Member Reviews

Fifty-something author Laura Belgray recounts all the wrongs done to her in grammar school and high school then details how that made her the successful business woman she is today; Belgray even admits she follows her childhood nemesis on social media. Belgray uses the expression tough titties to mean: sorry, not sorry--but she does not follow up with na na boo boo. Additional sections of the book outline diet and weight and alcohol concerns, and exercise obsessions. Recommended for fans of Belgray's social media pages.

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I went into this book expecting it to be much funnier and more engaging than it was. While there are some amusing essays recounting Belgray's awkward adventures in 1980s New York, and her candid portrayal of flaws and questionable decisions was refreshing, the book's conclusion left much to be desired. The narrative of achieving success through laziness and rule-breaking felt tired and cliché, especially when it became evident that privilege played a significant role in the author's journey, as acknowledged by Belgray herself. While the book provided easy entertainment, the capitalist undertones in the final chapter detracted from its overall charm.

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I wanted to read this as it sounded like a funny memoir. I don’t know the author but read it anyway. It definitely made me laugh out loud many times. I also thought it was kind of all over the place with different times in her life going back and forth which was confusing. Ultimately I got sick of hearing about all her blow jobs she gave and how she had to “work so hard” to get her big break when in fact she is privileged and comes from money. I wish I would’ve DNF’d this

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I'm a big fan of nostalgia essays, so Tough Titties was a great read for me. Funny and oh so relatable (even/especially the cringey parts), it stirred up so many long dormant memories of my own from my teenage years and beyond. A great read!

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This book just rubbed me the wrong way. All this author did was brag, brag, brag about her incredibly annoying upbringing. Instead of coming to know or connect with her story, she ultimately made me dislike her immensely. She was so unlikeable and immature. I really don't know how anyone with taste would like this book. It was embarrassing and dull.

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I definitely judged this book by its cover. I didn't realize it would be small stories that really had no relation on my life. This was just not up my alley.
I want to thank Hachette Books and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book, as this book has already been published, I will not share my review on Netgalley at this time.

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This collection of essays was written well but ultimately it wasn't my cup of tea. The author's style felt a bit forced, and while I liked the title and her use of language, I'm uncertain who I'd recommend this book to.

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*Thank you Netgalley for the advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review*

I'll be honest I picked this one up solely because the title made me chuckle. I had no clue who Laura Belgray was.

Throughout this book you follow Laura's story from childhood and bullying at the hands of Deb Fishbone to present day as a comedy writer. I found Laura's humor to be endearing and I did find myself chuckling out loud at times. It was interesting to get a look behind the scenes at a comedy writers work and what it takes to get there.

However, I don't feel that this story will stick with me for the long run. Some moments I also felt should not have been handled as lightly as they were, I felt that certain moments while talking about her sexual experiences could be triggering to some. I found this book was enjoyable, though I personally wanted some moments to have more time spent with them and possibly a lesson learned.

This was a 2.5 star read for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley & Hachette Books for an opportunity read an advanced copy of this book.

I am all for frank essays. This unapologetic frankness is what most caught my attention in regards to TOUGH TITTIES by Laura Belgray. Unfortunately, it was a huge disappointment. It's tone deaf and the author never once acknowledges the privilege required to "fail" in the ways she did. If a person of color wrote a book like this, they would be eviscerated--if it even made it to the publisher in the first place. It's a huge "no" for me.

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I wanted to like this book but it wasn’t my favorite. The writing is funny but the stories seem so basic.

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Thanks to Hachette for the ARC via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.
This collection of essays wasn't really my style - I felt like the author was forcing something that just didn't work. Some of the entries were a bit better, and I did enjoy the one on not having children. Overall, while I enjoyed the title and how she used the phrase, I don't know who to recommend this book to,

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Read this quickly on a cruise. It was a good read; Belgray's writing is great, and she's both funny and relatable, but not in an annoying way (if that makes sense).

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Thanks to Hachette for a copy of Tough Titties.

This an interesting series of stories but the author's humor wasn't really my style. There were a few funny ones but overall this wasn't really for me.

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Interesting and well written I just personally couldn’t get into the story. Difficult to follow at times and a little slow. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This was simply not good.

I have no idea how to explain just how pointless this book was, it only served as a reminder that Belgray isn't actually funny.

Tone deaf and a waste of time/paper/energy etc.

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Valueless, low-grade stories & writing. Atrocious, insufferable person.

She writes endlessly about how shitty she is and how quirky and funny that is. It's not quirky or funny. But she's right about one thing - she is shitty, Obnoxious, self-absorbed, rude in ways she thinks are cute and hilarious, when really it's just self-important and short-sighted.

She has the luxury of behaving this way and shlepping haphazardly through life, acting a bratty, sloppy fool because she readily admits she has wealthy parents who have high powered, high paying jobs, who help her and with whom she lives if times get tough.

I hope to never in my life hear another word about this horrible person and horrible writer. I wish I could give ZERO stars.

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This book was incredibly cute and I really enjoyed reading it! It was full of information and humor, and I liked it a lot!

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Laura Belgray offers up hilarity in the form of short stories from her youth right up to the present day. She touches on bullies, body image, relationships, and my favourite topic (that some pretend to ignore), the choice to not have children! I could relate to so much of what Laura shared and felt myself nodding along in agreement. The only time that I felt disconnected from this author was whenever she dipped into the topic of privilege and the places it would get you.

All in all, it's a fun read that is great for those who grew up pre 1990's.

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There are no big revelations on how to change your life.
No fabulous ways to become a success.
This book is a whole lot of fuck ups, and some success that was stumbled into.
Is Laura talented?
Did she work real hard to become a success?
Her younger self stories are entertaining and she pulls no punches when relaying them.
But they are, are highly privileged stories from a highly privileged person, so take them for the entertainment they were meant to be and don't expect anything more.
Thanks to NetGalley & Hachette Books for my DRC.

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