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The Girls Who Disappeared

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The Girls Who Disappeared
By Claire Douglas
Review and Rating 3 ⭐️

The Girls Who Disappeared by Claire Douglas is a solid mystery but it just never reached *thriller* level to me thus the 3 star rating. Here is a little synopsis:
Jenna Halliday, a journalist, has arrived in a rural Southwest England town to start a podcast. Here, near a haunted road called the Devil’s Corridor, strange happenings have been whispered, unexplained deaths, sounds of children crying in the night. It is also the sight where twenty years ago, the Olivia Rutherford case happened. Olivia and three of her friends were driving home on this very road when their car crashed. Olivia was trapped and badly injured. When she awoke her three friends had disappeared.
Jenna comes to town and starts asking questions about the case and Devil’s Corridor but the locals are far from welcoming. Including Olivia.
Will Jenna find the information she needs for her podcast or will she be run out of town by whoever is sending her menacing notes and threats?
What I liked: The book actually has multiple point of views and timelines that I didn’t get into in my synopsis and I thought the author did this very well. At first, I wasn’t sure what the Thailand POV had to do with the story, but it soon became my favorite storyline.
Also, if you ever have a question about what gaslighting in a relationship looks light, look no further than the relationship described between Wesley and Olivia.
What I didn’t: There was nothing I really disliked, just things I thought could have been better. I felt the story was a little slow a times, like I said earlier definitely not a thriller, more of a slow burn mystery. Also, I was a little disappointed in the ending. I won’t give anything away, it just seemed odd to me after the storylines we were given, not exactly what I would have expected. Still a solid 3⭐️⭐️⭐️ mystery! Especially if you love a good modern British mystery. Happy reading! ☕️📚
I want to thank #Netgalley, Harper Perennial and Paperbacks and Claire Douglas for providing me with eARC. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Something happened to four girls, and only one survived. They seemed to have disappeared, now 20 years later it is being investigated to find out what really happened by a journalist. Though what Jenna uncovers seems to be more than what everyone thinks. I will say at times, this book was slow-paced, and I could put it down and pick it back, and I kept doing this for a while. I need a book that will capture me from the get-go and hold my attention. Hence the three stars.
I will say when everything came to light, I did not see that coming, and I was slightly surprised. Our timeline goes between the present and the past, which is pretty interesting, and it was not confusing thank goodness. Just was not my favorite book to read this time.

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I could not put this book down. I found myself waking up in the middle of the night with the urge to continue reading! I found myself completely absorbed in the story.

This book has two of my favorite things dual timelines and multiple points of view. The story is so complex. The author does a great job of making every character look guilty. I was guessing until the very last page. Even when you think you know everything, there are still more twists!

If you love thrillers then I highly recommend you read this book! Definitely going to be one of my 2023 favorites!

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I loved this. I love the setting, and Jenna and Olivia as characters. The alternating story lines were also intriguing, and kept me turning the pages. I did not guess the outcome, which I loved! I think this author is going to be an auto-buy for me from now on!

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This book started off so strong with the prequel about the accident and gripped my attention right away. From just the first few pages I had so many questions and they just kept coming. It was full of twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat needing to know more.

Claire Douglas writing was amazing, this was my first book of hers and I cannot wait to read more. She kept me guessing the entire way through. I had so many theories go through my mind whenever we would find new information. I was amazed at how well she tied up every loose end by the end of the book. There were so many things going on and different timelines, but she managed to make sure no stone was left unturned.

I liked seeing the friendship between Olivia and Jenna grow throughout the book. Olivia had been gaslighted and lied to by everyone she loved for years. Oliva never had anyone she could confide in fully. Her mother and boyfriend, Wesley, always talked down to her or glossed over what she talked about. She had no friends or anyone to talk to.

At first, I was confused by the strange new POV following the friends in Thailand but new it had to be a big revelant part to the story for it to be inclu

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I thoroughly enjoyed The Girls Who Disappeared! It was my first Claire Douglas book, and now I want to read all of her others.

This book is dual perspectives done well, with a twist that was completely surprising (but in a believable way). It even had a little bit of romance if that's something that you need.

I would DEFINITELY recommend The Girls Who Disappeared to anyone.

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I did a buddy read for this book and really enjoyed it. There were so many twists throughout the story. This is my second book from this author and she is now an auto buy. Her writing style has me turning pages faster than I’m reading them.

* full review will be posted soon

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The plot of the book was terrific, but I found the ending or solution as to what really happened to be completely implausible. Not to mention you have a couple who have a years long love affair and we’re told they’re crazy about each other, yet at the end they hate each other. I don’t want to spoil the plot but the beginning started as a 4 and ended as a 2

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Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.
Expected publication date: January 10, 2023
Twenty years ago, Olivia Rutherford was in a car accident on the rural “Devil’s Corridor”. But Olivia lost more than the complete use of her leg- her three best friends, who had been traveling with her, had completely disappeared after the accident and hadn’t been seen or heard from since. Now, Olivia is stuck in the past, trying to come to terms with her survivor’s guilt and facing blame and ridicule from her neighbours. Although she previously refused speaking to the press, Olivia changes her mind when podcaster Jenna approaches and encourages Olivia to tell her side of the story. But as Jenna investigates, and secrets are revealed, both women’s lives are soon in danger.
I am a fan of mystery author, Claire Douglas, and her previous novels, “Then She Vanishes” and “The Couple at No 9” were four star reads for me. The premise of her newest novel, “The Girls Who Disappeared” was unique and caught my attention right away, and sure enough, Douglas did not disappoint.
The story is told in alternating viewpoints, in present day, from the perspective of Jenna and Olivia. The prologue is the only part of the story told in the past, where the events of the car accident, from Olivia’s view, are detailed, but of course Douglas gives very little away, as Olivia is scared, confused, injured and unsure of her surroundings. There are chapters that feature italicized parts of another story, that feature other characters in entirely different surroundings, and although the presence of this plot is confusing at first, it all comes together in the end.
The premise is what hooked me, three girls who go missing after a car accident, and the speculation throughout the novel kept me turning the pages. What does Olivia know? Is she to blame like her neighbours believe? Did the three girls run away? There are so many possibilities and Douglas makes each one just as plausible as the next.
“Girls” had one heck of an ending, entirely unexpected and completely suspense-fueled. Olivia’s gaslighting, manipulative boyfriend Wes (who is entirely unlikable from the first page), gets what’s coming to him, and the real mystery around the missing girls is revealed. It is difficult to write a captivating novel with a unique plot in this genre, as it is inundated and over-hyped, but Douglas delivers that and more with “The Girls Who Disappeared”.

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I received an advanced copy of The Girls Who Disappeared by Claire Douglas. I was excited to read the book because I thoroughly enjoyed The Couple at No 9. The Girls Who Disappeared did not disappoint. The book begins at the 20th anniversary of the car crash where Olivia, who was driving, woke up and discovered her 3 best friends, who were passengers in the car, had disappeared. 20 years went by and no one had discovered what happened to those girls. Jenna, a reporter, decides to produce a podcast on the case and travels to Olivia’s town. The book was hard to put down as it becomes apparent that almost every character has secrets and is lying about something. My rating for this book increased one star after I read the ending. I did not see that coming.

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Four girls are driving after a night out in 1998 when a man steps into the road and causes the driver, Olivia, to swerve. When Olivia finally comes to, she realizes her friends are gone. 20 years later, no one has found out where they went or what happened to them. In steps Jenna, a BBC reporter who has agreed to do the podcast for the anniversary and also just happens to have her own issues at home. Oh, and these other people are on some trip to Thailand in a totally alternate timeline and story.

This review was hard for me to write. On the one hand, there's nothing to hate about this book. It's well written, has a strong atmosphere that thrillers require, and ultimately ties everything together in the end. That being said, it was slowly paced, and there was no real twist. I mean you pretty much figure it out as you go along, and

Ok, maybe there's one thing that is driving me crazy. John-Paul had a brother? And he just shows up for some deus ex machina so that Jenna can figure it all out? And then we never hear from him again?! URGH.

Overall, I think it was a nice slow burn family drama. Douglas is clearly a great writer. But it's just not thriller tier for me.

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I love the alternating POVs and timelines Claire Douglas uses, and the initial ambiguity of trying to tie the two timelines together as a reader. It makes for double the mystery and double the fun! So far, I have only read Last Seen Alive of her other books, but it has stayed with me for years and I was very excited to get the chance to read The Girls Who Disappeared early. I really enjoyed Jenna and Olivia's characters, the differences in narration style, the atmospheric setting in Stafferbury and the forest, and most especially the scenes in Thailand. I didn't love some details of the resolution, but overall the ending was quite satisfying and an entertaining, well-paced read. Will be posting separately on Instagram with favorite quotes closer to pub date.

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#TheGirlsWhoDisappeared #NetGalley Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this novel. I encourage you to check this one out! Really solid read.

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The Girls Who Disappeared by Claire Douglas is a highly recommended mystery of domestic deceit.

Twenty years ago four young women were traveling along a rural Wilshire highway called the Devil’s Corridor when a car accident occurred. One girl, Olivia, the driver is trapped behind the wheel of the car. The other three disappeared and have never been found or heard from again. Journalist Jenna Halliday has traveled to Wilshire for the twentieth anniversary of the disappearance of the girls. She is going to take a new look at the mystery for a podcast and hopefully interview people who remember the case, including Olivia, and uncover new information.

The premise and opening of this novel is immediately intriguing and I was hooked. The narrative is intense and the suspense builds immediately. Clearly someone doesn't want the story of the missing girls looked into and it is made clear that Jenna isn't welcome. However, she persists and the intrigue builds as she slowly uncovers information. There are also plenty of rumors that the Devil's Corridor is haunted and Jenna begins to become a believer. It is especially helpful when she establishes a good working relationship with a detective, Dale, who is interested in reopening the case.

The characters are interesting and varied. Not all of them are likable, they are interesting, but neither really matters in this plot. The narrative alternates between Jenna and Olivia's point-of-view, as well as what seems an incongruous account of an earlier group of friends on a vacation in Thailand.

The story is multi-layered and the suspects keep changing. The pace is a bit uneven, but the mystery of what happened appears to be leading to hidden secrets and lies. It's always enjoyable to read cat and mouse mysteries where you are trying to figure out who is lying and what is actually happening behind the scenes based on scant clues you have to decipher and The Girls Who Disappeared fits that description neatly. An added bonus is the twists at the end.
Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of HarperCollins via NetGalley.
The review will be published on Barnes & Noble, Google Books, Edelweiss, and Amazon.

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Twenty years ago, three girls went missing after a tragic accident. Jenna is a journalist researching the strange goings-on in a rural town that has a history of suspected supernatural events and rumors of cult activity dating back to the town’s founding.

The perfect investigative thriller! I love the investigative style of mystery. We get to learn bits and pieces about what happened throughout the story and try to slot all the information into place ourselves, which is always a fun experience. I definitely didn’t see the reveals coming.

There’s also new crimes occurring in the present as well, and Jenna is trying to make the connections between what happened twenty years ago and what is happening today. I loved the multiple timelines and points of view, giving the story more depth and suspense.

This book has an eerie atmosphere, with mysterious stone structures said to be the place of human sacrifices in the past. All of the ominous, foreboding events culminate and come together spectacularly. There’s a wide array of suspects, but with no obvious motives, and it makes for a delightful puzzle. The story is full of toxic relationships, dark secrets, and a twisty plot. It is definitely a page turner!

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I want to thank NetGalley for an ARC.

I wanted to like this, the premise was great. But I just couldn't connect with the characters and the writing could have been better. I made it to about 35% before I skipped to the end to find out the mystery.

It wasn't terrible, I know plenty of people would like it, but it just didn't do it for me.

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The Girls Who Disappeared by Claire Douglas
This was my first read by this author, and it definitely will not be my last. It was a very well written book that sucked me in from page 1. The setting and atmosphere, haunted woods and remote cabin, etc., was set perfectly being super creepy. The twists and turns were really good. I recommend.
Many thanks to Claire Douglas, NetGalley, and Harper Perennial and Paperbacks for the advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This was my first read by Claire Douglas, and I look forward to reading more of her thrillers after finishing this one!

The Girls Who Disappeared starts off with a bang. Olivia and her friends are in a car accident, and when Olivia wakes up still stuck in the car her three friends are missing. Twenty years later the case is still unsolved, and a podcast host named Jenna comes to town in an attempt to shine light on the case for the 20th anniversary. As she investigates she encounters some resistance from people in the town and meets some interesting characters.

The character development was fantastic in this book, with their actions making sense to their personalities. The setting was creepy - with a roadway named The Devil's Corridor and some stones supposedly set on ley lines. Douglas did a great job setting the atmosphere, especially for the cabin in the woods where Jenna stays and feels incredibly isolated.

The story is intermixed with a second story that eventually ties in to the main story in a surprising way. I enjoyed the twist and was attempting to figure out how they would tie together for quite awhile!

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Perennial and Paperbacks for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The girls who disappeared will suck you into the story from the very first page. While it does begin to lag a bit in the middle it was still captivating and I appreciated the twist. I would recommend it as a light snack, thriller palate cleanser.

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Thank you Claire Douglas for another book I couldn't put down. This story centers around a journalist turned podcaster, Jenna, who is is trying to find the truth of what happened to three girls who vanished after a car accident twenty years early. The book is told from three point of views: Jenna, Olivia, the sole victim of the crash who didn't disappear, and a mystery character whose perspective is told from a totally different setting/timeline. Though just a small portion of the book, the third perspective was actually my favorite.

Douglas does such a great job of describing the characters' thoughts and emotions. Strong character development (over primarily thill and action) is actually my preference, but I think it did make the story seem a bit slow at times. Nonetheless, I was invested, a little creeped out, and not so patiently waiting to figure out what happened to the girls! I didn't find the twist all that jaw-dropping, but I appreciate that it wasn't completely out of the blue and that it brought all the storylines together.

This was my second Douglas novel and I have to say, I am quite a fan! Be sure to grab this one on January 10th when it is released.

Thank you Harper Paperbacks and Netgally for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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