Member Reviews

Another fun read from Ferguson. She's on my must-read list!

*Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an e-galley in exchange for an honest review!

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I did request an ARC of this book without knowing that I had already read another book by the author and that I immensely disliked it. I wish I could say that this book was far better, but no, I disliked it nearly as much as Meet Me in the Margins.

Here are some of my thoughts:
- This is not a romance. The heroine does end up in a relationship, but there’s no buildup or chemistry to speak of. It doesn’t help that the hero is about as charismatic as a wet towel. Which, by the way, the heroine doesn’t mind. She still put him on a pedestal.
- I wasn’t a fan of the heroine.
- I didn’t like the writing style.
- The social media criticism came across as preachy. I’m not saying that the criticism of our obsession with our phones isn’t valid, but this wasn’t a good way to address the issue.
- There’s one really dumb scene where the heroine’s uncle screams about having the right to carry a gun. I haven’t figured out wether it was meant to be comedic, but I didn’t need to read that.

Overall this wasn’t a book I enjoyed and I personally wouldn’t recommend it.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest review

To start, I don’t know that I would categorize this book as a romance. To me, a romance book includes a characters romantic relationship evolving over most of the book- at least 75% of it. This book I felt only included a romance element for maybe 20%. Not bad if you are looking for strictly a women’s fiction book but when you’re looking for a romance- I would not recommend this read.

Moving on, Kat is a social media influencer that gets tangled in a lawsuit that takes her to help out her family in a small town and work with her lawyer for damage control,

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This was a sweet story about rediscovering ones self. Set in a beautiful Montana national park Cat Cranwell, a former famous NYC socialite, learns to embrace authentically living without worrying about social media. She finds herself drawn to Zaiah Smith, a park ranger with a distain for all things relating to Cat’s old life. Cat and Zaiah had the whole opposites attract thing going on and I would’ve loved to see more of a build up to their relationship.

This book is more women’s fiction than romance. If you’re looking for a super romantic read, this may not be the one for you as leads don’t get romantically involved until the latter half of the book. Overall this was a charming read that tackled some heavy topics (the toxicity of social media and the dangers of being overdependent on it). I enjoyed seeing the main characters personal growth and the found family that she found at the park.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

3 stars

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This was insanely disappointing… I really need authors to stop marketing their books as ‘romance’ when the romance is only 20% of the book. Up until 50% the so-called main characters had only had 4 encounters so far and they went on their first date at the 70-something mark. While there were hints about the relationship, there was no chemistry and no development. It felt like they decided to go out out of the blue.
The same thing goes for the characters too, there was no character development and we didn’t learn about their personalities or anything. It felt like we were skipping a few chapters every time and I was constantly confused about whether I forgot to read a couple of chapters or I missed something. The plot really had the potential but this was a very poor execution.

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*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.*

I really, really enjoyed this book. It felt like a unique take on a “fall from grace” story and rediscovery/redemption tale. Cat is a content creator who makes some unfortunate moves that lead to her being wrapped up in a scandal and relocates to Montana to help her uncle who is a park ranger. There is a fun and eclectic cast of characters working at the park, but there is also Zaiah there to be the steadfast and sturdy figure anchoring them all. His backstory and motivation for why he was the way he was about certain things was one I’d not seen before in a novel and a realistic lesson many could learn from.

He and Cat’s relationship formed in an organic way, but it left me wanting more. I really enjoyed their interactions. I felt like they learned a lot from each other and balance each other out, and I wanted more time with them. However, I did also really enjoy following Cat’s personal growth journey as she found her place among the rest of the park rangers. I particularly liked Mina and what she brought to Cat’s life as her roomie.

When it came to the conflict and resolution, I thought it was believable and well-handled. I was happy with the way things turned out, and would gladly read more books about the other characters if this were to become a series.

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Fiction for the eARC.

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A sweet and funny book about a girl which is the it girl and from one moment to the other she is accused for fraud . Her laywer advise her to lay low so she accept her uncles job offer so she goes at a small national park in Montana to be the one to manage their social media . She meets Ranger Zaiah who hates everything she represents but he is there everytime she needs help . When everything ends well which life will she choose ?
I received this book from netgalley and the publicer as an ARC . Thank you . All thoughts and opinions are my own .

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I really liked this one! I'd originally picked it up for the cover, but I stayed around because of the characters. I loved how their connection allowed each of them to realize their personal issues, but neither of them changed themselves for the either. I was super worried that Cat would change herself to fit Zaiah's views, but she didn't. I loved watching both of them compromise, it was what a relationship should be.

I also really loved the setting! Seriously, it had me wanting to travel and go on hikes. The writing style was transportive, and I could picture every waterfall in my mind. It was the perfect backdrop for this story.

So, I really liked this one! I'd recommend it :D

Thanks to Netgalley for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review!

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Pub Date: May 16, 2023

This book is so cute! This story focuses on influencer Cat, her fall from social media favor, and her self discovery as she deals with fall and what she’s going to do next. I loved seeing what life “behind the scenes” for an influencer can be like. Cat is so likable and reading about her finding herself and what she really wants her life to be like while also finding new friends, family and love was such a breath of fresh air. The theme woven though the book about how social media can be so addictive, but can also be a good thing is very timely, and it definitely inspired me to set the phone down a little more. I inhaled this book pretty quickly. Melissa Ferguson has yet again written a fantastic story!

You’ll like this story if you enjoy
•personal growth
•found family
•sweet romance
•city and country settings
•feel-good stories

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I loved the first book I read by Melissa Ferguson. It was witty, funny, and intriguing. The second book I read by her was also quite entertaining. But this one was a bit out of my league, out of my depth, and out of my generation. Cat Cranwell has built a life on Instagram, touting brands, influencing her followers, and generally making a name for herself by the pictures she takes with her camera and posting them on Instagram. I do use social media myself, but I am not out to influence anyone. I am there for the giggles and encouragement I can get from the groups I follow. I also use it to keep up with friends, but I am not out to influence them in any capacity. So that part of social media is beyond my ken.

The plot has a few kinks in it, but overall, makes sense. The one issue I have with the book is that Melissa has gone overboard with her super-hyphenating. Because I read a galley on an e-reader, it made the reading tedious when hyphens were left out, and when there were too many hyphens in a row. They were distracting at best and aggravating at worst.

The premise of the book is that Cat is charged unlawful collecting of data through an app she promoted through her social media. In order to find a haven, she goes across the country to Montana to stay with her uncle in the Kannery National Park. He needs her social media expertise to help keep Kannery from becoming absorbed by Glacier National Park. His right hand man, Zaiah, draws Cat into life at the park through the various contests held throughout the season Cat is there. He doesn't like what she does, with good reason, but he is falling for her in spite of it.

The settings in northwestern Montana and in New York City are as diverse as the characters themselves, but create an impressive backdrop for the plot. This alone helps keep the book up to a three star read.

Thomas Nelson provided the copy I read for this review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

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'Famous for a Living' by Melissa Ferguson is a cute story about a social media influencer named Cat who moves from New York City to Montana to help her uncle. Cat moves because of a scandal, and she decides to take her uncle up on his offer to become the social media director for a small national park in Montana. She is totally out of her element, but she finds friends and possibly more in the snowy mountains. Cat meets Zaiah, who is a park ranger that she starts to work with at the national park.

Zaiah and Cat seem like such opposites, but the more that they interact with each other, the more they see that they are actually more similar than they thought.

I enjoyed the book, but I wouldn't classify it as a romance. It was more of a women's fiction book with a sprinkling of romance. Having a dual point of view would have been a great addition to this book. I would have liked to see more romance and more of their connection being explored.

I enjoyed the discussion about the dangers of social media and the dependence on likes and comments on posts. I think it's an important topic, and I like how the author, Melissa Ferguson, handled this topic.

The book has a great premise, interesting characters, and a beautiful setting, but the execution was lacking

Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Fiction for an ARC of this book. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I was taken by Melissa Ferguson’s voice on the first page. It’s contemporary, witty, and drew me right in. I couldn’t wait to see where the story would lead and I was not disappointed. Each character is three dimensional, well-developed, and unique. She took a fish out of water and taught an important message wrapped in a funny package.

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This book was too freakin cute! I loved it from the very first chapter! It’s sweet, funny, romantic, and will keep you hooked!

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This is the second book I’ve read by Melissa Ferguson and I’m sure it won’t be the last. She has a gift of developing interesting characters along with strong story lines laced with humor. This is an intriguing, story involving social media and the potential consequences of being addicted to your phone.

Cat Cranwell, social media influencer is known and adored throughout the world. When her business partner is accused of a serious crime, she finds her popularity waning. She is advised to get out of New York City, which has been home for many years, and take a break from social media. Her closest family is Uncle Terry who suggests she join him in Montana to work with him at the Kannery National Park. Unless the park can be marketed as an attractive place to visit, it risks being absorbed into Glacier National Park. The number of visitors needs to increase and what better way to do that then to have a prominent presence on social media. Cat is the perfect one to do that.

This is a charming, humorous story as Cat adjusts from the fast-paced life in New York to the mountains of Montana. She arrives in the winter with 6 pieces of luggage and a battery-operated coat that controls the temperature. Woven into this captivating, and often laugh-out-loud story is the real problem of being addicted to social media that is overtaking many.

There is an interesting cast of characters, including the handsome park ranger Zaiah Hudson, who still has a flip phone and firmly believes social media has created nothing but havoc and evil in the world. There are many twists and turns as the story progresses, as well as a bit of unexpected romance.

At the end of this book there are some thought provoking questions we all should pay attention to regarding our compelling attraction to social media.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Comments and opinions expressed are my own.

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I really enjoyed this rom com! I loved Meet me in the Margins by this author so I was thrilled to get to read another story. And I think I liked this one more! The characters were witty and fun and I loved reading their romance unfold.

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This was my first Melissa Ferguson book and I immediately went and bought her others. Thank you Thomas Nelson and NetGalley for this ARC!

This book explored overcoming social dependence and learning to love and be yourself and was hysterical. I loved how it was a little bit of a love story but really it was Cam learning she is more than her social media following and her likes. I think it is so interesting how Melissa writes about the social aspect, feeling the high from the likes which I think we can all fall victim to.

This book was laugh-out-loud funny, as Cam moves from city life to Montana to avoid public scrutiny after she had a deal go sideways. Now she traded in pumps for sneakers and explores the national park with her father figure Uncle Terry and her love interest - park ranger Zaiah. The plot also explores them trying to save their park from being absorbed into a bigger park and there is rivalry and so much banter from this.

Overall it was such a sweet book and I am excited for it's release!

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Cat Cranwell is a disgraced influencer who takes on a job as a social media coordinator for her uncle's small national park in rural Montana. Zaiah Smith is a park ranger in the same national park, and a critic of all things viral. Cat and Zaiah put aside their differences to draw visitors to Kannery National Park and help save their much smaller park from being absorbed into the larger Glacier National Park.

This was such a cute story! It definitely reads more like women's fiction with a side plot of romance because most of the novel is devoted to Cat's journey to find her true self outside of her carefully curated internet persona.. At times it felt like a Parks & Rec fanfiction (in the best way) because the supporting characters are delightful and all unique. There's Kevin who hates nature but somehow works for a national park; Serena, Cat's best friend and kickass businesswoman; Uncle Terry who is Cat's father figure and a Montana national treasure; Jax, the pretty boy; and Mina, with her endless golden retriever energy and Cat's nosy roommate. They even have a silly rivalry with the "Glacier Boys," who claim their national park is bigger and better. While it's definitely a rom com, there are some serious topics addressed, and the danger of social media addiction is a big plot point. There is no steam except for a kiss, but this story was a nice break from all my Halloween monster smut.

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I finished this book in two days, pulled charmingly along through the pages by a dash of humor and a great setting.
One of the strengths of the author is her zany, lovable side characters. Both in her previous book, Meet Me in the Margins, and this one, the supporting cast is just so enthusiastic and also bonkers that I really warm to them.
This story would make a lovable romcom movie.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Cat Cranwell is trying to get away from the spotlight after her business partner is accused of financial crimes. She accepts her uncle's offer to work with in Kannery National Park. She realizes that she enjoys the freedom away from the world and falls for a a park ranger who hates social media.

This book is even better than the writer's last book... Cat and Zaiah are terrific characters. Love both of them. Enjoyed their chemistry together a lot. I love all the funny scenes and laughed out loud so many times. Love the ending of course.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

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Trope grumpy x sunshine

I loved this book it had me laughing. The character interaction was magic. I loved the characters together.

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