Member Reviews

This was a heart-wrenching book that had me constantly obsessed trying to see what was going to happen next. The characters felt really complex and realistic and Derrick did an absolutely stunning job at writing the complicated emotions that these characters were feeling.

I fell in love with this book really quickly. It was beautifully written and emotional, but it was also fun to read. There were some times when I wanted to laugh, but that didn't remove the absolutely heart-wrenching emotional moments. I don't think I could scream about this book enough. It's emotional and beautiful and I love it!

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This is a great young adult read that at times breaks your heart. The small town vibes were very real, but it was such a fun read.

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Oh I LOVED this. Amnesia stories really make me nervous, but it was just so raw and honest and beautifully articulated. It transported me back to my own high school days which, while not wholly pleasant, was healing. I found the resolution a little too easy to be quite satisfying, but I get it. I loved She Gets the Girl and I loved this one and now I can't wait to love everything Alyson Derrick writes.

Thanks to NetGalley and Simon an Schuester for this ARC.

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This is the first book I've read with an amnesia trope, and it was a pleasant surprise! I am a sucker for queer YA, so I knew Alyson Derrick would deliver. The book is beautifully sapphic and sweet without being cheesy. There is great representation in this one, I loved the romance between Stevie and Nora, and I think this book was very well-written.

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Oh boy, be prepared to cry. I really liked She Gets The Girl, so I was super excited to read Alyson Derrick's debut as a sole author. It didn't disappoint! Though I didn't like this quite as much as She Gets the Girl, I think a lot of that had to do with just the storyline in general, so that was maybe my fault for even reading? Idk, the amnesia plot line rarely works for me. I was hoping it would with this one, but I just wasn't as big a fan. However, I do think there's a lot to love in this and I did enjoy a lot of what happened. It wasn't a favorite of mine by any means, but I think if you love a good sad book, this is the one for you!

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Content - The book is about Stevie and Nora. They are in love and they also want to move out of their conservative town and families and move to California after their graduation. But life has some terrible plans for them.

Stevie has an accident and she completely forgets about the last two years of her life and even about Nora.

What is the end of their love? Will Stevie remember everything or Nora will be forgotten completely?
My Views - This book I really heart-wrenching and emotional. The characters are really well-written and feel very alive. The narration and the storyline is very strong and powerful. The small journal entries from Nora's perspective added a depth to the story. The small side characters are also well-written.

The story manages really well to get the emotional side of the readers. The readers will definitely have their eyes welled up after reading the book.

A very well-written and emotional book. Must read.

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This was a good one! I definitely need to read Derrick’s debut that she coauthored with Rachael Lippincott. I was a little nervous here because let’s be real—an amnesia romance could be really, really cheesy. 🧀 However she did a great job and I didn’t even roll my eyes once! After Stevie has an accident, she cannot remember the last two years of her life, including graduating high school, realizing she might not be straight, and even planning to move across the country with her girlfriend. The entire book is about Stevie trying to find the missing pieces and Nora hoping Stevie will make her way back to her. The LGBTQ+ representation was well done and my heart was sad at Stevie’s fearfulness towards coming out. I would definitely recommend this to high school librarians and their readers. 🧡🤍🩷

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I really enjoyed Alyson Derrick’s joint book written with her wife Rachael Lippincott, She Gets the Girl and was looking forward to reading her debut solo novel Forget Me Not; so thank you for sending me a copy!
This story is one I enjoyed now and would have absolutely loved as a teenager. Two queer girls, Stevie and Nora, dream of leaving their small town together until one girl has a fall and she forgets their dreams, their plans, their love. Because this book takes place in a small town conservative setting, some things were a little hard to read like homophobia and racism, but was handled well.
I liked that the book has both Stevie’s point of view of trying to recover and settle into a life she does not remember and Nora’s of trying not to intervene, but also struggling to keep herself together. Reading as Stevie had to relearn things about herself and her friends and family was at times unsettling and also satisfying.

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this was honestly such a refreshing book involving amnesia. this trope is often not portrayed well in media but this was a great example of it!

the premise of this story is Stevie forgetting about Nora after falling in love with her and the question if she’ll regain her memory. this continues into a really intriguing story about love, friendship, and much more. there are so many amazingly written heartbreaking moments as well as sweet and tender ones. this had me feeling an array of emotions, all positive of course. I found myself rooting for Stevie and Nora all throughout the book and this definitely isn’t one to forget.

overall, i would definitely recommend this to everyone in the mood for an emotion sapphic story!

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I usually steer away from romances with amnesia. The usually always make me cry when the person can’t remember. Just the thought of maybe losing someone they love gets me every time. It’s weird because I know they’ll find their way to each other, but still. I can never help it. But once everyone started talking about how good this was and all of the things they loved about it, I knew I needed to get my hands on it.

As you can see I read this a little late. I had to audio from the Simon & Schuster audio app, but I hadn’t downloaded it yet. I didn’t want to waste my download on something I didn’t want to read. But when people started talking about it I knew I needed to set aside my issues. As it turns out, I still cried lol I could FEEL the pain of Nora radiating off the page. She didn’t know what to say or do and she was stuck there just watching things happen. I can’t imagine what that was like. And for Stevie, the betrayal was almost life changing. What they let her believe was not ok. Not only her parents, but also her so called friends. The way they were gaslighting her and sometimes just outright lying could have actually got her in real trouble. (Especially the friend thing when she made the realization on why they weren’t friends anymore…..)

Now I did say in my Goodreads pre-review that my heart was broken but then it was stitched back together. What stitched it back together was the romance. They were so sweet. A true testament of love conquers all. And it happened so organically. Nora didn’t want to overwhelm Stevie even when it hurt her. I don’t know if I could have done that. I probably would have just left. But because of this, when it came to them making up, it was like the sweetest thing. This is where I got a little teary lol

The narrator was of course on point. I LOVE Natalie Nadus! I even follow her on TikTok. She is awesome at what she does. Every character has their own voice and there’s special effects as well. I don’t think this audio would have been as good as it was without her. Definitely check out the audiobook if you haven’t read this yet!

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I have enjoyed all of Alyson Derrick’s earlier releases, so I knew that Forget Me Not was going to be an instant-buy for me! This book blew away my already high expectations, with incredible emotional peaks and character development. I adore Stevie and Nora; reading about the two of them felt like seeing my own heart on the page. I found the conservative small-town setting to be vital, both to the storytelling and to the unique relevance of this book today. Forget Me Not was easily a five-star read for me, and will be in the running for my favorite book of the year!

My Recommendation-
If you love heart-wrenching sapphic stories about finding the things you’ve lost, you need to grab a copy of Forget Me Not!

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Forget Me Not - Alyson Derrick
Rating: 4.5/5 ⭐️

“What would you do if you forgot the love of your life ever even existed?

Stevie and Nora had a love. A secret, epic, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. They also had a plan: to leave their small, ultra-conservative town and families behind after graduation and move to California, where they could finally stop hiding that love.

But then Stevie has a terrible fall. And when she comes to, she can remember nothing of the last two years—not California, not coming to terms with her sexuality, not even Nora. Suddenly, Stevie finds herself in a life she doesn’t quite understand, one where she’s estranged from her parents, drifting away from her friends, lying about the hours she works, dating a boy she can’t remember crushing on, and headed towards a future that isn’t at all what her fifteen-year-old self would have envisioned.

And Nora finds herself…forgotten. Can the two beat the odds a second time and find their way back together when “together” itself is just a lost memory?”

Lost memory books usually aren’t my favorite. But this one was so good! ♥️ The way this story explores small town dynamics was so accurate and interesting! This was a tender story with a lot of layers!

Stevie loses her memory after a nasty fall and her secret girlfriend Nora is now in the worst dilemma - telling her or hoping she remembers. Meanwhile, Stevie’s friends and family are taking advantage of her memory loss - hoping that she no longer is interested in women after the fall. Stevie and Nora’s story is filled with so much longing, pining and angst - exactly what I’d expect from a great YA story! I loved seeing Stevie rediscover herself again and grapple with some hard existential questions.

Recommend if you like:
- Sapphic romance
- Secret love
- Friendships (Ryan! 🫶🏻)
- Small town romance
- Coming of age
- Complicated family dynamics

Thank you so much @netgalley, @simonandschuster and the author for this ARC.

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Forget Me Not begins with a fabulous premise which asks us what would happen if we forgot. If those revelations, new friendships, and tender love would disappear. Could we find our way back? What would it be like to be the one forgotten? To witness the traces of love fading into the background? Forget Me Not is emotional and tender. It oozes love and longing from the beginning.

To realize that for Stevie it's a process of loss - both of her love (which she doesn't remember) and the vision of herself. Not only is it a joy to see Stevie come into herself, but also to witness the letters from Nora. How many things about ourselves, our lives, and our futures can change in a moment. There's this immediate sense of tension - will Stevie remember? But Derrick explores this story while also asking what pieces of ourselves are hidden within.

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Forget Me Not is in the running to be my favorite book of 2023 — and it's one of my favorite books I've ever read. This book was beautiful, heart-wrenching, vivid, and so, so absorbing. I refuse to shut up about this book until everyone has read it. (go on. read it!)

Forget Me Not follows Stevie after she has a horrible fall and head injury, causing her to lose the memories of the past two years of her life. Two years that shaped her into who she is, two years in which she met Nora, the love of her life, and came to terms with her sexuality. Two years full of secrets and hurt and distance but most of all, love.

I rooted for Stevie and Nora the entire way. Their love is one of the most authentic and personal depictions I've ever read. The little details Nora shared with Stevie, the rediscoveries Stevie made about Nora, and the new memories they forged together made their relationship breathe off the page. The love that Stevie and Nora have is indestructible, and it truly transcends all.

There wasn't a piece of this book that didn't have intention, that wasn't handled with love and care and understanding — from the explorations of racism and racist microaggressions, to coming out in an ultra-conservative town, to the contrast between conditional and unconditional love.

Forget Me Not is not a story about fixing the past, it's a story of rediscovery. It's about rediscovering what it means to love someone, and how to have dreams and the will to pursue them. I know this is a book I will hold closer to my heart with each day that passes. I hope you let it enter yours.

Content Warnings: homophobia, racism and racist microaggressions, amnesia/head injury, hospital stay, on-page child abuse of a side character, side character kicked out of the house, manipulation

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The plot itself might not be terribly unique, but the characters make this book a masterpiece. Stevie and Nora's story is so full of longing and necessary secrets that it is hard to read--in a good way.

Small Town Bigotry: Though this will also come up in the "cons" down below, I think the rendering of this small town life is excellent. Though the biases and bigotry are difficult to read, they are also unfortunately realistic. Though not always ill-meaning, these remarks can be cutting nonetheless. For two girls growing up "different" in an insular community, it can be hard to escape the critical gaze, the snide remarks, and the judgements. And this adds an unfortunately very real component to Stevie and Nora.

Cute Couple: As I said above, the characters are absolutely what make this book special, and the central couple is most important of all. Stevie and Nora are great together. They feed off each other, banter and chemistry and friendship underpinning their relationship on every level. It is devastating to see this relationship wrenched apart, but it is also satisfying to go along with the journey as they learn each other all over again.

Ryan: Ryan isn't a small town guy, but he is a guy suddenly finding himself in a small town. And as Stevie is (re)figuring herself out, he's there for the ride--even when the ride means that his own expectations have to be set aside. Ryan is an outsider, and as such, he is a calming presence, a refuge for the central couple. In other words, he is the best small-town ally.

Small Town Bigotry: It has its pros and it has its cons. This book is laced with bigotry, prejudice, homophobia, misogyny: all small-town American woes that are (unfortunately) all too familiar and real. For this reason, this book isn't a comfortable read. It can be hard to read. It can be frustrating to read, and it will be the type of read that many will want to avoid. If you read for escapism, a much-needed break from harsh realities, this might not be the book for you.

Amnesia: I love these characters. I love how they develop (and subsequently redevelop). These characters make this book. The plot itself doesn't, because the plot itself is fairly stereotypical. It's an amnesia plotline like any before. If you're looking for a new, fresh take on amnesia, you won't get it here. If you particularly hate amnesia plots, this book also isn't likely for you. The characters more than make up for the stereotypical plot, but it still bears repeating: nothing new here.

Ending: I don't like to spoil things in my reviews, and so there will be no spoilers here. But I will say that the ending felt a bit too... neat, I guess. There were so many loose ends, ends left dangling in a way that felt realistic. But these loose ends were almost all tied up right at the end. It felt too clean. I think this is a story that deserves ragged edges more than anything else, and I was disappointed when it all came together so well. Which isn't my usual critique, but hey, there's a time for everything.


Fans of Gayle Forman's If I Stay will enjoy this introspective look at a complicated interpersonal reality. Fans of Kevin Christopher Snipes's Milo and Marcos at the End of the World will love this new couple up against apocalyptic odds.

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𝐹𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝑀𝑒 𝒩𝑜𝓉 is the story of a small-town girl, Stevie. She and her family live in Wyatt, a conservative town with Christian beliefs. Stevie is seventeen years old when an accident causes her amnesia and her last memories are from when she was fifteen years of age. A lot has happened in two years. She has realized who her friends truly are, she has learned more about herself and fallen in love with Nora. But all that is forgotten when the holes in her memory offer the people around her a second chance at a relationship with her, they are able to omit what they don’t want to tell her.

After the accident, Nora strikes up a friendship with Stevie, without telling her about their history. Stevie enjoys spending time with Nora and feels a spark between them that she should have been feeling with Ryan, the guy her school friends want to set her up with. As the story progresses, Stevie, Nora and Ryan become an important support system for each other. These three made the book for me!

𝐹𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝑀𝑒 𝒩𝑜𝓉 is about accepting the parts of ourselves we cannot give up while acknowledging and living with the harsh reality that some of our loved ones would rather disown us because of those parts. It beautifully depicts friendships and love as Stevie grapples with existential questions. I enjoyed reading this book. It gave me the chance to ask Clinton about his upbringing and his experiences of growing up in a small town.

Head to my blog to read a detailed review. You will also find my interview with the author, Alyson!

Thank you to the publisher for the review copy of this book. Thank you Colored Pages Tours for having me.

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Forget Me Not lives up to the emotionally gut-wrenching hype—the longing in this book is unparalleled! Watching the arc of two characters who're so deeply in love get torn apart by circumstances outside their control—and then find their way back together—is peak suffering, and the emotional payoff by the end is so satisfying. A beautiful story of finding yourself, coming out, and finding your people (and the ways these things may not be totally linear).

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Thank you netgalley for providing me with an ARC ebook copy of this book.

I enjoyed this book of two girls trying make their way back to one another after Stevie has an accident. It is interesting how amnesia can affect people and how it can change the direction of ones life. Thankfully in Stevie's case she had someone who could not let her go and let her forget. It was a fairly quick read. It was neat to see the characters overcome the obstacles they faced throughout the book

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This one feels like a cinematic classic. Small-town girls fall in love in the quiet spaces--the woods of a farm, the privacy of cars and bedrooms, and shadows. But when an accident wipes Stevie's memory, Nora steels herself to be strong for her and wait until she remembers their love and they can begin again. When her memory doesn't come back, they must *truly* begin again, piecing together pieces of a puzzle without a guide or idea of what the final version might look like. I adored Derick's writing, both main characters, and watching their love spark again.

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thank you so much to simon teen and colored pages blog tours for giving me an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!!

i can't belive how grateful i am that i was able to read this book 😍😍😍
it wasn't my first time reading a book with amnesia but sometimes those type of books don't deal with it too well. this one was the best one, in my humble opinion. maybe it has to do with the fact that the two girls are THE SWEETEST IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSEE 💜💜 i looved Stevie's journey from the beggining, it was desperating because we, as readers, know what happened but she doesn't, so it added so much drama and desperation. despite that, it was amazing to see how she was trying to live despite everything, how she rediscovered herself and where that journey got her. and gosh, every single scene with nora had me swooning so hard. even it was so fluffy it had its edges: racism, conservative small town and prejudices, all present in that small bubble the girls were trying to escape from. and i adored how it affected Stevie's relationships because yeah, you don't have to be friends with anyone who is not willing to defend you when someone says something racist
this book is directly going to my faves of the year, it made me smile all the time and feel butterflies in my stomach. thank you so much Allison for writing this book, i needed a cute story about lesbians 💕

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