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Same Time Next Summer

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Sam grew up in NYC, but spent her summers growing up on Long Island at the beach. It was here that she met her first love, Wyatt. One night changed their relationship trajectory and suddenly they were no longer in each other's lives. Sam lost both Wyatt and her love of the beach.

Fourteen years later, Sam returns to her family's beach house with her fiancé, Jack, as they prepare to discuss marrying on Long Island. It is here where she comes face to face with Wyatt and Sam struggles to figure out how she feels.

This was such a great story and I really enjoyed the dialogue and flow throughout.

4 out of 5 stars. and NetGalley; and I am voluntarily leaving an unbiased review.

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Monaghan is now an automatic read for me. This book was the perfect summer read. This book was cute, well paced, with characters I was invested in. This book was the perfect little escape. I can't wait to read more!

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I adored this summertime second chance romance! The characters were well developed, even though I became frustrated with Sam at times. However, as the narrative progresses and bits of their past are revealed, it was easy to fall in love with Sam and Wyatt. The beach setting complimented their story.

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Thank you for this e-arc. I liked the story for the most part, but I couldn't stand the relationship between the two. If you can look past that, then it's a great summer read.

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Thanks to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for this ARC! What a fun book to get in the mood for summer- I'm only sorry I waited this long to read it. It made me long for the beach and wishing I had access to a beach house to read of the back deck of. This was definitely the type of books that makes you nostalgic for your youth and how simple summertime used to be. And how great teenage love seemed, at this time. I really enjoyed the main characters and their relationship. It felt realistic of how things were when you were 16 and I appreciate that the author didn't make them grow up super fast. Additionally, the way she portrayed heartbreak felt so accurate. Truly an enjoyable book and great beach read!

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Sooooooo swoony. Another must-read for your summer shelf. I'm a total sucker for a second-chance romance, so I knew I was going to fall in love with this one, and I did instantly. The setting is idyllic, the characters complex. Delightful.

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I’m a huge fan of Annabel Monaghan’s books! Nora Goes Off Script was my first read from this author, and I was excited to get this one!

Sam is coming home with her fiancé Jack to look at a wedding venue. Sam’s parents would like her to get married on Long Island where they spend their summers. Sam does not want to rock the boat on her perfectly planned out life. This is even more the case when her first love, Wyatt, shows up to his parent’s house, right next door.

This story is told from both Sam and Wyatt’s alternating points of view. It it also told between now and then. We get to see what led to the end of Sam and Wyatt’s young relationship and how things are with them now. This is an emotional story of first love and how our choices define us. I loved it!

Thank you to NetGalley and Putnam Books for the opportunity to read this one! I highly recommend it!

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This was a cute book... Sam's character annoyed me at first, but as the story develops, we learn why she is the way she is and we get to see her develop into who she's always meant to be. It was a fun development.

I didn't like that she was SO focused on Wyatt, while also planning her wedding and acting like everything was normal.

I did like the cute storyline... it was an easy read and, although somewhat predictable, it was enjoyable!

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4.25 ⭐️

I read this book in one sitting on the beach, as it should be read ☺️ such a sweet book 🥰

I’m normally really wary of second chance romances because if the reason they broke up/aren’t together now isn’t compelling enough, it just doesn’t work for me. But this one delivered for me and I just loved Sam and Wyatt so much. This book is very much right person, wrong time and about self-discovery. Sam’s journey of finding her way back to herself really resonated with me and I was really rooting for her the whole time. Loved ❤️

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Four stars! This was such a good summer read! I was surprised by how quickly the premise pulled me in but Annabel Monaghan knows exactly what she’s doing. I’m not usually a fan of then/now timelines in books but I thoroughly enjoyed both timelines and was excited to get back to each one. I love that her books are on the shorter side but still feel so complex. I’ll definitely be reading her next one!

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This is such a good story, very predictable, but the journey was very enjoyable. From the beginning the two main characters are so likable, you root for them. You could feel Sam and Wyatt's attraction to each other. The setting is amazing ( the beach ) and written in such a way that I could see it.

I liked that the underlying theme of this story was you need to be yourself. People will love you as you are.

This is a perfect book to pick up for a summer read. Easy, enjoyable and ends the way you want it to.

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Thank you Net Galley, for an advance copy of this book. I loved Annabel Monaghan’s first book, Nora Goes Off Script - so original and riveting - so I don’t know why it took me so long to read her second. I am so glad I finally got to it, it did not let me down! Another book with strong likeable and vivid characters. The main character, Sam, finally has life figured out, with a good job and a doctor fiancé, Jack. But when they spend a week at her family’s Long Island beach house, all Sam’s childhood memories come flooding back. They all revolve around nextdoor neighbor Wyatt, her first love, who is also back that week. Monaghan’s writing is so evocative that I felt like I was on the beach, surfing in the waves with Sam and Wyatt, sorting shells and watching the sunset. The love story is so beautiful and well written that I flew through the pages to see how it would turn out. This is a do-not-miss book.

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Annabel Monaghan is a must read author for me. Last summer’s Nora Goes Off Script was one of my favorite books of the year.

Same Time Next Summer is precious and nostalgic. Sam is engaged to the perfect doctor. They go spend a long weekend at her parents house on Long Island. When they arrive she realizes that Wyatt is in town. Her Wyatt. Her first summer love.

I devoured this and smiled the whole time.

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Another win from Annabel Monaghan! I was hooked from the start and absolutely adored this book. Sam is spending the summer at her family beach house on Long Island planning her wedding and looking at venues when a chance encounter with her first love Wyatt has her reconsidering everything. Told in alternating then and now timelines, the first love/teenage nostalgia/beachy vibes make Same Time Next Summer the perfect summer read!

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I really enjoyed Same Time Next Summer, but I loved Nora Goes Off Script - and this suffered from that comparison. The story of Sam and Wyatt's childhood love, and their meeting ten years later, is summery and sweet. I definitely recommend it if you're looking for a nostalgic beach read.

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Overall I liked Sam and Wyatt and their love story, especially the parts from their childhood. I like second chance love stories, but I don't like the deciding between two people part and wish that wasn't part of the story. That said, it was still a read that pulled me in and kept me interested.

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This was a quick and enjoyable summer romance. Will it be something I come back to? No. Did it make me look forward to the summer while it's pouring rain and I'm wishing for summer? Yes. I'm a vibes girly and this was not it for me. Part 1 made me feel sad, like the lost first love made me feel just sad. The breaking point reminded me of college (I'm didn't go to college but that same timeframe) where it was easy to let go to someone who meant so much to you because you're young and stupid. I wished for more at the end and felt a bit bored at the end.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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4/5 stars!
This was actually the first book I have read from this author and I was so pleasantly surprised! Such a cute second chance romance that has a dual timeline that i believe made the story complete.

I think that the author created such believable and lovable characters that you cant help but love. Sam is a truly authentic character, a shy and self-conscious teenager who quietly falls in love with Wyatt during summer beach visits. While I usually find flashback scenes dull, I was captivated by the ones in this story. As we follow Sam into adulthood after a devastating breakup in her youth, the author skillfully portrays the confusion of navigating one's desires versus societal expectations. Witnessing Sam and Wyatt reunite after nearly a decade apart had my kicking my feet!

While I longed for a more grandiose conclusion, I felt like it kinda rushed towards the end but I did love all of the angst and very obvious love finally come into fruition. Furthermore, I yearned for more insight into Wyatt's character; the story leans more towards chick-lit than romance, leaving me feeling somewhat disconnected from him. With such a buildup to their second chance at romance, I craved more glimpses into their relationship as adults.

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This was a great read and will definitely recommend!! The cover is also so cute. Can’t wait to read more by this author.

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I can't put my finger on what it is but I love Annabel Monaghan's writing and the way she writes dialogue. so good!!!!!

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