Member Reviews

Delightful novel with heart and hope. Perfect summer read and great for those who love a good romance without in-your-face explicit sex. Thanks Netgalley and the publisher. Kudos to Jenny Hale. I look forward to more of her work.

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Jenny Hale always delivers Hallmark type stories and I am always here for it! "The Beach House" was a great read.

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Now this is my kind of book! I’m a sucker for a good love story and this delivered. Loved the characters and felt like I could picture everything so clearly. Highly recommend

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Overall this was a good story. There wasn’t any spice to it other than kissing however so it was a different story than I am used to reading.

The plot wasn’t very dramatic but it was still something. It was easy to figure out the mystery of the letters she found of Alfred’s.

The characters while enjoyable didn’t have much depth to them for the reader to really connect to them.

If you want a beach themed read that is surface level then this is a decent read to take your mind off of real life for awhile but not a read I would recommend to others as a top book to read.

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What a wonderful heartwarming story. This book is so good, it's the perfect beach read. It's a wonderful romance that will keep you turning the pages to see what happens next. This book was a joy to read.
I received a complimentary copy from Forever (Grand Central Publishing) via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The Beach House by Jenny Hale is a heartwarming book that will keep you smiling long after you've finished it! I loved this book so much. Melanie Simpson has been taking care of her grandmother for the last 3 years. Melanie's grandmother got cancer and she was the only one who could be there and do what needed to be done on a daily basis. Melanie and her grandmother grew even closer during those 3 years together. When Melanie's grandmother, Eloise, dies it's devastating for Melanie. She gave up her job to care for her grandmother and the job has since passed her by. Melanie's mom and sister, Kathryn, want her to relax for a bit and take care of herself for once. They know how hard she worked as a caregiver, what she gave up, and lost in order to do it. Melanie had been engaged to Adam when she had to leave her job and care for Eloise. Adam didn't support the move after time had passed and ended up leaving Melanie.

Eloise's will includes a letter for Melanie and enough money to buy the Ellis House in Florida. Eloise took the girls to Florida when they were young and they always walked by the Ellis House dreaming of owning it and turning it into a bed and breakfast. Eloise seemed drawn to the house for some reason, but no one knew why. Melanie hasn't seen it in years, but her grandmother wanted her to buy it with the money she left her and she wanted her to fix it up into a bed and breakfast. Melanie didn't have anything to stick around for, so she decided to follow her grandmother's advice. Off to Florida she went.

Melanie buys the house and drives to Florida with all of her things. Kathryn goes with her to help her get settled, but has a young son and husband to get back to. When they see the house they are shocked at how much work it needs just to be livable again. As Melanie makes her way to the front door to unlock it, her foot goes through the wood floor on the porch. It's rotted like so much else in the house. This is a way bigger project than Melanie was prepared for and she didn't think the money she had left would cover the repairs needed. What had she gotten herself into? The one thing in the house that worked was the electric after Melanie had called to have it turned on. The huge chandelier they looked at from the sidewalk lit up beautifully through the dust. The water was brown and the pipes made terrible noise, the wallpaper was peeling and faded, there was no working plumbing, there was a broken window, and the back door didn't seem to sit properly.

Kathryn decided they needed to get out of the house and celebrate Melanie's move. Kathryn has to leave the next morning and wants to do something fun near the beach. They decide to go to a restaurant and beachfront bar. When they arrive they order drinks and look around the place. There's a group of guys playing darts while they drink their beers. Both Kathryn and Melanie notice as the guys aren't bad on the eyes. When the waitress comes back with their drinks she asks if they're vacationing? Melanie says that Kathryn is, but that she just bought the house on the corner and is going to turn it into a bed and breakfast. The waitress tells Melanie that Josh is the best guy to talk to for help with renovating the house. She points over to one of the guys playing darts and says that that's Josh. Kathryn decides she and Melanie should go speak to Josh. She gets up and heads over with Melanie following. She introduces herself and Melanie to Josh and explains that Melanie is fixing up the Ellis house to make it a bed and breakfast. Josh says that he can't help as he's leaving for New York in one week and has a lot to do before he leaves.

Melanie goes back to the table, but Kathryn has an idea. She bets the guys that if the sisters can beat them at darts Josh will have to help Melanie for the week he's here and if the guys win they'll get another round of beers on the sisters. The guys agree and the. game is on. It's a tight game, but Melanie pulls out the win. Josh says he'll stop by the next day and give her advice. Kathryn goes to the hotel to sleep, but Melanie goes back to the house with her air mattress and her pile of boxes that she brought. Melanie got up early to meet the plumber. He was able to get the downstairs bathroom working and the kitchen sink, but told her new pipes were going to be needed to get the house fully functional. When Josh arrived she had already been working a few hours. Josh had never been in the Ellis House as his family had issues with the previous owner. His mother was going to have a fit if she found out he was here helping Melanie.

As Josh walks with Melanie around the house he tells her she'll need all new flooring as it's rotted. She'll need new windows, a new back door, and many other things. He tells her he'll go get some supplies with his truck and be back.
Josh isn't happy to be helping Melanie and makes her aware of that. He hadn't planned on doing this and he has things he needs to finish up before leaving. Melanie is overwhelmed and wants any help she can get as she's starting to wonder if she did the right thing. Will Melanie stick it out and fix up the house? Will Josh lighten up and really help Melanie before he leaves? What will happen when there's an approaching hurricane and you are in a house that is in major disrepair? Will the house stand? Will there be a lot more damage and repairs to be made? Will Melanie be safe in the house? Will Josh and Melanie end up as friends or more? What about the box of letters they find in the house? Will those have significance?

As someone who has fixed up a house that was over 100 years old, I found all of the house renovations fun to read about. Learning more about Josh and his relationships in town make you totally invested in him and as much as you'd like him and Melanie to end up together, he's leaving for a good job that pays a lot in New York! I don't want to say much more as you'll have fun reading this book. Reading about Eloise's love story as a young woman adds a lot to the book and learning more through the letters is like a mystery unraveling little by little. If you like a good rom com then this book is perfect for you. I rate The Beach House 5 stars and give it my highest recommendation. I'd like to thank NetGalley and Bookouture for an advanced copy of The Beach House in exchange for a fair review.

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I am a fan of this book, I loved the story and how that author brought the two main characters together. I enjoy her style of writing and will be adding her other books to my reading list. The book was a quick read but kept me hooked. It’s a beautiful romance that comes with hurdles and secrets from the past. A great beach read

I voluntarily received a free copy from NetGalley and all opinions are my own .
I would recommend this book to friends family and my book clubs

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I can always count on Jenny Hale for a great beach read and this book did not disappoint! Melanie, the beautiful heiress, and Josh, the grumpy contractor who is getting ready to move away from Rosemary Bay got off on the wrong foot when they met to discuss renovations to the old beach house Melanie just bought. They had no idea how their lives were already linked to one another and to the house by a long ago love that was thwarted but never forgotten. I was captivated by the romance and the mystery in the story and the glorious setting along the Panhandle of Florida. Take this book on a relaxing vacation because you won’t want to put it down. Highly recommend! I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley and this voluntary review contains my honest opinions.

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Another delightful read from Jenny Hale! This story will transport you to a beachy getaway in Florida where Melanie has decided to take a leap and buy the old Ellis place which needs some serious work to be liveable. She meets Josh, the local handyman in town, one night shortly after she moves to the area and manages to just barely win a bet with him which forces him to help her start fixing up the old home. When a hurricane strikes the area, Melanie and Josh must work together quickly to shore up the house and stay together throughout the storm. While Josh tries his best to not fall in love with her, their attraction grows and grows. Despite him moving to New York City, he's pulled back to town by mysterious letters written by Alfred Ellis that Melanie has found in the house. Will Josh lose everything he's worked his whole life for or find a new life with Melanie?
I devoured this book in a weekend. It's a quick, satisfying read and doesn't leave the reader hoping the two will get together, but let's you have a good ending exactly where you expect the characters should be. Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to review this title, can't wait for the next Jenny Hale book!

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The Beach House is one amazing and delightful romance story.

This book just made me feel oh so happy! I will warn you there will be some major gushing in this review from me. I love a Jenny Hale book; she is one of my insta buy authors. I always know when I read one of her books that I will be left feeling happy and content. I could not put this book down. It is so easy to just sink into this story and let all that warmth and charm wrap around me like a cozy blanket. The Beach House has it all; there is humour, romance, mystery, excitement, and drama. Everything in this story is so well balanced and well-timed. The unexpected twists or romantic moments happen at just the right time to keep readers on their toes or get their hearts pitter-patter faster. Melanie is wonderful, and I loved the bond she shared with her grandma. Her heartfelt journey of dealing with her grief of losing her grandma and figuring out what she wants to do with her was lovely to watch. You really can't help but root for her.

If you are a fan of any home reno tv shows, you will love The Beach House. At the beginning of the book, Melanie buys this run-down house that needs a lot of attention. She has no idea where to start and ends up roping in Josh to help her with the renos. I love a good home/business makeover story, which meant I devoured all the reno shenanigans in this book.

This tragic mysterious love story is also attached to this house. Alfred Ellis, the house's original owner, was shunned by everyone in town who thought he was this cranky and crazy old man. Josh's family, in particular, really hates Ellis, and that hatred is one of the reasons why he is so reluctant to work on the house. Near the beginning of the book, Melanie finds a stack of letters that Ellis wrote to a mysterious woman who appears to be the love of his life. Melanie knows there is more to Ellis' story and is determined to figure out who this mysterious woman is. I loved investigating Ellis' past and how it connects to present-day characters in the book. Jenny did a great job at intertwining this mystery with the overall story.

Josh and Melanie's love story is delightful. These two come together when Josh loses a bet and has to help Melanie with her home renos. For most of this book, Melanie doesn't know where she stands with Josh; one moment, he is kind and sweet to her, and the next, he is abrupt and moody. Whenever Josh's attitude changed towards Melanie, the song Hot N Cold by Katy Perry would start playing in my head. The man was all over the map regarding his feelings for Melanie. Usually, that hot and cold attitude drives me crazy, but in this case, I didn't mind it. There are reasons why Josh acts the way he does, and he really is a likeable character. I loved how Melanie handled Josh when he was being moody and how understanding she was with him. The romance in this story is typical for a Jenny Hale book, which means there are plenty of sweet, heartfelt moments, and know you will get that HEA that will make your heart melt.

If you are looking for the perfect escapist romance read, you should pick up Jenny Hale's latest book, The Beach House.

Thank you, Forever, for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A fun romance that takes place in the present but deals with a mystery of the past. Along the way, Melanie comes to terms with the past while embracing the future. She finds love and family when she least has expects it.

Although I received a free ARC eBook from the publisher through Net Galley all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Jenny Hale tells us the story of a young woman whose grandmother left her a beach house. A beach house with a story to tell. It is a once lovely home in need of serious updates and revisions. The granddaughter wants to turn it into a bed and breakfast on the beach. She is full of energy and ideas but short on know-how. She and her sister play a dart game with a local contractor getting ready to leave the area. He loses and owes her two weeks of work and consultation. Bad weather approaches, mysteries pile up and the reader finds themselves entangled in the beauty of a coastal town, a mysterious love affair, and some serious land-grabbing activities. This book was entertaining, and well written, with engaging and interesting characters. Thanks to #netgalley#TheBeachHouse for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I tend to love beach reads; books that take me away to a relaxing beach, a quaint cottage or B&B, and the feeling of sun on my skin and sand under my feet, so I when I saw this was available on NetGalley, I jumped. It’s been far too long since I’ve been to a beach or since I’ve read a good beach read. Unfortunately, I found this one to be just meh.
After giving up the last 3 years of her life taking care of her dying grandmother, Melanie is given the chance to restart her life when her grandmother leaves her money in her will with the stipulation that she must use it to buy a run down cottage in the beach town where Gram grew up. Not understanding why, but having nothing else to do, Melanie does exactly this. Along the way she meets a grumpy contractor and discovers a mystery that tied Gram and the late owner of the house together in ways Melanie never expected.
It’s a cute premise and the descriptions of everything from the beach, to the run down cottage, and the food and drink were wonderfully detailed. I felt like I was there, which is always a plus. Something about this was lackluster, though. I feel like it was extremely predictable in most parts, though there was a twist I never saw coming, and the writing style felt a little juvenile for the genre. It was definitely an easy read, so if you’re looking for something light and quick that will whisk you away to the beach, this is probably a good choice. Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for an advanced copy of this. This will be hitting shelves on April 25th.

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Fun read with the location of Rosemary Bay, Florida.
To honor her grandmothers legacy, main character, Melanie, sets out to restore her beach house.
A heartwarming and uplifting story that will have you falling in love with the characters and scenery.
A beautiful second chance love story.
I always enjoy reading books by author Jenny Hale. My go to author❤️
Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This book had a lot to it which made it an entertaining read and kept my interest!
- Hurricane
- One bed!
- enemies to lovers
- family secrets
- home renovation

This is another Jenny Hale book that I highly recommend!

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I really enjoyed this book. I love a good multi generational read with a few twists and turns. A grandmother's guidance along the way guiding her granddaughter lost and confused. Multiple family secrets from previous generations unanswered to answered in the end. All flowed together in this great read

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A wonderful story of lost love, heartache, secrets, healing, new beginnings, and more. Can Melanie fulfill her late grandmother’s final wishes as stated in her will to purchase and restore a rundown house in Rosemary Bay? Melanie encounters a contractor less than willing to help her with much-needed repairs, townspeople who don’t want the house restored, stories about ghosts haunting the place, and a hurricane. She also finds letters hidden away in the back of a closet that appear to have been written by the previous owner, who everyone in town thought was a crazy old man who kept to himself and who built an eyesore on their beloved shores.

Can Melanie get Josh to help her restore the old house even though his family may disown him if he steps foot on the property and he's moving out of town? Can she solve the mystery of the letters from the past? What is the connection that ties Melanie to the town, and how is Josh involved?

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I absolutely adored this feel-good contemporary romance! Small town romances are my favorite and Jenny Hale never disappoints!

I loved the relatable characters and was rooting them each on the entire time. I have a soft spot for foster kid stories so I really appreciated that being a major element in this one. This story also introduced a bit of side story filled with mystery that takes place well before we meet Melanie and Josh. It had the tiniest elements of historical fiction and mystery, which made me enjoy it even more!

I would recommend this book to everyone who loves:

- family secrets
- small town romance
- clean, closed door romance
- romantic mystery from the past
- foster children stories
- feel good stories
- finding yourself and overcoming difficult situations

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This beautiful beach story will bring you to tears of joy and a little sadness. `Jenny Hale's description of the beautiful scenery drew me so far into the book that I almost felt like I could feel the ocean breeze and smell the salty air. The setting is a small town on the Florida coast known as Rosemary Beach.

Melanie Simpson has taken care of her Gram for the past three years until her passing. She left everything and everyone behind to care for her grandmother. Her grandmother's wish was for her to use her inheritance to buy a house in Rosemary Beach and turn it into a bed and breakfast; not just any house, but one particular house. The house was owned by a recluse named Alfred. When the family used to vacation there, they used to dream of the house and the walls within it. Melanie decides to the take the plunge and buy the house. She is quite shocked at the condition of the house when she arrives. To make matters worse, there is a hurricane bearing down on the coast.

Everyone in town tells her the best person to help with the repairs and renovation is Josh Claiborne. However, Josh Claiborne makes it readily apparently that he is not interested in working on this house or working with her. He is actually quite rude. After being dared by his friends to a bet that he will help her out if he loses, he gets drawn into a game of darts. He loses the bet. Grumpy is not even a good word for Josh. He will not smile, and it is quite obvious he has walls built around him that are a like a fortress. He begrudgingly starts helping Melanie.

Melanie believes there is more to Albert than just being a recluse who avoided any social interaction with anyone. When she finds a stack of old love letters written by Albert to a mysterious woman, she knows that there is more to the story. She is determined to solve the mystery. She also starts to chop away the barriers that Josh has built up as she has such a zest for the mystery revolving around Albert.

This is a sweet romance with a little mystery involving an old love story that will cause you to tear up at times. This book is a perfect beach read, but if you cannot read it at the beach, Jenny Hale will transport you there in your mind.

Thank you to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and NetGalley for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This was my first Jenny Hale novel & I must say this was beautifully written! I loved all the parts of this book – the romance, drama & suspense. I fell for Melanie & Josh’s characters & of course Cole! This was an emotional, heart melting story. I loved the letters & everything surrounding the house. We’re all just works in progress aren’t we?

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