Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Legendary Comics for providing me the e-ARC in exchange for a review! The story line was wonderful and the artwork was beautiful. I enjoyed The Witches of Silverlake very much and I cannot wait to see what happens with Elliot and the rest of the Coven next.

The artwork and the story were both interesting, even if they weren't really for me.
I did struggle a bit with continuity. Sometimes we would switch scenes and it seemed like I was expected to know what was going on, and I definitely didn't. There was so much going on, and I knew so little about what was happening, that being dropped into a scene with little to no context was not helpful in letting me know what was occurring.
I probably won't continue with this series, but I would suggest it for those who are interested in stories where you often don't know what's happening.

the art is ridiculously pretty and p[easing to look at, the rest is... debatable.
it's entirely plot driven, for a story with a seemingly large and expressive cast. it's also very telling - in a way that can be very popular with teen readers who are looking for quick and easy fun and nothing more than that. our MC comes off heavily as your basic chosen one archetype. you know the one: anxious, not very confident at first but also very brave, Special in the way that Special Events keep happening to him and that every character seems to gravitate toward his orbit for no apparent reason - but other than that he's just your average teenager with normal attributes, right? right.
i appreciate the diversity and casual queer reps a lot. with this being the first volume, it's too early to judge, but the efforts that went into developing the cast of characters around the MC is very palpable, and again, appreciated. i'd enjoyed reading about them more than our mc, to be honest. they are much more animated and interesting in comparison - even if we are only getting glimpses of them.
all in all, there's nothing new here, just a lot of vibes and pretty arts and an ending that promises something more but i am too uninvested in everything to collect on that promise.

After his father's unexpected suicide and his attempt, Elliot and his mom move to LA after she is offered a vice principal job at a prestigious private school. Elliot then joins a coven of witches, but they soon discover that they are in way over their heads. Something is killing people around Elliot and it is coming for him soon.

I would for sure read the TWs before reading this book, esp. if it's in the intended YA audience.
The vibes are really cool and the story was interesting. I will say the timing of a lot of it felt jumbled and then things would suddenly get very graphically violent which took me out of the story.

It's an interesting comic about the new kid at school who turns out to be a witch that can see the near future and the demonic actions and deaths that follow.
The story is great and definitely something new, but often told too fast, a lot of time skips and other flashbacks/dreams/visions are hard to decipher.
There are slightly deep insights for the background of the group of teens, but none are told enough to keep them in mind.

Thanks Netgalley and Legendary Comics for this eARC, these opinions are my own. I really enjoyed this! Elliot just moved to LA after dealing with tragedy in his life. Upon arriving he begins to see things and when something unexplainable happens he’s approached by two girls from school. They’re witches and Elliot is too, he joins the coven of five. They establish their magic and they start seeing the benefits but it’s not with its risks. And what’s worse the risks seem to be singling Elliot out. Can the coven figure out what is going on? This had all the things I like magic, demons, and of course high school drama! I loved that Elliot found the coven but not just any coven, a coven of queer people! Each unique in their own way! I also love that their magic is unique to them as individuals as well! Simon Curtis and Stephanie Son did a fantastic job with this! I can’t wait to see what happens in volume 2 and there’s still so long before volume one comes out! Highly recommend if you like magic! Can’t wait to read it again!

Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read an advanced copy!
Now, I want to start with trigger warnings, cause boy did I need them before I read this and did not get them.
TW: suicide (dad, off screen), attempted suicide (MC, off screen), hallucinations, murder (graphic)
Those are the big trigger warnings, I’m sure there are more but these ones are the ones that made me ask, “Is this really supposed to be YA?” It feels much more adult, even if it is in a high school setting.
The story is about a boy who moves with his mom to a new town and he goes through the “new school, new friends,” anxiety. While there he makes friends with a bunch of witches and they unlock magic within him. It all comes at a great time, because the boy is being haunted/stalked by a demon and he keeps having premonitions of gruesome deaths.
Overall, the story was interesting, but I don’t think it was my type of book. I love witches and spooky tales, but it was all a bit too graphic to me. Also you made a trans character but don’t mention it until the author notes? I wish she could have at least of had a, “Hey, I’m trans, nice to meet you,” moment.

I’d like to thank netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review. I liked the storyline of this graphic novel, I feel the art matched the tone very well and I enjoyed the characters, flaws and all. It held my interest and I can’t wait to see where this goes next.