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North of Nowhere

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Brennan’s latest is a stand-alone thriller; the first for the author. The use of the elements (the blizzard) is an interesting narrative structure and definitely adds to the claustrophobia and the urgency. It is a fast paced read with a core family story. I felt there were a few loose ends that made it feel less of a stand-alone and more of a “more to come.”
4.5 stars

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I had never heard of this author but when given a copy to read the synopsis sounded interesting so decided why not. So glad I gave it a try. I was hooked by the first page. The action started right away. It was so good I read it in a day. I loved the characters and the suspense. This would make a great movie.

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What a suspenseful and action packed story!
Throw in family drama, murder, kidnapping, crime family and so much more and you get an intense, thriller read.
If you want an exciting and fast paced thriller to keep you engaged,,,,,this is the book for you.
Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Special thanks to St. Martins Press, Minotaur Books and NetGalley for an early release copy of this book.

All I can say is just WOW!!! I could not put this book down. The pacing was great, the characters were great, the plot was great. Just an awesome, unputdownable read.

If you like fast paced thrillers, then this book is for you. Publish date was 8/8/2023

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Wow oh wow did I really enjoy this book. This is a stand alone book by Allison Brennan. The end of the story was done well and it didn't leave you hanging which is great since their will be no more.

I enjoyed learning and hearing how the main girl character and boy character grew as they were challenged through out the book. They had to conquer so much while also experiencing some major trauma events.

If you are looking for a book filled with action, adventure, and suspense then this is it for you. It has so much unexpected and that's what really makes this book so great.

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It’s been five years since Tony Reed fled Los Angeles leaving behind a life of crime and his association with the Los Angeles McIntyre crime family headed by Boyd McIntyre. Tony was godfather to Boyd’s children – Kristen and her younger brother Ryan who is hearing impaired. When Tony fled five years ago, he took the children with him to save them from the life that awaited them under the watchful eye of their paternal grandmother who holds the reins of the family's criminal enterprise. But Boyd has traced them to the small Montana town they have made a life for themselves as a family and will leave no stone unturned to bring his children back home and exact revenge on Tony.

Escaping Boyd and his goons won’t be easy this time. Boyd has connections and has used his money and connections for information on Tony. When the plane in which Tony, Kristen and Ryan are attempting to leave is shot down and Tony is injured it is up to Kristen and Ryan to tap into the skills Tony has taught them to survive the incoming blizzard and the danger of being found by Boyd and his men who are tracking them. Also tracking theme are Tony’s employer, rancher Nick Lorenzo and his son Jason who is a friend of Kristen’s, who are concerned for the kids and Ruby McIntyre, the kids’ aunt who severed ties with her family and joined the Army years ago and who was contacted by Nick when got wind of what was transpiring.

I loved the premise of North of Nowhere by Allison Brennan and the Montana setting. The plotting was on point and the characters were well drawn. However, the pacing suffers midway into the novel and I felt the journey to the end was a tad long-drawn with several characters who enter the fray. Overall, I enjoyed the dark and suspenseful vibe and especially liked the female characters – the good ones and otherwise - and the moose whose heroics in a crucial moment deserves a special mention! This was my first Allison Brennan novel and I would be interested in reading more of her work.

I paired my reading with the audiobook narrated by Eliza Foss which did enrich the experience though I felt that with so many characters, the audio experience would have been even better with more narrators.

Many thanks to St. Martin’s Press/Minotaur Books, NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the digital review copy and the ALC. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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An action packed thrill a minute story line where the weather and the surrounding landscapes are as much characters in the story as the many people tracking these two children's flight from a father and the life he would have them live. Their journey begins with a crash, literally. The small plane they are using to escape their father's minions crashes, leaving them miles from safety and their guardian dying from his injuries. 16yr old Kristin and her younger, deaf, brother must travel on their own through rough terrain and rougher weather as they flee. With a small secluded cabin their goal, they know nothing of the many groups also making their way to find them, some to help, some to return them to a family that sees them as possesions.

WOW! The story is fast paced and has few slow spots. You'll turn pages quickly and hold your breath at some of the narrow escapes. I'd not read any Allison Brennan titles. A friend recommended NORTH OF NOWHERE and I definitely loved this one. Now to check out her back library for more winners.

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It’s a good thing I am retired because that way I can sit and read a book and never stop until I want to or until the book ends, which was the case in this story. I could not put this book down. This is a new to me author, and I will definitely be looking for more of her works. The story was fast paced, and had twists and turns and mystery and suspense. I would recommend this to anyone who has those interest too.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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This is a fast paced yet slow burn thriller race against the elements of Montana and the family crime syndicate. Five years ago, Kristen and Ryan fled with their protector to escape the family criminal organization and have been in hiding in Montana ever since. When they’ve been found the only option they have is to flee but their plane is damaged in a shootout and they crash in the mountains with a storm blowing in. Then it becomes a race against the elements and knowing who to trust to ensure their survival and ultimate escape.

I liked how the story flowed and the multiple POVs. There were a lot of characters at play but it was easy to distinguish between them all and where in the storyline they were. Kristen was the central character throughout the story and she carried the weight of the world on her shoulders. I really enjoyed this story and if you are looking for an atmospheric thriller definitely add it to your tbr. This was my first book by the author and certainly won’t be my last.

Thank you @minotaurbooks and @netgalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest feedback.

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North of Nowhere by Allison Brennan is a non-stop thrill ride, from the first chapter to the last! When I saw that the novel takes place in my favorite place on earth, the mountains surrounding Big Sky, Montana, and involved young people trying to escape their own criminal family, I knew that I was in for a great read--I was not disappointed.

There are so many people searching for Kristen and Ryan McIntyre, some of them hoping to save them, some wanting them dead, and others whose motives are not entirely clear, and the twists and turns as they battle each other, the terrain and the blizzard keep the reader on the edge of their seat. My only criticism is that I became confused several times and had to stop and think about who a character was before I could understand what was happening.

I also appreciate the representation of the deaf community, and the author's work to keep her portrayal of Ryan authentic. The added tension due to his inability to hear when separated from others was terrifying. All in all, this is a book I will recommend widely, a top-notch thriller which will especially appeal to readers who love the outdoors.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the digital ARC of North of Nowhere by Allison Brennan. The opinions in this review are my own.

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North of Nowhere kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time! I cannot wait to read more of this author's books.

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North of Nowhere is an exceptional, action-packed story that is brimming with shocking secrets and unexpected revelations.

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Tony used to be a hit man for the McIntyre mafia family; he wasn’t just an employee but also like a brother to his boss, Boyd. Boyd’s wife, Maggie, was tragically murdered and Tony was blamed for her death. Tony might’ve been Boyd’s right hand man, but he also saw what Boyd’s grandmother, Frankie, was doing to her grandchildren. Tony took the two things that mattered most to the McIntyre mafia family and ran like hell.

Tony has been running for five years with Ryan and Kris. They’re Boyd’s kids, but Tony has raised them as his own and they would rather stay with him than go back to their prison of a home in Los Angeles. Kris is just a teenager; but if she saw Boyd near her, she’d kill him.

After five years of running, Boyd has found his kids; he’ll do anything to protect them, and bring them back home even if it involves killing anyone who stands in his way.

What a rush! Once I started reading this book, I couldn’t stop! I loved all the characters, but I especially loved Kris, because of her protectiveness over Ryan. My eyes were glued to the pages,each chapter ended with a cliffhanger that made you keep reading and never stop until the end.

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North of Nowhere by Allison Brennan is a domestic horror with the perfect twist of adventure and mystery intertwined. Brennan vividly describes the frozen wilderness through which the group travels. This novel is a must-read for anyone who loves a good mystery with unforeseeable twists and turns throughout. The characters are emotionally torn between love and hate, loyalty and trust for each other. I devoured this chilling tale of family dynamics and redemption at a record pace.

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A thriller that takes place in the wild winter of Montana over the period of roughly 24 hours. The pacing moved well throughout, but I just didn't connect to the characters. Like why is an Irish crime family operating out of LA? we don't find out until 90%. I couldn't ever really get why Kristen's grandmother was so set on her taking over the "family business". Everything else made sense, but I understood Nick more than any of the other characters. With all the different perspectives we got, it would have been nice to get a few chapters frim Ryan's perspective.

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Thank you @Minotaur_Books and @Macmillan.Audio for the #gifted ALC/ARC of NORTH OF NOWHERE!

Phew this book is nonstop, heartstopping action from the very first chapter.
Set over the course of 24 hours, NORTH OF NOWHERE is the story of the McIntyre children, Kristen and Ryan, who have been living in hiding in Big Sky, Montana with their quasi-father Tony. Who are they hiding from? Their gangster father and drug queen-pin grandmother.

When Tony gets word that Boyd McIntyre’s men have been seen in town, he flees with the children in a small plane. The plane gets shot down stranding the McIntyre children in the middle of nowhere Montana right as a massive winter storm is rolling in.

On top of surviving the elements, Kristen and Ryan must evade their father’s men who are hunting them in the woods. There are others searching for them as well but it's hard to tell who can be trusted.

This book is fast-paced and difficult to put down. It was like reading a tense action movie. I loved how strong and stubborn Kristen’s character was. She would do anything to protect her little brother. It was touching its ferocity.

My one complaint about this book was the sheer volume of character POVs we get throughout the book and who was tracking who in the woods. I was tempted to create a flow chart or something so I could keep track!

NORTH OF NOWHERE is out now!


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North of Nowhere by Allison Brennan

This is a Lifetime Movie Network type of thriller book and this is not a bad thing! It was quickly paced and had a fantastic plot but like LMN movies, I could see where it was heading from the beginning. This did not dampen my enjoyment in the least.

First off, the setting is fantastic; rural Montana in the midst of a snow storm is catnip to this little kitty heart. I love a remote setting and any survival scenario and NON has this in spades. I loved the back story and the bad guy turned good to care for two kids in need.

The characters were all well developed and the story flowed easily with the just the right amount of tension that kept me invested.

Thoroughly entertaining and packed with thrills and action!

My thanks to St. Martins Press for this gifted copy!

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So much action in one book! Two kids escaping a crime syndicate who also happens to be their family in the middle of a Montana blizzard. Loved the fast pace and the characters who made it really easy for you to root for the good guys and really dislike the bad guys. Nothing gory, but lots of bodies hitting the ground. I haven't read anything from Brennan in quite a while and after this, I think I've done myself a disservice! Luckily I have lots to choose from.

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with a free digital copy of this book in exchange for my review.

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Family is complicated on the best of days. Add in a crime syndicate, a kidnapping, and a blizzard and things get REALLY complicated! I thoroughly enjoyed this fast-paced story about two children trying to outrun their family’s plans for their future.

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A TOTAL rush from beginning to end as Nick Lorenzo and his son Jason race to save two children lost in a mountain blizzard. Nick’s employee, Tony has “borrowed” his airplane to escape with his two children, Kristen and Ryan. The problem is that they are not his children and the real father and his mafia relatives are in hot pursuit. Tony, who was part of the “family”, took the children after their mother was killed and has been hiding them these past five years. Reckoning is now due and who will survive the mountains and the blizzard? After the plane is shot at upon take off, it goes down near a lake, but can they still make it to the cabin that is waiting for them? The grandmother, Frankie, has total control and though many have tried to take her down, she even has law enforcement on her payroll. The final player in this drama is Frankie’s daughter, Ruby, who escaped the family when she was eighteen and her Army experience will prove invaluable to Nick as they search for Kristen and Ryan and try to eliminate the threat to their lives. I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (paytonpuppy)

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