Member Reviews

There is not too much that I can write about this...

The author did a lot better before and I enjoyed her first books.

However, it seems like this book was a little too boring for me.

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This book made my jaw drop multiple times. I am obsessed with CJ Tudor and love everything I have read of hers so far. Can’t wait til 2024 in Alaska 🤩

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I have one thing and only one thing to say. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Tudor has never disappointed me. This one so far has been my favorite book in 2023. I am in awe. I ned to own a physical copy of this masterpiece.

Read if you have been hooked by "The Last of Us".

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The Drift was a slow start for me. There are three narratives going on in some pandemic-y, almost post-apocalyptic, snow-filled world. I think part of the reason I had a harder time becoming invested was that every time I would start to want to know more about the narrative I was reading, it would switch to a different location. Instead of making me more engaged, it felt like stopping and starting over and over again. It wasn't until I was a little over halfway in the book that I really became hooked. Of course, you can't have any type of thriller without some sort of twist, so expect that.

Overall, the book was enjoyable and I liked it, but it wasn't anything that blew me away.

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I enjoyed the mystery of this story and I wanted to see how everything connected. There was a lot going on.
Many thanks to Random House and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Holy moly! Buckle your seat belts for this one because it’s a crazy ride!!!
There are three different stories going on at the same time in this book and it was a bit confusing at first, but then you put together how they all connect and it works! This was a little bit more horror than I expected but I still really liked it! Each chapter left you wondering what was going to happen next. This was a great, fast, winter read!

Thank you #netgalley and #ballantinebooks for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars.

A highly atmospheric read with several woven together bits. The construction style did lend itself to causing some confusion, which will be intriguing for some readers and frustrating for others. I found it interesting, though it did slow down my reading experience.

The narrative is quite dark and a solid blend of mystery, thriller, and horror with a touch of paranormal and dystopian. It also contains three separate isolated circle type storylines that work together. It's an interesting mix that made for an attention-grabbing read. Though I didn't find it necessarily scary in a jump scare kind of way, there is a good amount of gore, so be prepared going in as a reader. The writing is quite visceral does a great job of being fairly cinematic in its descriptions.

An interesting read with a lot of tense situations. The myriad of characters can become a bit confusing now and then, but it is overall fast-paced and gripping.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced reader copy.

C.J. Tudor may be a new favorite author for me. I enjoyed this. I also enjoyed The Burning Girls by her recently. The Drift is kind of a sci fi/dystopian - thriller more than a mystery-thriller like I think it is has been marketed as. There a few points where my brain was like what? Both positively and negatively. There is a bit of body horror.

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CJ Tudor has never failed me. No exception is her latest book. THE DRIFT is a crazy, apocalyptic, wild ride. This fast paced horror follows three people trapped in different locations during a winter snow storm: two people trying to get to the “Retreat” and one already at the retreat trying to survive while it appears a killer is on the loose. They are battling not only the wintery elements but also people infected by a virus, some of who turn into violent, human-killing Whistlers.

This book was so smartly written— I saw none of the craziness coming. It was a crazy but entertaining wild ride. If you’re ready for apocalyptic horror that will surprise you, grab this one. Honestly grab any CJ Tudor book. Again, she hasn’t failed me yet.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Ballantine Books Random House for a review copy of this book!

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This is a no for me. There are too many characters. There are two too many POVS. The story doesn't feel interesting at all. I got 50 pages in and was bored. If I read 50 pages or more by that point and it's not interesting to me it's getting DNFed.

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QUICK TAKE: I had no idea what to expect when I cracked open CJ Tudor’s THE DRIFT, and this is definitely a book worth going into blind (aka feel free to stop reading my review, it’s positive, haha). If you need more info, longer synopsis below, but this one is a wild ride. A lot of the fun is figuring out how these three individual stories fit together, and I loved that Tudor managed to end each chapter with fantastic cliffhangers. Definitely a little more horror-leaning than I was anticipating, and it’s not going to change the hearts and minds of readers, but if you’re looking for something entertaining and propulsive that you can crush in a Sunday afternoon, I highly recommend this book.

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Book told from 3 points of view and 3 different areas during a massive snowstorm this book keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Hannah having survived a bus crash and is on her way with a group of students to the retreat as they fight for their lives against the elements and each other. Meg who's stuck in a cable car on their way up the mountain to the retreat when the power cuts out suspended in the air with strangers. Then there’s Carter who lives at the retreat on the mountain side with power outages. The other members are being picked. This was a quick read and keeps you intrigued.

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The Drift is a perfect winter read. I read this while a snowstorm was raging outside and it added a whole other dimension to this already unsettling and atmospheric book.

The plot was very intriguing and I really enjoyed Tudor’s writing style. It was so engaging and I thoroughly enjoyed trying to figure out how everything was connected and how the timeline of events played a factor in the narrative. This was my first book by this author and I will definitely be checking out more of their work.

Definitely check for trigger warnings if you have any and are in any way squeamish about gore.

Thank you to NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group/Ballantine Books, and C.J. Tudor for an e-arc of The Drift in exchange for an honest review.

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I wanted to read something a little lighter after a couple of pretty heavy books. Well, The Drift wasn't it. Too many characters with similar names across multiple scenes made it difficult to figure who was who or what was what. Yes, I know this is a survival/apocalypse thriller and we need to suspend disbelief but I just found that too difficult without more foundation. It almost felt like we were dropped into book 2 or 3 of a series. I could see this as a TV series or made for TV movie. It reminded me a little of Resident Evil and The Thing, but not nearly as good as either, just derivative. Possible setup for a series, I won't be reading.

Good quotes tho!
Necessity might be the mother of invention, but it was also the father of f--k you.

Nothing was enough and everything was too much.

...trying to tackle the whole problem was like smashing your head into a brick wall. Instead, you had to slowly dismantle the wall, brick by brick. Smaller pieces.

‘If you can’t say anything helpful, could you kindly just shut the f--k up.’

You’re either a good guy or a survivor. And the earth is full of dead good guys.

Man, he hated f--king acronyms.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

This was just not my cup of tea. I did not realize this was a pandemic book, and we are still too close to that time of life that I just feel weird reading books like this that had too many real-life things in it. I think if I had read this a few years down the road or in a different year even prior to the pandemic, I think I really could have liked this one.

I really did enjoy all the characters and all the plot elements, but it was hard to get my mind focused on this one.

I still really do want to read other C.J. Tudor novels in the future. There are so many that have caught my eye.

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This was the first book by this author that I have picked up. The premise sounded intriguing--Hannah awakens in a crashed coach bus in the middle of a snowstorm after a hasty escape from a boarding school, Meg wakes up in a cable car suspended high above the ground with cold snow and wind whipping around, and Carter is in an abandoned ski chalet manufacturing vaccines against a deadly virus. All three of them are trapped with other survivors trying to find a way out of danger in a broken world ravaged by a deadly virus. How are these three connected?

The big hook to this book is the mystery. Each chapter is told from one of the three POV characters and each chapter ends in a cliffhanger. The mystery is interesting, trying to figure out how everyone is connected and what everyone's secrets are. The struggle for me with this book is that I didn't really care for the characters all that much.

As a reader, you don't learn much about anyone and the big virus is mentioned but not a ton of detail is given on the impact of the world other than it is really bad. Sometimes, I give books a pass when they don't give us much information about an apocalypse-type event but I found it important enough here that the absence of information was distracting. This wasn't a bad book--the pacing was quick and easy to read in a few sittings. Survival horror is not my usual genre to read but the premise sounded interesting. Maybe this book just wasn't for me.

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The book follows three different people: Hannah, Meg, and Carter. Hannah and Meg are attempting to reach the Retreat - a haven for those untouched by the virus that is slowing killing the world's population - while Carter is already there.

A virus, you say? Yes, a virus. Yes, yet another pandemic book. Good god, please deliver us from more pandemic books. But I digress.

Hannah is a student at Invicta Academy, a private school for filthy rich kids and the obligatory scholarship students. She is traveling with other students on a coach bus to the Retreat when she wakes up, the bus on its side, the emergency exit sealed, and the driver nowhere to be found.

Meg, a former police officer turned science guinea pig, wakes up hanging in a cable car with a dead man that she knew in her former life. The cable car was heading to the Retreat with volunteers for the scientists running tests there; a desperate attempt to save people from the virus.

Carter ended up at the Retreat by accident - dragged in by Miles after he was found nearly frozen to death outside. Carter treated Miles for his horrible frostbite and hypothermia and allowed him to stay when he was better, but he was never supposed to be there.

And outside are the Whistlers, named so for the havoc wreaked on their lungs by the virus. They prefer full night as the sun is bad for their skin, which was nearly translucent.

The book pinballs back and forth between the three. Seemingly, the only thing connecting them is the Retreat - and the snow. Everybody was dealing with snow and the cold. But many things are not what they seem...

Some of my opinion of the book stems on this: I am so tired of pandemic books. I get it - we all went through some stuff. But at some point we need to move on. The sad thing is, I LOVED The Chalk Man and I thought A Sliver of Darkness was a brilliant 5 star book, which means a lot because short story collections are almost always 3 star reads for me - love some, not others. I wish I could say I loved this one, but I didn't. I just got bored. I didn't care about any of the characters. Frankly, I just wanted to finish it to move onto my next read. Hopefully her next one will grab me better than this one.

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3.5 stars!

I'm not going to lie, it was a little difficult to follow what was going on at first in C. J. Tudor's "The Drift." Several groups of people spread out over multiple locations, and it was hard to keep track. Luckily, each group stays in its designated spot, so it all falls into place slowly over time. I love this book's violent, bleak, macabre outlook on life after society goes through a viral pandemic (too soon?). There is a lot of bloodshed in this book, and I thought these scenes were brilliantly written. Unfortunately, the book as a whole wasn't always attention-grabbing to me. There are a lot of characters and a lot of goings-on with separate groups of people doing seemingly separate things in order to survive. I kept stopping it and picking it up a few days later, and felt like I was forcing myself to finish it. Luckily, the ending saved the entire thing for me. Very well done finale...I just wish the entire thing had been as gripping as the last few chapters. Still, I'll definitely check out C. J. Tudor's other works.

Thank you to NetGalley, C. J. Tudor, Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, and Ballantine Books for providing me with an ARC copy of this book! All opinions are my own, and I was not compensated for my review.

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<b>The Drift</b> is a book that crosses genres. It is an apocalyptic novel involving a viral epidemic, set in the not so distant future, but it is also a thriller with some minor horror vibes as well. You know the horror aspect is minimal if I can handle it because the horror genre is not my thing. It starts with 3 storylines each of which felt like a separate locked-room mystery.

1. Meg is a former detective who wakes up stranded in a cable car and a huge snow storm approaching.

2. Hannah is a medical student who wakes up in a crashed coach with all of the exits sealed after trying to escape from a secluded boarding school.

3. Carter has been living at an abandoned ski chalet with a group of associates.

In the first two storylines, both Meg and Hannah wake up surrounded by strangers with no recollection of the events leading up to their current situations. This is such an atmospheric and at times claustrophobic read that would make a great book to read in winter, well for those other than us living in the warm south. It is at times violent, bleak, tension-filled and definitely a story of survival. I love C.J. Tudor's writing and thought the way she converged the 3 storylines was brilliant. What didn't work for me was that there are multiple characters in each POV which made it confusing keeping them all straight for the first 25% of the book. 3.5 stars rounded up because of that twist. Well played, Ms. Tudor. You fooled me.

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Intense!! This is a page turner of a thriller that kept me guessing throughout the entire story! Warnings for harsh images and lots of violence - this isn’t for the timid folks. But it’s totally worth it 😉

Thanks to NetGalley and publishers for the advanced reader’s copy in exchange for my honest review. Definitely recommend!

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