Cover Image: Song of Silver, Flame Like Night

Song of Silver, Flame Like Night

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This was an excellent read that I found myself saying, "One more chapter" several times throughout. It was so beautifully written, with such wonderful storytelling and diction along with relatable, realistic characters

This is so clearly a love letter to Chinese culture, history, and mythology. On the other hand, it is a very clear commentary on the horrific destruction of colonialism and how to fight against it. I felt the topic was expertly handled, with a very real discussion/debate happening between the characters being brutalized on how to fight back effectively.

The mythological aspect is phenomenal, too; the four gods of Chinese mythology have been used for many different stories, and this one took a turn that was subversive compared to other mainstream media that portrays them. It fits within the anti-colonialism narrative perfectly and seamlessly, a great way to show the differences between the colonists and those being colonized.

All exposition was natural and easy to understand, as Lan was taught the Way. I (though admittedly biased, as a musician myself) really loved the use of music as a way to channel qì among the many different techniques displayed throughout the book. Again, a loving reverence for the arts is clear here, pulled from millennia of real history.

I sincerely cannot wait for the next book personally and it makes me happy that it is a series, even though (spoilers) it had looked like it was going to wrap up with just the one book and probably could have--many kids these days have grown accustomed to serial reading and I think this will very much engage them and satisfy that need for a multi-part, in-depth story.

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I don't know when books based on Chinese folklore became an instant must read for me, but here we are. With excellent source material and in the pen of a gifted writer, the story becomes timeless and epic. Highly recommend!

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Everything about this Chinese folklore-inspired fantasy is utter perfection, from the characters you can empathize with from page one to the perfectly logical yet still utterly mystical magic. It's as much a story of the conquered fighting and resisting their conquerors as it is the story of one girl trying to figure out her past and her purpose.
Lan is a great character to guide readers through the story because she knows more than she's telling, but she also has a lot of questions. It's a nice play on getting information from characters and Lan figuring things out on her own. And Zen is a great male lead that follows a path that's obvious from the very beginning but, oh, so satisfying to follow. You can't help but root for them and want them to find a way to help their people against the awful Elantian colonizers.
Be ready to hate absolutely everything about colonization (as if you already didn't) because the author did a fantastically realistic job of writing out how they systematically annihilate a culture they blindly think is lesser than their own only because it's different. I confess to spending a couple of pages raging mad.
I can't wait to catch up with the characters once again in the next book. This one has the potential for greatness.

Very happy thanks to NetGalley and Delacorte Press for the phenomenally fantastic read!

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I adored this book and it immediately made me pick up the author’s other books to read eventually! I loved the page of the story and the flashbacks that we get to give us context to different scenes as they happen. The characters are so three dimensional and felt very consistent with their personalities. These two bickering could have been the entire story and I would’ve loved it too. The world building was so interesting and I was blowing through this story!

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This took me so long to finish 😅

I really wanted to love it. But sadly, I never quite did. I think if you've ever watched a xianxia or wuxia drama can almost predict what will happen here.

It wasn’t until the last 70% or so that I felt invested in any way.

I will say though. I’m Team Zen. His sacrifice makes perfect sense and in the end, Lan and her gang are kind of doing what he intended in the first place: same thing, different font.

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This was such a good time! It really hit it's stride in the second half, and I could not put it down. The plot twists combined with the Chinese based folklore were stellar!

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This was a gripping story filled with action and mystery that held my attention and grew my curiosity. I really enjoyed the author's writing style that propelled the plot quickly while providing imagery of a magical world of beautiful settings, terrifying creatures, and savage battles. I enjoyed the slow-burn romance between Lan and Zen, and appreciated the opposing views they carry (morally grey?) and tough concepts that the story and their choices created. For any readers who enjoy YA fantasy, mythology, intricate world-building, and fast-paced plot, pick this book up!

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I love anything this author writes. I enjoy her characters and the storyline. It’s a mixer of so many different emotions. I would recommend this book. 10/10

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This book was good and I enjoyed a lot of parts of it like the magic system was so cool and unique, Lan the main character, and some of the side characters. But there were things about it that I just didn’t connect with. I thought Zens character could have used more connection points and vulnerability. I think the amount of lyrical description could have been slimmed a bit. I did like the beautiful words and writing but there were times where it got to be overwhelming. And most of the events happened in the last 20% of the book (which is not totally abnormal)

Overall I liked the book, I just didn’t love the book.

Thank you to the publishers for sending me an ARC 🙏🏽

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I thoroughly enjoyed this new young adult fantasy. The gorgeous worldbuilding and prose drew me in immediately. I will be highly recommending this to readers!

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Let's just say, the cover is not the only stunning part of this book. I knew before I requested this that I loved Amélie Wen Zhao's writing because I read and loved her debut, Blood Heir, a few years ago. I was curious, though, to see what I would think of a new story from her, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that I liked this one even better!

Similarly to Blood Heir, it was the well-crafted worldbuilding that really sucked me into the story, and the Chinese inspiration made for a unique magic system. Additionally, I loved the characters. Lan and Zen stole my heart as much as they stole each other's, and I'm dying to see what will become of them in the sequel.

There's been a fair bit of hype for this one, and I can honestly say that I think it's well deserved. I hope this book finds a lot of success. I'm thrilled to be receiving a finished copy very soon!

Thank you to Random House Children's, Delacorte Press, and Netgalley for granting me an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I really loved this book! The storytelling sucked me in and didn't let me go till the end. Lan is just a girl trying to survive in her shattered world. She lost everything and finds a kindred spirit in Zen even though she dislikes and mistrust him from the beginning. I enjoyed watching their relationship develop over the course of their story. I cannot wait for the rest of their journey to save their people and hopefully not lose themselves to their demons.

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Stunning second series debut from Amelie Wen Zhao! Fantastic read awash with magic, mysterious, betrayal, and love. Will be recommending to my bookstore visitors.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was a very magical book. A little formulaic at times, but if you're a fan of YA fantasies, you'd like this book. I loved the magic, the worldbuilding of the clans, and of course, the Chinese inspiration. However, the romance was not convincing for me at all. It felt very thrown in there, like because this book is a YA fantasy, it HAD to have a romance. Ultimately, it was a fun read, but I don't feel compelled to continue onto the next book.

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Song of Silver, Flame like Night is a masterpiece!
It's going to be the next Daughter of the Moon Goddess. Completely different of course, but with the same beautiful, magical, immersive writing, original worldbuilding, lovable characters, strong emotional connections and whimsical vibe. I truly can't imagine anyone reading this book and not adding it to their forever favorites!

The Chinese history, magic system based on qí energies, yin, yang, depth, original powers and non stop action keep you glued to the pages, rooting for Lin and Zen and yelling "just give them a break and let them be, they just found each other!" Their growing, subtle yet deep connections pulls at all your heart strings. Amelie put all her heart into this story and you can feel it. I don't know what kind of stardust she put into her words, but they burrow themselves into your soul, your bones, your mind and transport you into a different world, a different time, that you never want to leave.
And just like with Goddess, I don't think you can really post quotes that make the book justice. Because everything about it is so magical, the writing so clever, whimsical and beautiful, that you have to experience it for yourself to fully grasp the naunces.

Definitely one of my favorite reads of late and I cannot wait for my special edition to arrive!

*thank you for the early copy

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This engrossing alt. historical fantasy follows a song girl named Lan, an orphan with a mysterious mark on her arm. No one can see the mark but her. Until one night when a boy saves her life. This we plunge headfirst into this magical world!

What I enjoyed: the writing style overall, political climate, Lan, the ocarina and the mysteries slowly unraveled.

What I didn’t love: the relationship between Lan and Zen (specifically their lack of chemistry), the pacing of the plot, the way the book ended.

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I like this one and it was such a solid first book for a series. I love the world building and the Chinese mythology that was brought into the story and the characters are charming as well. I would say though that nothing really stood out for me on a personal level and there was just no attachment for me.

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3/5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC!

I liked this. It was a solid read. I’ve been reading to read Zhao’s works for awhile but I haven’t gotten around to it until now. I was invested in the story and I love Chinese mythology, so it was really cool.

However, I don’t think anything about this book stood out to me. It was good. Lan was an okay protagonist, Zen was an okay protagonist, the romance was okay. The magic system was cool but I was just reading for the vibes because I wasn’t always sure what was happening.

One complaint I had was that the author used Lan’s complete ignorance of her magic and magic in general for Zen to infodump, which was a lot.

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Song of Silver, Flame Like Night is an epic fantasy from author Amelie Wen Zhao.

This book, inspired by Chinese mythology, introduces a unique magic system and a strong heroine in Lan. I loved her courage and resourcefulness.

This book did have many chapters from the characters pasts, which is not my favorite, especially in the middle of the action, but overall this was a powerful fantasy tale of liberation.

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Song of Silver, Flame Like Night is the first book in a YA fantasy series. Lan is a songgirl in a city surrounded by Elantian colonizers. She has been on her own since the Elantians killed her mother. The only trace of her mother that she has left is the symbol burned into her arm by her mother before she died. When Zen comes across Lan, he knows something is different about her and he brings her to the school where he learns from the practitioning masters.
This was such a fun ride. I really liked Zen and Lan and their relationship. I can't wait for the next book.

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