Member Reviews

Part science text, part devotional, All of Creation introduces young readers to such concepts as conservation and sustainable living in an accessible format. Based on the concept that Christians have been tasked to be stewards of the earth, this book not only introduces tough issues, but attempts to show what the Bible says about them, and how we should react based on our Christian beliefs. Each chapter includes a section highlighting actionable steps that readers can take. Scientific facts are paired with beautiful illustrations creating a nice finished product.

I went into this book expecting it to be similiar to Louie Giglio's Indescribable. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. On the plus side, this book does go further into the science behind what's happening on our planet. However, the "Biblical principles" are loosely connected and questionable at times. I found the overall tone of the first couple of chapters to be condescending. Some of the calls to action felt emotionally manipulative and were frankly off-putting. As the book continued, things became slightly better, but were still off. So it's with mixed emotions that I find myself cautioning parents. This is definitely not a book to blindly hand off to your children. Rather read it with them. Or perhaps even better, don't read it at all.

*Disclaimer: I recieved a free copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Surely we should care about the beautiful creation of God but personally wouldn't recommend this book. It seems to lack the belief that God is sovereign and we are responsible for our actions.

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This book resonates with me for many reasons. While there may be small things here or there that I’m not sure about, the majority of the book is exactly what I’ve been looking for. As a Christian, I believe that we need to steward the home that God gave us! However, I am often caught in between the more liberal environmentalists, and more conservative Christian’s. This book gives Christian’s science and biblical reasons for protecting the environment for each other and for the animals and habitats that God created. I proudly try to be conscious of the environment while also praising God and recognizing Him as the creator and I believe this book aims to achieve that as well!

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This is a great Christian-based book about caring for the world and I'd recommend it for libraries looking to expand their religious collections.

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