Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this one. Thank you, NetGalley for sharing this with me. I'll definitely be looking forward to reading more.

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I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by how good this book was to listen to. I had never read anything previously by this author, so I was unsure how the book would turn out. But I quite liked the story. I would have liked to learn more about the family's past and the curse, but all in all, a really good book.

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40% in and it's going to be a DNF from me. I really tried, but I vowed to stop reading books if they just don't vibe and this one didn't hit for me. I just didn't care, about anything when it came to this book. There’s nothing about the story that draws me in and really makes me want to read more. Maybe it gets better as the book goes on, but I'm almost halfway through and I haven't found it yet, so I feel my time would be better spent reading something I do vibe with.

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Reviewing Wratih
Author: Mark Wheaton
Narrated: Annalee Scott
Format: Audiobook
ARC: Netgalley
My final star rating for this enchanting audiobook experience is 4.5 ⭐

"Wraith" by Mark Wheaton is a spellbinding horror/mystery/supernatural novel that takes readers on a chilling journey through the depths of fear and intrigue. Cecily, the protagonist, is a character who carries the weight of a traumatic childhood experience – witnessing her mother's death. She escapes into a reclusive life in South Carolina, working with a florist in the remote Carolina wetlands. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she receives an urgent summons from her grandmother in Paris and thus begins an eerie and captivating tale that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.

Mark Wheaton masterfully weaves together elements of horror, mystery, and the supernatural to create a riveting and haunting narrative. Cecily's journey to Paris leads her to an old chateau hidden in the French woods, where she uncovers a long-buried family curse. The Wraith, a mysterious ghostlike entity, emerges as a harbinger of unspeakable evil, setting the stage for a race against time to unravel the LeClercq curse.

One of the standout qualities of "Wraith" is Wheaton's adeptness at maintaining a perfect balance between these diverse elements. As readers accompany Cecily through her ordeal, we are treated to a roller-coaster of emotions, ranging from spine-tingling fear to unrelenting suspense. The story unfolds at a relentless pace, making it impossible to put down from the very first page to the final, unexpected climax.
Wheaton's character development also shines through, with well-rounded and relatable characters that draw readers deeper into the narrative. The surprises that await at the story's conclusion add an extra layer of intrigue, even if some might find the ending slightly softer than anticipated.

Annalee Scott's narration of Wraith is nothing short of Brilliant. Her clear and passionate delivery immediately immerses listeners in the story. Her talent shines through, making the audiobook an engaging and enjoyable experience.

In conclusion, "Wraith" is a gripping, atmospheric horror tale that will have you glancing over your shoulder and double-checking your doors and windows. Mark Wheaton has crafted a compelling story that seamlessly blends the supernatural with mystery and horror, making it a must-read for fans of the genre. After finishing this book, readers will undoubtedly look forward to more spine-tingling reads from this talented author in the near future.

Disclaimer: I received a digital copy of "The Wraith" by Mark Wheaton from Southbound and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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Cecily, who lost he mother at a very young age, likes being alone and keeping to herself. When a stranger arrives from Paris, ready to escort her back so that she can meet an elderly relative who is desperate to meet with her before she passes away, Cecily reluctantly agrees. Upon arriving, Cecily is told about an ancient curse that has affected her family for generations. The narrator of this audiobook did an excellent job conveying the creepy and very disturbing evil that haunts LeClercq family.

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This book has a lot of potential and might be for you. I found it to be ok. The premise is good but I found the delivery to be a little clunky. I would have liked more suspense.

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This was an interesting book and you could feel the suspense and tension. I would hate to be Cecily and have to be alone until she is sure that the wraith is truly gone from her! I will certainly be looking for more books by this author.

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The pace in the book had little to no consistency. There were parts in the book that are fast-paced and then long periods where the scenes just went on and on. Then suddenly pick up. The plot was okay but felt generic. The lack of character growth throughout the book was dishearting for me. It took me forever to finish this book because it was just not my cup of tea.

Thank you, NetGalley for the opportunity to review the book.

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Thank you NetGalley and Southbound for accepting my request to read and review Wraith.

Published: 09/26/22

This could have been so much more. As it stands, it felt like a student's final draft of a creative writing paper. A teacher would have pointed out holes, inconsistent pacing, and asked who was the targeted audience.

The book reads childishly, and there were places I thought middle grade. However, there were other times I thought the subject matter was for adults, not kids.

I wanted the ending to come, and longed for it. I did want to see how things were wrapped up or explained. I was disappointed. It was as if a timer went off and the writing stopped.

The narration was okay. The story was too convoluted and I think that played a part in her performance.

The synopsis tells you what you should expect, I'm not repeating it. I've left what I received.

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I struggled with the narrator of this audiobook. Because of that, I did not finish it. I was unable to follow the story line. I’d like to give this novel a go in print because I think the description sounds really good, which is why I chose to request this audiobook.

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The pace in the book was a bit confusing and had no consistency. There were parts in the book that were fast paced and then long periods of time where the scenes just went on and on at snail pace, then suddenly pick up, and on and on it went. I wasn’t sure if this was to add suspense or give the book a specific feel but the non-emotional rollercoaster created just didn’t work.

The author failed a little with combining different genres that usually work well together but they didn’t glue together that great in this book.

The plot had a pretty generic baseline plot with family curses and finding more mysteries than answers. The book actually left me with more questions than what I started with and the ending didn’t bring closure to the story.

There was very little character growth throughout the book and the secondary character proved to be more interesting than the main one, with more entertainment value. The showdown with the villain was just over the top without any real suspense or creepiness.

I couldn’t find the point to the epilogue with what the author was trying to achieve. More mystery? Possible sequel? What???

Thanks again to NetGalley for the opportunity to review the book.

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Holy freaking crap. I thoroughly enjoyed this from start to finish.

You know those books that make you stay up past your bedtime? That was this for me. I have a habit of finishing an audiobook in bed and then starting the next, as in listening though the credits and such so it’s good to go the next day. This one though snuck past me and next thing I know I’m 50% in and it’s 3am!

The psychology behind the happenings in this book was absolutely fantastic. It’s creepy and psychological and I am here for it. It had just enough suspense to keep you interested but not enough that it slowed the pace. It was very fast paced and again, I absolutely loved it.

My one complaint is the ending. While it was fast paced, it seemed to end abruptly. It wrapped everything up just fine with a bow but it did it so quickly that I was actually taken aback when it ended.

Thanks to NetGalley for the audio copy!


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I was given a NetGalley widget for this one a year ago and I just got around to reading it and dangit it was so good. I am so thankful for the opportunity to have consumed this wildly relevant fictional tale, which felt not at all fictional, more like historical fiction, due to the times. The cover initially was what drew me in, but I'm so thankful to have stuck with it because the outcome was magical. I always love listening to audiobooks and when they sweep me off my feet, I'm just utterly captivated! I always really enjoy multi-cultural thrillers, for I embark on a journey through a land unknown to me, while still getting spooked.

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I DNF this novel. I tried many times to try to get into this novel but unfortunately it just wasn't for me. Please do make sure you read all other reviews as many have enjoyed this novel. Do give this one a try for yourself.

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Trigger warnings: death, suicide, violence, blood and gore, antisemitism, depressing, family death, possessions, anxiety, panic attacks

When the main character Cecily LeClercq is a young child she witnesses the death of her mother. Years later she is approached by a stranger saying one of her relatives is dying and wishes to see her. When she arrives at France she learns that the family is being followed by a curse, killing everyone in her family line.

I honestly don’t know how I feel about this book. It was creepy in sections but underwhelming in others. The wraith that is following her around the book is genuinely terrifying in parts. She’s an unsettling character and I liked her. I kind of wished she had shown up less though. I very much liked the character of the Countess. Many parts were violent and bloody but the were all written and handled my well in my opinion. The main character suffers from extreme anxiety being around people and I very much liked how that was handled over the course of the book.

I listened to this as an audiobook and it was very well done. I liked the narrator. The story was very well read and I liked the accent work. The parts with the wraith were deeply unsettling to listen to.

I’m not that big of a fan of how the curse was implemented and the things that happened plot wise around said curse. The entire idea behind it is that family members that are targeted by this wraith are being driven to suicide by her. The member of the family that sees her is the next to die. The wraith is not going to kill the family member outright but they will attack people that are important to the person that is being targeted until the target kills themselves. First, all of the people that the wraith targets to get at Cecily are people that she barely knows. She had just met them a couple of days ago but the wraith thinks they are important enough to be targets? Second, people that the wraith has been possessing directly attack Cecily at multiple points in the book. Making Cecily get into a violent car crash that could very much have killed her doesn’t seem like the mode of attack of something that is only supposed to drive you to suicide. She’s also almost drowned at one point. That seems to contradict her methods too.

The amount of times people tried to convince her that she was imagining everything annoyed me as well. Even people that were directly involved with the family. Also not that big of a fan of how the book ended tbh. I wish we had more resolution. I hope that this gets a sequel so we can get more answers.

Overall I do think I recommend this for fans of horror of the appropriate age. Some of the violence can be intense but I liked this overall.

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This was an OK read, but I have read better, quite hard to follow with the chosen narrator, it was good, but not great

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Wraith by Mark Wheaton was an interesting book. Cecily Tragically loses her mother and finds herself in a different country with relatives she was unaware that she had. Not to long does she find herself wrapped up in a family curse.

I would give this book a solid 4 stars, the story line was well thought out and had back stories that made you enjoy the characters. The ending was not abrupt and had a fun twist. I would recommend reading this book in the fall time to help with those spooky reads.

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*received for free from netgalley for honest review* wouldn't mind rereading this for sure, pretty creepy but wish it would have been scarier

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I agree with another reviewer. I tried reading this book several times, but I just couldn’t get into it. I really hate to give bad reviews. I read constantly, and this is the first book I wasn’t able to finish. Please read the other reviews and make your decision from there.

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DNF I wish I was able to finish this one but it just didn't catch my attention right off the batt and no matter how many times I tried to pick it up again I just couldn't do it.

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