Member Reviews

What a cute and quaint graphic novel! Not only was the story sweet, the characters were intriguing and the art was STUNNING. Will definitely keep an eye on this author.

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So cute! I can't wait to read more about Planchette and her friends. I love the artstyle and the colors; really gives life to the story! I'm also interested to see how many more ghosts are in her house, and how Planchette will help them move on.

Thank you to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for the ARC!

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What a cute little graphic novel! A story about unlikely ftiends who help each other solve their problems. Witches and their familiars, a haunted house and some unique exorcism. So fun!

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Unfamiliar is a very unique and wonderful graphic novel. The art style is the right mix of cute and spooky that makes me think of movies like Coraline and Corpse Bride.

This graphic novel follows different witches as theyre all dealing with their own situations and working to overcome them. The ensemble is filled with interesting characters and I love how they interact. The world building is just right for a story like this and each chapter is more like an episode of a show- the pacing is well done and highly enjoyable! I'm definitely in love with the Witch Doctor so I really hope hes not a bad guy somehow because even though he has a skull for a head hes lowkey super cute??? lol. Either way I really loved this and cant wait to read more!

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This was so adorable! I didn't want it to end and just wanted to keep reading about all these witches and their familiars. I enjoyed how it was turning into a found family/found tribe type of story and how subtle some of the jokes were in the book had me randomly cackling. Super fun, witchy read!

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An Instagram bookish friend of mine read this book and it looked like something I'd like so I picked this up, knowing really nothing about any of it other than 1) it's witchy and 2) her name is Planchette! This graphic novel is ADORABLE. It is chocked full of witchy and mythical goodness and I devoured this YA book in one sitting. The art as first was a little odd to me (namely the eyes/pupils - lol) but I quickly got used to it and really thought it was cute. I loved all of the characters and how distinct they are from one another. I instantly went and placed an order for a physical copy when it releases because I know I'll want to reread this and just may become a regular "spooky season" read. The end of this book gives you sneak peek at book #2 and I really need that in my life ASAP! I was so sad this one ended and could've kept right on reading it.

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This was a cute and fun graphic novel about a lonely witch who finds friends in a new town. I wish it was longer!

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This was really fun!

A witch and her familiar move into a new town, only to find their new house is very, very haunted. As the witch searches for help amongst the townsfolk, we are introduced to the quirky world of Unfamiliar and it's cast of characters: an incompetent witch, a half-siren, a girl under a curse, and a detective necromancer dead set on solving the murder of her best friend.

This novel sets up the story nicely and I really enjoyed meeting the eclectic cast of characters. Each one has their own story and by the end of this volume I found myself fully invested in them and looking forward to volume 2 to find out what happens.

The art style in this is really cute and full of unique details. I especially loved the eyes and how they changed. The art has a quirky, offbeat feel that really works for the story. This is a cozy graphic novel with witchy vibes that I would recommend to anyone looking for something light and easy, and who finds the art appealing.

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So this was fun! Love the friendships, love the familiars and the characters! So cute and warm. I love how Planchette has patience with the ghosts and really helps them. I just loved everything.

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This book was super cute and fun. I loved the characters and how everything sort of falls into place with their friendships, and I look forward to continuing on with it.

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A super cute, funny, and lovely story. I hadn’t heard of the web series before, but found this utterly charming.

From some hilarious dialogue to the cozy art style. I thoroughly enjoyed the story!

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A perfect spooky graphic novel for the Halloween season about witches, ghosts and friendship! I’m definitely subscribing to this webcomic!

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3.5 stars!

This was majorly adorable, not my favorite art style but still cute and the eyes are amazing! I love the little shapes and expressions they give off!

This follows planchette who moves towns but her new house is haunted and she doesn’t know how to get rid of them. While there she meets people who she starts to consider friends and who help her with the ghosts.

Everyone is super adorable. I love Babs. I like all of the unique characters and I am very interested in seeing what happens next with the story line. It was a cute and quick read that anyone just wanting a nice chill book could get into and read quickly.

Of course with the ghosts there are some sad deaths you learn about. But planchette helping them move on makes you feel better.

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Not at all what I was expecting. I assumed it was a cute children’s Halloween book but it’s very much geared towards adults. The language/ concepts wouldn’t be appropriate for my daughter.

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What a perfect little graphic novel for Spooky Season! I enjoyed everything about this series starter, The characters, the story, the art, the was all super enjoyable. I can't wait to see where Planchette and her friends go next :)

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Review to come end of November/closer to release date to my blog/ goodreads.

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

I was so excited when I saw this one pop up on Netgalley, I have heard of the series before but never had the chance to read it. Plus, with how slow Tapas at times is, I am happy that I can now just read it at my own speed. XD

😍 Planchette was such a fun MC. I really loved following her on her journey to make her house a happy home. She was a sweet witch and I loved how friendly she was. I also loved finding out about her powers + I loved seeing her try to help out the ghosts, well, after she had some food in her. XD Priorities!
😍 Babs, Sun, and Pinyon! I loved meeting and getting introduced to each of the new characters and I loved each and all of the girls. Babs who is a shy siren who could be really powerful if she was less shy. Sun who is a girl with an eyeball in her hair and a kick-ass attitude but also a terrible curse that she is trying to get rid off. Pinyon who hasn't gotten that much luck in the magical department or the familiar department. I cannot wait to read more about these girls and see them grow.
😍 The friendship between these girls! It was just instant and I loved that. They had a connection. Yes, even Sun, though she likes to deny everything. XD
😍 The art! It was such a fun style, but the best part for me was the eyes and how they kept changing to show emotions or thoughts. Like when Planchette talks about ghosts she gets ghosties in her eyes. Or when Babs unlocks her powers she gets hearts. SO much fun.
😍 The various ghosts and their history. We don't see all the ghosts, some are just typical ghost form, but there are a few that are human. The backstory for each of them was sad, but I am glad that they also got some resolve. One story especially just had me tearing up because it was so sad and so haunting.
😍 Getting backstory on the characters! Mostly Sun and Babs who knew each other in high school.
😍 I am curious what other magical creatures/humans live in the town.
😍 That cover is so cute!
😍 The story was just magical and I flew through this book. Laughing, giggling, ohhing, ahhing, and having a great time!

All in all, I would highly recommend this book to all! So much fun!

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Thank you to Netgalley, Haley Newsome, and Andrews McMeel Publishing for providing me with a free copy for an honest review!

The story and artwork are charming and quirky, perfect for the spooky season. I loved the unique art style. The story itself was adorable and interesting to follow. It was a fun, fast-paced read and I am looking forward to knowing how the story continues and how each of the characters evolves.

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This was sweet. I know that it's a webcomic that is getting traditionally published.

The artwork is simple and captivating, and the storylines fun and enjoyable.
I love how everything interwove and am intrigued to see what happens next.

A great start to a series!

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Thanks to Haley Newsome and Netgalley for an ARC! 3.5 stars rounded up! This was cute, quirky, and fun, and I blew through it in one sitting. I’m ready for volume 2 so we can hopefully dig more into everyone’s backstories!

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A big thanks to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for providing an eArc in exchange for an honest review.

Friendship is magic! Quite literally in this adorable graphic novel.

Unfamiliar by Haley Newsome is an adorable graphic novel that follows the witchy life Planchette as she gets a steal of a deal on a house. But there is a slight problem, it's haunted! After numerous unsuccessful tries, Planchette decides her best course of action is to simply help the ghosts. Cue an adorable montage!

I really loved this graphic novel with the unique art style. As well as some of the oh so adorable yet relatable characters. While still adding to the newness of the witchy scene.

If you're looking for some light Halloween fun, I would definitely pick this one up!

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