Member Reviews

Have you ever experienced something that you didn't know you needed until you actually experienced it? Well, that's what this book was for me!!! Dr. McCloud/s holistic view for Black Women was very refreshing!! Not only did she over heath topics, she also covered topics such as relationships, family, etc.
One of my absolute favorite lines from the book "heath-care outcomes can also be greatly improved if Black women apply the same discipline to their physical health as many apply to their spiritual health". My Beautiful Black Sisters, we must take care of ourselves!!! Do yourself a favor, pick up a copy of this one for yourself & gift a copy to a sister or a sisterfirend!!! I'm gifting my sisters this one for sure!!!

Black Women Are Beautiful
In reading this book, Dr. McCloud recognize that all women are the same anatomically (structurally) and physiologically (functionally) regardless of their race, with the exception that our hair may be a different texture, and our skin a different tone, but our inner workings are all the same, when normal.
She outlines three main things that Black women must do in order to bring forth a change in our health, and they are:
1. We can realign some priorities and the allocation of some of our expendable funds.
2. We can shift from a superwoman mentality— caring for everyone else— to one that affords us the obligation and commitment to care for ourselves.
3. We must release historic barriers, such as distrusting doctors, while solely relying on family traditions and prayer in lieu of seeking a physician.
Additionally, Dr. McCloud discusses ethnic health disparities, 10 leading causes of death according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and states that Blacks women as a whole face a disproportionate rate of morbidity and mortality than white women. She discusses quite a few diseases, their causes, health risks, and how many Black women don't seek medical help.
Dr. McCloud chapter on You Are Beautiful, is very uplifting to read. She discusses personal care, hygiene, and basically self love, from nail care, hair care, dental care to plastic surgery, mental health care, and over physical health care.
This is a great book with an amazing amount of helpful information dealing with a Black women all around wellness, including financial wellness. I truly enjoyed reading this book and would highly recommend that women of Color read it with understanding that as stated by the author Black women voices are no longer muted or silenced; instead , they are heard around the world, with sophisticated, strong, and successful style.