Member Reviews

Lots of practical strategies for dealing with social anxiety. I think this would be very helpful for a young reader struggling with this.

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A Teen’s Essential Guide to Social Anxiety Relief by Emma Lou Parker provides tools and advice for managing mental health difficulties.

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What a perfect time to read this book. I was approved for the advanced reader's copy a few months before I began university as an undergrad, so I was feeling all sorts of anxiety. As a teen, this book really spoke to me, especially when starting to go back to an in-person world after years of COVID-induced social distancing. I used several of the tips Parker shared, and I felt overall more confident! Thanks to Netgalley and the published for the ARC, it definitely helped me!

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This is a really good book for teenagers, which teaches what social anxiety is, gives advice and tips on how to help relieve it and manage it better, such as using CBT and Mindfulness, and it also shows how to take care of yourself, be more confident and love yourself more. It is written in such a way that it makes it easy for teenagers to read and understand. Highly recommended!

Many thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book.

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"A Teen's Essential Guide to Social Anxiety Relief" by Emma Lou Parker is a compassionate and practical resource designed to help teenagers navigate the challenges of social anxiety. With a blend of personal anecdotes, expert advice, and actionable strategies, Parker provides a comprehensive guide that empowers young readers to understand, manage, and overcome social anxiety.

One of the book's notable strengths is its empathetic and relatable approach. Parker's own experiences with social anxiety shine through, creating a strong connection with teen readers who may be grappling with similar challenges. The author's ability to speak directly to the teenage audience in a language they can relate to fosters a sense of understanding and validation, making the book an invaluable companion for those seeking guidance and support.

The practical strategies offered in the book are another standout feature. Parker combines evidence-based techniques with personal insights, offering a well-rounded toolkit for addressing social anxiety. From cognitive-behavioral exercises and mindfulness techniques to tips for navigating social situations and building self-confidence, the author equips readers with practical tools that can be applied in real-life scenarios. The clear and accessible explanations make it easy for teenagers to understand and implement the strategies at their own pace.

Moreover, Parker places a strong emphasis on self-care and self-compassion throughout the book. Recognizing that social anxiety can take a toll on one's mental and emotional well-being, the author encourages readers to prioritize their own needs and practice self-care activities that promote overall wellness. This holistic approach reinforces the importance of self-acceptance and self-compassion as crucial components of the journey towards social anxiety relief.

However, some readers may find that certain topics are addressed at a surface level, and a more in-depth exploration would have been beneficial. Additionally, while the book primarily focuses on social anxiety, readers dealing with other anxiety-related issues may find that some aspects do not directly apply to their specific circumstances.

In summary, "A Teen's Essential Guide to Social Anxiety Relief" is a valuable resource for teenagers struggling with social anxiety. Lou Parker's personal insights, expert advice, and practical strategies combine to create a comprehensive guide that is both relatable and actionable. By providing tools for self-understanding, self-care, and self-empowerment, this book offers teenagers a roadmap towards managing and overcoming social anxiety, ultimately supporting their journey towards a more confident and fulfilling life.

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Well I’m not really a teen anymore, but I still do have social anxiety, so well…
I nice read, I agreed with many things and I think it would be a nice book for teenagers challenging with anxiety

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This book tackles an interesting topic. As someone who works with young people and has experience of those suffering with social anxiety I thought this might be a worthwhile read. Essential reading it is not, but it does have some nuggets of general advice offered in a friendly tone that might be beneficial to some young people.

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As an adult with social anxiety, I really wish this book had been around when I was younger. I really liked it and cannot recommend it enough.

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I am not a teen suffering from social anxiety, so I know I’m not the target audience for this book, but I teach teens who do, which is why I thought it would be an interesting read.

The author discusses what social anxiety is and talks through various methods to face and conquer it. The techniques are very general and although I can see why the author would try to keep the advice situation free so the reader could apply it to their own circumstances, where I thought the book was most powerful was when it gave a specific example, eg the cashier in the coffee shop. Our brains are programmed to remember stories and I think this would have been better if the author had given some example stories to illustrate each point or technique.

The advice is good but I didn’t find it a particularly enjoyable book to read - maybe it wasn’t meant to be enjoyed. I also found the introduction somewhat irritating. It is perhaps meant to be read as if a mate was offering friendly advice but the lack of full sentences became really irritating. You can offer friendly advice in a grammatically correct manner - maybe that’s just the teacher in me!

I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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As a mom of teenager, I deal first hand how difficult this age for our kids. Big physically mentally transformation and external pressure capable to create anxious thoughts and complicate feelings.

This guide book is a self help tools for teenager to coping with social anxiety and depression. The writing is fill with friendly voice, gentle approach and offer some positive practical techniques to follow. It is guide reader to recognize the triggers, some strategies to strengthen minds and find solutions for their suffering. I enjoyed my read and help me to understand my own teen.

Thank you Netgalley and Cissy Editions for provided me with this copy. I am learning something new but my thoughts are my own.

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Teens suffering from social anxiety and depression are looking for tools to help themselves. “A Teen’s Essential Guide to Social Anxiety Relief” by Emma Lou Parker seeks to provide such a tool.

The book offers strategies for coping and even significantly reducing one’s social anxiety. Breathing techniques are explained. Thought distortions are discussed. Positive self-talk is suggested. All of these are great.

However, Parker’s voice is inconsistent throughout (some sections are well-written and well explained), but others leave a lot to be desired as they feel cursory or dismissive. Tone is uplifting in some parts of the book, but in others it feels condescending. As someone who works with teens on a daily basis, I am not sure I could get away with the tone even if I have a good relationship with a particular teen. While I don’t see any obvious trigger warnings (other than discussion of psychological and physical discomfort), I am not sure it is realistic to espouse an elimination of social anxieties (which, again, seems inconsistent).

I read an Advanced Reader’s Copy, but proofreading still needed work. There are numerous spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors throughout. These challenges are beyond what one might use for effect and interfered with my enjoyment of the book.

Despite these concerns, this book would be good for teens who are on the road to self-reflection and are ready to take on the challenges of reducing social anxiety.

Thanks #NetGalley and Cissy Editions for providing a copy for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Social connections are an integral part of a healthy life, yet when you’re held back by anxious thoughts and feelings, you can get stuck in a pattern of avoiding social situations. A Teens Essential Guide to Social Anxiety provides you with an effective toolbox to face your triggers and find relief. .

Drawing on a variety of practices and strategies―this guide not only teaches you all about social anxiety but also helps you employ key skills to transform it. Readers will learn to calm both body and mind, restore relationships, smooth out conflict, and strengthen the mind. This book provides all the tools to help teens overcome anxiety and live their best lives!

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As a person who deals everyday with Anxiety disorder, I can relate with everything that was written in this book. Altough I am not a teen anymore, the guide certainly can help people in of all ages how to deal with social anxiety, specially, but some learnings here can be used to start to improve habits in order to manage the axiety disorder in general, to get a better lifestyle. The narrative is prrety clear and dinamic, with also good tips for the readers to implement some of the exercises and knowledges presented here.

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A Teen's Essential Guide to Social Anxiety Relief by Emma Lou Parker 4/5

I struggle daily with a teen who is experiencing anxiety and I was hoping this book would ease some of that stress for us both. So far, I found the first few chapters to be helpful and educational, as for my teen I do not know if it is just teen attitude or lack of motivation, but it is still like pulling teeth.

I liked that the book eases you into the situation and it doesn't feel like a manual but more of a fun, educational journal that I can use and mold to what I need. I have enjoyed this book and am using not for just my anxiety but to help ease the tension between me and my teen. I do hope they continue with this read and find it just as helpful.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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As someone who struggles with social anxiety myself, I personally am quite put-off by books like these. However, I was quite pleasantly surprised and found the book quite enjoyable. The author makes it feel less like a lecture and more like a conversation between friends. As this book is aimed toward teens, it can get quite difficult to correctly write for them but this book was perfect. From the modern day idol references and quotes to jokes I feel any teenager would enjoy. I found the book extremely relatable on many levels and wasn't very intense or dark.
Ages: 10+

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4 stars
I was lucky enough to be approved for this book. I really wanted this to review as I have a teen that struggles with social anxiety amongst other things.
I’m I found this book to have a lot of useful information that can easily be implemented
In the day to day. My teen has gone through it with me a bit and is looking forward to having her own physical copy to reference and highlight!

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So cute! I really love the way it's written. Great tips. Now I am mentally in a better place where my anxiety isn't impacting my every day life. This is great and I would have loved it when I was struggling really bad!

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