Member Reviews

Vera Wong is lonely. She has only one customer to her tea shop. Her son doesn’t have time for her. She wakes up one morning and finds a dead body in her shop and, based on all the TV shows she has watched, she knows the man has been murdered. When the police don’t agree, she takes matters into her own hands and soon finds a lot of murder suspects who show up at her shop.

There is the man’s wife, his brother, and two people who claim to be journalists. All four had reasons to want the man dead. She becomes friends with each of them and ingratiates herself into their lives intent on finding out what they know. But what they don’t realize is how she is going to change their lives!

I don’t want to give too much away, but this book is so good. I absolutely loved it! I loved getting to know each person and how their lives were affected by knowing her. Vera Wong is someone I would want to know and I feel a lot of other people will feel the same. It is a feel good book and we always need those. This is one book I would highly recommend and I hope there are more coming.

Thank you to NetGalley who sent me the Advanced Reading Copy.

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Every bit as entertaining as you'd expect from Jesse Sutanto! A recommended first purchase, particularly for collections where comedic crime is popular.

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What a romp! Fans of cozy mystery will adore Vera Wang (or Wong!?!) and her uncanny ability to smother her son, judge everyone around on based on her very specific scales of proper behavior, and solve tricky murders.

Vera is such a delightful character - sort of a cross between Eleanor Oliphant and Monk with a dash of Molly the Maid thrown in for good measure. Jesse Sutanto has created one of the most interesting and endearing sleuths around. Recommended.

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I was lucky enough to get to read an early copy, and when I say lucky, I really mean it because every page of this book was an absolute joy. I finished it with a full heart and teary eyes. I loved every single character and the identity of the murderer was both unexpected and satisfying. Don't leave this one on the to-read shelf come March!

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Vera Wong knows best, whether you agree or not. When she finds a dead body in her teahouse one morning, she knows that the person was murdered. The police, however, won't listen to her sage advice, so she takes matters into her own hands and steals a piece of evidence from the crime scene. Soon, Vera's once-empty teahouse is full of suspects, and she will need all of her knowledge of crime TV shows and experience getting the truth out of people to solve the crime. The only problem is that she has become friends, maybe even family, with her four suspects.

This book is a treat from start to finish. Vera is an incredibly lovable character, and readers will even find themselves liking the suspects and hoping that none of them are guilty of the crime. The mystery is developed well over the course of the novel and the twist at the end is surprising! Fans of Sutanto's previous books and new readers will find a lot to love about Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers.

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Vera Wong knows best, whether you agree or not. When she finds a dead body in her teahouse one morning, she knows that the person was murdered. The police, however, won't listen to her sage advice, so she takes matters into her own hands and steals a piece of evidence from the crime scene. Soon, Vera's once empty teahouse is full of suspects, and she will need all of her knowledge of crime TV shows and experience getting the truth out of people to solve the crime. The only problem is that she has become friends, maybe even family, with her four suspects.

This book is a treat from start to finish. Vera is an incredibly lovable character, and readers will even find themselves liking the suspects and hoping that none of them are guilty of the crime. The mystery is developed well over the course of the novel and the twist at the end is surprising! Fans of Sutanto's previous books and new readers will find a lot to love about Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers.

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A new author to me & I really, really enjoyed reading "Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murders" a lot! As an older reader myself, I am really enjoying this wave of senior citizens in books, especially the mysteries. This is a fun one, more of a cozy mystery, and Vera herself is a hoot!! Plus lots of quirky side characters & a really cool setting (San Fran Chinatown tea shop) to boot. Recommend!! My sincerest thanks to the publisher & Net Galley for the complimentary DRC, all ratings & opinions are my own

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Book review: Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Muderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto

I had just finished reading Jesse Sutanto’s YA novel “Well, That Was Unexpected” when the author announced that she had a new novel coming out in March 2023. I remember thinking, how on earth can she be this productive?! And also: I really need to get my hands on “Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers.” Thanks to @netgalley and @berkleypub I received an ARC for this murder mystery - and finished reading it in record time!

Vera Wong, the book’s incomparable heroine, owns a tea shop in Chinatown whose glory days are long past. Her daily routine comes to a screeching halt one morning when she discovers a dead body in the middle of her tea shop. The police officers aren’t doing a very good job at finding out what happened - at least according to Vera who decides to take matters into her own hands and solve the murder mystery. Soon, she has lined up a handful of suspects and follows the clues to find the killer.

This book gave me all the “Dial A for Aunties” vibes, and mind you, I loved the Aunties so much! “Vera Wong” is equally funny and heartwarming; the murder mystery is cleverly laid out; the characters are extremely lovable. Is it slightly over-the-top? Yes, it is! But never so much that it becomes annoying; it’s just the right amount of quirky and most importantly, it’s full of heart. Vera will win you over in no time. I’d love for the author to turn this into a series; I, for one, would love to spend more time with Vera Wong, her magical tea concoctions, delectable cooking and her relentless meddling in other people’s affairs (all for good reason, of course).

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Oof. No thank you. I could not stand the writing style and gave up very quickly. There are too many good mysteries that fit the feel of this book to waste time on the bad ones.

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3.5 stars

I just love the older/more mature main characters these days! I find them to be so wonderful and quirky and just lovable. This book was absolutely fun, with a well written mystery and great characters! This was such a pleasure to read and I hope to see more from Vera in the future.

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Vera is a lonely widower who owns a tea shop that only has one customer. When she arrives at work one morning to find a dead body in her shop, she decides to solve Marshall's murder herself since the police believe it's an accidental death. Thinking the murderer will return to the scene of the crime, Vera's suspects are Oliver, Marshall's brother, Julia, Marshall's wife, and Raki and Sana, who claim to be journalists. It seems that they are all feeling a bit guilty. Vera doesn't expect to become friends with the four suspects and how they all in turn make each other's lives better. This was a fun mystery to read and I enjoyed all the different characters.

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