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The Block Party

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The Block Party is a dual perspective domestic thriller about homicide on a wealthy street.

Main character Alex is a divorce mediator with a drinking problem and a penchant for making her neighbors’ business her own. Her teen daughter Lettie is the other narrator who moves from revenge to noble helper of the children impacted by the parental madness on Alton Road.

I was engaged in the mystery, though I think a full year leading up to it felt a bit too long. I also thought Lettie and Alex’s self aware monologues were a little too on-the-nose for a teen and an alcoholic. And Lettie’s motivation changed so quickly, I didn’t really understand.

Thanks to St. Martin’s press and Netgalley for my e-arc in exchange for my honest review.

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If you love neighborhood dramas, like me, then you must read this sensational book. This neighborhood is full of draaaaaama - I mean like Bravo TV drama LOL. I couldn't wait to see how everything unraveled with the wealthy residents. I always feel like the "rich" have way better secrets - especially when everyone is looking at the window or fence to see what their neighbor is doing.

The story starts off with their yearly block party and a murderous crime is committed. The reader is then introduced to the residents a year prior at the last block party and takes place throughout the months to present day. It was pretty easy to keep track of which neighbor was who. The author made it easy to associate the drama with each house LOL. I loved the POV's from the residents because it was also from their teenagers.

I was really engaged in this story and couldn’t wait to see how it was going to play out.

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This was a fun read with some excellent plot twists. The tangle of neighbors was a lot of fun to unwind. I really liked the way the author led us through the events. You had to be patient but it was done well!

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4 stars!

After a slew of bad thrillers, it was great to read something that was actually decent. I loved the summery aspect and I didn't even mind that there were so many characters. It was exciting because we had two mysteries to figure out - who was actually murdered and who did it? Overall such a fun time!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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The protagonists were unlikable and dysfunctional. Some items were triggering such as rape and suicide. Maybe others won’t be bothered like I was.

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A murder occurs during a neighborhood party. There are plenty of potential victims and suspects.

The Block Party is told through two points of view – Alex and Lettie. Alex is the organizer of the block party, problem solver, and nosy neighbor. Lettie is her teenage daughter.

A gossipy, drama filled neighborhood. A mysterious murder. A fun and entertaining domestic suspense.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I love that this book was told from past, present and online group forum as they try to figure out what exactly is happening at the block party and how things ended up this way. The drama is addicting but with so many characters to keep up with on the street it became confusing at times trying to remember who’s who. Overall I liked this book!

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I was able to predict a few of the bigger issues before they happened, however, there were a few I did not see coming! An easy and enjoyable read if you're looking for some suspense.

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This neighborhood drama started off strong but I hit a snag and put it aside for a bit. I am so glad I came back to it! Anyone who has lived in a neighborhood development will understand the snarky behavior of some nosy neighbors. We know from the beginning that a serious event took place at the block party on Alton Rd. The story unfolds through flashbacks and the chatty neighborhood social media messages hinting at secrets of the Alton Road residents. The storyline split off into a couple of sub plots that kept me super intrigued as to where the book was going. And the red herrings only amped up the suspense to a surprising dramatic conclusion! I didn’t expect some of the revelations at all which always makes me happy!

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This book was alright. I do think the murder plot was fairly predictable. It kept my attention for the most part but it did lag a little

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I liked the book overall. I was, however, able to predict a few of the bigger revelations before they happened, but didn’t see a few coming! An easy read if you’re looking for a little suspense. 3 Stars, just ok. Thank you for the ARC.

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What could be better than a block party? It's an opportunity for the community to come together, get to know each other, and have some fun. The residents of Alton Road–known as Altonites by those who are not one of these “lucky” few–have an annual block party often organized by Alex Fox. She does her best to make sure that everyone is happy and having a good time, but one summer things don’t quite go as planned; one summer the block party ends in murder. ⁣⁣⁣

The Block Party was an okay mystery. I liked that it started with the murder, but you don’t know who the victim is, drawing me into the story before jumping back one year. I also like that there are two narrators–Alex and her daughter, Lettie–along with sections consisting of community social media posts from those outside the Alton Road community. They each have their own unique voice, bringing two perspectives to the story. The story moved too slow for my tastes however, and I found a lot of the characters to be rather annoying. I think that, were I to live in that area, I would be referring to them as Altonites and having the same opinions about them that the social media posters did. There was just too much focus on drinking and social standing. I honestly found Lettie’s story more interesting than Alex’s. I just wanted more from this novel.

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This is full of drama, full of gossip and full of characters.

It's a good family drama if you are able to keep track of all the different characters. I don't typically enjoy too many POV's in a story and this was was a lot to take it. I loved Lettie's story line, but even this one felt heavy. There were too many subplots, and I honestly don't care for teenagers POV's.

The writing was great, and sucked me in. Just too many things for my ADD brain to follow.

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I love a domestic suspense thriller and especially one with wealthy people behaving badly, so I thought The Block Party would be a perfect book match for me. I always enjoy a thriller with alternative timelines and dual viewpoints and thought that the mother (Alex) and daughter (Lettie) POVs was a great set-up for this book; unfortunately I did not really care for either character. For a thriller, this felt very slow-moving but I did enjoy the mystery and ultimately it kept me intrigued. Liked, but didn't love.

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Normally I like thrillers but this one was a little to much. I thought there was lot of fluff and stuff that wasnt needed in the book. I thought it could have been shorter and even more interesting. The secrets and deceit were too expected and not really shocking to me.

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The Alton Road cul-de-sac is where the most exclusive, elite members live, and they aren't afraid to show it. Not only does their money and social status set them apart, but so do their secrets, and on Alton Road, secrets are nearly as available as dollars. So of course when someone is murdered during the annual Memorial Day Summer block party, those secrets become as important as money--if not more so. To solve the murder, Day takes readers back a year earlier, following the events from the previous block party up to present day, unfolding the hidden lives and motivations of each resident on Alton Road to determine who was killed, who did it, and why.

While this mystery is right up my alley in theory, I found the time jumps confusing and the characters far too unlikeable to care about. I love a domestic thriller, but the large cast of characters was hard to keep track of, and each secret revealed wasn't gasp worthy enough for me to mark this book as un-put-downable. In the end, I enjoyed The Block Party and was satisfied by the conclusion, but it wasn't a stand out for me in the genre.

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To be upfront - thrillers aren’t usually my genre of choice but I was sent this arc by the publisher. I think the book was longer than it needed to be, plenty of fluff that could have been cut.

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This was Desperate Housewives meets Stepford Wives meets Real Housewives with drama and thriller aspects I cannot begin to describe! I enjoyed this so much, and I had a lot of fun reading it. It had some interesting plot twists that I did not expect, and kudos to the author for throwing me off.

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Thank you NetGalley, the author, and the publisher of this book for the opportunity to read and give an honest review of this book.

This neighborhood is one of large homes and nosey neighbors. The folks that live here are often irritated by each other. Yet, they socialize together and gossip among themselves.

Once a year, this neighborhood hosts a ‘block party’. Everyone turns out and it appears as if all are neighborly enough. This year, however, shots ring out and a neighbor is killed. Because there are so many issues circulating through the neighborhood, it will be hard for the reader to guess the victim and the motive for the shooting. That is exactly what makes this such an interesting read.

It is a little slow at the beginning of the book, yet the characters are all very interesting. That makes this a fun read.

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! No spoilers. Beyond amazing I enjoyed this book so very much. The characters and storyline were fantastic. The ending I did not see coming Could not put down nor did I want to. Truly Amazing and appreciated the whole story. This is going to be a must read for many many readers. Maybe even a book club pick.

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