Member Reviews

*I received this book for free through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

I was getting a "The Charm Offensive" vibe from this. Sadly, it wasn't like that at all. The book was very catty. My biggest problems were not knowing who was who, what they looked like, or why they did the things they did. It's not fun to read a book about a reality show if you can't root for anyone.

There was no atmosphere or character development. It was extremely slow. It would have worked so much better if the characters were older. I didn't see any chemistry between the characters. I do like the cover. This is my second attempt at a Sophie Gonzales book. Don't know if reading "If This Gets Out" would be a good idea. But, all-in-all the book just wasn't well done or attention-grabbing.

Thank you Macmillan Audio!

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The best way I can describe this book is that it’s about the show The Bachelor, but add a slight LGBTQIA twist to it. I liked that the girls were plotting against the bachelor because he’s honestly a tool anyways and does not deserve any of them.

Jody is basically a prince and they’ve decided to host a second chance romance TV series about him. They bring in all his exes to live in the same house and battle for his love.
Jordy cheated on Maya, which devastated her. Skye fell for Jody when he did everything right, but ghosted her. Now, these two are forced to share a room together for the series. Even worse, Skye is who Jordy left Maya for.
After some initial animosity, Maya tells Skye the story which she backs up with texts and pictures. After sharing their story with the girls, they start to turn against Jody, and plot a way to expose his faults. Maya and Skye develop a friendship and through their time together they actually do find love on the show, it just isn’t with Jordy.

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<b>Boyfriends cannot be stolen.</b> If this is a statement you agree with, you may not like this book. The main conflict in the book is that Jordy Miller is a cheater, and the girl he cheated on, Maya, believes that the girl he cheated <i>with</i>, Skye, stole her boyfriend from her. It is my firm belief that the man is always the one at fault in these situations, so I did not sympathize with Maya’s hatred of Skye.

Additionally, there is a LOT of lack of communication in this book, which is generally annoying to me. So many fights, big and small, could’ve been avoided if the characters would either speak to each other about them or wait to react until they had the chance to talk about what happened. I understand this is a YA book and I was maybe expecting an adult level of maturity from the characters, so perhaps I am the issue here.

I did like the story overall. I generally enjoy a <i>Bachelor</i> type knockoff novel, and this was no exception. I do think it was ultimately worth reading, but there are certainly better books of this type.

Better than Revenge by Taylor Swift
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift (duh)
Closer by Tegan and Sara
Slumber Party by Ashnikko feat. Princess Nokia

Thank you to St. Martin's Press, Macmillan Audio and Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Never Ever Getting Back Together
Sophie Gonzales
Jordy’s sister married into royalty; from his attitude you would think Jordy was royalty. For a young man he has certainly gone through a lot of girls. He lies to them; tells them they are special, and they swoon over him. The media has put together a reality show, Second-Chance Romance and Jordy is the star. The producers have ask several of the girls Jordy dated in the past to come on the show and compete for Jordy’s affections.
One of the girls invited to the show is Maya; Jordy cheated on her. There is a fine line between hate and love and Maya seems to be walking that line. Revenge is the name of the game that Maya is playing. She wants everyone, the whole world, to know Jordy is a liar and a cheat. Skye allowed herself to be taken in by sweet words. She trusted him until he stopped calling.
Both girls along with several others agreed to participate in Second-Chance Romance. The producers tucked the girls in a magnificent mansion where they are manipulated by the producers as well as Jordy. Cameras follow the girls and capture their actions as they compete. At first Maya and Skye were sworn enemies. Once they realized Jordy has lied and manipulated both of them, they joined forces to put him in his place.
Never Ever Getting Back Together is hilarious. Jordy is a piece of slime. Skye is intelligent and sensitive while Maya is snarky and lacks a filter between her brain and mouth. The book is narrated by Maya and Skye. I couldn’t help but think of the Bachelor reality shows, the participants are younger, but the cattiness is the same. My one criticism is making this a Young Adult book. I think it would have been more appropriate as an adult novel.

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Eighteen-year-old Maya goes on a reality show to get revenge on her ex-boyfriend Jordy. Little does she know she'll be sharing a room with Skye, the woman he cheated on her with. When Skye and Maya compare notes, they realize they've both been duped. In their quest to make Jordy pay, will they fall in love—with each other?

I don't remember the last time a book made me smile so much. It hit all the beats and has all the feels. Maya is pretty intense in the beginning, but Skye's natural sweetness helps Maya mature and learn what really matters.

The audio narration is brilliant. I highly recommend this book—it's easily one of my top 5 favorites of the year.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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ALL THE STARS!!! Cause this was perfection and I loved it!!!! Ok so this basically reminded me of a John Tucker Must Die scenario and I WAS LIVING FOR IT! I wanted to watch this man suffer. Only complaint I have is that we didn’t get to watch him suffer more 🤣

Now the whole enemies to livers tripe? Yup, I was here for it. And it was beautiful

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The bachelor with a twist?!? Thank you so much to NetGalley for giving me this arc I fell in love!!!! The sarcasm, drama, and fantastic ending! I could not get enough!!

Also loved the bi representation!!! I felt so seen 🥹♥️

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I really liked this! It was satisfying in a way that is fairly unusual, because it might be a bit cliched, but I don't even care because you know when you're watching some sort of terrible reality show and you're like 'oh man, those two should dump the dude and get together'? Well that's this. And it's hilarious because I didn't even know the LGBTQ+ element existed until midway through. Guess I didn't read much about it beforehand! I also didn't realize I'd read a book by Sophie Gonzales before, but I had and loved it. The thing I appreciated the most about this one, though, was that she never resorted to having the girls work against each other. There were some misunderstandings but no one was just 'a bitch'. Which is a boring formula that I see far, far too often.

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3.5 stars:

Two years after Maya broke up with Jordy, the boyfriend who cheated on her, he comes back into her life in a whirlwind as a now-famous royalty of a small European country. She is aghast when he reaches out to her to star in his reality tv show where he brings on his ex-girlfriends in order to find the "one who got away". At first, she refuses to be anywhere near him again, but then decides this might be her only chance to deal him the perfect act of revenge. She doesn't account for Skye, the girl Jordy cheated on her with, being on the show too and has to attempt to survive being her roommate for the entire filming process. However, as the contest goes on, Maya and Skye realize they might have more in common than they originally realized and maybe even have chemistry they never thought possible.

This book is definitely a reality tv-crazed whirlwind! The author truly did nail down how I imagine shows like the Bachelor are really filmed and the hysterical irony of it being called "reality tv". The setting was such a fun idea (again with reality shows becoming so popular) for a queer romance where the girls fall for one another instead of the bachelor. It made it quirky and made any revenge on Jordy that much more satisfying. However, the ages of Maya, Skye, and the other contestants just didn't feel right. I kept forgetting that most of them were only 18 when it felt like they were AT LEAST 21, but if I could age them I would say 25. They were on a dating reality show for a boy who they dated when they were 16 -- I'm sorry, but most people in my experience do not care that much about their high school baes. How did he even have time to date all of those girls!? They were also doing things like drinking jello shots and champagne (which was passed off because they were in Europe and the drinking age was 18) and spending nights alone with a boy on national television (sexual acts definitely insinuated and expected). I know all of them are legal adults, but what parents would really be so willing to send their fresh out of high school baby into that lions den!? Again, the aging just seemed a bit off for the maturity of the situation these girls were in and in general didn't make sense for a lot of the life experiences the girls talk about in the plot which I felt pulled me out of the story more than once.

Regardless, I really liked Maya's spunk and her knack for jumping head on into her rage-filled tyrades. Jordy was the worst and deserved every minute of it. I found Skye a little bland as a character, but I think that was somewhat redeemed when she was paired with Maya's energy. Opposites truly do attract. They were a cute couple and I commend the author with having two very femme queers fall in love. There is usually the trope of a girly girl queer with a butch masculine queer and I'm glad that we didn't fall into that usual trap. I also loved loved loved the camaraderie of all the contestants together and was very happy it turned into a supportive girl squad situation instead of a shaming one.

Overall, I was pretty happy with the ending. As much as I wanted explosive revenge because again Jordy was THE WORST, I think the finish was wrapped in a nice little bow. Even though I wished I had personally liked it a bit more, it was still a fun, quirky, and quick read that was enjoyable and one that I would recommend. The narrators did an awesome job and helped bring Skye and Maya to life. I think if the ages made more sense, I would have been enamored by a more believable plot and felt more connected to the characters themselves.

Thank you netgalley and MacMillan audio for a first look!

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Imagine someone you once loved who broke up with you in a brutal way then goes on the bachelor. Except instead of new contestants he's never dated each one is an ex from some point in his life. And he reaches out to you to see if you would be open to coming on the show. What would you do?

That is the exact position that both of our main characters are in. One genuinely is interested in exploring the relationship again and the other ... well she is interested in telling her side of the story. Before you know it our main characters are navigating how they are showing themselves on television as well as the budding friendship between them and the possibility of more. Their are challenges between all the contestants to win time with the main man and with any group of girls fighting for one man's attention there are intense dynamics and rivalries to overcome. Funny, sweet, and a good read.

Anyone looking for a LGBTQ romance I suggest picking this book up. Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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I always love a two-POV story especially when there are two voices on the audiobook - Barrie Kreink and Natalie Naudus did an awesome job bringing both characters' stories to life.

The difference in the voices was what we would need Although I don't love the storyline of reality tv however this story was interesting and intriguing.

The fact Maya was going to use this show as a way to show everyone who her ex truly is. Skye could be considered the other woman according to Maya however, she hasn't experienced this bad person that Maya speaks of

They have both signed on for different reasons and the result are spectacular.
if you love a drama-filled romance - this is for you = Maya and Skye's personalities truly shine through

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This was such an entertaining read. I loved the premise of this book: two exes are invited to a reality dating show to re-date a man that is terrible, and they fall in love with each other?
If I could, I would reread it again to re-experience it.

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Pub. Date: Nov. 29, 2022

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the ALC of this novel in exchange for a review.


THE GOOD: This was cute! If you've ever wondered what it's like for a bachelorette who comes back looking for a second chance with The Bachelor, read this book! Just kidding. Although, I'm sure there is some truth in the things that go through someone's head when they come back looking for a second chance. I did like the spin that everyone was looking for a second chance though, rather than having multiple people trying to connect for the first time and then someone from the past comes back.

THE BAD: I hate the title because I hate that Taylor Swift song. The book did not need to be called this. 😑

Favourite quote: N/A

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I received this book from NetGalley in return for an honest review. I requested this book after seeing it all over my Instagram feed and my interest was peaked. I did not read the synopsis and went in blind. I was barely through the first chapter when I already knew I was not going to enjoy this book however I pressed on up until 15% complete in an attempt to give the book the benefit of the doubt before DNFing.

Maya is whiny and immature focusing on revenge and spite instead of moving on with her life. The best revenge is living well.

Jordy is a pompous, narcasistic, manipulative ass and isn't even worth the effort to get back at the Maya is wasting on him.

I am a big fan of YA but this was way too immature for my taste and the thought of finding it a good idea to go on a "Bachelor" type show for the sole purpose of getting back at your ex holds no interest for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the audio version of the book. Everything I write is my own opinion and thoughts. I am not compensated for my review.
I loved this book. It took me by surprise on how it played out and the ending was not what I was expecting. It goes to show that falling in love is a unique experience for everyone. The male character in the book started out all charming and seemed genuine but with all stories theres a twist. He was a one ponie trick saying the same stuff to multiple women playing the same game. was a good read!

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This book had some interesting parts. I good palate cleanser after spooky holiday reads. I enjoyed the females empowering one another instead of being gossipy and adding drama. I think more books should definitely have that. I thought the love interest was a little unrealistic and forced but not more than usual when it comes to Romanctic comedy type books. I think this will be a popular book-it was a too "open door" for me

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* Thanks to NetGally and MacMillan Audio for the audio ARC of this! *

First of all - Jordy is the most hate-able character I've come across in a long time, and I think that makes this book work so, so well. He's just so scummy from the get go, that you want all the bad things to happen to him. I loved how the relationship between Maya and Skye grows and evolves, even if Maya is slow to catch on to everything. All of the side characters are well-rounded and enjoyable.
The only thing I didn't love was the audio narrator - her voice just wasn't pleasant for me to listen to, and I didn't think the two character voices were different enough. But that's just me! Overall, I loved this, but reality tv is my catnip.

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Loved the POVs of both Skye and Maya from enemies to lovers fueled by revenge. Also loved the reality TV setting and all the roles involved. It would have seemed more realistic had the characters be in their twenties or thirties instead of still being teenagers and fresh out of their relationship with Jordy, the revenge could have been so much better. Overall, the book was cute for YA and just what I expected and wanted it to be for Skye and Maya!

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

First off, I requested this solely based off the cover (LOL). It looked fun and cute, something that would draw attention to me if I were to see it stocked at the bookstore. When I was approved for this copy, I then read the synopsis and I was stunned to find it had a similar storyline to the show The Bachelor. If you know me IRL, I hate this show and its partner show, the bachelorette. It's not something I would spend my time watching and if I knew this was related to the book - sorry I would not have picked it up.

I was first approved for the ebook version of this title but was then approved for the audiobook version - thankfully bc I was not into it at all. I quickly switched over to the audiobook version and started the title again. The storyline is v cringy but surprisingly engaging. It kept me on my toes despite my hatred for this type of story.



Idk but I didnt see that coming !!!! - 60% in and from there on it was history. I was listening to it everywhere I went, when I got up, when I was doing laundry, when I was in the shower, driving to work and even on my runs! When I got to the twist, I was actually training for a 5k and I stopped dead in my tracks when the twist happened. I had to pause and take it in lol

anyways, great story - I would not have picked it up but that just shows me that I should always give a chance to a book even if I think it'll be LAME AF. LOL :)

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This was so fun!!! The book was, of course, fabulous, new, and fresh. I've read a few of the 'reality show' style books over the last few years, but this was absolutely the best of them. I love how the girls all ended up coming together at the end and the drama was resolved quickly. Too often women are played against each other and I'm glad this book didn't go in that direction.

The narrator was wonderful and really lent a unique voice to all the characters. I listened to the entire book while driving one very long day, and I hardly wanted to stop even for gas, it was so entertaining! What can we say. Sophie Gonzalez has done it again!

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