Cover Image: Holiday Read

Holiday Read

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This was a DNF for me. I read 1/5 of the book, yet it still didn’t get started with the story on the blurb. Also the hero in the story wasn’t a likeable character, so I wasn’t wanting to keep reading to see him get his HEA

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This book came full circle for me and it was done is a way that showed many different sides of the main character.

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This was a really hard book to like. I’m not even counting it as a book I “read” because I skimmed through most of it just to finish it and see if it had any redeeming qualities.

First of all, the book is called Holiday Read… these characters aren’t even on holiday? Alexis isn’t even on holiday he came to this town to write his book. And while we are on the topic of Alexis, he is a horrible character and not even remotely likeable.

There are so many plots and sub plots in this book that you don’t even know what to focus on and not much of them are even remotely interesting.

This book probably would have been better if you just focused on the female friendships in this story because they could at least be funny at times.

I’m sorry to say this is not one I enjoyed at all. Many thanks to NetGallery and Aria and Aries for allowing me to provide an honest review.

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If you like Emily Henry this book is for you, happy ending with quite a few twists. This book could be seen as a slow burn but if you stick it out you maybe happy that you did. I would love to know who will do the audio of this book it just might make a difference how people see this book overall.

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I would like to start off this review by thanking Aria and Aries for sending me an advanced reader copy of "Holiday Read" by Taylor Cole in exchange for my honest review. Let's jump into this.
I would like to disclose that I DNFed this book at about 50%. I firstly found the title to be misleading, this doesn't have anything to do with holidays. I was excepting a Emily Henry-esque type of book and this wasn't even close to my expectation. The plot is all over the place and I find the MMC, Alexis, to be truly gross. He's misogynistic and a major creep. What caused me to DNF this book was the part where his publisher tells Candice, the FMC, that Alexis wrote a story under an anonymous name about killing women. If the several misogynistic comments throughout the beginning of this book weren't bad enough, the author hits us with that. You can write a grumpy, misunderstood MMC without him being sexist. I like my romance books without bigotry towards women,

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This was definitely just not for me, and honestly, shouldn't be something that anyone really finds enjoyable.

Our MC in this book is misogynistic and egotistical with no redeeming qualities. I have a feeling from the cover and title, that Holiday Read was an attempt to draw in readers and form similar feelings to Emily Henry's Beach Read. But these things could not be further from similar. Emily Henry draws on grumpy, slightly unlikable characters who we get to see develop and grow. Taylor Cole makes their characters so unlikable that I have no interest in seeing their growth if it's even there.

That, and there's some definite consent issues that take place in this book, and there's basically no caution warning anywhere to be found. Do yourself a favor, and just go read Beach Read or another rom-com style book.

Holiday Read is set to be published May 11, 2023. Thank you to Aria & Aries, NetGalley and the author for the Advanced Reader's Copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I am fascinated by surfing. I've always enjoyed stories with characters who are surfers (Malibu Rising, anyone?) and this book definitely fit that niche! I know that's an odd thing for someone who's never even been to the ocean, let alone tried to surf. I just find the whole sport and culture fascinating!

That's one of the reasons I find Candace so appealing. I can't imagine anywhere more odd to teach surfing than Cornwall! Add to that her delightful personality quirks, and you've got a top tier main character!

There are lots and lots of unique nerdy references scattered throughout the story, from Dungeons and Dragons to Pride and Prejudice, from Thundercats to The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Something for everyone, you know. 😉

I love how meta this book is. It is, after all, a book about authors writing a book about authors that might make a great movie. Definitely a theme that romcom readers will understand!

This book arrives in stores during the summer holidays, which is perfect! This is the best kind of fun beach read that all of us reach for in July!

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I found this book super interesting. There is a lot more depth here than the usual meet-cute romcom, and I found the main character of Hawaiian surfer turned waitress Candice interesting and engaging.

This book offered more that the usual cute fluff, and made for a nice addition to the romance genre.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the chance to review this book.

I have not gotten very far into it but it does not seem the the book for me. I don't think there is an issue with the writing, I am just personally struggling to connect with the characters and I believe that I am just not in the right mindset to read a book of this nature currently. I will hopefully one day be able to sit down and actually get into it but right now is not the time for me.

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The cover and title had me instantly. However, I felt both the cover illustration and the title had little to do with what the book was about. I could have used more from the plot line overall. I actually found myself going to the back of the book to see what this book was supposed to be about. I did ultimately finish the book but was not swept away with the storyline. However, the female friendship was a fun supportive character group to follow.

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No matter how much I tried I just couldn't get into this book. I gave it multiple attempts but in the end I had to leave it at 20%.

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I got so immersed on the cover and tried to find the romantic comedy genre of the story, but that did not happened. Instead, I felt really bad for Candice, and the struggle with her limits and how they semmed to no matter at all.

I really wanted to like this, but I felt uncomfortable with Alexis way at first just to finish his novel, I'm just saying that the end doesn't justify the means, even though Candice was up tu help him.

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This tale has all the elements to make a great story - jilted Candice leaves her home of Hawaii to Newquay to find her long lost biological father and also find herself. One summer, she happens upon writer Alexis and his agent Daniel and is surprised to find herself suddenly thrown into being a co-writer which also happens to be a passion she had always wished to be able to do. A love triangle also ensues.

Unfortunately, the execution of these elements just didn’t meet the mark. The plot development fell flat with a lack of depth and it was difficult to connect with the characters.

Overall, a light beach read that did not meet its potential.

Thank you to NetGalley and Aria for sharing this ARC with me in exchange for my honest review.

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This book had great potential, but unfortunately it didn't hit the mark for me.
I felt like the book has taken the plot and ideas of other novels in the same genre and tried to fit them all in this small book, which I did not like personally.

The descriptions, plot, and characters felt very one dimensional and I really struggled.
As an editor, in my professional opinion, this book needs a lot more work.

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I had high hopes for this book because when I started it I saw the potential and I didn't read any reviews before starting. However, my feelings changed quickly as this story went on.

It felt like the story dragged. At first there was so much build up, but then it seemed like the second half was rushed. It also felt like things were thrown into the story to try to build it up. I did end up skimming the last half.

Also, the chapters were so inconsistent in length. I found the first few chapters were so long and then the ones at the end were a few pages long.

Some of the characters were so unlikeable! The main guy - Alexis - was honestly the worst and so misogynistic. I saw through him right away. Some of the other characters did and said some questionable things.

The title of this book is so misleading. I thought it was going to be like Beach Read since the title and cover look so similar and the blurb sounds like Book Lovers. It felt like it was jumping on an author that is very popular and trying to copy them.

The dialogue is forced and unbelievable. As a romance lover, it offended me that a main character who makes fun of the genre is going to write one.

Overall, it wasn't the worst book I've read. It won't be one I recommend or even remember. I didn't find it to be a romance at all

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for ab advanced copy of this books.

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I’m typically not that critical of books and book reviews, but this book just wasn’t that good. It was very hard for me to follow the storyline and keep reading the book. It was more like, I have to pick it up and keep reading versus I can’t keep from picking it up and seeing what happens next. This book is a hard pass for me.

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I’d like to begin by saying thank you for the opportunity to read this book before its release.

I really tried to like this book but I did not. I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 because of Makayla. I loved her character and she really made me laugh but she was the only character I truly liked. I think this was a book that I really wanted to DNF but I finished out of discipline and so it took me a while to get through it.

Alexis was a creep and he blurred too many lines. Getting a woman intoxicated, making a move on her and attempting to justify your stalker behaviour (he legit described her nipples in her top for “book research”) was horrifying to read.

I didn’t fall in love with Daniel either. I’m glad Candice got her happily ever after in the end but I’d lost interest in the romance by the 50% mark. I frankly didn’t care if they got together or not. At some points in the book I wasn’t even sure who she was interested in.

Also the story as to why she moved to Cornwall seemed underdeveloped, as if it was just thrown in there as an attempt to give Candice some depth.

Personally I wouldn’t recommend this book.

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I had to DNF this one. Did not love the story. The love interest was awful, and the book was just not it. Sold as a romance, this felt like anything but. The dialogue was also cringeworthy.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Meh not a fan of this book. I read it on a beach vacation and it was boring. I love the cover and title but the book was hard to get through. The back story was a mess and not interesting. The characters were ok.

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Slow to start. Could not get into the book.
Dnf around 10%
I may try to go back and read at another time but for now I'm moving on.

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