Member Reviews

The pacing of this book felt really off and the writing rushed. That being said, though, I did like the characters but felt the story was just a bit meh and lacklustre. I felt there was lots of telling too not enough of a balance with showing and the uneven balance between characters,

This book world of competitive figure skating will make readers want to strap on a pair of skates. If you love YA romance this book is perfect for you

Kate, champion ice skater, is all about her two year plan to get to the Olympics. Until she meets Brice, the hockey player. This is a nice, quick read. I liked it. It was interesting all the way through, but nothing really substantial happened. Nothing really colossal happened, but it was an okay, a satisfying story. I can recommend this one to anyone who loves young love and pleasant reading. Thank you to #NetGalley and the publishers, for the opportunity to read and review #ThePriceOfIce with my honest thoughts and opinions.

I can’t help but enjoy reads that include figure skating or hockey in the storyline. This one definitely had some ‘The Cutting Edge’ vibes to it, especially with the enemies to lovers and grump vs sunshine aspects of it. While it did deal with some more heavy situations (cancer, major sport injury etc) it still had some light moments and such.

The price of ice by Anita saxena
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Thank you to netgalley, booksgosocial and anita saxena for the opportunity to read this book
I'm giving this book 3 stars, it was a cute quick read YA romance with some emphasis on character development from our main character.
As a child I was a huge fan of the Disney channel movie go figure, this book feels a loot like that. Especially with the journey rhe main characters go on in terms of realising you can love something and still have a life outside of it. Brice makes a great love interest and you can't help but route for them and i like that we get to see how much he takes care of kate with her struggles and his sister with her own medical issues.
I've gone with 3 stars because it's was okay but didn't blow me away. I feel like it had potential to have a big emotional impact and it just missed the mark on that for me.

With thanks to netgalley for allowing me to review this book.
Sadly this was a ‘could not finish’ book for me. It just didn’t hold my attention and the writing style just didn’t sit with me.

This book is everything to me. I learned so much from it and I'm just so glad I read this book!!
A Young Adult book which is completely my cup of tea, it's written so great, and the storyline was sweet and cute, and so the characters. I feel a little bit sick of Kate that she lets those negative thoughts over her, but I love that she, eventually, is able to see something positively and that She started to see her worth isn't just in one place.
I love learning new facts about ACL Injury, which is quite difficult for me to get to this point but it's definitely a worth read. Thank you so much to the Author Anita Saxena, To the publisher, and to Netgalley for this free copy!
I'm so glad to have this opportunity.

I found this an enjoyable read. I loved the skating element and you could tell that the author was a skater. I also enjoyed how the main character developed and grew.

"The Price of Ice" is a quick young-adult novel with a lot of drama and a lot of heart.
As a former competitive figure skater, I was able to empathize with Kate and understand her strict adherence to her two-year Olympic plan. Skating at such an elite level really is all-consuming and causes young skaters to miss many of the opportunities and experiences that other teens take for granted.
But the way that Kate treated people who stood in her way, even when they had nothing but good intentions, made it difficult to root for her at times.
In the end, Kate shows a considerable amount of growth, but because the book is so short, it almost seems to happen overnight. It wasn't as gradual or as natural as I would have liked.
I would certainly suggest picking this up if you're a figure skating fanatic like me, but considering the often-clunky writing and erratic pacing as well, this book was a bit of a miss.

Kate's life revolves around ice skating. She trains hard, finished school early to be able to devote more time to it and is on track to be an Olympian. Then she falls on the ice and tore her ACL. It took just one moment and her dreams are probably shattered. She is not sure who she is without skating.
I love ya sports romance books and enemies to lovers trope is one of my favs. It seemed like a perfect book for me. But even though all of the ingredients were there, the result left me disappointed.
I really like the plot, but I think that writing needs a bit of work. The characters are one-dimensional, and not developed much. The main characters were very unlikable, especially Kate and I didn't feel much chemistry between them. Especially with all of the forced apologizing...
thanks to Netgalley for the ARC, all thoughts are my own

I think I know when a book is not meant for my demographic but I want to give credit! It’s sweet and enjoyable, plus hello figure skating! Amazing. Lighthearted fun, perhaps could have more depth and more areas of it explored

I really liked this YA sports romance. It was fun to get a glimpse behind the scenes of the competitive ice skating world! Kate and Brice have great chemistry and I enjoyed their journey. Will be looking forward to more from Saxena.

I was beyond excited and prepared to love everything about The Price of Ice.
I'm a sucker for a good sports romance and I am very partial to ice sports. However, this one didn't quite do it for me. I didn't feel like there was enough character development and what little character development present felt very rushed. That could be because it is a shorter novel, though.
I also did not find Kate likable or relatable, at all. I felt like she spent 95% of the book being self-absorbed and throwing herself a pity party. Even when she would talk about how she felt bad for being selfish and say that she needed to apologize, to literally everyone, I didn't feel like she actually meant it.
[ I also don't understand how someone so self-absorbed and focused on her figure skating could possibly think she didn't deserve the awards and title of Junior National Champion. The part where she says something along the lines of, "everyone else just messed up more than I did" to explain why she won a competition is just mind-blowing to me. Like, girl, you literally worked so HARD for this and that's how you explain your success?! (hide spoiler)]
I also felt like since Kate was so focused on herself throughout this story I really didn't know anything about any other character. I could not tell you a single thing about her best friend aside from... that's her best friend.
I did enjoy the few moments that were spent on the ice and Kate's family.
I think I would have enjoyed this more if the relationship between Kate and Brice had been developed more and he had a moment to shine.
Overall, I think this story was just a bit underwhelming for me.

"The Price of Ice" is a beautiful story written by Anita Saxena. Getting to know the characters was great! The author has created three-dimensional characters and has done very well with the characters' emotional growth and development. As a reader, it was wonderful to accompany Kate on her spiritual and emotional journey through her physical challenges with her torn ACL as well as her personal challenges with her family and friends. The book focuses on the themes of: family, friendship, love, faith, and hope. The romance between Kate and Brice was so sweet! It was great to see Kate realizing how much she cares about Brice and allowing herself to face her emotions and love not only for Brice but also for her friends and family. Hannah was such a sweet character! I enjoyed getting to know her character too. It is great that the book was written by a professional figure skater and coach! The author's vast knowledge about the sport and it's challenges has helped to create a story that feels real and honest. I really enjoyed reading this story and although I was aware that figure skating is a challenging and demanding sport, I am glad to have been able to see it all through the eyes of a professional figure skater. The title of the book is perfect! I highly recommend this book! Thank you very much to the author Anita Saxena, the publisher BooksGoSocial, and Netgalley for providing me with an electronic copy to read and review.

When an accident on the ice sees Kate Reddy’s dreams come to a grinding halt, suddenly everything she is, everything she has worked for, rests in the hands of God and a lot of needles. Prognosis? To be determined. But, in the meantime, and with the help of rising hockey star, Brice, Kate is afforded the opportunity to explore who she is beyond the ice, on this, a journey of risk and healing, passion, and the bravery of love.
The romance between these two was a swift push and pull, a wrestling on Kate’s part as she slowly came to terms with her emotions towards him and the part they played alongside her Olympic dreams. Overall I liked Brice’s character and would have loved to have a bit more time getting to know him and his sister. I also loved the way Saxena has utilised Kate’s injury to highlight how she lived and breathed skating, and that everything - and everyone - else had been left in her tracks. I enjoyed watching her navigate these harnessed feelings, rebuild relationships, and live with some help from her support network.
While I did feel that the rushed pace and, at times, overwhelming layering of events, disrupted the overall immersive experience of this read, I do commend Saxena for the mentality and drive that has been captured in Kate; a young, professional athlete on her path to Olympic glory. Had things progressed a little slower, and with a bit more depth orchestrated in the characters and events, I believe this would have been a knockout performance. As it stands, this was a good premise and I enjoyed the insights provided, and I appreciated the authors personal experiences incorporated within.
An easy and insightful glimpse into the competitive field of figure skating, The Price of Ice brims with passion, pain, frustration, hope, and the embers of love; good for young readers who dare to peek behind the curtain into the thrilling world of figure skating, or for those with a standing admiration for the sport.
Thank you to Netgalley and BooksGoSocial for the advanced copy of this book. 3.5⭐️

I was so excited to find an ice skating book for my friend when I found this book, but I was a little disappointed. I feel like the writing is very fast and jumpy. This is coming from a person that needs a story to get to the point fast. I just feel it could have been a bit slower in the beginning so the reader could really understand what is going on. I do love the general story line though!

Although slow at the beginning the book ended up being a very sweet story following Kate’s journey with her injury and relationships - i found the beginning to be fairly boring and wondered where it would be heading but it quickly picked up and become a warm and enjoyable read!

For me, this book was just okay, it felt shallow. I didn't get to know any of the characters well.
Also, I wanted more of Kate and Brice, I loved the Skater/Hockey Player angle, but their romance was not enough for me.
I hated Kate's parents, they were very selfish, but I'm happy everything got settled at the end.
Although I didn't really like the characters and the storyline, I loved learning about Figure Skating, it's an amazing sport, imagine balancing on a blade on ice and twirling around.
You can read this if you want an easy, quick to finish book.

Unfortunately, this book was not for me. While I love to read about anything figure skating related, I wasn't feeling the characters and the skating part was really lacking in the book. I feel like the FMC was gaslighted in some family situations and it did not sit right for me.

I’ve decided that I really like ice-skating related books (when it comes to sports). I quite liked the way it was written and the perseverance of Kate, which made me quite invested. In saying that though, I didn’t appreciate the numerous HP references. In addition, I felt like the build up to romance could’ve been better.