Member Reviews

This is a very emotional and sexy contemporary romance from Naima Simone. It is a part of her Rose Bend series and I have only read one other one so I don't know as much about the recurring characters as someone who is has read all 3 previous books but I still really enjoyed it. I do think the emotional impact would hit harder if I was more familiar with everyone involved so that Jenna's turnaround was more meaningful. Saying that, Jenna and Isaac's relationship was plenty impactful. As ever, Naima is a fabulous writer who will have you engaged from the start.

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This is a good book. The two main characters are Camille and Erik. Camille is looking for a job in her hometown where she had recently moved back to. Erik owns a tattoo shop and is looking for someone to run the front desk. He hires her. There is an instant attraction. They each have issues it together they work them ou and fall in love.

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Naima is always a treat. I've been recommending her for years, particularly the Rose Bend series, and was very happy to read this new installment. Her writing is so warm.

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My first impression of Jenna Landon, in book one of Naima Simone's Rose Bend series, was that she was a bitter, self-absorbed, nasty piece of work. My second impression, in book two, only reinforced my opinion. But then, along came book three and one single scene where Simone pulled back Jenna's curtain just a bit and suddenly I found myself wondering if I, like the rest of Rose Bend, had it all wrong. Was there actually more to this character than I had thought? And, holy wow, did Naima Simone actually have plans to redeem her???

To say I have been anticipating this story would be a massive understatement. I went into it with very high expectations and I'm happy to say that Simone not only met those expectations, she blew them out of the water. I would even go so far as to say this was my favorite book of the series so far. I loved the complexities of both Jenna and Isaac. These two set off sparks from the get-go, with their snappy banter, sizzling chemistry, and snarky nicknames that over time became endearing.

It wasn't an easy road to Jenna and Isaac's happily ever after but it never is with a Naima Simone book. That's one of the things I most enjoy about her writing, the way she keeps it real. She populates her stories with flawed, complex characters, people like you and me who face adversity and react to challenges in a myriad of ways. She also excels in writing complicated, dysfunctional families and, boy howdy, does Jenna's family ever exemplify that. I won't go into the things I wanted to do to her parents. And then she gives me deeply emotional, heart-tugging, steamy romance that renews my faith in enduring love...every single time.

If you aren't reading Naima Simone's Rose Bend series - and why aren't you? - you're missing out on some of the best contemporary romance out there. I highly recommend it. Mr. Right Next Door can be enjoyed on its own but for the full impact of Jenna's redemption I strongly recommend reading the series books in order.

Advance copy received for fair and unbiased review
Keeper copy purchased upon publication

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We have all encountered that incessantly mean girl whom we wish to avoid. Naima Simone tackles the meanie of Rose Bend, Jenna. I had so much fun reading it! Jenna has so much depth that is eventually revealed as the book progresses.
I love the banter and repartee between Jenna and Isaac. I laughed when she refers to him as Monster and he calls her Malibu.
I was almost sorry to see their clashes end because they were very entertaining.
There are all sorts of reasons why people are mean and nasty and Simone gives Jenna some really good reasons for her actions, namely jer parents. Those 2 were a barrel of laughs.
Go around the bend to this picturesque town and see why Isaac was Mr. Right Next Door.

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MR. RIGHT NEXT DOOR – Naima Simone
Rose Bend, Book 4
ISBN: 978-1-335-44801-9
January 10, 2023
Contemporary Romance

Rose Bend, Massachusetts – Present Day

As the only daughter of the town’s ex-mayor, Jenna Landon is expected by her parents to display proper manners and never cavort with people beneath her social class. But Jenna has a secret life that no one in town knows about: she is the bestselling author of a young adult children’s series. If her parents found out, there is no doubt that they would be dismayed. To most people in town, she is frigid and unfriendly, though she does like children. If only they knew what Jenna had gone through as a teenager…

Isaac Hunter is new to town as the school’s assistant wrestling coach. He moved from Florida after splitting from his wife and leaving his pro wrestling stardom behind. He grew up not far from Rose Bend and his sister, who lives here with her family, recommended him for the coaching job. The house he moved into is nice, and he thought his neighbor was supposed to be an elderly lady. But one night while working on his truck, his irate next-door neighbor shows up demanding that he turn off his loud music. It is Jenna, and she certainly isn’t elderly! Jenna and Isaac go toe-to-toe for several run-ins, but soon they are beginning to like each other. He sees her vulnerability, though she tries to hide it. Will hate turn to love? How will her parents feel about her getting involved with someone that they see as a lowlife?

Isaac came to Rose Bend for a fresh start, but he is soon battling his neighbor in MR. RIGHT NEXT DOOR. He is known in the professional wrestling community as Mr. Right but he has left it all behind, though his ex-wife is soon calling about a return to wrestling. Jenna is haughty and abrupt with him when they first meet after she complains about his loud music. While he mostly rolls his eyes and taunts her, she does intrigue him. He can see behind her holier-than-thou attitude a hint of sadness. After seeing Jenna interact with her high society parents, he can understand why she is sad. She gives in to them rather than fight. Isaac has seen the way she cares for children when others aren’t paying attention. If only he knew that she is the mysterious writer of those famous young adult fantasy books!

Jenna tries to keep a proper face out in public, which means she is sometimes rude to certain people and huffs away when they are rude back. But she suffered greatly as a teenager, which I won’t reveal why as it’s a spoiler. If only her parents had been more caring, but instead, they expect Jenna to display a proper attitude and actions that benefit them. This includes helping her father’s latest campaign for mayor. Turns out that Jenna is friendly with the wife of the current mayor and if her parents find out, they won’t be happy! Jenna’s budding friendship with Isaac is a breath of fresh air for her. She is like a moth fluttering around a flame. Will she soon spread her wings and take flight for what she deserves?

MR. RIGHT NEXT DOOR is an enjoyable and emotional tale that will pull you into the lives of Jenna and Isaac. Can they find happiness together? Cheer them on and find out by grabbing a copy of MR. RIGHT NEXT DOOR. You won’t be sorry.

Patti Fischer

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I loved the interactions between previous characters. The small-town feeling helps you relate to Jenna's attitude.

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This book started off a bit slower and it took a while for me to get into it. I was also intrigued by the heroine of this book who has for the previous books in the series, been painted in a pretty villainous light;. but I trusted Naima to be able to redeem her. It's not so much about redeeming Jenna, more about revealing Jenna, revealing who she really is and why she puts on the facade of an uncaring, coldhearted bitch. Her backstory is painful and I was glad to see her shake off the toxic people in her life (basically her parents) and be brave enough to fight for her HEA with Isaac. Also, Jenna deals with infertility and I am so so glad this book didn't end in a magical pregnancy because that's one of my least favorite things; I love Isaac telling her that having or not having a baby isn't the sum of who she is.

CW: off page teenage pregnancy resulting in miscarriage; toxic parents, parental abandonment; off page cheating resulting in divorce, loss of baby via adoption when birth mother chose to keep the baby; infertility;

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This book was sent to me electronically by Netgalley for review. Romance and love…friendship…family…this is a quick read with mistake likable characters…the protagonist is sometimes not a nice person…she works to be better. This talented author has written a romance novel that is fiction but could be nonfiction. It reads true to life. The events are predictable in that we know how the characters think…a fun book…

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