heart stopping moments and packed with tension and suspense. I devoured this book in one sitting. Was totally immersed in the story that was unfolding. Cancel everything and read this book. I promise you will not be disappointed. Another thrill ride from Keri.
Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in return for giving an honest review.

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Another thrilling read by KL Slater that kept me guessing right until the end. Even though there was a lot of plot lines that fitted together brilliantly in the end, I never got lost when reading but was tricked a few times!

Jennifer and Cole are living the dream with their son and daughter - well stay at home mum Jennifer thinks so anyway. For Cole though, it’s a different story. For Cole has secrets, secrets that would destroy his family if they came out. So when he is killed in a car crash, it’s time for those secrets to start to surface……changing the lives of the people who knew and lived him best.

I couldn’t put this book down and will be recommending highly.
Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read and review.

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The Girlfriend
K.L Slater

Thanks a mil to Netgalley and bookouture publishers for an advanced reading copy of K.L Slaters latest book 'The Girlfriend' due to come out October 27th.

K.L Slater is one of those authors that as soon as I hear she has a new book out - I just have to read it!!! It doesnt matter what its called or what the blurb says - If its by this author, I just know I'll love it.

I am a massive psychological thriller fan and Ms. Slater never disappoints. This one was a total page turner and I had devoured it in one quick sitting.

A fast paced thriller, my favourite type of read. Really well developed characters and plenty of twists and turns. This one definately kept me on the edge of my seat.

A solid 4 stars for me!!!

I will defo be recommending this one.


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Good storyline. I enjoyed the book, but felt that the ending was rushed.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the advanced copy.

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Another great thriller and this time it's The Girlfriend by @klslaterauthor which I received from @bookouture via Netgalley and it will be available on 27 October.

After the death of her husband, a woman shows up on the doorstep claiming she had your husband's son and she owns your house and your cars. What would you do? Would you invite her in ? Invite her to stay in the house? Trust her?

The story was an interesting one. Some twists you didn't see coming but also some actions which, as a reader, you question as to why would you do that. The story was a bit far-fetched a some points but it still made for a great read. The characters were decent enough. The main character however was quite gullible and somewhat easy but that also made the story that much more interesting.

All in all, a decent thriller with a great story.


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Wow another brilliant book by this author . Very intriguing storyline and great characters . Very tense throughout . I would highly recommend this book to my audience, 5 stars from me

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Let me just start off by saying I am a huge thriller gal & K.L. Slater knows how to write some amazing characters, as well as a captivating plot.. Completely devoured in just a few hours - I couldn't put it down. It kept me on my toes.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for the opportunity to read The Girlfriend. K L Slater never disappoints. The story is full of betrayal, strange living arrangements and a manipulative villainess or two. There are the usual twists and turns one expects of a great thriller and this book has it all. Wonderful three dimensional characters. Not too many and that made it easy to keep track of everyone in the story. There was some back story to propel the story forward and it was extremely easy to follow. The pages seemed to turn themselves to find out what was going to happen next. There was a satisfying conclusion and I loved the book and will highly recommend it.

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Jennifer’s husband, Cole, dies suddenly and a woman shows up at her door with a baby soon after that. The woman, Sara, claims Cole is the father of her boy and she now owns Jennifer’s house.
I’m a fan of K.L. Slater so I was excited to read this new book. The story is very fast paced and an easy read. I was very interested to find out how Jennifer was going to get out of a seemingly impossible situation! There are a lot of twists and turns and some are a little out there. I also prefer characters who just do stuff because they are evil. I’m tiring of the “crazy” “mentally unstable” woman trope.
Other than that, the book was an entertaining read!
Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Girlfriend is a page turner. After flying through chapter after chapter, I’m awe struck. I may never trust anyone again. K.L. Slater has crafted a psychological thriller, with a huge dose of undetected deceit, that slowly unravels destroying so much in its trail.
Thank You to Bookouture, NetGalley and K.L. Slater for the opportunity to devour this ARC.

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Stop everything, don’t read the synopsis, just trust me on this one. Go get The Girlfriend by K.L. Slater right now. This author is so consistent in her excellent writing that you don’t even need to know what you’re getting into. There are several authors who write books that are always good and K. L. Slater is one of them.

But if you need to know, here is the synopsis:

My husband’s dead. She’s at my door. She owns my home…

The doorbell rings, just days after my beloved husband’s sudden death. I don’t recognise the woman on our doorstep, with her buttery blonde highlights, a diamond bracelet identical to my own and a bouncing baby boy in her arms.

As I show her inside, I notice her eyes grow wide as she takes in our spacious hallway, and the big squashy sofas that we all used to pile on. She glances at the silver-framed family photos and my little daughter hiding behind my skirts.

She looks at me, her blue eyes serious. ‘I’m sorry’ she says. ‘I know this will be hard to hear. But I am your husband’s girlfriend. And this is his son.’

My world implodes. And then she tells me that she owns our home – and that she’s not going anywhere…

An utterly gripping psychological thriller from the number one bestselling author of The Marriage. If you like Gone Girl, The Girl on the Train and Lisa Jewell then you will be hooked by The Girlfriend.

You cannot go wrong with any books by this author! The Girlfriend comes out on October 27!

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