Member Reviews

“He is my breath. My soul. My life-force. I have spent forever with him.”

I loved it I loved it I loved it!!

I know, I know, it took me forever to finally pick up this book, don’t tell me, I already regret not reading it sooner!!

even thought it’s been over a year (oops 🙈) since I read the second book in the series, I oddly remembered everything, so starting this book was like if there was no time in between! I easily went back into this universe and characters. especially since this third book starts right where book two left off.

this book was such an emotional roller coaster and I honestly mean that. I felt all the emotions, but most importantly, I’ve never felt so proud of two main characters like I did throughout this book with Lily and Lo. like seriously, the whole time I was cheering for them and feeling so so proud of all the progress they have made, because their struggles are not easy. seeing Lily and Lo struggle with their addictions was so heartbreaking, but overcoming those struggles TOGETHER was so heartwarming. they are there for each other no matter what and I love that so much. they truly belong together!! the ending had me in happy tears. 🥹

and can we talk about the core six?? because I love all of them! Connor and Rose together make such a team. Ryke and Lo’s brotherly relationship is my favorite. Ryke would do anything for Lo. I’m still a little iffy about Ryke and Daisy only because she’s soo young right now, but I’m curious how that will play out.

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I really loved the first book in the addicted series but this one dragged for me. I’m still enjoying the story and the characters, but I found myself bored a lot of this book. Really looking forward to moving into the Calloway series though!

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“He is as much a part of me as the sun is a part of the sky, as the Earth is to the universe.”

Every word. Exactly how I feel. Given the ability to define the relationship between this series and I in one quote, it would be this. Addicted for Now, the compelling third installment of the Addicted series is the outcome of a family that runs deeper than blood.

“Sometimes the person we think we’ll become is the person we already are, and the person we truly become is the person we least expect.”

I will always be a Daisy and Ryke girl, but there’s something about the prose in Lily and Lo’s story that resonates so deeply with me. Its beauty is incomparable. Every day is a battle for peace, and as someone who understands the deep wounds of emotional turmoil, I’ve sought refuge within their journey of healing. The desperation that fuels the need to just give up is one I empathize with in every sense of the word. I’ve tried that life, I’m currently living that life, and it makes you want to crawl out of your skin. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to comprehend the ways in which this story has saved me. I don’t even think I’ve become aware of them all just yet. The smallest urges can create the biggest impacts, so for giving me the urge to keep fighting, I am forever indebted to Lily and Lo.

“I think the six of us-we’re all strong. We’re each just a different kind of strong.”

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. No one does found family the way Krista and Becca do. You can’t have one character without having them all and that’s what is so profound to me. We’ve come to this universal understanding that the core six is just that. A group of six broken individuals that need to mend in community. Despite living such drastically different lifestyles, they’re all willing to bear each other’s pain as their own. That is what true love is.

I wish I was articulate enough to be able to put every emotion this book stirred in me into words, but despite my lack of composure, if there’s one thing I could say, it would be this…

Lily and Lo. Lo and Lily. The couple that started it all, thank you for creating this universe that breathes life into me. You are my world.

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I love Lily & Lo and this whole group so much. This book was filled with so many highs and lows and I was absolutely obsessed with the whole story. The ending got me crying happy tears. Nothing but good things to say about this book.

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The addicted series is one of my personal favorite series, so rereading this book was just as amazing as reading it for the first time. I always go back and read this series because it is such a comforting universe. Lily and Lo will forever be my favorite couple to exist, their relationship is complicated but no one loves each other more than these two, their story is truly about SOULMATES!

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‘Addicted for Now' is an exhilarating rollercoaster of emotions that kept me utterly captivated. The characters' complexities and the skillful storytelling by the author created an immersive experience. Every page was a journey, and I couldn't put it down. A solid 5-star read that left me craving more.

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I wanted to love this book but it fell a little flat for me. This novel would have been a lot better if they had condensed it into shorter chapters and erased about 100-200 pages. I found myself not reaching to pick it up. I will still continue the series but these books aren't at the top of my list.

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Whew! This is a wild ride. These two have a turbulent relationship. I didn’t realize this was a part of the series, so I had to stop and go back to read the other books. Wooza! These two have serious issues that they are trying to overcome.

Lily is a recovering sex addict. There are very few people who know her little secret. One of them is her best friend, now love of her life, Loren. He is also struggling with an addiction to alcohol.

Loren has got his act straight and is sober. He is determined to help Lily. He sets clear guidelines on how intimacy will be between them. The problems they face are their own struggles against their addictions and a new person threatening to expose everything they worked so hard to hide.

I end up loving Lo so much by the end of the story. He is so strong and determined to overcome his own demons and be the man that Lily needs in her life. Lily, on the other hand, did stupid things at times. I also did not like all the inner sex chatter in her head. I do get that she is an addict, but it is just too much. Maybe because I had to go back and read the other books to understand them from the start, but after a while, I think I got the message of her situation.

I really liked the secondary characters in the books and need to jump on their stories as well. The layout for all the couples is there, so why not? The culprit behind all of the distress and pain is a bit shocking because I never looked at the obvious. I think the authors did a nice job with that twist.

While this is not my typical read, I can’t wait to continue this series.

~ Samantha

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Addicted for Now (Addicted #3) by Krista Ritchie is absolutely phenomenal. I am simply blown away by the author's skillful use of language and her ability to captivate readers with her storytelling. The characters are so well-developed and relatable, and the plot is both engaging and thought-provoking. It's no wonder that this series has garnered such a devoted following.

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I don't have a lot to say about this book. I think this series just isn't for me. I have found myself disinterested more and more with each book.

The characters spend way too much time dwelling on their self loathing rather than adding content to the story itself.

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“Only Lo can satisfy every part of my all-consuming soul. He is truly my everything.”

Another beautiful and yet bittersweet edition in the saga that is Lily and Lo. Not only do we get to experience these two coming back together and figuring out their new normal in life and love, while battling their addictions, but we also get appearances from out favorite supporting characters. We get to see how these relationships/friendships all play out and the support and found family they are all building together. I love Lily and Lo’s love so much. It spans their lifetime and while they are still trying to figure out how to love each other in healthy ways, I sort of love how much they lean on each other. In this book though they do have the continued support and love of Rose, Ryke, Connor, and Daisy! This was my second read of this book and I think I may have loved it even more than the first time. I personally will never get tired of being in the addicted/Calloway world.

The bonus content. I’m pretty sure everyone is going to pass out when they finally get to read Rose and Connor’s first date. It is so perfectly Coballoway that it almost hurts, but it hurts so good. I just love seeing Rose when she’s still unsure about ‘Richard’ and has no clue, obviously, where they will end up. I think this is probably my favorite bonus content so far.

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Addicted for Now continues the story which follows Lily Calloway and Loren Hale. This books continues to develop the relationships between Lily and her sisters and friends, as well as the relationships between Lo and their friends. Lily and Lo are on the mend and are trying to work through their addictions, which is a struggle for both. But now their addictions may really be their downfalls.

I love the development of the characters in this book. We get to see more of Lo - sober, and his true feelings about Lily, his father, and Ryke. We also get more personal with Rose, Connor, Ryke, and Daisy which is always great to see. I'm truly looking forward to reading more focused material about Ryke and Daisy's relationship - which I think will be my favourite out of all 3.

I went into this series completely blind, I read Addicted to You not knowing that it was followed by 9 other books, but I have no regrets, and the further into the series we go and the more you learn about each character the more hooked to the series I become. This third book so far has to be my favourite as we are able to look further past Lily and Lo's addictions, and get more about who they are as people, and who they want to become with all that is going on in their lives.

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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There is something incredibly addicting about this series, which, I guess makes the title pretty accurate. I can't get enough of Lily and Lo's story and can't wait to find out where they'll go next. Even the side characters are engaging and I am looking forward to reading both Rose and Daisy's stories as well.

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This will forever be my favorite series, the struggles Lily & Lo go through are realistic and helps readers understand what addicts go through when they are recovering. Family is such an important aspect in these books, and to see the core six help one another out will always be special to me. They are truly family and a ride or die group,

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after hate-reading the first two books, I knew I had to keep going, and boy am I glad that I did!!

I was not a fan of ADDICTED TO YOU at all, especially coming from a family with alcoholism in their genes. addiction is a horrible disease and not some trendy quirk that makes you sound cool in college. and that’s exactly what this series does.

however, I have to say that this third installment in the series has to be my favorite yet. it’s more serious and focuses more on lily and loran’s relationship more than anything.

loran’s need to lean on lily was a little concerning going into this one, but I loved how the authors continue to explore their ways of dealing with their “addictions” and life in general by being with each other.

lily, on the other hand, is the miscommunication trope in a nutshell - which of course is always a 🚩 for me. I wished she would just open up more and allow herself to heal, but that’s where the series continues!!

this series still isn’t my favorite, but here we are, still addicted to it 😉

thank you to netgalley and berkley romance for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!!

rating: 3 stars
wine pairing: new zealand sauvignon blanc

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💝 Book Review 💝

Thanks to @berkleyromance for this e-book. I hadn't read anything by this author duo before, and though I hadn't read the earlier books in this series, I had no issues following along and getting invested in the story and characters.

✔️ Helping each other heal
✔️ Found family and real family
✔️ Solving a mystery

I wasn't sure I would enjoy a book with both main characters dealing with their demons, but I did. The authors did a terrific job balancing the serious, emotional moments with levity, plot, and some terrific steamy scenes.

I loved Lily and Loren together and how hard they worked to take care of themselves and each other. I enjoyed seeing their friend/family group all banding together as well.

One of my favorite moments was the reveal of who was threatening to expose Lily's secret. I straight up gasped - it was well done and a surprise.

I recommend this is you are looking for an emotional and spicy read. I definitely want to read more of this story.

Steam 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Banter 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Swoon 💕💕💕

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3.75 stars!!
This was hands down my favorite book yet in the series (though I do have a feeling that Rose & Connor's books will take the cake eventually).
I loved that while Lily's addiction played a role in this book, it also focused on other aspects of her life. I really grew to enjoy and understand her more in this novel. Lo was just being hot, sexy, and angry Lo as per usual, which I always enjoy.
Seeing Lily and Lo reunite in this book was very special, and I loved how they progressed as a couple AND as individuals!

Are the books in this series perfect? No. Are they educational? Not really. Are they endlessly entertaining? Ohhhh, yes.
It is true what they tell you, these books do get better and better the further you get in the series!

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Just reread the bonus content at the end which was amazing🫶🏻 my favorite series ever and I can’t wait to read more bonus content! The texts in Cancun were my favorite

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This book picks right up after the second one so you will have to read the other books to find out what is happening. I really enjoyed the story and conflicts that were thrown into this book. The storyline was well written but a bit too long which you don't realize once you get addicted to the story. This review won't go much into detail as before since the writing style is still the same just that the books are getting longer and going more in depth to the story. There is a bit of mystery so be ready for that. I'm really enjoying reading this book from Lo and Lily's pov. There story never disappoints and there is always something going on (awful for them) but great for the readers. The author's are really going in detail of the side character's story so I'm excited for them as I know the next book is about Rose. There is a lot of romance that takes place in the book which I wouldn't spoil but there is a lot of amazing development. Then ending was well done and there was a pov of Rose at the end which lets the readers know who the next book is about. I absolutely love this series so I'm excited to see what else is to come.

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my rating: 4.25 stars

the core six eeee !!! the found family trope is basically my kryptonite. i mean...come on, the core six fighting their battles together >>>
ya my heart is weeping...
(also the little bonuses at the end made me grin like an idiot :))
A huge thank you to the publisher for being so kind and gifting me an ARC!

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