Member Reviews

I'm a huge C.J. Tudor fan so this was much appreciated! It's a creepy futuristic novel about a pandemic that has swept the nation and obviously needs to be contained. There are three "settings" involved: a cable car, a bus, and The Retreat, a mountain-top where all those on the former two are headed. Chaos ensues in each setting as there are deaths, secrets, and little hope. But of course Tudor is a master at plots converging and I raced through this one to see what happens!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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This ARC was received from at no cost, and I am providing an unbiased review.

There isn't much I can say about the story without dropping spoilers. I was drawn into the story easily and actually finished in within a day. I really enjoyed the plot development, and the characters - how they handled their situations, and self-realizations.

*** Spoiler Alert ***

The plot twist in the final parts of the story are what threw me. It was surprising to me to find out how all three characters stories all came together, and the timeline twist was executed very well. I truly did not see it coming! Well-written in my opinion, gripping my attention throughout the tale. I defintiely would recommend to others, and will be watching for future works from this author.

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This book was wild. A dark, post-apocalyptic thriller with several points of view that intersect nicely at the end. It’s a fast read—entertaining, pacey and well-plotted. All in all worth the read. Thank you to netgalley, Ballantine, and CJ Tudor

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This book had me on the edge of my seat! It was tense and gripping. Definitely one of the author’s best books. Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for the ARC!

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The Drift was a riveting novel of desperation, suspense and horror wrapped up in a mystery with a lot of unexpected twists and turns. It started at a fast pace and never slowed down.

As the reader followed the three main characters, Hannah, Meg and Carter, through their separate chapters which were each frightening, you kept wondering how it was all going to come together by the end of the book. And that, how the author brought all this apocalyptic horror together, was what really made this book work. That being said, I would have liked not only a bit more detail about what had been going on at the ski chalet, but also some idea as to how the world as a whole handled the situation.

My copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. My thanks to the the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review it.

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As a reader, I am generally plot and character driven. I really don’t like convoluted plot lines that you need a spread sheet to follow and actively dislike reading about characters I don’t care about or find to be uninteresting. It took me a week to read the first 1/3 of this book and an afternoon to finish it. It is well written and the plot although complex never crosses into convoluted. There are three main characters, Carter, Hannah and Meg. All three are involved in separate stories that take place at The Retreat in mountain snowstorms. People die, people look for ways to escape their destinies and people destroy each other. This is the kind of novel a reader will remember long after closing the covers and is one that needs to be finished to appreciate it. Thanks to Net Galley and Ballantine Books for an ARC for an honest review.

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A good paranoid thriller, with three different tales. People are being hunted, people are being killed mysteriously oh and there's global pandemic wiping out the human race.
People are trapped in a bus crash, a cable car without power stuck out on the cable and ski retreat where people are being picked off one by one. I can't talk about the plot without giving it away but the three tales all intertwined with each other that leads into a nice twisty plot.
My verdict: while it's not perfect it's a damned entertaining read. Great use of the global pandemic so soon after the after the advent of covid. Also great use of the weather, I got cold just reading this book.

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I'm amazed at how the plots came together. There are twists in time, mistaken identity, several who-done-it's, and lots of surprises I never saw coming. Nothing and nobody are what they appear to be. Even the timeframe comes as a surprise. I want to pick apart the book to see how the author did it. I want to talk about the twists and turns but then we'd have a spoilerfest.

I have to say that there are so many characters that at first, I thought I'd never keep them straight. That turned out to not be a problem. Between murders, questionable accidents, a virus, and more murders, characters exit the scenes rapidly. I should mention that there is violence, gore, and illness. Oh, and every character manages to roll their eyes. That's my only complaint. Everybody answers questions with a roll of the eyeballs. Please. Just stop. Every book I read lately is full to the brim with eyeball rolling. Dexter the dog was the only one not participating in the eyeball-rollathon..

Other than eyerolling, I found the story exciting. About 50 percent through, I said I was going to stop for the night. Instead, I stayed up until 4 a.m. and finished the book. The mysteries, the twists, the horror, the mistaken identities made it impossible to put down.

Thank you to Netgalley and Ballentine Books for allowing me to read and review The Drift.

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Three suspenseful stories, all playing out chapter by chapter. You know that somehow they must intersect, but it isn't obvious how they will. Until they do. But even then you can't see the end coming. What a cool book! I was hooked every minute that I was reading.

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4/5. Tudor did a great job interweaving stories across timelines here, Clever use of tropes and continued suspense.

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4.5 stars

Wow! This was so unlike The Chalk Man but still so damn good! I loved the slow burn of The Chalk Man, which turned me on to C.J. Tudor in the first place, but this book is intense. 3 different perspectives, pandemic, never knowing when or how these stories are going to come together. I really couldn’t put it down. This is what I want from my thrillers, and it did not disappoint.

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[Blurb goes here]

The Drift is three intertwining stories, in one amazing and fast paced adventure.

Where to begin?

First, there's Hannah's story. Hannah wakes up after the bus she was in, has a harrowing accident. Hannah is a medical student from the academy. She was being evacuated to a secret location. The people inside the bus are also students. Just a handful of them survived the crash. She notices that one of the dead shows signs of infection, that means that they all might be infected. There's no way out from the wreckage. They're surrounded by snow, and there's a storm raging outside. Thus starts a race against time, but can Hannah trust the other survivors?

Meanwhile inside a cable car, Meg—an ex-cop—and five other adults, wake up. The car not moving, and suspended high above the snowy void. None of them know how they got there. They know their destination is "The Retreat," a place up on the mountains, where doctors and scientist are trying to find a cure for a disease that ravaged the world, decimating the population. They will have to come up with a plan to get out of the car and get to The Retreat, before they freeze to death. But not all is what it seems, there's a dead person inside the car, he was murdered. Meg recognizes him as a cop she used to work with. It only takes one day for two of the five survivors to die. There's a killer on board.

And then there was Carter, he survived frost bite, loosing half his face to an accident. He's working at The Retreat. Doing whatever shores come to Miles' mind. Miles is a sociopath, and rules The Retreat with an iron hand. Carter is forced to do his bidding, since Miles was the one who saved him and allowed him to live inside the compound. Soon people inside the place start dropping like flies. With no one to trust, Miles will have to do anything in his power to survive.

Then there's the Whistlers to consider...

As the three stories move forward, our protagonists will be confronted with one disturbing reality: there's no one to trust.

C. J. Tudor writes an edge of your seat thriller that will have you saying "just one more chapter and it's off to bed" for the entire night. I've come across the author before. His collection of short stories "A Sliver of Darkness" is something I really enjoyed, but nothing compared to The Drift.

What will you be willing to do to survive? Is the question that this fantastic tale answers, simply by stating that good guys, are dead guys.

It amazed me that there was no respite while getting into the book, no obvious place to stop reading, every single chapter pushing me to go further, to keep on I reached the surprising conclusion: the moment where all three stories turn into one.

This is one book you shouldn't miss. It has horror, splashes of gore here and there, mystery, intricate conspiracies, a global pandemic, and the inevitable drive for survival...I could go on. On a personal note, it's uncommon for me to simply read a book in one sitting. Specially in week days. This one kept me awake all night. It's that good!

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What a ride, I couldn't put this one down. THE DRIFT had everything you'd want in a thriller. I felt totally into the story, the characters, the mystery...

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The Drift by C. J. Tudor. Just like a train wreck where one can't look away, this story is compelling. Don't quite know what to make of it, the story is dismal, terrifying, gory but couldn't stop until found out how it ended. Hard to define, either one will like it or not but an interesting well written read. Dexter without a doubt will be the favorite character.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book

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Wow. This was one crazy wild ride! The Drift is my first book by C. J. Tudor, but it will certainly not be my last. I got major I Am Legend vibes from the beginning of the book, but it quickly took off in completely unexpected ways. Navigating through three distinct POVs, you’ll eventually see how the plots and people tie together. I could not put this book down!

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Apocalyptic stories aren’t usually my favorite, but the author does an excellent job of keeping the reader engaged as the tension builds in this story told from various viewpoints which successfully merge.

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This book is told from 3 different point of views. Every point of view and setting deals with survival of an apocalyptic pandemic. It was gripping, chilling and kept me turning the pages as fast as I could read them.

I kept wondering if these 3 storylines would intersect at some point. There were so many questions and so many big shocking moments.

You know those authors, that you will pick up anything they write without even knowing what the book is about? In this genre, Tudor is one of those authors for me.

I'm never disappointed, always surprised and always eagerly awaiting the next book!

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Maybe If we had all survived a worldwide pandemic, we would have some clue as to how to survive the next one. But, the thing is that the next one is always different and the lessons we learned on stocking up essentials are not the lessons needed for the next event. I guess we will find out, won’t we?

Drift offers us a glimpse of one pandemic inspired future, one where there is a vaccine, but no cure. Those that get the disease and survive are shipped out to farms where their precious blood is harvested and they are quarantined. Others escape quarantine and survive as lepers in the woods. We don’t know enough about how most of society has made out though.

Here we get three interconnected stories of survival, each a story of a small group, isolated in suffocating conditions. We learn how desperate survivors interact and what it takes to survive, particularly who to trust, if anyone.

One group is on a school bus, heading up to a retreat when the bus crashes and they are trapped inside with seemingly no way out. And there’s the mystery of whether everyone is who they are supposed to be and whether their is a mastermind testing them all. Mostly it’s a story of people at each other’s throats.

Another group is trapped in a cable car, an even smaller prison where the stakes might become even more desperate. Again, who do you trust and what are they up against.

The third group is in a lockdown retreat away from everything barely in contact with the outside world. Everyone has secrets and no one can stand each other. How would you fare locked up with strangers as the world collapses around you and there’s nothing much left but infected monsters and wolves out there and in here?

Drift is a chilling portrait of a world under siege when there’s no one left to trust

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I have really enjoyed all of Tudor’s novels, so I was thrilled to receive an ARC of this one! The Drift by C.J. Tudor is a post-apocalyptic/dystopian thriller. It is told from three different perspectives, Hannah, Meg and Carter. I thought this book was written very well, I really enjoyed the way the author brings the three stories together. This book is full of twists and turns and the ending was fantastic!

This was such a good book, I could not put it down. I definitely recommend picking this one up!

Thank you to Ballantine Books/Penguin Random House and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review!

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This is a fantastic horror book and given the current times it's almost sure to give you the creeps. CJ Tudor has done a fantastic job of setting and holding the tension in this book, a great read!

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