Member Reviews

This book was not for me. I appreciate the publishers and netgalley giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Wow this story was absolutely beautiful. I HIGHLY recommend. I have seen great reviews for this author and I can finally say I understand them. Definitely more of an emotional read (I cried but what else is new), but a beautiful story. I truly cannot describe how much I loved this and how much I recommend you pick it up!

Thank you for allowing me to read and review this story. The review has been added to goodreads, storygraph, amzon and barnes & noble.

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This was a cute story and I enjoyed reading it. While I don’t think I was intended audience, it was nice and I do think that a lot of people would enjoy this book. I will try a different book by this author in the future.

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I was hoooooked until the 75% mark and then it started to feel a little too predictable and flat. I think the story needed more mystery since we knew we were gearing up for the “reveal” at the end. I did like it and thought the romance story was solid enough. I think this by the pool/beach this summer would be enjoyable.

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I wanted to like this book, but the writing style turned me off so quickly that I couldn't even force myself to read the whole thing.

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I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley.

Wren looks across the way and sees her fiancé. He is talking to his co-worker and Wren feels it in her soul something is going on. Shortly after thereafter, he confirms what she suspects and devastates Wren by ending their engagement. Wren leaves the UK and goes to the US to spend some time with her dad to nurse her hurt.

At the farm next door to her dad's farm, Anders is back at the family farm, helping out even though he has a full time job in Indianapolis.

Wren and Anders cross paths, literally in a field, after a night out at the bar. Anders gets Wren home safely and there are feelings on both sides. However, Wren is unaware of a secret that Anders is keeping from her. Will it completely keep them apart?

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This is really a 3.5 chairs. The story is really good, but it just moved very, very slow. I do like to know the characters before they fall in love, but this took most of the book to get to know everyone before anything happened. I almost gave up on it - I am very glad I didn't. There was a twist, I did not see coming.

Only hearing from Anders ( One chapter ) at the end of the book seemed out of place when the rest of the book was from Wren's point of view. The ending had me on the fence. Part of me liked it, but a part of me felt it came out of nowhere. Can't say too much more without giving things away.

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I just could not get into this book at all. I tried several times after putting it down for a few days but it just wasn't a book that I could enjoy.

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Unfortunately this one didn’t hit the mark for me. I didn’t connect to any of the characters and it was a struggle to keep picking up to read.

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"Only Love Can Hurt Like This" by Paige Toon is an emotionally charged and beautifully written contemporary romance that explores the complexities of love, loss, and second chances. From the moment I met protagonist Phoebe Henderson, a talented journalist grappling with the aftermath of a devastating breakup, I was immediately drawn into her world. Toon's writing is poignant and evocative, capturing the raw emotions of heartbreak and longing with honesty and depth. As Phoebe embarks on a journey of self-discovery and healing, I found myself rooting for her every step of the way. The chemistry between Phoebe and her charming ex-boyfriend, Oliver, is palpable, and their rekindled romance is both passionate and bittersweet. Toon expertly navigates themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the power of love, creating a story that is as heartwarming as it is heart-wrenching. "Only Love Can Hurt Like This" is a captivating read that will resonate with anyone who has ever loved and lost. Whether you're a fan of emotional dramas or simply looking for a compelling love story, this book is sure to leave a lasting impression. Toon's storytelling is as captivating as it is cathartic, and I can't wait to see what she writes next.

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This book had me from the first sentence until the end. It's my first Paige Toon novel but it won't be my last. I don't think I'd compare it to Colleen Hoover as some have, because I'm not a Hoover fan. This novel was phenomenal in my opinion. It contains twists and heartbreak, of course, romance and family drama. Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin for the ARC!

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Only Love Can Hurt Like This is another page-turner from the author. I crawl into each new release and completely lose myself amongst her characters.

Wren and Anders are another couple being added to my Paige Toon favorites. Reading their love story unfolding amongst the pages brought those warm and fuzzy feelings to the surface with every scene.

In Paige Toon fashion when it comes to her motorsports vibes and past character mentions we were treated with the best as Anders being a race engineer and our very own Formal 1 World Champion Luis Castro got a mention.

Reading Paige Toon feels like coming home and wrapping myself up in a big comfort blanket. In every book the characters are likable and you go in fully expecting to have your heart broken but completely put together again before turning the last page.

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Someone said the UK Coleen Hoover and I totally agree! A heart gripping story about how messy and hard love can be. The book was sort of a slow burn for me but loved the characters and everyone can find someone to relate to. My first Paige Toon book and cant wait to read more! Thank you netgalley for the ARC!

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#OnlyLoveCanHurtLikeThis #PaigeToon #NetGalley

Oh my what a heart wrenching book!
I simply couldn't put the book down. Wren goes home to her father and his farm for the summer after she discovers her fiance loves another, not her. She is heartbroken. She meets Anders who has a heartbreaking n secret of his own.

All of the characters felt so real and the plot did too.
I felt the gamut of emotions. So many tears were shed and A few times I had to put the book aside until I composed myself to continue on.

Such a beautiful powerful story.

Thank you Net Galley the author and publisher

4 stars highly recommended

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This was my first Paige Toon and won’t be my last. But be fair warned to have some tissues as you work through this gem. It was a great but heart wrenching read. The small town farm setting was slow burn but built up in an excellent way.

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I absolutely adored this novel. This was my first Paige Toon and I can't wait to read more! I thought the development of the romance was just right.

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Wren, after her fiance breaks up with her for another woman, decides to take a break from the UK for awhile and spend some time with her dad in America. Her relationship with her dad, stepmom, and half-sister has never been close, but Wren figures some time together might help. While at her dad's farm, she finds healing, develops a closer relationship with her family, and meets Anders. Anders' family lives on the farm next door. Anders and Wren fall for each other, but Anders is still dealing with the loss of his wife and is unable to move on. There was a twist in the story that I didn't see coming. The story was an enjoyable, fast read.

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not sure how i feel about this one. was definitely heartbreaking but i wasn’t as invested as i wish i had been.

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I enjoyed this so so much! One of my favorite romance novels from 2023. Paige Toon had me hooked and invested from very early on. It was thought provoking and emotion evoking. At times I was laughing at their banter and other times I was wanting to cry right along with the characters.

Toon through me for a big loop with the twist. I was anticipating something big, but did not expect what it actually was.

I cannot wait to read more from this author in the future! 4.5 stars.

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Every time I see this I sing the song in my head. It seems like it would be a romance novel, but it is more so about healing old wounds and rebuilding your life.

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