Member Reviews

Another fantastic psychological thriller from Victoria Jenkins

Expectant mother Lauren lives a quiet and isolated life, a choice she made following an incident in her past. Pregnant with her first child, she meets midwife Jackie. Jackie is calm and caring, eager to support Lauren...but is perhaps too eager? Is there a reason that when attending Jackie's antenatal group Lauren is one of only two people there? And what does Jackie know about her past?

Victoria Jenkins is a fabulous psychological thriller writer and this book doesn't disappoint. The narrative is shared through the different perspectives of Lauren and Jackie and it is clear from the outset that they both have secrets. As the story unravelled, I was eager to find out the link between the two women and their pasts.

Thank you to Victoria Jenkins, Bookouture and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book as an ARC.

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I absolutely enjoyed this book so much! It was such an easy read and I was entertained the entire time. I enjoyed the twists! This book was told from 2 POV which I really liked because I got to know each character pretty well. This book follows Lauren who has conceived her child via IVF and is a single parent. Lauren has no support at all. Lauren also has a past. She has a secret no one can find out, but someone knows this secret. She gets threatening letters!She meets Jackie a midwife and leans on her. Jackie and Lauren get close but is Jackie who she seems to be? Can she be trusted? Jackie seems to become a little to invested in Lauren’s life. This book was so good and I highly recommend! It will keep you on your toes.

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The Midwife by Victoria Jenkins does not disappoint as it is full of secrets and unexpected twists. We meet Lauren, a first time pregnant woman conceiving a child through IVF. Lauren does not have much companionship in her life and even in parenthood, she will be a single mother. She is of advanced maternal age (41 years) and more than likely, this is her last chance for motherhood. Lauren is intensely private with few social connections. We later discover that this is due to events that occurred in her past. Lauren meets a midwife, Jackie at the local hospital and forges a connection with her, even attending weekly group that Jackie runs for expecting mothers. Unexpected events begin to occur to Lauren, including a brick thrown through her window with a menacing message about her past. Lauren leans on Jackie during this time, but is Jackie who she pretends to be? This story is told from 2 points of view, Jackie’s and Lauren’s. Throughout the book, it was impossible to determine who was good or evil. This was an interesting read by a great author. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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★★★ 3.5 stars

I am excited to be taking part in the #BooksOnTour #BlogTour for Victoria Jenkins' tense thriller THE MIDWIFE.

I've been a fan of Victoria Jenkins since her King and Lane series so I was excited to dive into another one of her thrillers. THE MIDWIFE begins with a sense of foreboding though the reader isn't quite sure what about. It starts off with a lot of character building and scene setting...something of a slow burn but still enough to keep you engaged.

Lauren is a single mum to be having conceived through IVF at the age of 41. Her life has been one of secrets that are slowly revealed as the story unfolds and we learn more about her as it progresses. She has chosen to go it alone after a long term relationship and feels a need to protect this baby at all costs.

At thirty weeks, she meets her midwife Jackie who is there to support her throughout the rest of her pregnancy and impending birth. And Jackie, it seems, is eager to do anything to help her. But is she too eager? Does she have an ulterior motive? And if so, what?

Because Jackie seems to be acting somewhat mysterious, Lauren isn't sure she can trust her. After all, midwives are there to help you every step of the way...and what if she goes into labour and Jackie fails her just when she needs her the most? Is she genuinely there to help, or does she know the truth about Lauren's past and is there to punish her?

So the concept of this book is an intriguing one but I don't feel it completely played out as intended. Well, it didn't for me. But that's not to say I didn't enjoy it...I just didn't enjoy as much as her other thrillers. I figured out who was who and why before the reveal, finding it predictable though that never deters me or ruins my enjoyment of it, although it might for others.

THE MIDWIFE is a tough book to review because as I said I didn't not like it...I just didn't like it as much as her others. But I do want to put a positive spin on it because it is not a bad read. It is just a slow one with little in the way of thrills and twists to keep you on the edge of your seat. But if you stick it out, you will find things pick up about halfway through and the pieces all start to come together and begin to make more sense.

Overall, THE MIDWIFE is a good read but not a great one. It does have some secrets that will keep you guessing and that's enough to hold your interest throughout. It's not a thriller as such...more a psychological drama.

I would like to thank #VictoriaJenkins, #NetGalley and #Bookouture for an ARC of #TheMidwife in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on my blog at

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The Midwife by Victoria Jenkins Narrated by: Anne-Marie Piazza Length: 7 hrs and 16 mins was full of secret's with great twists and turns that kept you on your toes throughout this latest book by Victoria.

This latest book is about two women, Lauren who is pregnant and Jackie the midwife. Lauren has a secret and this secret has to be kept hidden, but someone knows about the secret and she starts to get threatening letters from them. Lauren dose not know where to turn and Jackie is there and wants to be Lauren's friend, She is also determined to know more about what Lauren is hiding. But Why?

However, You can always trust your Midwife but can you?

The narrator Anne-Marie Piazza was excellent from start to finish I loved it.

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Another fantastic thriller by this author I have read all of her books and they just get better and better.

This kept me on the edge of my seat I raced through it in one day I needed to know how it was going to end.

The writing style is great two different characters one the mother one the midwife. You think you know where the story is going but it throws some curve balls in the mix. Will be definitely recommending this to my fellow thriller fans and customers.

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A twist filled thriller, fast paced but sad. The story was unrealistic in places and some clever editing could have tightened the narrative.

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The Midwife by Victoria Jenkins was a gripping read that has you guessing what is going to happen.
Lauren is befriended by a midwife. While Lauren is glad to have someone there for her she is also wondering why she is of such high interest to the midwife. Is it her job or is there more to it?
Great read that makes you want to keep reading. Would recommend to anyone that likes psychological thrillers.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book was full of twists that kept me guessing. This was a quick and thrilling read.

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Told from the point of view of Jackie the Midwife and Lauren the expectant mother. Things are happening to Lauren but you know know why or who is behind it.

I enjoyed most of this book and I enjoyed trying to work it out. I was certainly intrigued by the storyline and couldn't guess where it was going. Very psychological and it did play with your mind.

It did, unfortunately, seem to drag on a bit towards the end and I did find some parts a bit unrealistic. Certain bits just didn't add up.

That said I'm glad I carried on and finished the book because the reveal was really quite sad.

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This one was good...nothing more than that to me unfortunately. To me seemed to drag on. Though I did finish it I did find myself skimming parts of it.
The premise of the book was a fantastic idea..wish I would have enjoyed it more.
Hope you do.

Thanks to the author,the publisher and NetGalley for an early release of this book.

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I really enjoyed The Midwife, kept me interested throughout.

Lauren has just had IVF and is pregnant, but she hides a secret.

Jackie is a midwife who seeks down Lauren and is helping with her prenatal care, but she too is hiding a secret.

It’s a gripping, thriller that’s a pageturner. The characters were great for the story and loved the twist at the end.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for a copy for an honest review.

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I’d like to thank Bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘The Midwife’ by Victoria Jenkins in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Lauren is pregnant and during a hospital check-up she’s befriended by Jackie, one of the midwives. Jackie is taking a lot of interest in her and seems to know more about her than she’s been told. Lauren thinks someone’s watching her, following her, and a brick is thrown through her window with a note wrapped around it saying ‘You can’t run forever’. Lauren’s been running for most of her life so who could have discovered her true identity?

‘The Midwife’ is a psychological thriller told through the eyes of the Mother and the Midwife. I liked the description of the story, the single mum and her soon-to-be-born baby, and thought the midwife was decidedly creepy, but despite the first chapters grabbing my attention it started to slow down about half-way through and I became confused with the names of the different characters. I really had to push myself to continue reading but I’m glad I stayed with it as it became more compelling and the story clearer the closer I got to the end. Although I can’t describe this as an edge-of-the-seat thriller it was an enjoyable read.

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“I’m a midwife. Everyone trusts me.”

Thank you Victoria Jenkins, Bookouture, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. “The Midwife” will be available on November 14th!

Lauren has been hiding from her tragic past for years. When she thinks she’s finally free of it and about to have the baby if her dreams, her past comes back to haunt her. Things keep happening and Lauren can’t decide who she is able to trust. Jackie, a kind midwife, seems to be nice and goes out of her way to help her. Is she genuinely there to help her or does she know the truth about Lauren’s past?

Whew this book. I’m going to go ahead and say now that this was not the book for me. I found the pacing to be all off. I was ready to DNF this book 30% in and then really considered it at 50% in. I have a hard time with not finishing books, because I have to know how they end, so here we are. This is a dual POV book where we spend almost the entire first half of the book basically listening to both characters’ inner dialogue. Things don’t start getting really getting revealed until about 65% of the way into the book. At this point things are slightly confusing, because of the twist that’s being set up. Things clear up and the twist is revealed, but by that time you can pretty much guess what’s going to happen. Overall, “The Midwife” just wasn’t the book for me and I rated 2 ⭐️‘s.

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I requested The Midwife because it seemed like an interesting premise and title. It was exactly what I suspected. I loved that the points of view alternated between "the mother" and "midwife." About 75 percent into the book, I was confused by the characters and their roles in the primary conflict, but that was purposeful, and the book eventually explained it. I didn't care for the romance parts of this book, it felt strange, but there's lots of love about this book. People who love thrillers with sinister characters will love this book. Thanks for the advance review copy.

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The Midwife
Victoria Jenkins


Thanks a mil Netgalley, Bookouture and author Victoria Jenkins for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this one in exchange for an honest review.

I liked the sound of the blurb on this one so was looking forward to reading it. I liked the characters writing style and the chapters were short and quick but the storyline just never got going for me and didnt grip me like a psych thriller usually would. It was ok but it fell a little bit flat for me overall.

While the plot sounded good and the two main characters, Lauren and Jackie, were developed well - I just didnt really connect with either of them or care how the story went. It wasnt very grippy and I wouldnt say it had much thrill to it - as far as thrillers go. I didnt hate it and I would try another read by this author in the future but this one just didnt quite do it for me I'm afraid.

I think after a string of twisty reads, it just fell a little flat.

Thanks again for the chance to read it Netgalley.
#TheMidwife #VictoriaJenkins

3 stars

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Thank you Bookouture and Net Galley for an ARC of this book. This is the second book I have read from Victoria Jenkins and it kept me guessing until the very end. I enjoyed the twists as well as the short chapters to keep me wanting to read just one more.

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The Midwife by Victoria Jenkins

In this book there are two main characters; The midwife and the mother and the book is written from their points of view.

The mother is Lauren a girl in her early forties who got pregnant via IVF. Lauren is seven months pregnant when she meets Jackie.
The Midwife is Jackie a more mature lady who just started working at the hospital where she meets Lauren while on a tour of the birthing unit. You can tell from chapter one that each character is hiding something that they do not want anyone to find out about.

Sorry but I did not like this book at all.

The story was very slow and dragged on and on. I did not feel like this was a phycological thriller.

I would like to thank Net Galley and Bookouture for a copy of this eBook in exchange for an honest review

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Oof baby anxiety and now this? If Jackie was my midwife I would have 86ed her so quickly her head was spun.

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A good well written book that kept me interested in the storyline.

Mainly the characters were good although it wasn't a book that kept me on the edge of my seat unfortunately.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for this ARC.

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