Member Reviews

This was a nice vegetarian cookbook. I am not vegetarian myself but I am always looking for creative ways to get more veggies in my meals. Great pictures also.

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Kim Campbell can cook! I have one of her other cookbooks and I have used it often. If you are looking for whole foods plant-based recipes this would be a good addition to your collection. Her recipes are tasty and filling. The Campbells have a line of frozen products I buy at Publix sometimes for convenience. I trust the products because I know where the Campbell's stand on plant-based eating and making recipes that are flavorful.

I was so excited to be given an ARC of this to read for review. Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and Kim Campbell for a digital copy to read. I bought the previous cookbook I read digitally the Campbell's published and want to add this one as well. Beautiful photos. I must have photos in my cookbooks!

Highly recommended!

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I love PlantPure cookbooks. This one is no exception. The recipes all sound delicious and comforting. There are many beautiful photos although I don’t think there is one for every recipe which is a bit disappointing. It includes sections on stocking your pantry, substitutions, instant pot and holiday. I’ll be trying out recipes from this book for sure.

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wonderful cookbook that gives so many options not only for vegan food but also do many gluten-free recipes!
as someone that needs to eat both vegan and gluten-free it’s always a bit of a struggle to find the combination of both let alone almost a full cookbook filled with recipes that accompanies both.

beside that it’s also just in itself a great cookbook.
the recipes are wonderful but easy, the instructions are clear and easy to follow and non of the recipes use hard to find ingredients.

defiantly a great book to have!

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This was a mouthwatering book, from the very first recipe until the last one I was making mental notes to use them and then realised that was basically the whole book I wanted to cook.
Marinated carrot salad sounded perfect, so that's what I made, only my version with substitutes, because I didn't have all the ingredients.

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This was a pretty solid plant-based cookbook with photos for almost half the recipes. The recipes seem easy to make, with unfussy ingredients. There were chapters on sauces, holidays, main dishes, etc., that were thoughtfully organized. Nothing show-stopping/fancy here, but great recipes for everyday meals. Thanks for the ARC!

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"PlantPure Comfort Food" is a whole food, plant-based (vegan) cookbook containing 100 recipes. This would be a good cookbook for someone new to cooking vegan meals from scratch. The author provided cooking tips and most of the recipes were pretty simple to do. The author described plant-based substitutes so you can convert regular recipes.

Most of the recipes served between 4 to 8 people and took around 20-60 minutes to make. Most of the ingredients in the recipes should be easy to get. She included 9 recipes for breakfast, 8 recipes for soups and stews, 6 recipes for spice blends, 13 recipes for breads, 4 recipes for sandwiches and wraps, 12 recipes for appetizers and dips, 9 recipes for dressings and sauces, 7 recipes for salads and sides, 25 recipes for main dishes, 5 recipes for InstantPots, 7 recipes for holiday dishes, and 16 recipes for deserts.

The recipes provided the preparation time, cooking time, how much is made, ingredients, instructions, cooking and tips and hints. Recipes were sometimes labeled gluten-free. There were pictures of the finished product for each recipe, and they looked very tasty. I've made several of these recipes now, and they're as tasty as the recipes I've tried from this author's other cookbook. They're full of flavor and have nice textures. There are times I think "that combination of foods doesn't sound yummy" yet it always turns out well. Overall, I'd recommend this cookbook to those interested in adding more whole-food, plant-based meals to their diet.

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I didn’t necessarily love these recipe options but I’m sure i know others who would. These are simple and easy to cook.

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This is one of the most refreshing vegan cookbooks I’ve read in a long time. The sensible, modern approach make every recipe a mouthwatering addition to every diet

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I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.

I absolutely didn't know what to expect going in to this cookbook. The book has numerous Plant-Based and Mostly Gluten-Free Recipes meant to nourish the book but still tasty. Recipes are easy to follow and the pictures make the recipes something you want to try and make it. If you are looking to try plant based meals then this book is for you. Highly recommend!

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A lot of good, interesting recipes in this book. I found the formatting a bit difficult, but it could have been because it's an ARC. Not a lot of photos, but the recipes were perfect for adding plant foods into your meal routines. Thank you to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for allowing me to read and review.

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Fantastic new cookbook with plant-based recipes that soothe those winter blues! A few of my favorites were
* Taco Soup
* Ranch Seasoning Spice Blend
* Peanut Butter Cup Bars

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Author Kim Campbell comes with quite a pedigree - she is the daughter-in-law of T. Colin Campbell, the scientist who became famous after publishing the China Study report. You won't get a better recommendation for a low fat plant-based cookbook and certainly this lives up to that legacy. It is well presented, comes with many variations, tips, and substitutions, and there are photographs for many recipes. Everything needed to begin or continue a low fat plant-based healthy diet is here - one that is sustainable for a lifetime.

The book is beautifully presented and breaks down as follows: pantry makeover, equipping your kitchen, dairy and egg substitutes, swap the meat for whole plant substitutes, basic ingredient substitutions, no oil -no problem, measurements and conversions, grain cooking charts, FAQ, recipes, recipe index and subjec tindex.

The recipes are in the following categories: breakfast, soups and stews, spice blends, breads, sandwiches and wraps, appetizers and dips, dressings and sauces, salads and side dishes, entrees, instant pot recipes, holiday recipes, on the sweeter side. Recipes include: thanksgiving green bean casserole, Boston cream pie, instant pot baked beans, lemon bars, poppy seed dressing, one pot mushroom stroganoff, poke bowl, corn fritters, taco seasoning, apple pumpkin bread, sweet potato waffles, pho bowls, and many more. I especially appreciated that there is the holiday section (though that is only for Thanksgiving/Christmas).

There are smart substitutions for oils using nuts, ketchup without the sugar, grape juice for wine, coconut sugar for maple syrup, cashews for heavy cream, and many more. It means there are healthier versions for most cooking ingredients that are easy to make/use. You can use these substitutions to create healthier versions of your own current favorites. There are also substitutions for meat and dairy - from cheese sauces, parmesan, eggs, and meats using tofu, mushrooms, and soy curls. I've had no issues with these substitutions and in most instances, my family hardly even noticed they were eating healthier versions without the saturated fat or hormones.

The cookbook is full color and beautifully photographed. Each recipe title is in green, there is an introduction which gives more information about the recipe, then in yellow prep time, cook time, and yield. Ingredients are in blue and black and broken down e.g., by sauces and then past for a Spinach Artichoke Pasta Bake. Directions are in short, numbered steps. Then there is a green callout box at the bottom with tips, hints, and substitutions. The tips are incredibly useful for those with picky eaters.

This is definitely healthy eating with an eye toward longevity and reducing or preventing the onset of inflammatory diseases that cause strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, and more. The electronic versions is nicely annotated and easy to use - just click on a recipe to go to that page. I tried several recipes and enjoyed the meals I made: from a creamy cranberry dressing for my salads to chickpea tikka masala as a dinner for the family.

This really is as good as it gets for healthy recipes that are easy to make and delicious. There are no really exotic ingredients and those going plant based will be family already with ones like nutritional yeast (gives a cheesy flavor) or soy curls ('tastes like chicken!'). But this is also more than just a cookbook because the author sets up individuals to be able to build a life around these foods and tailoring them to individual tastes. As such, it's great for beginners but also has excellent recipes for those already eating plant-based or who would like to transition to a lower fat diet. Reviewed from an advance reader copy provided by the publisher.

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Kim Campbell, one of the finest plant-based chefs, knows how to make whole food recipes taste fabulous, offering a delectable and easy-to-follow cookbook —PLANTPURE COMFORT FOOD.

With over 100 Plant-Based and Mostly Gluten-Free Recipes to Nourish Your Body and Soothe Your Soul, with the comfort of knowing you are eating healthy yet not giving up taste.

As a vegan for many years with numerous food allergies, including gluten and many others, I have found it very difficult to find a good cookbook that works for me.

In addition to food allergies, I also have a rare disease, Giant Cell Arteritis (temporal arteritis). Inflammation of the lining of your arteries (Vasculitis) which you can go blind if attacks the optic nerve. I also have a demyelinating disease (like MS). In this disorder, your immune system attacks the myelin sheath or the cells that produce and maintain it.

I am on long-term high dosages of steroids to combat the inflammation (for the last year), which further causes a slew of tasty side effects that puts you in a drug-induced Cushings Syndrome (including weight gain, and edema, among others).

Proper foods are essential to control food allergies and inflammation, and Kim makes it easy for you in this PLANTPURE Comfort food. Due to these health issues, I have not dined out in years and must prepare food at home to assist with these ongoing health factors.

BEST PART: The healthy oil-free cooking, gluten-free, and egg/meat substitutes are unique about this cookbook. (this is rare to find, which I love and find very helpful). I am highly allergic to eggs, dairy, and numerous other foods and do not eat meat, low sodium, no sugar, or processed foods.

In addition to the table of contents (recipe index), easy-to-prepare tasty recipes, substitutes, and wealth of information, the critical elements of a good cookbook are photos. It has it all—beautiful photography will make your mouth water.

You will find the following categories:
Pantry Makeover
Equipping Your Kitchen
Dairy and Egg Substitutes
Swap Meat for Whole Plant Substitutes
Basic Ingredient Substitutions
Oil-Free Cooking Strategies
Measurements and Conversions
Temperature Conversions
Grain Cooking Charts

Soups and Stews
Spice Blends
Dressings and Sauces
Sandwiches and Wraps
Appetizers and Dips
PlantPure Comfort Food
Instant Pot Recipes
Holiday Recipes
On the Sweeter Side
Each includes ingredients, easy-to-follow directions, tips, and hints.

I highly recommend this collection of recipes and must-have cookbook essential for your kitchen. PlantPure Comfort Food is not just a pretty book for your shelf but one you will use and vital for anyone who wants better health and to follow a whole food plant-based diet.

No matter your food journey, whether you are a long-time vegan, have food allergies, or are a beginner, Campbell has mastered comfort food with delicious, healthy recipes with easy-to-prepare nutritious meals anytime.

If you want to adopt a whole food, plant-based diet, this is the book! I have tried many of the recipes and look forward to trying more. I highly recommend it!

Thank you to #BenBellaBooks and #NetGalley for an e-ARC to read, review, and enjoy. I also purchased the paperback copy.

Blog Review Posted @
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
My Rating: 5 🌟Stars
Pub Date: Dec 13, 2022
Dec 2022 Must-Read Books

About the Author
Kim Campbell is the author of the PlantPure Nation and the PlantPure Kitchen cookbooks. She developed more than 250 delicious whole-food plant-based recipes using no processed oils. Kim is also the Director of Culinary Education and Development at PlantPure, where she helps to develop new food products and deliver educational programming.

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I really do appreciate that plant based food can be something that tastes good and is easy to make. That's what I did like about this book. However, I did find the formatting to be hard to read so it was kind of hard to follow. However, I am still excited to try some of these!

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PlantPure Food Comfort was a book that I was really excited to read! I love eating plant based foods, but, in my experience, giving up comfort foods is one of the hardest things about trying to go vegetarian or vegan. The book began with a comprehensive guide to re-thinking and making over your pantry and preparing your kitchen with the tools you’ll need. The book also included a lot of helpful charts for measurements and cooking times. I’m a sucker for a good soup recipe and I’m excited to try out the creamy asparagus and mushroom soup and the lasagna soup!

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Fairly decent cookbook. The best parts were the reference pages in the beginning of the book. Lots of info on stocking a pantry, tools, cooking times, grains etc. Very helpful if gifting a book to a new plant based cook or someone who is changing their diet.

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a good collection of recipes, it is hard to make vegan comforting but a real good effort was made. the photos are nice.

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I haven't tried any of these recipes yet, but I sure did enjoy looking through the cookbook. It has many appealing recipes that I will try along with beautiful photographs. I love to incorporate plant-based foods into my diet and this will be very helpful to reach that goal. I'll be buying the hard copy as soon as it is published!!

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I was pleasantly surprised by this cookbook. This book offers a great variety of plant based recipes that I have not yet come across in other cookbooks. I love that the book sets you up with basic ingredients that you should have stocked in your kitchen as well as substitutes in case you forgot to grab something at the grocery store. I found it interesting the author doesn't use oil in her cooking and something I may incorporate in my cooking. I loved that these meals are very approachable and quick to throw together. I often find myself in cooking ruts and this is a book I will pick up over and over again to get inspired. Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for a copy of this book.

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