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The Revenge List

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I love every book I have read by this author and this one was no different. Great and original plot, unlikeable MC and a dark twisty storyline kept me interested throughout. What happens when Frankie’s private “revenge list” falls into the wrong hands? Guess you’ll have to pick this book up and find out!


Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review and opinion.

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Way to deliver a great thriller! Couldn’t put this one down. Great twist. Thank you for this opportunity to read this ARC.

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Got me again!
Twists and reveals, right to the end! (Shouldn't I be getting smarter by now? Don't I read enough thrillers? Do I need a whiteboard to keep track of theories? An algorithm? A team of investigative minds on call and at the ready?)
Thank you to Harlequin Trade Publishing/Mira Books and Netgalley for my eARC for review.
Hannah Mary McKinnon's latest novel, The Revenge List, takes an anger management exercise and flips it.
Frankie (Francesca) Morgan's dad thinks she has rage issues. She goes to anger management classes on his request, and loses her notebook along the way. The notebook contains a list of those she feels need her forgiveness.
Someone, though, has found it and made it into a hit list.
The Revenge List took me a bit to settle into. But once I got to the second half, the pace was set and I raced to the end. We are taken through Frankie's feelings of guilt and remourse, as well as her trove of secrets.
Well done, once again Hannah - recommended!
Released on May 23.

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Thank you Harlequin for an advance copy in exchange for a review.

Frankie Morgan works with her dad in construction. Her father has encouraged her to sign up for an anger management course because he believes she has too much rage in her that she needs to work through. Frankie's not sure what the benefit would be but reluctantly attends the first session. The group sessions are being led by a woman named Georgina, who suggests that all the attendees put together a list of people they would like to seek revenge against. The goal of the sessions is to work through their anger by forgiving each person on the Revenge List.

This was a fun thriller. The story was interesting and not too scary, which I was happy about. I was looking for a suspenseful thriller with some twists, and this book provided me with an abundance of twists and kept me curious. I wanted to guess the direction the story was taking and enjoyed going on the journey with Frankie. Frankie was a somewhat likable character with some anger issues. I found her backstory intriguing and looked forward to learning more about her.

I recommend this book if you are looking for something to distract you. There are a few triggers in the story, but I felt that the book wasn't too heavy, even though the topics were intense. I rate this book a strong four stars and cannot wait for her next release.

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I love when Hannah has a new novel out. They are always entertaining. In this installment we get a character, Frankie, that is very hard to like or root for. She has anger issues that are more than out of control. In her anger management class, she writes a list of all the people that have done her wrong that she needs to forgive. Then it appears someone is getting revenge for her as accidents happen to those on her list. Everyone Frankie encounters becomes a suspect to her.

While at no point did I like Frankie, she is a strong willed woman that knows what she wants. The more I read, the more I understood what made her what she is today. Some of her own doing and some were just part of a hard life. But it is hard to sympathize with her becuase she never learns from her mistakes. About halfway through I figured out who was “helping” Frankie get revenge, but as usual, there were still a few twists to come. The beginning and the ending were fast paced, but the story slowed down a little in the middle for me, but just when I started to lose interest in Frankie and her dilemma, the story went full steam ahead and pulled me back in.

Anyone loving suspense filled character driven stories, should pick this one up.

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Julie here... Hannah Mary McKinnon has done a great job with The Revenge List! I loved it!
And...I might add...I love a good revenge list.
This book has:
A list with names on it.
Anger management sessions.
The boss who is also your father. And he fires you.
A high school bully.
An envelope with a family profile.
Unfortunate "accidents".
A karaoke night.
A stunning realization.
More stunning realizations.
It's great!

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Frankie Morgan had a rough life with many losses, and now she's in an anger management group. She makes a list of all the people who have wronged her, and her name is on the list as well. She doesn't think about it again until she realizes she lost the list and everyone on it is dying off in bizarre accidents. If she can't figure out what's happening, she could be next.

Frankie is an angry, irritable woman. Everything sets her off, and she takes it out on whoever is around her. It escalates quickly; we know it's just over a week because we open with an intense drive, and chapter two begins ten days earlier. She resents the world and wasn't a fan of the anger management class or the idea of making a list of people she hated so that she could forgive them. The accidents didn't always end up in death, but they happened fast and at random along her list, so the guilt regarding her list drove her further into her anger. As she contemplated each name, we learned why she hated them, and the wrong each one did to her. She didn't have it easy, and all those who manipulated her or took advantage of her meant that I felt sorry for her even as she kept screwing up.

As the story escalated, I was constantly surprised. First, by how far Frankie went to try to figure out what was going on, then by her capacity for forgiveness after all. The actual killer was a surprise, and the ending was a shocker. This is an excellent and tightly wound suspense thriller, that I stayed up late to finish. I had to know what happened next, and it was absolutely worth it.

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When our main character, Frankie, is asked to make a forgiveness list by one of her counselors she does so begrudgingly. How can she ever forgive the people who have hurt her the most and why should she? If this list is what her father expects of her she decides that she should at least try to give it to him. The jerk client, her obnoxious neighbour and last but not least the man that killed her mother all of these people make their way onto Frankie's list as she categorieses it by severity levels. Things take a terrible turn when Frankie's notebook and her list are suddenly taken. Who could want such a private list and for what reason? Frankie has no idea but she becomes desperate to find out. I loved this book because I have never read a book about anything even remotely close to forgiveness lists. That fact alone I find amazing because so many people wrote lists for so many things so it's not far fetched yet I've never seen it done before. While the concept of this book was amazing I found the execution to be not quite what I was expecting and it was very hard to hold my interest all the way through. I found myself putting it down a lot and considering how short the book was it took me a lot longer than usual to finish it. Overall while there were a few small parts I didn't like they were easily looked past and I am glad that I got the chance to check it out because even though it started off slow it quickly picked up and took off like a rocket. This book had all the great workings of an amazing thriller and the characters really had you rooting for their safety. The ending and the big reveal were my favourite parts I never could have seen it coming.I can't wait to see what else Hannah McKinnon comes out with because I will be one of the first to check it out whatever it is.

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I was excited for another book by this author. The beginning starts at an anger management session which wasn’t obvious to me right away. I kept waiting for this story to pick up pace and it didn’t. I couldn’t finish.

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I found Frankie SO unlikable that I didn't really care about what was happening to her. Not my favorite HMM.

I received an advance copy. All thoughts are my own.

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I loved this book. It was original and dark. I could not help but wonder what I would do if I was in the same position. There are some twists and a few turns, which added to the suspense and overall enjoyment of the novel. I was satisfied with the ending and felt that overall this was a brilliantly plotted and fleshed out thriller!

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The plot of this one made me eager to pick it up and I'm glad I did. I found this to be a very unique read as we followed Frankie through not only her anger but discovering what happened to her list and what was going on with the people on that list. While she was trying to figure everything out, she was also working through her own internal issues and resentment.

I especially enjoyed that as the story went on, my opinion of Frankie changed over time as she herself grew and moved along in her journey. I think that's a great thing when the growth of the character can cause your feelings to shift.

Overall I really enjoyed this read and loved that the tension was maintained through most of the book. The ending really surprised me, in a good way. I will definitely check out more of this author's books in the future.

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The more I read by Hannah Mary McKinnon, the more I like it. The Revenge List is the latest, and McKinnon keeps things moving right along. I'll admit that Frankie got on my nerves a bit at first, but I've had those times when I felt like giving someone a piece of my mind and those moments when I followed through on that feeling. So, The Revenge List was certainly intriguing. OF course, things go off the rails with the list, and as the story progresses, we learn more about Frankie and why she is the way she is. I'll stop there so I don't give away the book's secrets. Suffice it to say that the book is well written, it's hard to put down, and it's another twisty read by this author.

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One of my favourite things about Hannah Mary McKinnon’s books is that each one is a different, and awesome, reading experience. The Revenge List is another winner for me!

Frankie Morgan is a great lead- she’s angry, she’s smart and she’s out for revenge. Unfortunately someone stole her forgiveness list (let’s be real revenge list) and has taken things into their own hands.

The plot of The Revenge List is layered and the characters are complex. I love how the novel ultimately centred on family - the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s a great spring board for HMM’s signature twists and turns, and it also has heart, which is not something I often say about thrillers!

And the ending is *chef’s kiss *. DM me to discuss !

I had to pop by my local @indigobayandbloor and see the book in the wild.

Thank you @netgalley @_mira_books_ @harlequinbooks for the gifted eARC.

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**3.5-stars rounded up**

In The Revenge List we follow Frankie Morgan, a single-woman living in Portland, Maine, who works as a Project Manager for her Dad's construction company.

Frankie has had some difficult times in her life, beginning with the hit-and-run accident that killed her Mom when Frankie was just a teen. Since that time, things have snowballed. Now Frankie finds herself a barely functioning adult, filled with anger, guilt and growing list of regrets.

It doesn't matter where she is, or who she is dealing with. Frankie has a short fuse and zero restraint when it comes to her reactions. There's no 'take a deep breath and count to ten' in her playbook. After an explosive incident at work involving a very important client, Frankie's Dad is fed up. Her temper is having a major impact on their family and their business. As luck would have it, a woman he is friendly with leads a local anger management group. It is arranged that Frankie will start attending; required, not requested.

At her first session, one of the tasks is to create a list of people to forgive. People who have angered her in the past that she will now forgive. Even though she thinks it a little silly, Frankie goes along with it and records her list in her favorite notebook, the one with sunflowers on the cover.

In the events of the evening that follows, Frankie sort of forgets about the list. It was just an exercise, it doesn't mean anything, but then the list goes missing. Shortly thereafter, individuals on her list start getting injured in very bizarre ways. At first, after the first one or two, Frankie thinks it must be a coincidence, but three? And it's starting to get closer to home?

Is Frankie losing it, or is someone actually targeting the people on her forgiveness list?

Desperate to get to the bottom of it before it's to late, Frankie begins to investigate the harmful incidents. Things get wild and crazy from there. Trust no one.

I had a lot of fun reading this. I had been looking forward to it for a while, having really enjoyed previous works from Hannah Mary McKinnon. I enjoyed the choices that McKinnon made in telling this story. For example, it felt refreshing to have just one-POV.

I feel like for the past two or three years, the vast majority of stories that I've read have featured dual, or multiple, POVs. And while I love that, I also liked getting the chance to just ride out this entire narrative with Frankie. I felt like because of that choice, I genuinely got to know Frankie's character and it felt important to hear it all from her. It gave great insight into the reasons why she was the way she was. It made her actions make sense.

In some ways, she's not a super likable person, but I felt myself really empathizing with her and connecting with her. She's like that friend who you love, but who always makes the stupidest choices and you just want to grab her by the shoulders and shake the heck out of her.

The best part about Frankie's journey was watching the growth she made as a character. I wasn't expecting much in that regard, but I loved how McKinnon gave her room to learn and change. When you first meet Frankie she is bogged down in her anger. It literally feels like she is being crushed by it. It's palpable. As she evolves over the course of the story, you can feel that weight dropping off. It was impressive to me how McKinnon was able to capture that feeling so well.

As far as the overriding plot went, I was super intrigued in the first half. I had no clue what was happening. Then there was a bit of a shift and I felt like the answer was then obvious, but I was still invested in following along with Frankie as she got the evidence she needed.

I would say it's a slow-burn story, but the tension does continue to build throughout. Additionally, it gets bat-poop crazy at the end, so be prepared. Grab your popcorn and be prepared to yell at the book. I did. And the ending!? Don't even get me started. I mean, I can't say anything, but like, Hannah!? Hannah Mary McKinnon!? What the?

It made me so devilishly happy, but also...

Overall, I had a fun time with this one, I really did. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. I also feel like this one is going to stick in my head for a while.

Thank you so much to the publisher, MIRA, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I can't wait for more from this author!

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Well, in The Revenge List, Frankie made a list of people who have wronged her and that list fell into the wrong hands. When people on the list start to have freak accidents, Frankie needs to intervene and make it stop. Another twisted page turner from @hannahmarymckinnon with another gasp of an ending. This book was a wild ride that had me yelling at the book, totally guessing (incorrectly because this was so clever and designed to keep you guessing) what was happening and turning pages as fast as I can to get to the end and see how it all unfolds.

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Hannah Mary McKinnon never disappoints with her books and this one is another twisty, angry ride. Frankie has anger issues to say the least, and that is clearly pervasive throughout, but our girl has been through some stuff so it is justifiable. She finds herself at an anger-management group when things get out of hand, and has to make a list of everyone that needs her forgiveness. She is beyond skeptical, but does it anyway, and goes ahead and includes herself. Frankie keeps it moving and doesn’t think twice about this list, until it goes missing, oh and people on said list start getting hurt in weird accidents, each one worse than the one before. She now has to figure out what is going on before others, including herself, are next.

Coincidence? Doubtful. Are we kept guessing? Yes of course. I figured it out by the end but this was equally enjoyable, suspenseful, and so twisty that I absolutely loved this and devoured it in one sitting. All common for McKinnon’s reads that I just love so much. The only negative is that now I am done and must wait on the next one. But alas….

A huge thank you to Hannah HTP, MIRABooks and NetGalley for the advanced copy to review, this one is out now!

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Unfortunately this was a did not finish for me. I made it about 40% into the book and had to stop. The entirety of what I read was based on a missing notebook and her obsession with it even though it didn’t contain much important info. While I understand there was more to this book, I had friends fill me in on what I missed, I couldn’t get into it and buy into the characters story. It seemed way too far fetched for me. It upsets me greatly I didn’t love this book because I love the author but it was not for me.

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Note: As published on Crime Fiction Lover

If anyone needs a course in anger management it’s Frankie Morgan, the main character in Canadian author Hannah Mary McKinnon’s latest standalone thriller. Frankie’s trigger temper has been causing her problems both personally and professionally, and anger is one of the main themes of The Revenge List. The novel may be set in Portland, Maine but anger, revenge and forgiveness are universal.

Her boss has convinced her to attend such sessions. To complicate matters, Frankie’s boss is her father and Geraldina, the counsellor facilitating the course, is a friend of his. When Geraldina suggests writing a forgiveness list identifying individuals the participants feel anger towards, Frankie creates a list in her notebook that unbeknown to her is about to result in a whole lot of hurt for the individuals mentioned.

However, Frankie has no intention of forgiving anyone. From her perspective, the people on her list deserve to be there, even if she doesn’t know much about them – like her elderly neighbour and even Geraldina. Other names are people who have hurt Frankie deeply such as her father, a school bully and a former boyfriend. The most surprising person identified is Frankie herself.

You will begin to get an understanding of Frankie’s anger management problem when she realises that she has misplaced the notebook containing her private forgiveness list. Frankie turns detective trying to locate individuals who may have taken it. Her main suspect is Evan, a good-looking guy from the course. Frankie and Evan ditched the end of the session to go out for coffee. The evening ended with a confrontation between the two of them and Frankie leaving in an Uber.

After Frankie misplaces her notebook, strange things begin to happen. Someone leaves flowers outside her apartment door. Her Uber driver and the ride fee fail to appear on her Uber app. Instead she is charged for a no-show. When Frankie tries to contact Geraldina to see if she left her notebook at the church, she learns that the woman fell down her front steps when the handrail came off unexpectedly, breaking her nose.

McKinnon does an excellent job in showing us situations when Frankie’s anger is out of control. When her rage takes over she damages things, or relationships. In one instance, her response is so extreme that the confrontation is filmed and posted on social media. Frankie ends up trending – but not in a good way.

The love between Frankie and her family is evident in spite of the occasional friction. They also have their own struggles. Her dad’s construction business is struggling and her brother Rico and his spouse are worried about their sick child and the cost of the medical fees. You will empathise with those close to Frankie and understand that ‘walking on eggshells’ feeling her loved ones experience around her. There are times when her anger is justified, however she seems unable to express it in a way that is not self-destructive.

When Frankie’s notebook eventually turns up at the café she went to with Evan, her initial response is relief. She contemplates deleting her Facebook account to see if that will slow down the social media frenzy about her flipping out. Then she notices a post about an accident involving another person on her list. She dismisses the second accident as a coincidence but when she later sees a news story about a house fire involving yet another person on her list, Frankie realises that her forgiveness list has morphed into a revenge list. Is she being stalked? Who is harming these people, and why?

At this point, the action takes off like a racing car. She decides to seek out others on her list to warn them and to figure out who has been going after them. As the novel is presented from Frankie’s perspective, it will feel like you are along for the ride.

Near the end of the book, McKinnon begins to tie up the multiple threads in the book into a nice tidy bow. Because so much is devoted to brilliantly demonstrating how out of control Frankie’s anger gets, it takes a leap of faith to accept that she is resolving her issues. That being said, it is an enjoyable read. The end of the book makes that leap of faith worthwhile.

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Are you a list-maker?⁣

Here’s a recent one I compiled:⁣

Most twisted thriller endings⁣
1. All of Hannah Mary McKinnon⁣’s books

That’s it. That’s the whole list. 😆⁣

I LOVE her books. They’re always twisty and unique and just when you think you’ve reached the ending and it’s all wrapped up in a tidy little bow? Think again. Bow unraveled, shredded, and probably on fire.🔥⁣

Frankie’s got a bit of a temper and you really can’t blame her. But her dad — who is also her boss — insists she gets a handle on it, so he sends her to attend anger-management. The session starts off asking the group to write a list of everyone who has wronged them — because forgiveness is a process.⁣

But when Frankie misplaces said list, and each person she's named on it starts getting hurt — each accident worse than the one before — she kinda starts to freak out.⁣

Because the last name Frankie put on that list… is her own.⁣

A clever and original story, that is deliciously twisted, and compulsively bingeable in one sitting, The Revenge list is a fun and compelling thriller that should definitely be on your list to read!

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