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Same Time Next Summer

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Another great read by Annabel Monaghan, it will be a perfect first read of summer '23. It tells the tales of first love and knowing not only who you are, but what you need. Looking forward to reading more by Monaghan.

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Makes you remember your first love! This is a wonderful escape that is a great follow up to Nora Goes off Script.

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This was such a sweet read - it felt a lot like “Every Summer After” and “The Summer I Turned Pretty” but not TOO much like them, just the vibes, which was good! It had that sort of looseness that summer books have, while still being very much it’s own story. I don’t think it’s possible for a book to have no cliches, but this one did well with the ones it had to make them not feel overused. I was rooting for them the whole time!

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Annabel Monaghan’s SAME TIME NEXT SUMMER was a delightful reading respite. It’s been a long time since I fell so completely into a story and did not want to put the book down. Not a silly love story or an overly gushy romance, this novel has all the elements that entertain and thrill me. The setting is a quaint little beach town where everyone knows Sam and Wyatt and remember them as teens. I turned page after page with Sam as she remembered falling in love, moments written in beautifully described flashes of time between the dunes, floating on the ocean, and in the tree house. Is this a second-chance romance, a friends-to-lovers narrative, or a first-love-is-the-sweetest story? In any case, there is a story for everyone: love lost or love found, first love, family dynamics, small town life, or finding one’s way home. The entire cast of characters, family, and friends are authentic and interesting. This is my first book by Annabel Monaghan, but it will certainly not be my last. I loved her writing style, the perfect pacing, and her clear descriptive passages. Scenes came alive, so much so, that I find myself hoping there will be a sequel—Same Time, Same Place. I wasn’t ready for this book to end, and I want more.

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This was a fun, fast read. Perfect for the summer. The main character Sam was such a lovely protagonist. She jumped off the page and made me connect with her so easily! Reading her personal journey was worth the wait in the romance journey.
It’s hard not to compare Same Time Next Summer to books like Love and Other Words and Every Summer After. I think it had enough differences to set itself apart but the romance was nothing profound. I will say Sam is one of my favorite MCs within the subgenre.
Next to check out are some of this authors other works!
Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

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This book had all the charm of a Hallmark movie but with better acting. 😉 The delicious tension between the main characters kept me reading and I devoured this book in one sitting.

A great premise with easy to love characters AND a charming backdrop? Sounds like the perfect recipe for a made-for-TV movie.

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The synopsis of this book is similar to Love and Other Words and Every Summer After. This was a decent read, but unfortunately after reading those, it pales in comparison.

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What an easy and fun read! The back and forth of characters and timelines sets the stage so perfectly for the story. I was rooting for Sam the entire time to find herself and it was so refreshing to watch her figure it all out in her own way. She was relatable as a thirty something that wasn’t so sure of her future with an equally as compelling past. The other characters in the story all shed light on the complexity of family and how not every family is perfect. Although I wanted a little more of a big finish, I’m glad it ended the way it did. Great read!

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After reading a ton of second chance romances and then/now timelines, I just felt a bit bored. This wasn't anything new or profound. Didn't really connect with the characters, though I did like reading about them. Just wanted a bit more from this!

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Same Time Next Summer is a captivating childhood friends-to-lovers, second-chance romance that had me pining for a sunny, beach town getaway. If you enjoyed Every Summer After by Carley Fortune, Beach Read by Emily Henry, The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han, or Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren, this is the novel for you.

Starting with the structure of the story, I was taken aback slightly. I usually love “Now” and “Then” stories but in this particular novel, the first and third-person narrations are used interchangeably. Although it is distracting and inconsistent, I still found myself unable to put this book down, so clearly, it didn’t affect the quality of reading too much.

The character development of Sam, our main female protagonist, made so much sense to me as a reader. The clear cause-and-effect structure of her story arc felt natural and predictable in the best way possible. Seeing her re-discover her roots and heal her inner child melted my heart. Though I will say, as we get closer to the end of the story, it seemed very out of character for her not to be remorseful over thinking intimately about Wyatt while she was still with Jack. The overnight transition from one relationship back to the other, especially after being engaged, didn’t align with her personality as a child or as an adult. You would think, after what we learn about her parent's relationship, she would be warier about romance.

There was an assertiveness about Wyatt, one of our main male protagonists, that made him seem arrogant and unapologetic at times. I didn’t expect him to mope around about his mistakes, yet a little groveling would’ve been nice. We didn’t see as much of him as I expected, though what we did see of him, especially after the story’s climax, was dissonant. He had so much untapped potential and not exploring it further made him fall flat as a character and love interest.

I love Wyatt. I love Sam. So why am I not head over heels for them as a couple? The chemistry between the two wasn’t off-the-charts, but rather barely scraping the surface. We saw so much of them as teenagers that it disappointed me to see their dynamic as adults.

Speaking of their relationship, the conflict that drove Sam and Wyatt apart was a little too brushed over. It should’ve been a problem that transpired over several chapters, whereas it was written as more of a clean-cut. Both of them treated it as a black-and-white situation, which it was not. I wanted to see more of Wyatt’s inner turmoil leading up to the moment where he reveals this secret to Sam. On that same note, we saw more of Wyatt’s struggles after their separation than we saw of Sam’s which created more of a disconnect from her character and the empathy we could’ve felt for her. The newfound tension between both Sam and Wyatt’s parents would’ve been an amazing opportunity to create more of those heart-wrenching moments that foreshadow what we see as the “end” of Sam and Wyatt’s relationship.

I would’ve loved to have read an epilogue. It seemed like such a long build-up to such little reward. I understand that this is an artistic choice, though it would’ve added more depth to the validity of their relationship. The absence of an epilogue just made the pacing toward the end of the story seem drastic compared to the moderate tempo throughout the rest of the novel.

Overall though, it’s a comfortable and easy summer read that earned 3.5 out of five stars from me.

Thank you to Penguin Group Putnam and Annabel Monaghan for providing me with this ARC. As always, all opinions are my own and are not influenced by early access to this title.

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Very cute storyline. I think we all have that one summer love. Needs some editing but overall a good read. Will be looking for more from this author.

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This book gave me Every Summer After vibes. I loved it. it's so perfect and I love the yellow cover. I love this author and can't wait for the next book!

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As a diehard Norah Goes Off Script fan, I was hoping to love this more! It was still a sweet, enjoyable story but my standards after Norah (which consumed me) were just so high. Still so grateful that I had the opportunity to read this early! Thank you #NetGalley.

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This was a really fun and cute summer read. Loved the happy ending but maybe it happened a little too quickly for my liking. However, I would love to know what happens in the future for Sam and Wyatt so clearly it was good enough for me to be invested in the characters. Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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I was super excited to read this - second chance romance by an author I have enjoyed in the past. Unfortunately, this one fell a bit flat for me. It’s a storyline I feel like I’ve read before and the characters were not very memorable. For me they weren’t well-developed and the personalities of some characters didn’t seem to jive with their actions. I liked the “Now” portion much more than the “Then” portion but this is not a book I would highly recommend.

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Another hit from this author!! I loved the story line, was deeply invested in the characters, and couldn't wait to see how it all played out! After finishing the book I found myself missing the characters and wishing they were real-life people! Such a fun, swoon worthy story.

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4.5 out of 5. This might be your book of the summer for 2023. Totally in the Every Summer After and The Summer I turned Pretty vibe, and equally as wonderful and engaging. I really enjoyed the mix of the two timelines and how screwed up but wonderful Sam is. Additionally plenty of twists you don't see coming so that is always a nice surprise. Annabel Monaghan was one of the wonderful surprises this year with Nora Takes Off and she delivers and even surpasses expectations with her second book.

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This book! I was obsessed with Monaghan's Nora Goes Off Script, but this book, Same Time Next Summer, was literally unputdownable. I stayed up way past my bedtime because I had to know what happened. This is a book about love, second-chance romance, family, specifically relationships with parents and siblings, found families, small towns and how to know what is right for you. I was a little worried in the first half that, although super enjoyable, it was going to be too similar to Jenny Han's, The Summer I Turned Pretty. However, this book surpassed that young adult tale and bloomed into an excellent and propulsive story of love, loss and what it means to find your way home.

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Thank you to the publisher for the eARC in exchange for my honest review. Quick warning: this review may contain *slight* spoilers.

Annabel Monaghan has done it again. I am obsessed with Same Time Next Summer the same way I am obsessed with Nora Goes Off Script (which I also reviewed). This book is like the big sister to Love & Other Words by Christina Lauren and The Summer I Turned Pretty series by Jenny Han. I am in love with the entire thing.

Sam returns to her parents' beach house for a weekend with her fiancé Jack. While there, she runs into Wyatt, her childhood sweetheart whom she hasn't seen since their breakup over a decade ago. She now has to prepare for her upcoming wedding while dealing with all of the emotions of her past relationship.

Sam and Wyatt are soulmates. I spent the entire book screaming and crying over them. I loved how Wyatt knew what Sam really wanted out of a wedding and pushed her into realizing she wasn't happy. The chapters from when they were younger were so sweet and I couldn't stop smiling over them.

The side characters are amazing. Sam's family is so supportive and I found myself wishing they were real so I could hang out with them. Their interactions with each other and the main characters were all perfect.

I cannot stop obsessing over Sam's character growth. The book has multiple chapters from her younger years and it was so interesting to see her change from a kid to a teenager to a grown woman. The arc was so well done; it felt very natural.

As always, Annabel Monaghan's writing was perfect. I was sucked in from the first page and didn't resurface until I hit the acknowledgments. This book is a story about coming back to yourself. It's about returning to that old love and finding you still fit together, even though you've both grown and changed.

I cannot wait for her next book. Same Time Next Summer is one of the easiest 5 stars I've ever given.

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Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC!

Same time next summer switches between past and present in the lives of Wyatt and Sam. They grew up spending summers together on Long Island and reunite when Sam is back with her fiancé, to plan her wedding.

I was hesitant about this book because it sounded very similar to Every Summer After and Love and Other Words, but I really loved it. I smiled and teared up throughout the book, and Every Summer After added new elements to the summer love of youth trope.

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