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Ten Lords a Leaping

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Caroline Fitzroy loves Dr. Stuart Walsingham. He loves her. She is waiting for a proposal. He's decided when to propose. Everything is perfect at their betrothal ball, until a death and a secret are revealed. Pulled in many directions, he is losing sight on what is important, until he realizes he must follow his heart. The Fitzroy siblings and cousins find unexpected happiness during Christmas. Some overlap of characters, a little angst and an open bedroom door.
I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book from Netgalley.

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This series is up and down and this installment was not my favorite of the series. I dont remember most of it at this point.

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When the Best Plans Go Awry

Caroline and Stuart find themselves in quite a pickle. It was much simpler when he was a doctor, and she was an ordinary LADY. However, when he becomes an earl with a huge responsibility, their lives were UPENDED. Could they still marry? He Seduced her, and there was even an engagement with a ball to herald the event. However, now that he was an earl, his estate was in debt, and he must find a woman with a dowry. Could Caroline and Stuart find a way to overcome the obstacles in their way? To discover the answer, you will want to read this entertaining Regency Christmas novella.

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I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher, via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

In Ten Lords a Leaping, Caroline Fitzroy gets the news of a lifetime when her beau proposes, but following a death at their engagement ball, she discovers that her fiancee is not plain Dr. Stuart Walsingham, but the new Earl of Cheshire. The earldom is in debt, and Stuart's mother is pushing him to let go of his love for Caroline, and marry an heiress more in keeping with his new title. Caroline, though, is not ready to give up her man, and she will prove to Stuart that she is the one for him, and they will overcome the money problems come hell or high water. When we met Caroline and Stuart, announcing their engagement, in Twelve Drummers Drumming, I didn't really like her. She seemed to not care about Jemima, and was more interested in her image, but I'm happy to say there's a better side to her shown in this book. I loved the way Caroline fought for what she wanted, and though there was a moment when all seemed lost, all was right in the end.

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The Twelve Days of Christmas is a splendid series, and this third installment is just as engaging and entertaining as the others and I had a fun time reading it. Caroline Fitzroy is as happy as can be, thinking her life is all set with her soon to be marrying the man she loves, Dr Stuart Walsingham. However, at their engagement ball, Stuart finds out he is heir to an earldom and when the festivities begin, an elderly man has a heart attack and Caroline's life gets turned around when Stuart finds out he is now the new Earl of Cheshire. With his newfound title and responsibilities, it would seem he can no longer marry Caroline, who is an untitled lady. And with her future mother-in-law disliking her from the start and a dowry that would not be enough to help with Stuart's newly inherited impoverished estate, there doesn't seem to be any future for them together. But Caroline will not give up on their love and will take any opportunity she gets to help Stuart realize they belong together.
The story was entertaining and I liked Caroline's determination. I wasn't too fond of Stuart at times, though, because of his willingness to be mislead by his mother, but he does get better. Other than that, great story and wonderful addition to the series. Looking forward to the next one!
Thank you to Dragonblade Publishing and Netgalley for providing a complimentary copy. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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We met Caroline and Stuart in Twelve Drummers Drumming where they became engaged. This book opens with their engagement ball. Stuart's Great Uncle drops dead at the ball, and this totally changes Stuart's life. Secrets are revealed, and Stuart is overwhelmed as he unexpectedly becomes the Earl of Chesire with all of its responsibilities and problems. Caroline becomes unsure of her place in Stuart's life. Caroline and Stuart must face the issues, and Caroline's father gives them some surprising news.

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I received a copy of this from NetGalley and this is my freely given opinion.

This is book 3 in this Christmas season series about the 12 Fitzroy cousins. This one returns us to the London Fitzroys and is the story from the perspective of Caroline, who is actually a stepdaughter in the family and not a Fitzroy by blood, but by marriage. She is the stepsister of Jemima from book 1 and it was in book 1 that we get a bit of her story as she is the sister who became engaged to a local doctor.

Stuart had been courting her for months and they had announced their betrothal in book 1 and a ball planned for before Christmas to celebrate their betrothal. Everything seems wonderfully blissful, loving, and passionate for Stuart and Caroline, but disaster befalls them during the ball, which was alluded to in book 1.

A man collapses and dies at their ball - never a good omen. However, it turns out that the man was Stuart's estranged uncle, the Earl of Cheshire, and Stuart is heir. Unfortunately it also turns out that Stuart has inherited an impoverished estate. Now his mother, who apparently never really liked Caroline to begin with, is pushing him to take up his responsibilities to the Earldom, including caring for all the tenants and paying down generations of debt, and that requires a quick infusion of cash. Caroline's dowry is not enough and he must break with her to marry an heiress.

Everything that Stuart and Caroline hoped and planned for their future together is changed and appears to fall apart around them.

I liked this story in that it showed things from Caroline's perspective, rather than how Jemima saw her in the first book, and that made Caroline a more likeable down to earth person. But Stuart went from being a likeable middle class doctor to being a bit of wishy washy character who was willing to be told what to do by his mother for a large chunk of the story, even if it meant hurting the woman he supposedly loves. His mother stuck her nose hard into their relationship and that is never a storyline that flies with me. Not a big fan of that development and not a big fan of the interfering mother in law, so I hope Caroline nips that one in the bud, otherwise that will not be a peaceful household.

3.5 stars out of 5

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I would like to thank Netgalley and Dragonblade Publishing for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.


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4 stars

We saw the hero/heroine of this book in book 1 when Caroline got engaged to Dr Stuart and this in part upset the heroine from book 1. The story stopped at that point as Stuart's great uncle drops dead on the dance floor while 10 Lords are leaping. We learn in this book that Stuart is sexually frustrated and has been takiing Caroline back to his digs for a lot of heavy petting. I couldn't help but think it was getting very close to the mark on consent . As a doctor he should also be mindful of unexpected pregnancy. Stuart's mother is the bady of the piece exclaiming that a would be Earl shouldn't marry a fairly unknown debutante with little dowry.

This wasn't my favourite but I like to see how the stories are meshing together and characters from the other books returning.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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An enjoyable addition to this holiday series. It was fun to read what was actually going on simultaneously, behind the scenes, in Eleven. Caroline and Stewart were each dealing with existing family drama while throwing in astonishing new drama and top it off with a disapproving mother. Made for an interesting adventure!
Thank you Emily EK Murdoch, Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley for allowing me an advance copy for my honest feedback.

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This is the second book I’ve read in Emily E.K. Murdoch’s 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘛𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦 𝘋𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 series and was an enjoyable, read in one sitting romance. I enjoyed Caroline and Stuart’s steamy relationship and was rooting for them to get their happily ever after, which they eventually did. This was a fun read and has me looking forward to the next book in the series. TBR and Enjoy 𝗧𝗲𝗻 𝗟𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝗮 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴!

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This actually continues the tale of the cousins in London. And I am ever so glad. At the end of 12 Drummers drumming it was left hanging. But now if its kinda wrapped up. I am so glad to see Jemima finally stepping up. Becoming the protective sister we all know was there. Really good series. Saying that you COULD possibly read them separately but I wouldn't advised it they are intertwined. But could be enjoyed seperately. The are several steamy scenes. But they can be skipped over as long as you start reading at the longer dialog sections.
I recieved a free copy so that I might tell you what I honestly think. Hope you enjoyed my review. Now go enjoy the book

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There are three Fitzroy brothers, each with different interests, each the father of daughters, twelve in total. The holiday season of 1813 sees the beginning of romance for the cousins.
Arthur Fitzroy has six daughters. We meet Caroline and Stuart in the first story. They had become engaged, but his Great Uncle dropped dead at their engagement ball. In addition to the shock, Stuart is informed he is not the Fifteenth Earl of Chesire. Unfortunate, the earldom is debt-ridden. What will this do to Stuart’s career as a physician? Will it have an effect on his marriage? Stuart is an honorable caring man. Caroline is a sweet, happy girl. They are very much in love. However, pressured by his mother and the new responsibilities, Stuart is confused, and Caroline is angry and hurt. Can they work it through? Things look more promising when Caroline’s father surprises her with some welcome information, and the Archbishop of Canterbury enjoys roasted chestnuts with Sophia. Good story, great characters.
I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily reviewing it.

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A short but charming story with strong characters. We met them in the first book in this series and everything looks set for a happy ending until Stuart finds out he is to inherit a debt ridden earldom and then inherits it straight after. I read this story in a sitting & loved how things were resolved. I received an early review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Caroline Fitzroy knows she will never be happier than this moment: when Dr. Stuart Walsingham proposes marriage. She won't tell her parents it was while they were in bed together. After all, Stuart is loved and trusted by her family; a dependable, handsome, charming young man. It's all to be announced at Caroline and Stuart's engagement ball - but as ten lords a leaping start dancing, an elderly gentleman suffers a sudden heart attack, which changes everything. Stuart is the new Earl of Cheshire and earls don't marry untitled ladies with no connections nor fortune to speak of. Not with the earldom in thousands of pounds worth of debt.
This is the third book in the countdown & it could easily be read on its own. We met Stuart & Caroline in the first book & I was eager to see how there romance progressed. A short charming read with strong characters, everything looks set for a happy ending until Stuart’s Mother puts a spanner in the works. Will Stuart go with his heart or what is seen as best for the debt ridden earldom? I read this delightful book in a sitting & loved how things were resolved.
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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They were on their way to their HEA when it was interrupted by family death, which upended everything for them. It takes time and clarity of mind to figure out what is most important but they got there. At the end. Very good, short read that also managed to be quite steamy!

I received an ARC from Netgalley and leaving my review voluntarily.

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Love Always Finds A Way!

Caroline Fitzroy was being courted by Dr Stuart Walsingham who had asked her to marry him. Both Caroline and Stuart were madly in love with each other but unbeknown to Stuart he was the heir to an Earldom and when his uncle died he became the Earl.

Stuart’s mother wanted him to give her up, she thought he was now better than her as his station in life had been elevated and the Earldom had a huge debt and she thought Stuart needed to marry an heiress to reduce the debt. Stuart loved Caroline and didn’t want to give her up but he also had to listen to his mother.

A lovely novella bringing in the Christmas element quite beautifully, decisions have to be made. Can love win out against the odds! Another great read with lots of romance, steamy moments, fantastic characters with a surprise twist the end! Well worth a read.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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TEN LORDS A LEAPING was a fun, quick and heartfelt read that combined the fever of sexual awareness with building tension. Mixed in an interlude of heartache, indecision and misunderstanding. Before, satisfyingly rounding it all off with wit, levity and joy as it underscored the ideal that love, if given the chance, can empower a couple to conquer the many problems, insecurities and uncertainties life can throw their way.
Recapping in greater detail, from our first encounter in book 1, the idyllic romance between the affianced, besotted, Caroline and, the all encompassing focus of her adoration, Stuart, is progressing smoothly until it appears to hit a snag. Leaving us with the feeling that all may not be well in paradise. You could almost see the ominious storm clouds rolling in after the tragic death of Stuart's Great Uncle. But, can their love survive its first test? I did enjoy finding out.
I'll admit I began this novella already tainted having seen events cast from Caroline's sister's, Jemima's, perspective, so I assumed I'd find it hard to warm to Caroline's sunshine and roses outlook. However, I must say, that was delightfully not the case. She quickly won me over, proving she had more substance and depth to her character as I even found myself becoming irritated by Jemima's negativity on her behalf. Definitely allowing me to come away with a greater understanding and appreciation for the Fitzroy sibling dynamics, them as a loving chaotic family unit and with an ever growing respect and immense love for Arthur, their father.
Especially, as tragedy seeded a shocking revelation, created animosity and irrevocably altered the shape of Caroline and Stuart's future in one fell swoop. Forcing Caroline to ultimately fight for her desires as she pitches her future happiness against the daunting duties and responsibilities of an Earldom and the thousands it protects.
Overall, despite, a few minor inconsistencies, I really enjoyed Caroline and Stuart's tale. It had heart, passion and a smooth liveliness to its flow that really made the intimate moments sing! With many a festive touch, in the later half, to add an extra dose of warmth, charm and Christmas cheer. A great addition to the series; looking forward to the next!

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In this novella we meet Caroline Fitzroy, who is being courted by Dr. Stuart Walsingham.

When he asks her to marry him and her family holds a ball in their honor, little does Stuart know that his great Uncle Edward is there. Who is the Earl of Cheshire. Who has a heart attack and dies in front of the guests. And with no direct heir, the Earldom goes to Stuart.

It was a back and forth between Caroline and Stuart., like a ping pong match. She tried to convince him she was enough and that her love was enough. Stuart on the other hand was trying to understand what this all meant for him, but he kind of had shutters on and was just thinking about his mothers ultimatum and the Earldom.

I wasn’t the biggest fan of Stuart and Jemima was just plan nasty.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Ten Lords a Leaping is another wonderful romance in the Twelve Days of Christmas series. Stuart and Caroline jumped off the pages, great characters that make the story and the story and journey that gives them their hearts desire in the end. Falling in love is not easy for these two, a few obstacles to get over before their happily ever after. A worthy, satisfying read.

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