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Summer Reading

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I am a serious sucker for a summer story, and this one did not disappoint. The setting was awesome, the characters were so well-developed, and the romance was on point. I loved Sam & Ben and their unconventional (and yet somehow totally conventional) love. I adored the inclusion of audiobooks, cooking, dancing, and friendship. Sam’s sibling relationship with Tyler was so much fun, and her friendship with Em was so special.

At some points, I found the plot predictable, and the mention of Sam’s neurodivergent brain a little repetitive. I think maybe it was slightly unrealistic for me to believe that Sam really thought a librarian couldn’t like her just because she was dyslexic. Plenty of readers have relationships with non-readers. Opposites attract, after all.

Overall, I thought this was a fun summer read & I would definitely recommend it!

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This was a good story with some aspects that were off-putting for me.

The dyslexia rep and awareness around it was well done. McKinlay made a note at the beginning that I thought did a good job of introducing this. I also thought this was well-paced and I enjoyed the fact that Sam had a little brother fourteen years younger than her that she was getting to know throughout the book.

There was something about the voice I did not love. It was kinda like the main character was writing in a journal, or chatting directly with the reader at times, and I didn't like it. It made the read feel a little like a slog.

Not my favorite of her books, but I won't write her books off just yet.

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Thank you Berkley for the gifted e-copy.

I just finished this book, and I honestly can't decide between 3 and 4 stars. I liked the characters a lot, especially Samantha and Tyler. I thought their relationship and growth as siblings was the best part of the book. Em was a great best friend, but I wanted more of an answer about her mental health issues.

As for Ben, he was an interesting love interest, but the search for his dad was kind of weird and anticlimactic for me. Their meet cute was hilarious, and definitely peaked my interest in the book. And his mom - woooowheee was she the worst!

I loved the fact that Samantha was dyslexic because we don't see much of that in adult books, especially in female characters, and that representation is needed. But, I feel like every other paragraph had something about her dyslexia and it was a tiny bit overdone in the plot. I did really like how Ben helped her enjoy books by reading to her and making her realize she'd actually love audio books. That made my reader heart so happy! It was good to show how dyslexia impacted her life and career as an adult, and it's not just something you get over once you're out of school. I was so sad for her that it went undiagnosed until high school.

This is one of those books that I really need 1/2 stars for, because I'd give it 3.5. I will definitely read more from this author, and hope to have another read from her next spring/summer!

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Review: SUMMER READING by Jenn McKinlay
Publication Date: 05/16/2023
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Donna
Rated 4 STARS

This book turned out to be a delightful story. At first, I wasn’t sure about Sam, and it took a little bit for me to get to know her. The writing almost made her defined by her dyslexia and not who she was as a person. Her personality did come through after a bit, and I found that I liked and could relate to her. Ben was almost too good to be true, so his immediate attraction to her was confusing. It was a pleasure to read how their personalities came through and the relationship grew. I also loved watching Sam’s relationship with her brother evolve. That made me smile as much as the romance part of the book. I have to say that I think the book was a bit wordy, but the story is a true feel-good escape and nice introduction to Martha’s Vineyard. I do believe the next book will be about Sam’s Friend, Em. I liked her and look forward to what Ms. McKinlay has in store for her.

*Review copy provided by Penguin in exchange for an honest review.


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Samatha Gale quits her job as a chef in being denied a promotion she returns to her home at Marthas vineyard for summer but she has to chaperone her half brother Tyler a nerd undertaking a part in robotics camp. Sam is dyslexic and the guy she is attracted to Bennett Reynolds is a hot director at the library who himself is on a quest to find his father. But will this summer fling turn into something more?

This was a perfect summer read for me with some underlying topics of dyslexia and grief tackled well.
The best part for me in the book was the sibling bond between Sam and Tyler .how the trust and love grew between beautiful.
Sams character being a dyslexic how she copies up with difficulties how she strategizes everything to make it work for her is quite commendable and encouraging.
Reading aloud to a non reader esp from your partner was so lovely.
So if you are looking for a quick, relatable heartwarming story definitely check this out.

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Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group for my copy of Summer Reading! All thoughts are my own.

In my reading life, I’m always looking for books to take me places. I was so excited to see this book in my inbox, because it’s set in Martha’s Vineyard! So often, Nantucket and Maine are the stars of New England literary Summer, so i was excited to go somewhere new.

I was ready to love this book. And I really love what the author wanted to accomplish, with the dyslexia representation. But ultimately, this book did not work for me at all. Which pains me! Writing a book is hard work and ever since I started operating in the book review space, I’ve always been conscious of how to use my critical thinking skill to review with compassion. But the only word I can think of for this book is mediocre.

I rarely leave reviews like this, but since I received the ARC I am doing my normal structure. And as a reminder, just cause it didn’t work for me, doesn’t mean it won’t work for you! It almost had a Hallmarky feel to it? But not in the cheesy way, in the lack of depth way. I am so so so sad this didn’t work for me.


“For Samantha Gale, a summer on Martha’s Vineyard at her family’s tiny cottage was supposed to be about resurrecting her career as a chef, until she’s tasked with chaperoning her half-brother, Tyler. The teenage brainiac is spending his summer at the local library in a robotics competition, and there’s no place Sam, who has dyslexia, likes less than the library. And because the universe hates her, the library’s interim director turns out to be the hot-reader guy whose book she accidentally destroyed on the ferry ride to the island.Bennett Reynolds is on a quest to find his father, whose identity he’s never known. He’s taken the temporary job on the island to research the summer his mother spent there when she got pregnant with him. Ben tells himself he isn't interested in a relationship right now. Yet as soon as Sam knocks his book into the ocean, he can’t stop thinking about her.An irresistible attraction blossoms when Ben inspires Sam to create the cookbook she’s always dreamed about and she jumps all in on helping him find his father, and soon they realize their summer fling may heat up into a happily ever after.” —NetGalley

What I Liked:

The Setting—But I wanted more. I didn’t feel like this had a very strong sense of place.

The Dyslexia Representation—Reading isn’t for everyone and I struggled as a kid. Now, I can’t imagine my life without it but I know for so many, words pose a challenge. I loved the use of audiobooks!

The Food Culture—I loved the Portuguese food culture in this book!

What Didn’t Work:

The Dialogue—Nothing sounded natural coming out of these characters’ mouths.

The B Plot—I didn’t get it! I didn’t feel invested in any of the characters’ journeys because they felt so one dimensional. Not even 2 dimensional! There was no heartbeat in this book.

The Romance—I couldn’t buy it at all and things happened so fast and then cooled off but the sex scenes were pretty long? I don’t know. It just didn’t work for me.

The Length/Pacing—It was WAY too long and I don’t think the B plot (Ben’s whole thing with his father) was the right move.

Character Authenticity: 1/5 Spice Rating: 2/5 Overall Rating: 2.75/5

Content Warnings:

bullying, ableist language (regarding a learning disability), loss of a parent

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I really really enjoyed this book. I think one of the main things I liked was that right off the bat you as the reader know this book is not about a book-loving heroine. I appreciated that the author wanted to do something different and show a love for books from the perspective of the hero, as well as learn to love something like reading from the perspective of someone who has dyslexia. The thoughtfulness beyond this book in both font choice and character development made me really love this book a lot more. It felt like the perfect summer romance read, and I will be absolutely recommending it to any friends of mine who want to read, but maybe don't find as much enjoyment in books.

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Absolutely LOVED it

I picked up this book before bed one night and that was a mistake - I stayed up WAY past my bedtime because I couldn’t put it down. I was hooked right from the start. This book had me laughing, cheering and swooning. The writing and narration of the audiobook were fantastic, so easy to get into. I absolutely loved the storyline and the main characters. I feel like my whole book review could be about the amazing main characters. A hot librarian / book nerd as the main man? YES PLEASE. The leading lady with dyslexia and an amazing personality? I was completely obsessed with both main characters for different reasons. If it’s not obvious by now… I highly recommend this book!

Thank you to the publisher and @netgalley for providing a free advanced copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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Summer reading was the perfect romance novel for book lovers, especially this time of year. It's incredibly easy for readers to see themselves in the protagonist, Samantha, who is relatable as a woman trying to get her second start. And the meet cute with her love interest--hilarious! This a sexy, fun book that you'll want to bring to the beach and binge.

I also really loved the disabilitty rep in this book. More books like this, please!

This book is perfect for fans of Emily Henry and Rachel Lynn Soloman.

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Jenn McKinlay’s newest romance has made me so happy. I adored it from the author's note prior to starting. I loved that Sam is dyslexic AND this book has been published with intentional strides to make it easier for those with dyslexia to have an easier time reading with a different font and margins.
There's just something about an opposites attract that gets me. Every. Single. Time. And a bookish librarian MMC? C'mon!
Sam takes the opportunity to "babysit" her fourteen-year-old brother, Tyler, when things go haywire at work. She gets some time with him and, better yet, some distance from a lost opportunity in Boston. Add in the beauty of Martha's Vineyard, a temporary catering gig, and the handsome new librarian, Ben, and her summer is looking pretty good.
This book in general made me happy. Listening to Kelsey Navarro Foster's performance made this an easy choice to add to my May reading. It's exactly the story I needed in my present mood.
Thank you to Berkley and Netgalley for the advanced copy and PRHA for the alc. All thoughts are my own.

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3.5 Stars

This was a fun read with the female MC having dyslexia and hating to read while her love interest is the library’s interim director, Ben. Ben is swoon worthy, he’s kind and he reads romances out loud to Samantha. Samantha loves to cook and you learn a lot about dyslexia and how it has affected her life. Their relationship was sweet but I really enjoyed the side stories of both the characters. Ben is in search of his father, and Samantha is spending the summer on Martha’s Vineyard at her family’s cottage. She hasn’t been there for years and during the summer she develops a bond with her 14-year-old half - brother. It was a charming read with the beautiful backdrop of Martha’s Vineyard.

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Oh Summer Reading. Ben (Bennet) and Samantha were just the best. She suffers from dyslexia and it has had a huge impact on her life. She loathes reading, it doesn’t come easy for her and she really has to concentrate to read anything. She has coping mechanisms that have got her this far in life and has made her an excellent chef. After not getting the promotion she deserved. She goes to Martha’s Vineyard where her dad and estranged brother live to watch Tyler while her dad and his wife go on a trip. On the ferry over, she accidentally throws a strangers book into the ocean.

After several run ins with Ben, things start to develop. He is supportive of her and her neurodivergent mind. He looks at is a superpower rather than a disability. He uplifts her and is obsessed with her. It is so sweet! On the island, Ben is searching for his father. His mother is emotionally abusive and a narcissist and refuses to tell him who it is. Using her unique way of seeing things, Sam helps him out and they make major headway, both in the search for his dad, and their relationship. Let me just say, Ben reading to Sam was the sweetest. Him calling her Samwise? SWOON! I seriously loved this book!

Content: open door content, swears. Family issues (emotional abuse, manipulative mother)

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This is a great summer read from Jenn McKinlay! I loved the setting (summer on Martha's Vineyard), the sibling bonding between Sam and her much younger brother Tyler, and the emotional love story between Sam and hot librarian director Bennett. I loved that the author pushed for, and that Berkley was onboard, a more dyslexic friendly font and book design to make reading accessible to everyone! I hope that's something we see more of in the future.

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Samantha is taking a vacation on Martha's Vineyard. She can't wait to relax and focus on her cooking skills! Instead, she's babysitting her teenage half-brother, Tyler. Tyler is competing in a local library robotics competition, so his summer is filled; however, Sam doesn't like the library, since she is dyslexic. To make matters worse, the library's interim director is a hot guy who she had a run-in with on the ferry ride to the island!

Bennett Reynolds is looking to find his father, who he has never known. He's taken the job at the library temporarily to research.

The two are attracted to one another. Ben inspires Sam to write a cookbook, which is something she's always dreamed of! They realize that their summer loving may turn into long-lasting love.

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Summer Reading is a lovely book about believing in yourself.

The premise of this book is just too great. A librarian and someone with dyslexia falling in love? Yes please! I loved Sam and Ben’s meet cute on the ferry where she knocks his book into the ocean. And their relationship just continues from there. I loved how supportive they are of each other, helping each other achieve their goals.

Sam is severely dyslexic and the book spends a lot of time showing us what life is like for Sam. I really appreciated this perspective. I could tell that Jenn did a lot of research and put a lot of care into making Sam as real as possible. I really loved Sam’s character. Although she doubts herself because of her past experiences such as being overlooked for jobs or getting dumped because of her disability, she is resilient and clever. With Ben’s help, she is able to do a lot of healing throughout this book, getting over the belief that her neurodivergent brain makes her somehow less than. For me this is a fine line for an author to tread. I don’t love it when a character’s growth is all because of a love interest. It’s fine for the love interest to support, have unwavering faith in, or pep talk the main character, but I like when a character finds some inner strength as well. I’m not a huge fan of “white knight” plots where the main character is “saved” by the love interest. This book does skirt that line pretty closely, I think I would have liked the book more had Sam not relied so heavily on the influence of others for her new found confidence.

Another great feature of this book is the developing relationship between Sam and her younger brother Tyler. Because of the age gap, and the fact they are step-siblings, they haven’t been close. When Sam is put in charge of looking after Tyler for the summer, they get to know each other better and develop a great sibling bond that made my heart happy.

A couple of things felt a little unresolved with this book and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Personally, I am okay with an author not neatly wrapping up every plot point in a bow for me, that just isn’t real life. But if you like a book where everything gets settled, this one might annoy you a bit. Ben’s relationship with his mother is a difficult one. And it doesn’t get resolved. I liked that Jenn included this because it felt more realistic to me. There is a secondary plot line with Sam’s best friend Em that also felt unresolved. It made me wonder if we’re being set up for another book starring Em in the future. I certainly hope so!

I just have to mention the library in this book. Both Ben and Sam’s best friend Em are librarians and I loved how they are portrayed. They are both so open, not judgemental and supportive of Sam, even though she isn’t a “reader”. It was so accurate to the many librarians that I know. Reading is reading whether you listen, read or watch your stories and I was glad to see this point reinforced throughout the book.

Summer Reading is a book with a lot of heart.

Thank you, Berkley Romance, an imprint of Penguin Random House for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I've been a long-time Jenn McKinlay fan, though I've always preferred her mysteries to her romances. But this book, Summer Reading, is certainly my favorite romance of hers yet. We meet Samantha, who is returning to her family's home on Martha's Vineyard for the summer after quitting her job and to watch over her half-brother. Before she even steps foot on the island, she has a meet cute moment on the ferry with the hottie interim library director Bennett. Except, Sam doesn't read. In fact, she can't, not really, because she's severely dyslexic. Can a book lover and movie watcher find love?

I adored this story. Bennett and Sam were too perfect for words, almost in a too-good-to-be=true sense, but sometimes we just need that in our romance novels. They each have their own baggage but are generally quite likable and it's easy to root for them to get together! Not to mention the lovely Martha's Vineyard setting, dyslexia rep, and easter eggs for readers. McKinlay is a master at writing for book lovers, and I love her for it.

Thanks to Berkley for my eARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

5 stars - 9/10

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC for review.

At times slightly uneven, this beach read is overall charming, delightful, and easy. I appreciated the perspective of a character who identifies as neurodivergent, with dyslexia, although at times it felt like the author was hitting you over the head with this fact. What I did really like was a character who was finding a new purpose in life, and the romance with the hot male librarian. Both very entertaining, and both kept me around to read until the end!

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I read this one so quickly! It would definitely make a great beach, lake, and/or river read.

I loved the dyslexia rep from Sam and that the bookish person in the book was the guy (Ben). I think my only complaint was that Sam mentioned dyslexia or being neurodivergent almost in abundance and it felt a little over done but the end of the book. It is a huge part of the story, but at some point I think you have to trust that the reader understands these facts. I did like learning about some ways you can help those with dyslexia though such as font choice and spacing of letters/words.

The reading a book outloud to Sam was so sweet and romantic, not to mention when they got to the spicy scene in the book. This book was very mild on the open door, and not very graphic and could be easily looked over by those that don't enjoy that!

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Talk about cover love! 😍 However, this book is just as delightful inside as it is on the outside. This is the first romance I’ve read where the female isn’t the “bookish nerd” in the relationship, and I loved seeing this trope flipped. Sam and Ben are such a delightful couple and I enjoyed rooting for their romance, but also their separate plot journeys that converge beyond the relationship. I did feel that the page count could have been shortened by about 50-75 pages, but that’s just personal preference.

Sam is dyslexic, and while I do not have first hand experience on what it is like to be a part of this neurodivergent group, the author took great care in creating an inclusive reading experience for everyone with this book. From dyslexic sensitivity readers, to requesting the publisher create the book with neurodivergent friendly font and formatting, color me impressed. (I read all about the journey to creating this story in the beginning of my e-arc, and I’m assuming this information is included in the finished copy as well, and if not it should be.)

If you’re looking for a heart-warming romance for the summer, here it is!

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3.5⭐️ At its core, this is a super sweet foodie romance filled with heartwarming sibling love, set in the picturesque Martha’s Vineyard and a librarian MMC. What more could you want? As a neurodivergent individual myself (Autism) I am appreciative of the neurodiversity/dyslexia rep and the fact that the author had the book stylized to benefit dyslexic readers.

My primary criticism relates to how Neurodiversity/ADHD/Dyslexia is portrayed. Throughout the story, it was often mentioned in a more negative light in moments of Sam’s self doubt or when others are ostracizing her for it. And while this is okay and important in illustrating the consequences of these issues, there needs to be a good counter balance of how she’s overcoming that adversity through implementation of coping strategies.

I loved seeing how Sam and Tyler’s relationship developed as she stayed with him over the summer and how her emotional growth led to the repair of these important familial relationships. This was perhaps my favorite aspect of the story. And it is set in New England, the epitome of a beach read setting.

Read if you like:
•meet cutes
•books about books
•foodie romance
•dislexia/neurodivergent rep
•sibling friendships
•New England settings

Thank you {partners} Berkley Romance and PRH Audio for the gifted copies in exchange for my honest review.

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