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Famous for a Living

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Melissa Ferguson’s "Famous for a Living" is a delightful and thought-provoking exploration of the perils and pleasures of internet fame. With a blend of humor, romance, and social commentary, Ferguson crafts a story that is both entertaining and reflective, offering readers an engaging glimpse into the life of a modern-day social media influencer.

The novel follows Cat Cranwell, a wildly popular social media star whose glamorous online persona masks a life full of challenges and insecurities. When a scandal threatens to unravel her carefully curated image, Cat is forced to leave her fast-paced New York City life behind and retreat to a remote Montana town to manage a family-owned wildlife refuge. As she navigates the stark contrast between her previous life and her new responsibilities, Cat embarks on a journey of self-discovery, learning valuable lessons about authenticity, connection, and what it truly means to live a fulfilling life.

Ferguson’s writing is witty and engaging, capturing the essence of the social media-driven world with sharp insight and humor. She deftly portrays the superficiality and pressures of being an influencer, while also highlighting the genuine connections and opportunities that can arise from it. Cat’s internal monologues and interactions are peppered with snappy dialogue and humorous observations, making her a relatable and likable protagonist despite her initial superficiality.

Cat's character arc is one of the novel’s highlights. Ferguson skillfully develops her from a seemingly shallow social media star to a deeply introspective and compassionate individual. Cat's growth is depicted with authenticity and nuance, as she learns to value real-life experiences and relationships over virtual validation. Her journey is both inspiring and relatable, resonating with readers who have ever felt the tug between presenting a polished exterior and embracing their true selves.

The supporting characters in "Famous for a Living" add richness and depth to the narrative. From the rugged and charming local wildlife refuge manager, Cooper, to the quirky and endearing townspeople, Ferguson creates a vibrant community that plays a crucial role in Cat's transformation. Cooper, in particular, serves as a grounding presence and romantic interest whose own struggles and perspectives challenge and complement Cat’s journey.

The setting of the remote Montana town is beautifully rendered, providing a serene and picturesque backdrop that contrasts sharply with Cat’s former urban life. Ferguson’s descriptions of the natural landscape and the wildlife refuge are vivid and evocative, underscoring the novel’s themes of nature, simplicity, and finding peace away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

"Famous for a Living" also delves into timely themes such as the impact of social media on mental health, the quest for authenticity in a digital age, and the importance of environmental conservation. Ferguson balances these themes with the romantic and comedic elements of the story, ensuring that the novel remains both light-hearted and meaningful. Her commentary on the often ephemeral nature of internet fame and the pressures it imposes on individuals is both insightful and relevant.

The pacing of the novel is well-managed, with a good mix of introspective moments, romantic tension, and light-hearted humor. Ferguson keeps the plot moving smoothly, ensuring that readers remain engaged and invested in Cat’s journey from start to finish. The book’s conclusion is satisfying and heartwarming, offering a sense of closure and hope that is sure to leave readers with a smile.

In conclusion, "Famous for a Living" by Melissa Ferguson is a charming and insightful novel that offers a humorous yet heartfelt exploration of the world of social media fame. With its relatable protagonist, vibrant setting, and timely themes, the book is a delightful read that will appeal to anyone who enjoys contemporary romance and stories about personal growth. Highly recommended for its wit, warmth, and the valuable lessons it imparts about authenticity and living a life true to oneself.

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I really enjoyed this book, but not really for the reasons I expected to love it.

The plot of this book is more representative of the women's fiction genre rather than a romance. Yes, there was romance in the story, but it felt like it took a backseat to Cat learning what is really important in her life.

While it's full of wit and charm, I was disillusioned by the promise of romance in the book. Had I known going in that it would be more of a fiction work, I think my expectations would have changed and I would've enjoyed it more.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Such a fun read! I loved every character and every situation. It felt like a romcom movie, which is great because the pacing is perfect for it! The romance was so enjoyable, I loved it!

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Unfortunately, this was not good. I didn’t make it very far and just couldn’t handle the writing. The dialogue was rough.

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Although I really liked the idea of this book, it took me a while to get into it. It took me way too long to notice the Instagram posts had dates and should be carefully read, which was almost impossible on my Kindle. However, about halfway through the book it was a captivating read and I really started enjoying the story. It's a little bit cheesy and could've easily been a Christmas Netflix movie, had it been set around Christmas time. I really enjoyed reading the 2nd half of the book.

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unfortunately i couldn’t get around to read this book yet… i’ll write a review when i’m able to read this.

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The book was an easy and quick read, but it left some to be desired. Didn't hook me very easily, but was a cute story by the end of it. Won't read again, but nothing was wrong with it and I'd recommend it if you want an easy summer read.

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My main problem here was that I didn't like the main character. She was SO SHALLOW, every time she'd describe something l'd be like oh no here we go again. I was so tired of all the brands being mentioned from the second time it happened, and it kept happening many times after that.
I was kind of hoping this would be a cute read, but the writing kept boring me and I felt like not much was going on, especially in the romance department.

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A cute and heartfelt romcom that deals with the effects of being an online influencer and the backlash that can come with it. I enjoyed the characters and the final outlook on life that came through the resolution. The romance aspect wasn't the main point of the story as much as finding peace with self and finding your place in life that is real and true without the perfection that tends to be displayed on social media. The first person single POV kept the story focused and allows the reader to pay attention to feelings as the plot progresses.

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This book had an interesting concept but I felt the characters and their chemistry fell a bit flat. I didn't finish it due to these reasons.

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I didn’t make it through this one unfortunately. The characters felt very surface level and it was hard to read the book when I didn’t like any of them.

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This was a cute contemporary romance. Perhaps it wasn't wholly original, but the characters were fun. I liked Cat and while she was pretty superficial, there were moments where she showed more depth and this made her more endearing. I was intrigued by Zaiah. He's normally the sort of hero I like; rugged, a littler mysterious. But he didn't really jump out at me. I think he was overshadowed by Cat. Overall, I think this book was all right. Diehard rom com fans will most likely enjoy this book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Famous for a Living is more women's fiction or chick-lit than it is romance. There is a romance, but Cat does not get asked out on a date until the 78% mark in the book. For me this was about her learning that there is more to life than being on your phone 24/7.

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Famous for a Living held so much promise, the synopsis was great and hooked me. I wanted to love this story so much, the concept was so fun but the execution was just not great. The story and movement just felt really forced to me.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

What a fun little read! This was a clean little romance with the a beautiful national park backdrop. The author really did a great job with language that immersed you in that national park in Montana. I do wish that there maybe was just a little bit more romance. To me it felt like a lot buildup with their flirting, but once we actually got to them dating, it was kinda ripped away. But the ending was sweet, so it kinda made up for it.

Overall I enjoyed!

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Famous for a Living was a solid 3 star (read average) read for me. A story of a woman whose life is turned upside down and is forced to leave her glamorous everyday life for an outdoorsy one for which she is ill suited. At the start Cat and Zaiah really don’t get along, he particularly does not seem to like her, as time goes on they get to know each other and we discover there is a reason Zaiah isn’t vibing and it’s more to do with Cat’s profession than her personality.

It was nice going on the journey with Cat of self discovery but this book was definitely light on the romance. The relationship between the main characters really only came into play in the second half of the book. From review I saw online it might be better to read a physical copy as it sounds like there are some instagram screen shots which would have added a nice touch. The eARC I read did not include any. I did enjoy this book but it was a little forgettable among so many books with these exact same themes.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this review copy in exchange for an honest opinion. Review has been posted on Amazon.

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This book doesn’t really have romance at the forefront . I would put this under women’s fiction.

This book is what happens when you’re an Influencer, living the big life in the big city and loose everything.

This is the journey to finding yourself and starting over.

The premise is good but the execution not so good.

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𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠 - 𝙵𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚢 𝙼𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚊 𝙵𝚎𝚛𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚘𝚗

𝗠𝘆 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

I would say this is more of a women’s fiction and the journey and reflection of Cat, than what I would consider a true romance.

Yes, there is romance. Though it doesn’t really make its appearance until the last 25% of the book.

Overall, this was a quick read, with a beautiful setting. It also does a great job showing the harm of social media addiction.

Thank you so much to @netgalley and @prhaudio for the ebook and audio copies.

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I was really close to DNFing because I didn't like the main character, but I powered through and she changed my mind! My only other gripe is that this read more like women's fiction than romance, so I'm not sure it was marketed appropriately, but it does have some valuable moral lessons within it and features characters that seem to really like and respect each other.

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