Member Reviews

The love and passion in this story is off the charts. Steamy much! Love her creativity and his tenderness. The play at the end is also fabulously hilarious but heartwarming. There is also a strong hint of what the next book will be about! Looking forward.

I received an ARC from Netgalley and leaving my review voluntarily.

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Magical Fairy Glen, Poems, Romance:
The beautiful beginning of this story had me intrigued from the start.
A slow building romance was my favorite part as I grew impatient with the plot and happenings of the performance of a play.
The romance between the elusive Juliet and the charming
Scotsman Rory held my interest. I enjoyed their flirtatious banter and heartfelt confessions.
The intimate scenes are well written, and I definitely needed my lady's fan close by.
The dog Clootie was a nice touch in the story.
Adult Advisory:
Passion Level: Blazing
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy for my honest opinion.

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This is the first book I have read in this series. I loved the wonderful family feeling that comes through even without reading the other stories. It is full of humour(singing a lullaby to a cranky highland cow was a highlight), fun and is spicy and steamy so not for someone who wants a clean story.. I loved Juliet for being sure of who she is and what she wants and Rory was just so honest and easy going. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Miss Juliet Windermere has lived with her wonderful cousins since her parents were killed in a carriage accident and she has enjoyed letting her cousins be in the limelight while she blended in or just disappeared from the center of attention. Her interests lie in writing and being able to personally feel the poetry she loves to create. She is happy with her poetry and family life, but she has been secretly besotted with Lord Kilmuir since her cousin, Archie, brought him home from Eton, years ago, but Kilmuir never notices her.

Lord Rory Macbeth, Viscount Kilmuir and future Sixth Earl of Carrick, is now back in his homeland of Scotland to make his father proud - he gave up the society life he had with Archie a year ago to become a future Laird at Baile Ìm, that his father gifted him. He loves his Baile Ìm, is happy to be here building his future in Scotland - he is a kind, honorable and down to earth man that loves his life. But then it happened, Miss Juliet Windermere appeared in his life. He hadn't seen her for over a year and she was different, why hadn't he noticed her all the years before this?

Rory is attending a supper party at this neighbor's estate and Juliet and her sister, Delilah, are visiting Delilah's mother's friend, Mrs. Dalhousie, Rory and Juliet are reunited there. In the beginning Juliet made sure to keep her emotions in check, so Rory or anyone doesn't discover her hidden feelings for him, and Rory may never have noticed Juliet before but when he finally saw her, the real Juliet, he couldn't keep his feelings at bay. This had so much humor and fun - I particularly laughed out loud at Rory singing a lullaby, in a field of long grass and poppies, to Hamish, the shaggy, grumpy, old Highland Coo because it was Hamish's favorite song, and he would be upset until Rory sang it to him!!! Don't miss this series, wonderful family, great stories with humor, emotion, spice, romance and love! I voluntarily read & reviewed an Advanced Reader's Copy of this book; all thoughts & opinions are my own.

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Another great addition to the lives of the Windermeres. From young infatuation to adulthood finding love. There was something opposite about them, yet something that fit so perfectly. It was magical. The words, the poetry, and the Scottish surroundings all added to the romance.
Juliet Windermere and Rory Viscount Kilmuir started out with a one sided relationship. Not till later did feelings start to bloom. Boy did they blossom.
An amazing story that you can’t put down. One to get lost in and feel happy about love.

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A Fun Steamy Read

Julia Windermere had fallen for Rory, Viscount Kilmuir years ago and whilst in Italy she had decided after he mistook her for someone else to forget about him.

But the heart wants what the heart wants and two years later they meet again and when he found out she was a brilliant poet, she said she would help him to woo Miss Dalhousie who he mistook her for years before, but Rory didn’t really want that he was more attracted to Julia.

In order to get to know her better, he agreed to the poem and when he realised she couldn’t resist him they became lovers. To get this perfect woman to wife would be a challenge he wanted to embrace.

OMG this story although very romantic and steamy had me in stitches. What a guy Rory was. I loved his character and how he got stuck into everything within his manor and helped out. This has to be the funniest most romantic read I’ve read in a while. I’ve really enjoyed all the books in this series but this has to be my favourite. What a page turner and so full of fun one of my favourite moments was when Rory began singing a lullaby to an old cranky cow, simply genius!

I loved the banter and attraction between Delilah and the Duke of Ravensworth, it had me laughing out loud in places and I cannot wait for their own story. The frustrated passion the Duke had for her came through quite brilliantly and added to Julia and Rory’s story quite beautifully. It’s worth more than 5*

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was the first book I've read by Sofie Darling, and it won't be the last. I truly enjoyed Rory and Juliet's story. I recommend this book.

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Miss Juliet Windermere is a poet who has had an infatuation with a man for years. Unfortunately he wants someone else.

Lord Rory Macbeth, Viscount Kilmuir has been bestfriends with the "Wild Windermeres" since childhood, but sometimes people take a while to let themselves be seen.

This is a very romantic and steamy historical romance. There are quite a few giggles and the beauty of the Scottish countryside is brought to life. Who would think of a braw Highlander singing a lullaby to a coo?. (No I didn't misspell that). Lots of mischief and a visit with a family that is known for it. This story will definitely send you out to buy the others in the series.

Great fun.

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The Windermere family has such wonderful strength in their personalities! Juliet is no exception to that - she knows what she wants and is on the path to get there. Rory has been in her life for a while but she has been trying to get over her infatuation with him. But amazingly, his eyes are opened and he sees her, really SEES her, for the first time. It’s a beautiful love story and one you don’t want to miss!

I received a free copy of this book from the author. The thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I have discovered a new favorite author from reading the Windermere romances! I went back to listen to her Silk and Shadows series on audiobook and highly recommend as well. This is Juliette’s story and although she is not as unconventional as her cousins there’s enough of a wild streak for her to snag a sexy highlander. 5 stars.

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Delightful. Enchanting. Steamy. I love Rory and Juliet, perfect for each other in every way they just need to find the path and once on it oh boy what a gorgeous journey to love. This story is playful and passionate with a poetic love to last a lifetime.

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"My penchant for wickedness extends to rooms where I find myself alone with you"

Wow! This book is my favorite in the series. From the previous books, we know Juliet is the cousin of the Windermere siblings and has been living with them since her parents passed away in a tragic carriage accident. She likes to hide in the background and is faraway from the center of attention, preferring writing to talking. Juliet has always harbored a secret infatuation for Lord Kilmuir, Rory Macbeth, but has not told a single soul. Rory, a large bulk of a Scottish Laird, always saw Juliet as his best friend's cousin. He even compares her to another girl he was interested in! However, all his feelings start changing when a gathering brings them in close proximity.

Rory is a just a large Scottish man that failed to notice what was right in front of him. His character is so pure and honest. And then Juliet! I loved Juliet's character. She is someone who knows what she wants. She's also built a wall around her and enjoys blending in more than standing out. The romance and tension between these two was such a treat to read. I'll definitely be going back to reread this one.

I cannot wait to finally learn about Delilah's story in the next book!

Thank you NetGalley and Dragonblade publishing for this e-ARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was very cute and sweet.
Contains spoilers.
This story is part of a series. This heroine is the orphaned niece who was raised close to her cousin. She says that the first memories she has were as a toddler and she had met her cousin for the first time. She and her cousin are like day and night, yet work together in perfect harmony. The heroine tends to stay in the background, while her cousin tends to stay as the center of attention. The story opens while the cousins are on holiday in Italy and the heroine is the garden amongst the olive trees. She sees a man approaching and it is the man she has had a crush on since she met him. He is her older cousin's best friend and had been coming home from school during holidays. She has never admitted she loves him, but she still feels the sparkles of attraction. He walks up to her and while she expects romance, he tells her she looks just like the woman he loves who broke off their engagement 2 years prior. The heroine is done. She absolutely refuses to harbor any feelings for this man. Two years later, her and her cousin are at a house party in Scotland, near that man's estate. They are trying to come up with something special for their aunt and uncle's wedding anniversary party, something that will allow the villagers to join in. The heroine's cousin styles herself as a patron of the arts and as an actress, if she had been allowed to work as one. The heroine is a poetess of immense talent. Our hero, that man, has returned to the estate to show his father that he is responsible and not a gad about. He has been working the estate for two years. He has always noticed that the heroine likes to hide in the back ground. The more the hero looks at her, the more he realizes how beautiful she is. One day, when he was walking on his land, he runs into the heroine next to a spring. He accidentally reads her notebook and realizes that she is a poetess of some talent. He has been trying to catch her attention and he realizes he can ask her to help him write a love sonnet to the person who broke their engagement about 4 years ago. The hero really doesnt want his previous love interest, but is going to use it to get close to the heroine. They are also working on the heroine's cousin"s play that they will put on to celebrate the wedding anniversary.
This was a cute story, and much more interesting than my synopsis. I have left many details out, because I want you to be surprised when you read it. There is no fun in sharing all of the spoilers. I liked both characters because they were both intelligent and older than most couples. They were not in their first Season. They also had to work somewhat. The heroine wrote her poems and helped the rest of the family. The hero worked the field and along side his tenants and laborers. This story is definitely stand alone, but I think we will have her cousin's story soon. There were a couple of men trying to get her attention and she was frustrated with both of them. This story was worthy of 5 stars and a recommendation to read.

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Miss Widermere Woos a Highlander ticks all by boxes for a wonderful and captivating romance:
Hot hero you want to keep... check
Engaging plot... check
Drama... check
Strong heroine you rally behind... check

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