Member Reviews

Money Out Loud is an absolute necessity. This book spoke to me on so many different levels as a second generation Filipino American millennial trying to manage money. Anat’s down-to-earth, spunky, and easily-relatable voice is fresh, entertaining, and relevant. The knowledge provided and the tips on management is invaluable. So good I had to purchase the audiobook too.

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This book was absolutely fantastic. I've already added it to my previous library and it was a success!

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This is written in a fun way that I found annoying at times. Almost like it was trying really hard to be “cool”. Overall this was a very good beginner money management book. Very easy to understand, with activities to make you think. I would definitely recommend this. The format is engaging. It made understanding money matters a little bit easier.

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This book has changed the way I look at money. In my mission to learn everything about finance and money, I will be highly recommending this one for anyone who feels like public education failed them when it comes to understanding money.

Thank you so much to #NetGalley and the publishers for this advanced reader's edition for an honest review.

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Thank you to the author and Netgalley for the review copy in exchange for a review.

I really liked this book - I have been trying to learn about personal finance and this book was incredible for teens and college students, it was easy to understand and didn't try and make the reader feel stupid or dumb like other books about adulting or money, (and you would be surprised I read a book that was pretty sexist before I found this book.) I loved how engaging this author wrote I wanted to keep reading because she pulled me in from the very beginning and even though money confuses me this author explained everything so well! I highly recommend this book to everyone.

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This is a source of information that I wish I had access to at a younger age. She left no stone unturned as she laid out the different physical, emotional and spiritual subcategories when in comes to the history of BIPOC and how we think about finances. Although its geared towards the YA audience I am sure adult BIPOC folks will have many #AhHa Moments listening to this info. I read many books in this category and by far this is the best one in my opinion. #MustRead #MoneyOutLoud #NetGalley

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There was once an episode of South Park where a group of anti-smoking adults came to the school to give their “Butt Out” performance. As they sat cringing while watching these lame grownups rap and dance to the idea of never starting to smoke, the kids decide they never want to be like those nerdy adults. By the end of the episode, most kids were smoking.

This book will probably not push you into something negative (like spending all your money without thinking) but it did take my middle-aged brain awhile to get over the “YO, KIDS: MATH IS FUN, AND MAKING MONEY THROUGH COMPOUNDED INTEREST IS EXCITING - NO CAP!!” vibe of the book. I get writing the book in slang and with lots of emojis, but I think most adults who read this may be turned off by the tone.

This book says it’s for people of all ages, and while the financial information in it is broken down into an easier way to understand, it’s probably best for a 13-year-old. Most kids in America can start working at age 14, so getting this important knowledge is a big help for those starting out. Adults may also benefit from this, but it’s definitely geared towards younger people.

Overall, this is a good breakdown of your options on banking, credit, saving, and investing. If you want detailed information about some of these topics, especially investing, you may need to look elsewhere, but this is a great starting point. Most people find money matters boring, and this does help if you can get past the way it’s written. 3.5 stars, rounded up for some sage advice directed at those who are struggling to manage their money.

(Thank you to HarperCollins Children’s Books, Berna Anat, and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review.)

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this insightful and helpful personal financial education book! I wish this type of material was taught in high school or even college when I was a student.
The book goes into several important topics like: budgeting, credit cards and other debt, different types of bank accounts, and investing. The book is upbeat and motivational. It shows how learning and being proactive can go a long way with your personal finances.
I appreciated how the book is more appropriate for younger people in the 20s especially. The book is also a great representation for people of color and women.
This is a helpful and positive book that everyone can learn from.

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It's like Money for Dummies, simplified to the next level. Everything we pretend to understand finally explained in a manner that is actually easy to understand.
While a must read for any age, it's all to obvious that it has young adults in mind with the constant attempt to sound young, that in the end will only end up making it feel dated in a few years. Which is too bad because a lot of the advice given can be considered timeless.

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A beacon of hope and change in the world. Berna is the finanical hype woman millenials and beyond have been needing in our lives.

This book starts out tough because one can't change behavior until you understand the reasons for said behavior. Read this slowly.

It's almost like a game and you gotta finish one level before moving on to the next.

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We all know what money is and we need it in order to survive. But what some people don't know is that there is so much more than just making money, this book is a valuable resource to teach everyone the financial lessons our parents may not have known themselves and therefor could not teach and pass on to us. I recommend this title for all households as a learning and traching tool that can be passed down for year and will help with generational wealth building and knowledge.

Thanks to Netgalley and publisher for allowing me to review this title.

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Think make-it-fun budgeting with a call to action chopped up in little pieces and mixed throughout. Sections with actions and plans to make progress toward the reader's own financial goals are conversational and feel genuinely filled with care from Berna. There are excellently timed break reminders for heavy or dense topics. Then, you get hit with why your choices matter and why your spending matters.

In educator speak, I'm planning to use this to heavily structure a non-credit course around culturally-responsive budgeting at my local community college (with permission from the author!!). This material is essential for recent high school and college graduates. Even as someone who has been working in K-12 for more than 5 years, Berna helped me reflect and articulate my values around money.

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Money Out Loud by Berna Anat is a refreshing and empowering guide to personal finance. The author offers a unique perspective on money management, blending personal anecdotes and humor with practical advice and strategies for building wealth and financial freedom.

What sets this book apart is the author's emphasis on the emotional and psychological aspects of money. Anat addresses the shame, guilt, and fear that often come with financial struggles, providing practical tools for overcoming these obstacles and achieving financial success.

The writing style is engaging and relatable, making even the most complex financial concepts accessible to readers. I particularly appreciated the practical exercises and real-world examples throughout the book, which helped me to apply the ideas presented to my own life.

Overall, Money Out Loud is a must-read for anyone seeking to take control of their finances and build a more secure future. It's a well-researched and thoughtfully written guide that offers practical strategies for achieving financial wellness and abundance. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in personal finance and wealth building.

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I have never read a book that spoke to me as a teenager, me in my 20’s, AND me right now (late 30’s).
Every time I pick up this book, I get inspired and literally fix at least one little part of my finances. It’s a journey, friends, and this book makes me feel so seen.

Berna has a way of making money accessible, understandable, and most of all human. The overall acknowledgment of: ~this~is~a~process, we~are~all~trying~our~best, and together we can make *our* world a better place, absolutely lands. Concepts and actionable tips are shared in both deep-dive and bite sized pieces, which is helpful because sometimes personal finance can be a l o t. You can tell the book was written with a full heart and Berna does everything to highlight and uplift the community around her.

It’s not just about personal finance (singular), but it’s also about leaving the world better than we found it. Truly ~the vibe~.

This is by far the most relatable money book I have ever read. I love the perspective that comes from the lived experience of a brown girl (she-is-me-I-am-her). Berna makes me feel less alone and gives me hope that I won’t be on a financial struggle bus forever.

This is a book I will BUY WITH MY CHEST over and over. This will be my go-to-gift for years to come for every friend who opens up to me for money advice, for every niece and nephew as they go into high school, and is now a mandated read in my own household.

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This is the book I needed when I was 15. Heck, it's the book I didn't know I needed at the age of 43! I went through so much financial trauma that could have been avoided if I had known the basics of saving, investing, and especially student loans. I'm grateful the next generation will have the tools they need to secure the future they deserve.

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This book starts with a disclaimer that every finance book should have: “All the essential money How-To's in here? You could Google them. That's how I learned it. What makes this book different is the plethora of personal stories in every chapter. […] It's about what you didn't learn about money in school, but what you did learn at home.”

And then goes on to use layperson language to explain complex financial topics, layering in nuance of how this *actually directly* impacts marginalized folks, from someone who lived it and watched their parents live it. It’s the first finance book I’ve read that does NOT talk about debt, bankruptcy, and overdrafts from a place of shame first.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance copy and Berna for writing the book this industry (and we all) ACTUALLY needed.

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This book did what it needed to do. I need help gathering new ways to handle my finances and become more confident with money and this book did just that. Glad I have it in my arsenal

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First off, shout out to another bayyy areaaaa author!!!

I found Berna in 2020 after I was laid off from my job, feeling stressed with the unknown and not sure if I was handling my money correctly. How crazy is it that this realization hit me in 2020? It turns out, I’m not alone. Truthfully, I learned a lot from @heyberna's Instagram, and I told everyone I knew about her. Not only does she talk about money in a digestible way, but she provides so much historical and social context that it doesn’t make you feel bad for not knowing it. Because of Berna, I have the following accounts: Bills Bills Bills, Live Your Life, Rainy Day, and Emergency Savings (no fun there because I want to remember its importance lol).

Also, because of Berna, I started conversing with my friends about what kind of accounts they have and their go-to money tips. I felt empowered to talk about money out loud, and that’s precisely what this book is about. I’m so excited that she had the opportunity to grow from just IG and put out this book which I know will be helpful to anyone.

When I first started this book and was reading about how our traumas shape our money habits and spending patterns, I had to put it down because I didn’t know she would speak DIRECTLY to me like that, lol. But then I picked it back up and caught up on her budgeting tips, saving, investing, and socially conscience spending.

This book is categorized as YA, but I think at any age, if you’ve ever handled money without doing anything extra (like I’d say most of us probably do) then you can benefit from reading this book. I promise you’re bound to learn a thing or two.

Thank you, NetGalley, Quill Tree Books, and Berna, for a copy of this ebook in exchange for my honest review. Money Out Loud comes out on April 25th! Also, go follow @heyberna!

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This book was very helpful. It explained things in a manner I could understand. It gave me a lot to think of like budgeting & investing. Helpful book.

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If you're not already following @heyberna on instagram, you are missing out! This book is a perfect start for young people trying to save money and gain a better understanding of financial literacy. It is easy to understand and follow and is full of good advice. She covers so much in the book, and I would highly recommend this book to anyone! The book covers everything from credit cards, student loan debt, savings/retirement and more with easy to understand information and stories. This book lives up to the hype, and her tagline that money/financial experts are hella male, hella pale, and hella stale is spot on.

4.5 stars rounded up

Thank you to the author, HarperCollins Children's Books, and NetGalley for providing a copy to review!

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