Member Reviews

I'm a big fan of self help/personal growth books and Tough Titties is now at the top of my list. Belgray had me laughing out loud in public! She reminds me of the take no shit auntie in your life that you gives all the best advice!

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I enjoy reading this book and I think I would be able to get my patrons to enjoy this book as well. This book will not be for everyone, but I think the people who will enjoy it will get a lot out of it.

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If I had to sum this one up, I'd say it's like the opposite of "Girl, Wash Your Face" by Rachel Hollis. In GWYF, Hollis touts empowerment by sharing her shame for her past mistakes. In Tough Titties, Belgray touts empowerment by sharing how unashamed she is about her past mistakes and how we need to learn to just keep on moving, own our issues, and find humor in the difficult times. But while I wanted to like this book, I just found myself uninterested most of the time. Some of the chapters felt longer than they needed to be (i.e. the chapter on driving) and some chapters seemed crass just for the sake of being crass. I'm sure the author has a great sense of humor, but it felt overdone here. I have no issues with sarcasm (I am very sarcastic myself) and I also admire humor in the face of trauma, but too much sarcasm left almost a standoffishness about Belgray's writing that made even what we had in common almost unrelatable. I just wasn't a fan of her style.

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Occasionally laugh out loud funny, occasionally uncomfortable. I liked reading about what a childhood in New York City during the 70s was like, including being too young for Studio 54 but going anyway. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was supposed to know who she was to get her success story but I had no idea. I didn't like the bragging around income either, although she explains why she does it. It was a light and mostly fun read.

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"Inappropriate is my birth sign, my blood type, my most open chakra, my middle name."

Despite the subtitle, Belgray's book is more a collection of humorous, personal essays than a guide to living your best life. Her revelations were hit or miss for me, though I appreciated the author's engaging tone throughout. I most enjoyed her tales of growing up, mean girls, body issues, horrible bosses, and her choice not to have children.

This book should mostly be of interest to those who grew up in the seventies and eighties.

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I wanted to like it, I really did, but felt it fell short of my expectations. Didn’t make it past the first chapter

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This book is... odd. The author spent an entire chapter detailing different men she's given bjs to, which was not particularly something I needed to know.

The other complaint I have is that she says that beignets are jelly filled donuts. That's not at all what a beignet is. Petty on my part, but for someone from Louisiana it's annoying.

And the last thing that bothered me was when she said that her husband tells her not to take her depression meds because he "likes her crazy". Ma'am. No. We're not going to advocate for leaving mental health untreated to impress a man.

I don't know what audience she's trying to reach, but it's going to be a no from me.

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Tough Titties was an interesting book that had me laughing and shaking my head. I found Laura’s collection of stories to be engaging, but mostly unrelatable to me or my life. I mean honestly if there could be two completely different people, it would be her and I. So I think because of that parts of the story irritated me. She basically says she is lazy and disorganized and doesn’t show up to things on time. Not showing up on time is my biggest pet peeve.

The writing style was good. I stayed engaged. I just have really mixed emotions about this book. It seemed very self-indulgent to write it. I’m sure lots of readers will enjoy her stories though.

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When I came across this book I fell in love with the cover, it had beautiful colors. I really liked how she named the book too!! It’s one heck of a title for sure! I enjoy reading books about self help. This book was both a self help book and a memoir. I overall had a good time reading it.

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This book was almost a DNF for me. The cover was the first thing that caught my eye so I wanted to give this book a chance. There were some things I could have gone without reading but there was some funny stuff. There are definitely some good life lessons in the book. I can certainly say that this book isn’t for everyone. Thank you NetGalley, Laura and Hachette Books for the ARC!

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Tough Titties was a delightful read for this mid-fifties woman. Every essay resonated in some way with my life experiences or those of my friends.

Ms. Belgray gives you a book that will make you laugh out loud, nod your head in agreement, and then when you are through with it call your best friends and sister and tell them to read it too!

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This was hilarious if you like crude humor. I do enjoy self help books and memoirs and this was a bit of both. I love the cover and vibes of the art.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Hachette Books for the copies of Tough Titties to enjoy!

I love this memoir in essays! We get the down and dirty facts about the authors journey to “adulthood” and it concludes with her finding herself as an adult who has chosen a child free lifestyle and I gotta say - get it, girl! I may be a parent, but I can see the appeal to going the other route and not becoming a parent and I love that for anyone choosing that route!

The title of this one really sucked me in. I mean, Tough Titties?! Who doesn’t want to read that?! I loved reading about the life of the author in the lighthearted manner in which this is written. She covers some tough topics and while the tone remains light, it’s still serious which I think is important for many topics. She manages to take the serious topics and make them a personable conversation. I appreciate that.

I don’t rate memoirs because who the hell am I to tell you how awesome or shitty you are, but many review sites require one so it’s a 5 for me, especially since I enjoyed this thoroughly.

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When I was a teenager, way back in the 1970s, my dad told me that Fonzie from Happy Days was not cool. I was surprised - Fonzie was supposed to be the very definition of cool. No, my dad told me, Fonzie talked too much to be cool. If you have to talk about how cool you are, my dad explained, that means you aren’t cool at all.

This book is 300 pages of Laura Belgray telling us how cool she is. It wasn’t for me..

Thanks to NetGalley for providing an ARC for my review.

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I don't know why I keep trying non-fiction and memoirs, because I can never get into them.

A collection of occasionally funny anecdotes about growing up as a white woman in the US.

If I knew how to make the text shrug emoji, I would put it here. I"m sure for people who like Laura Belgray, memoirs or nonfiction, this book is a hit. I just didn't see the point?

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Tough Titties On Living Your Best Life When You're the F-ing Worst by Laura Belgray was received directly from the publisher and I chose to review it. I had never heard of this author, the title alone piqued my interest. I am a firm lover of coming of age, funny books that are, at times, hilarious. This book has those moments as well as, the WTF moments where I was thinking, "you are an adult, act like one." That is what cost a few points. If you know this author, apparently she sends out emails and the like, or you want to read a 30 plus year coming of age story with a lot of sex references, give this book a read.

3 Stars

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Sometimes, I have a book that I think I will like, but after a few pages of reading it, I am wrong. I really tried to get into it, but I just could not do it.

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A hilarious collection of Laura Belgray's most embarrassing moments.

Please tell me there is a sequel coming because I couldn't get enough.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publishers and Laura Belgray for the opportunity to read this book.

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A collection of essays about growing up in the eighties, finding oneself in the nineties, and trying to figure out what the hell is going on in the 2000s. I found myself alternating between hysterical laughter and sympathetic cringing. Perfect for fans of Samantha Irby and Jenny Lawson.

Thank you to Hachette and NetGalley for the advanced reader's copy that I received in exchange for an honest review. The book officially comes out on June 13th.

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Okay, I'm going to start off by saying I had no idea who Laura Belgray was when I started reading this memoir/lifestyle book. I still don't really know, but I'm not sure that makes a difference. Laura is witty, sarcastic, and laugh out loud funny, which is exactly what I was looking for when I started this book. She details her early life trying to find a job that really calls to her but where she doesn't have to work too hard. She wants a relationship, but doesn't want to put too much pressure on hooking up. This girl is full of contradictions and they just go on and on throughout the book. Her storytelling is incredible and I found myself truly wanting to know what happened in all of the stories. It's about her bartending jobs, customer service, and writing. A warning, there is a lot of sex talk in this book. Like, a lot. Very casual sex.. But, it was also hysterical and come on...the title?!

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