Member Reviews


The Last Word follows Emma who lives in isolation with her dog Laika. Her only contact is her neighbor Deek who she texts sometimes. One day Emma reads a book she thought was bad and leaves a negative review. The author is not too pleased about that and asks her to take it down. Soon after this distributing things start happening. She starts to think it might be the author doing those things to her. Soon Emma learns more about the author and is now fearing for her life.

Taylor Adams is one of my go-to thriller authors his books never disappoint me. Unlike the main character of this book, I am writing a good review of this book. This was a WILD read and had non-stop action the whole time. This was one that was very hard to put down ( but that is a good thing). I loved this book. If you are looking for a thriller I highly suggest this one ( or any of his other books). This book was so great.

Thank you, Taylor Adams, NetGalley, and William Morrow for the ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.

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The Last Word by Taylor Adams makes me second guess every negative review I’ve ever published. The novel is in one word, CHILLING. I have read a lot of thrillers, as that’s my favorite genre. But nothing can compare to The Last Word. Taylor Adams kept me guessing until the novel’s conclusion. I started the book at 4:30AM, and I only put it down because I had to work. I carried my Kindle into the kitchen. Spilled orange juice as I tried to multi-task between reading and eating breakfast. Which…would have been hard to do, considering how I forgot a spoon for my Greek yogurt. Adams had me wrapped around his finger. If you want something that’ll cause chills to creep up your spine, The Last Word is a novel for you.

To escape heartbreak, suicidal Emma moves into a solitary beach house with her dog, Laika. She loses herself in countless eBooks, eschewing all human contact besides games of whiteboard hangman with her neighbor, Deek, and texts with her home’s owner. It’s how she prefers it. When Deek suggests an eBook, she reads it and leaves a SCATHING one-star review. Little does she know how that review could affect the rest of her life. She finds herself in a killer’s crosshairs, and now it’s up to her to save her own life and Laika’s.

When I look back at The Last Word by Taylor Adams, there are clues I missed. I, however, was too engrossed in the story to notice until AFTER I finished the novel. As a crime junkie myself, this novel checked all the boxes. The only thing I did not like: Switching viewpoints in the same chapter. Maybe it was harder to understand since I was reading an ARC, but Adams only indicated the transition via extra space between paragraphs. The multiple views served as perfect juxtaposition between characters—what they THINK versus reality—but it made things tough at times. I was so drawn into the story that I would pause and go back, just to ensure I had the “active” character correct.

I am one of those people who can spend hours in Barnes & Noble, perusing the shelves. Rarely do I buy anything, but I will pick up novels, read the descriptions and the first chapter or two, then snap a photo of the cover. If my library has the book, I will request it. Sometimes, my Barnes & Noble quick picking fails. But The Last Word? If I’d seen it in Barnes & Noble, it would’ve been the exact opposite—a shining success. I will without a doubt be exploring more of Taylor Adams’s work!

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You’re going to want to read this book. It is suspenseful to the max, creepy as hell, and totally original. In true Taylor Adams fashion, there are shocking twists that have you shouting “ what the hell!” I did this, and I swore, and I could not put this book down!!
The book will have you second guessing posting that negative review. Adams does make some valid points, from an author’s perspective. One bad review could trash years worth of work, and ruin any future projects for a struggling writer. I believe in full honesty, but decimating a book in a review is not cool. Be classy about it. Emma didn’t. And now she is paying the price.
Layers like a bloody lasagna, that’s what Adams serves up. If you don’t absolutely love this book, then I don’t understand you. Don’t give this book a crappy review then check to make sure all your doors are locked. Because, you will. The book gets that deep into your brain.

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I have never been this surprised while reading a thriller. You will find out what I mean when you read this book. I am not giving any hints at all because I want you to feel the same way I did when I came across it. This was another hair raising thriller from Taylor Adams that was very unique in plot. The main character Emma had written a one star scathing review of a book recommended by a friend. This author contacted Emma directly and told her to change her review because it will negatively impact their writing career. Emma decided to leave the review as is, after all she hated the book and that was her opinion. Little did Emma know that the author would not accept that as an answer. The rest of the story is too good to even hint at because you will want to take the wild ride yourself!

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I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow.

Emma Carpenter has always been a little different - a loner and introvert, she has few friends and no family. After a personal trauma, Emma leaves Salt Lake City for coastal Washington and a housesitting position on a lonely stretch of beach. She occupies her days by walking on the beach with her dog and reading e-books. After reading a grisly and poorly written novel, Emma leaves a one-star review - and thus the argument begins with author H.G. Kane. Suddenly Emma notices strange things happening and odd smells - could the author be stalking her?

I don't even know where to begin with this review - My feelings were all over the place while reading The Last Word. The novel grabbed me at the first chapter - slowed a bit in part two (the novel has several "parts") and then the pace picked up once again. A novel that becomes a story within a story as we also H.G. Kane's current manuscript. The writing is graphic without being over-the-top and twists and turns abound - I thought I had the story line figured out, only to be hit with another twist. Satisfying ending.

If you're looking for a novel that's well written and different from the majority of mysteries - The Last Word might suit your reading pleasure.

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I have a copy of this book on my coffee table just so I can tell people what it is about and where it came from. There is no better conversation starter.
This book disturbed me beyond belief. There is nothing scarier than an upset incel, or just lonely single men in general. I was laughing so hard at the Mt. Dew and butter smells and just everything about our young villain in general. I was scared and laughing. That is amazing!
I love this so much and I am not just saying that because I gave the publisher my address. It was hilarious and kept me up all night.

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Thank you NetGalley and William Morrow publishing for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was an interesting read and was well-written. It pulled you in immediately and the writing was direct and concise, which I appreciated. I liked the idea for the plot and the story felt relatable. I really liked the unique way this story was written and I thought the concept was great. Once it got going, it was fast-paced and kept you wanting to read. It did get a bit iffy near the end, but it got back on track quickly. This was a really fresh and unique thriller and I would definitely recommend it.

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This book made me uncomfortable and nervous, but I also feel like I can’t give it one star because of the whole plot. I’ve heard about the books by this author, but this was my first time reading one. I’m hoping the next book I read by him is one I can enjoy more.

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After posting a negative book review, Emma Carpenter gets in the fight for her life with the insulted author.

Simple premise, right? Well, after seeing the shenanigans of certain elements of the reading/writing community on Twitter (and sometimes on Goodreads), Taylor Adams's latest, The Last Word, is probably the most plausible horror novel I've ever read. Sure, there's some over-the-top violence and other suspend-your-disbelief antics, but it's ultimately a fun ride and a very quick read.

The tension is wire taut throughout, and like the author's other novels, once the action gets going, it never lets up. I enjoyed the style choices made here--Emma's narrative alongside that of the writer hunting her down makes for an interesting read, and the conversations she has with her dog, Laika, are charming. The ending did drag on a little bit too long for me, but overall this was a really satisfying read.

Thanks very much to William Morrow for giving me the opportunity to review this book through NetGalley.

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Have you ever struggled writing a negative review? I know I have; I will lose sleep thinking about how to balance it out. I know how hard authors work and they bare their souls to everyone who picks up their books. What happens when a deranged author sets his sites on you, after you give him a one star? He demands that you remove it, that he has authored sixteen books, and you have no idea what you are talking about. He has been working with an acclaimed writer almost his entire life and that author knows what he is talking about, he knows genius when he sees it. Will he go further than nasty emails and messages that he writes, taking it a step too far...

This is now my new favorite Taylor Adams read. It is amazing and no I am not scared to give him a poor rating. He deserves each and every of the five stars that I am giving him. He creates such an amazingly strong and delicate character in Emma. She draws you in and makes you want to know her story, why she is housesitting along this desolate strand of beach. Where the rain never stops, the thunder drowns out any sounds, and the waves lash the shore. Emma is utterly alone besides her neighbor that is a quarter mile down the beach. They play hangman on their whiteboards; they are the only two souls around. There is something going on in the house. The random flushing of a toilet, the horrible stench of butter, the feeling that Emma gets when she should be utterly alone. Is there someone there watching her from the shadows?

I tore through this book. There are layers upon layers of stories. That push up along one another, one wave crashing after another. They weave together and become one, on a horrifying night where Emma is left to defend herself. As the story unfurls, I was left with my jaw on the floor. What I thought was occurring was so much more. This is a book of second chances. I will remember this book for years to come, recommending it to everyone. Thank you to Taylor Adams and William Morrow for this terrifyingly intense read.

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Taylor Adams does it again! What a great book. Emma is struggling with life, runs away with her dog. She winds up at Strand Beach to house sit. It does not take long before Emma knows someone is watching her and even less time before all he’ll breaks loose. The twists and turns were great, I devoured the book to find out what happens to Emma and Laika. Thank you for the chance to read this great book!

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Though at first I thought - oh no a 2 star-er! So glad I stuck with it. The book picks up speed and barrels through to the end! What a trip!

Well written - great characters.

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This is a perfectly titled book. It’s a cat and mouse thriller where the most intelligent and cunning survives (gets the last word). This is pulse-pounding and I could not believe how riveted I was. The last 20% of the book is especially captivating. I’ll think twice before I leave a negative book review and I’m very interested in learning more about katanas. Thank

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The most important PSA for this book is that the dog does not die! I don't care if that's a spoiler, but I wish someone had told me ahead of time before I got all stressed and could only think about that. The cover of this latest Taylor Adams book is unfortunately the best thing about it.

Emma, struggling with depression and house sitting a lonely beach house with her dog. At the suggestion of a neighbor, she reads a mad-slasher ebook and gives it the honest low rating it deserves. The mysterious author notices it, however, and starts sending Emma threatening messages, demanding her to take down her review or else. When she refuses, she gets the sensation that she's not alone at the house. Has the author really come to terrify her into removing her review?

I'm not stressing about leaving a critical review because if Taylor Adams showed up at my house, that would be kind of cool. My issues with the book were that it was simultaneously fast-paced and drawn out such as, the fight scene in the house lasting well over 100 pages. I also didn't like how the author's point of view was written as one of his crappy ebooks. It detracted from the narrative and was not well-written. And lastly, the characters weren't that developed. I guess that's hard to do when they're running and hiding from each other every page.

Unevenly paced, Lengthy, and Predictable, this is probably going to be my last Taylor Adams read.

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This book started strong for me. I liked the setup with the protagonist feeling like she is watched and the scenes with the surveillance footage outside. The sword-slinging villain was funny at times to witness play out. Other than that, there wasn't a lot else I liked about this. Why was the brand name of the backpack mentioned over and over? A lot of this felt far-fetched without really any surprising story progressions. Everything sort of played out like I had thought it would. I keep hoping Adams will write another like No Exit but it's seeming unlikely.

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I was a little disappointed in this one. Not that it wasn't good, I was just expecting more. I was able to guess the ending pretty much about 50 pages in but It kept my attention enough to keep reading.
It was slower moving and took me longer to read then most of Taylor Adams books.
It has a great premise just fell a little flat

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Holy smokes!!!

I started this book while walking home at 2am and the 1st chapter was just so on point that I was actually cackling in the night. Then I reached the 2nd chapter and got so freaked out that I had to stop. I also had goosebumps while reading it in broad daylight on a bus full of people the next day. That's how damn good this book is!

Just like with No Exit and Hairpin Bridge, Taylor Adams proves that he is a master of tension and delivers punch after punch in his latest novel.

Seriously! I just LOVE how absolutely brilliant, whip-smart and self-aware this book is. All the criticism we reviewers ever had when it come to thrillers? Watch how the author deftly examines our complaints about various tropes such as the moronic protagonist or seemingly unrealistic setups. This is a guy who not only gets it, but also appreciates the community.

While gripping, atmospheric and action-packed, The Last Word is also full of emotional moments. I felt deeply for Emma, whose grief and trauma was palpable. In fact, I had tears welling up in my eyes at one scene... gosh. Though not long later I was just reeling non-stop... And that ending??!?!?!

Overall, this thriller managed to make me laugh, cry, feel scared, have goosebumps and be mind-blown all in 350 pages. Don't miss the author's best work yet! This quote sums it up perfectly:

✨ "That's a fresh premise. Hell, I'd read that book."

Hell yeah, read it!!!

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This was an amusing and fast-paced thriller about an isolated woman who gives a book a bad review and then suffers dire consequences for doing so.

The Last Word has has tons of twists and turns, some may say too many, but I was entertained the whole time I was reading. Even though the ending seems a little drawn out, it was very satisfying in my opinion.

Alongside the narrative, you get a glimpse of the writing of the fictional author, as well as texts and emails. These elements really add to the storytelling.

This book gets very dark, so I'd look into trigger warnings if necessary.

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As soon as I read the description of this I knew it was a must read, I mean a bad review turns into an author tracking the reviewer down? How deliciously creepy. Having read the authors previous books I knew what to expect, meaning he writes really cinematic and fast paced thrillers that defy logic but are always fun and this may be his most unhinged book yet. You have to and I mean you MUST suspend all disbelief if you’re going to read this because none of it seems even remotely possible. But if you’re able to let reality go this was wild and really fun. It does get a little gory and descriptive but it’s also a very quick read that I enjoyed. If you’ve enjoyed the authors other books I think you will like this one too.

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This is probably going to be a very short review, because I am not sure I can talk about this book without spoiling it, but I am certainly going to give it a try. This is perhaps the best psychological thriller I have read in a long time. It has so many twists that it made my head spin!

Emma is the main character and she tells the bulk of the story. There are other points of view too, but she is the one that you are going to end up rooting for. Emma is an introvert with some issues, so she has decided to totally isolate herself at this beach house. But she is not without strengths. She is smart, and because she has read and seen quite a bit of horror, she knows how to deal with some of the situations that come up, nor does she make the same old tired and stupid mistakes. I really liked her and totally got where she was coming from and why she chose to just be by herself. Her tragic past is slowly revealed over the course of the book and you just end up hoping she will make it through. Plus you have to love someone who will risk everything for their dog.

Although there is some character development, mostly Emma’s, this is a heavily plot driven story. You really need to go into this knowing as little about the plot as possible, so I will try my best not to reveal too much. The main thing is not everyone’s narration is reliable, and at times it is hard to know who’s story to trust. There are lots of twists in this story and most I was only able to figure out right before they were revealed, and there were a couple that I totally did not see coming. The pacing is very fast, once you get past the first 50 or so pages, and it is really hard to put down.

I had one minor little issue with the formatting. There were a couple of times when the point of view switched, but it wasn’t quite clear who it switched to. Which actually made to story scarier, but I just kind of wished that the font was changed so that I knew the pov had changed. It was confusing at times.

If you are into psychological thrillers this is one you really need to add to your TBR. I have loved every book by this author, but I think this is one is by far my favorite. And let this be a cautionary tale to all you reviewers, be kind even when you don’t like the book!

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