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Happy Place

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Oh my GOODNESS this is both a heartbreaker and a heartwarmer. Emily Henry never misses and I loved the emotional journey of this one.

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4.6 - I really love Henry’s ability to write about friendships and relationships I such an honest, beautiful way, where you come out of it understanding how everyone ticks and everyone’s decisions. It’s rare not to get annoyed at even one character! Love this book that looks into a group of friends that always meet up in Maine and it’s the last year they’ll do so and struggling with the fact that they’re growing apart. Wyn and Harriet’s relationship is so pure and I loved them.

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What stands to me is her work is her exploration of profound themes such as self-discovery, the essence of healthy relationships, and the pursuit of inner happiness. Through her beautifully flawed characters, she invites readers to reflect on their own lives, encouraging a journey of self-acceptance and reflection. This not only captivates but also inspires, pushing individuals to consider what it means to truly love oneself and others.

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Ultimately her most underwhelming work to date. There are too many character Henry attempted to juggle that feel forgotten or abandoned in their development. I'm also immensely disappointed in the handling of the borderline non-existent sister storyline. We've read Book Lovers and we know she's capable of so much more and by the time solutions were being presented for this couple, I was truly rooting for them to go their separate ways for much longer.

Chaotic and falls flat.

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I save Emily Henry books for rainy days because they are 100% guaranteed to make me feel better, and Happy Place was no exception. Henry does such a fabulous job of balancing beloved romance tropes with fresh storylines, all though great characters and top-notch banter.

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I loved this book. I’ve read quite a few reviews from people who say this was their least favorite book by Henry and I can see that. This was a lot more poignant and a bit more sad. I think it lacked a little bit of the wit I expect from her books. That being said I still really enjoyed reading this one. It had great characters with a lot of depth.

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Loved it! Emily Henry is 4 for 4 in my book. This was a stunning read. It was emotional, heartfelt, and deeply romantic. The premise of this was truly unique and not like anything I’d read before. Fake dating but the opposite of any other fake dating book I’ve ever read. Sort of working backwards in their relationship. Told through then and now dual timelines really worked for me. The angst and nostalgia were on point. The friendships, aging, growing apart, and found family elements were so relatable and touching as a reader also at this stage of life. Not a super light rom com as the cover may imply, so I definitely recommend readers know what they are getting into and check out the content warnings before digging into this amazing book!

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It really doesn't matter what I think of this book, Emily Henry has a following and it sells well in our bookstore! This was not my favorite of her books and I can't even put my finger on the why. I just didn't love it. But regardless, it sells well! Can't wait for Funny Story!

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This was amazing in all the best ways. It made me cry multiple times but in a good way. It also felt like such a great story of friendship and found family so there was so much more than just the romantic relationship. The main characters just really needed to talk to each other earlier but they still did a good job of eventually letting it all out. I started this as an audiobook but couldn't wait and jumped back into the ebook to read it faster.

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I'd like to preface this by saying that while I'm giving this 3 stars, a 3 star Emily Henry book is like a 4 (or even a 5, tbh) star rating compared to a lot of other authors I've read. Even if I don't fall in love with the plot, which unfortunately was the case with Happy Place, I still absolutely adore her writing and end up wishing the book was 500 pages longer. If I had to give a reason for why this one didn't quite click for me the way her previous books have, I would say it probably has to do with the fact that this was easily her saddest book yet, and I, try as I might, am simply not a sad-book girlie. I am a rom-com girl through and through and this one didn't have quite enough of that for my personal tastes. Here's hoping that Funny Story will scratch that itch a little better for me. Fingers crossed!

CW: depression, death of a loved one

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Happy Place was not a happy place for me. While Emily Henry’s writing was on point for this novel, I could not connect with the characters. The friendship and relationship struggles are relatable, but they don’t feel meaningful because it was all tell, no show. My biggest pet peeve in romance novels is the miscommunication trope, especially when it comes to bad assumptions. Add on that the relationship lasted 8 years and broke down like summer fling. I couldn’t get behind Wyn’s behavior and wanted Harriet to find some self-respect. I loved Book Lovers and enjoyed Beach Read, but Happy Place is not for me.

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This is Emily Henry's best, I've never felt so well represented by a character who's dealt with the same things I have and the same emotions towards it. After people we meet on vacation I was nervous jumping into another one, but Happy People did not disappoint. One of my favourite books I've read this year.

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I just have to accept the fact that Emily Henry's books are going to absolutely devastate me and leave me riding high every time I read another one. I'm such a fan of her prose in general, but also the way she approaches the beauty and the agony of most kinds of human relationships — not just romantic, but deep and meaningful friendships too. I really enjoyed the parallel timeline structure on this one, letting us see the highs and lows of Wyn and Harriet's history, which ultimately gives their reunion and reconciliation so much more of an impact. But the friend group is great here too, and I appreciated seeing the growing pains that naturally develop within the circle as people reach different life milestones and have to shift their priorities around. This is definitely one of Henry's angstier books to date, but it makes the journey to their HEA really rewarding.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this edition from the publisher via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I really enjoy the author. Her books are always interesting and the characters are unique. This wasn't my favorite of hers but I still enjoyed it. I would recommend!

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Happy Place was a wonderfully written and enjoyable read. A rom-com with some drama thrown in for good measure. But, it is well worth the read if you are looking for a little romance with some sarcastic wit and friendships that last a life time.

A second-chance romance, Happy Place encompasses unlikely friendships that have grown into a family. It’s filled with characters that will make smile and laugh then make you stop and consider how you handle life. It was witty and heartwarming while being emotional. Only to have “you, you, you” playing in your mind.

This was a new-to-me author that I would thoroughly enjoy reading again. The story was interesting and held my attention. I enjoy quirky characters, story-lines that don’t always follow the norm, romance and happy endings. Happy Place gave me all that and a little more.

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Dual timeline, narrated get Harriet and it will definitely put you in your feels. Emily has done it again- but the ending had me screaming! Not my favorite book, but was definitely well written.

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This was my first Emily Henry novel, and I'm glad I finally got to try her out after hearing so much buzz. The writing is great and the characters were well developed. However, I didn't love it as much as I expected. I just felt that it moved a bit slowly and I wasn't itching to pick it up most of the time. Nevertheless, I will try more of her books because she's a skillful writer and I know that most people rave about her.

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Emily Henry can do no wrong. All her books are massive hits and romance novels are just absolutely fantastic

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Four stars to my favorite Emily Henry novel to date! I loved this story of friendship and heartbreak and longing! Filled with longing and lies, Harriet and Wyn must decide if they should tell their friends they have broken up, or just get back together!

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Emily Henry has such a specific kind of tone she strikes, somewhere between literary fiction and Hallmark, and it really works. HAPPY PLACE isn't my favorite of her titles, but was very enjoyable.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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