Member Reviews

Pacifiers can be wonderful for soothing anxiety, but there comes a time when they need to be put aside, and little Kiki doesn't want to let go. A visit with some friends may just convince her that she really doesn't need her pacifier anymore.
I loved the bold, colorful illustrations in this one. Wish this book had been around when my youngest son refused to give up his "passy."

While there is nobody in my household hanging onto their pacifier, this book was perfectly timed to read to my best friend’s twins who are just as attached to their paci as Kiki is. The illustrations are lovely and the plot is a nice departure from the typical child letting go of their paci to “grow up” or to give to another child, usually a new baby. Kudos for a new approach that is endearing and quirky. The only criticism is that the book could have been longer!

Kiki pacifier
5 Stars
This book is for toddlers that are having a difficult time giving up their pacifier. Kiki, a guinea pig, takes us on her adventure as we meet different animals and learn how they use their teeth. Will Kiki be inspired to let go of her pacifier and see what her teeth can do?
I absolutely love this adorable picture book. The illustrations are brilliantly colorful, and I found myself giggling at some of the animals' outfits. The beaver in a swimsuit was my favorite. This is a sweet story that any child would love. It definitely kept a smile on my face.
Thank you, NetGalley and Clavis Publishing, for an advance review copy for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

For the toddler and parent of a toddler that is having a hard time letting go of their pacifier.
This adorable illustrated children's book helps with letting go of the pacifier. Kiki meets other animals that do not use pacifier but use their teeth for other things. Each animal has a different use for their teeth and inspire Kiki to let go of his pacifier. A sweet story that your child will love.
A special thank you to Clavis Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

5 Stars
This would be a great book for a young toddler/wobbler that you are trying to encourage to give up their pacifier/soother. I remember when our kids gave up theirs and that was hard. This is typically a soothing device that they really love.
This book follows the story of Kiki after her mom explains that its time to let go so her teeth can grow in nice and strong. Kiki is not sure why she needs to have strong teeth what can she do with them anyways. So she goes around interviewing different animals in the forest. She finds that there are so many different and fun uses for teeth like breaking open nuts to eat or cutting a hole in the wall for a mouse's home. After hearing all her friends, she decides that her teeth are great for smiling and passes her pacifier along to a tiny mouse. (of course my kids wouldn't care, but I did find that part a bit gross as a parent haha)
This book was very cute and is a great book for littles. The explanations are easy to understand very well illustrated on the page. The illustrations are simple in terms of background noise, but the characters are brightly illustrated with great detail and sketch like feel.
Thank you to Netgalley and Clavis Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this advanced reader copy. My review is voluntarily my own.
I will be later publishing my review on my instagram page the.littlest.bookwork and Amazon.

This is such a sweet story. I love reading to my children and this is one I'm going to be buying for my nephew who was just born. The images are amazing!!

Loved this book! I love books that help young children understand feelings better. This book was perfect for any young child getting rid of the pacifier. The pictures were great.

Kiki’s Pacifier is an adorable book. My son loved all of the different animals Kiki met and what they did with their teeth, especially the rabbit.
This is a fun book about growing up and saying goodbye to your pacifier. The ending was very sweet with Kiki passing the pacifier off to the next little one.
Beautiful, engaging illustrations. Every animal is adorable and brightly colored. The script is beautiful and easy to read.

Thank you, Clavis Publishing, for the advance reading copy.
I feel this is a very important book to introduce to the kids as well as for parents as I know pacifiers are very convenient for them but leads to faulty teeth growth if used longer than necessary for a certain age range.
I find the book really beautiful! Wait till you come across that beaver with a pair of cute red bikini! I was suddenly laughing out loud seeing how cute it is!
An amazing picture book!

I think this book has a great intention - helper story to encourage toddlers to stop with the pacifier. However, I feel the book is one more that I would make up in the moment to talk to my toddler rather than one that has a lot of creativity or story telling.

My littles loved this book. The pictures and the story were suck fun and we read it over and over again. It was fun to hear them talk about the different animals Kiki meets and which one is their favorite.

Kiki is a cute adorable little guinea pig who doesn’t want to let go of her little comforter. She learns that growing up is hard, especially when you have to give up something you love, and if she didn’t, what it could cost her. A cute little book that teaches kids why they need to take care of their teeth and how they can help make them grow healthy and strong.

One of many great tools that can be helpful in helping parents convince children to let go of something that provides a great sense of security. I wonder if kids might misunderstand and think its ok to bite things they're not supposed to. Illustrations are well done and provide some humorous and sensory aspects as well.

Kiki’s Pacifier by Esther van den berg is a very cute book to get your child to give up there pacifier. Dentists say pacifiers too long can cause problems with children’s teeth. I love the illustrations.

Such a common problem but so difficult to break. That soothing pacifier needs to go away so Kiki’s teeth will grow straight. With lots of animal friends doing things they typically do in unique ways, Kiki is provided reasons to break with her pacifier. Children will enjoy reading this over and over to process the idea of letting go of their security. Patents and caregivers will be able to reinforce this by referencing Kiki’s friends and what they did instead helping our human children see what else they might do. Colorful and creative. Thank you #NetGalley and #Clavispublishing for providing the advanced reader copy.