Member Reviews

Thank you Minotaur Books and NetGalley for the advance copy.

Wow!!!! This series just gets better and better! The Shadow Girls has the same energy and vibes as the previous books: creepy, spooky, ominous and suspenseful. It is a total page turner. I could not put the book down!

I love the whole damn book but what I love the most is that Natalie came full circle. The Natalie from before EVERYTHING that occurred in Trace of Evil found her way back. And there is just a certain kind of beauty to it all.

And of course, as always Luke and Natalie are such a mess but I love them for it as well. They’re so real and relatable.

The Shadow Girls should not be read as a standalone. Readers definitely need to read the others to get the entire picture. I would give my left arm to experience the entire series for the first time again.

Ugh, I need more…like now! :)

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My only complaint with this story, was the pacing.. At times it sped along, at other times it dragged on., The story was great, the characters well developed, I think the pacing can use some work, otherwise this was great.

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I wanted to keep reading this novel from the first page. The characters are engaging and credible and the story line keeps you guessing until the end. The plot was different and as you keep reading, multiple layers of mystery build as the narrative continues. I would definitely recommend this book to others.

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Well written, excellent story. There were parts of the book that dragged, but the rest of the book makes up for it. I liked the character build and the originality of the story.

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I was intrigued by the description of this book and it was a wonderful story. My only problem was not realizing it was the fourth book in the series. While it was easy to get into the story, I wanted to know more about how the two main characters, Lieutenant Luke Pittman and Detective Natalie Lockhart, ended up in relationships with other people that didn’t seem to be quite right. The underlying feeling was Luke and Natalie belonged together.

The investigation of a murder leads to signs of a serial killer, and Detective Natalie Lockhart is so focused on tracking down any hints that she puts everything else on hold. I enjoyed the characters and the storyline, and the hints of witchcraft. Best of all, everything tied up neatly at the end – no cliffhangers. This author is new to me; I really enjoyed the author’s writing style and plan to look for the earlier books in the series.

I received an advanced reader copy from NetGalley and this is my honest review.

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This is my first book by the author. I enjoyed her style of writing, and that is what I am going to base my review on. Unfortunately, after starting the book I found out it was the fourth book in a series featuring the main character, Natlie Lockhart. So, though you can read it and enjoy it as a stand-alone I know I would have rather read the first three books in the series before starting this one because this story feels like the completion of the story. With that being said, I purchased the first three right away so I could better understand the complex characters in this book.
Natlie is dogged by misfortune. She has suffered not only death in her family and friends but now her love life is suffering too. There is something wicked in Burning Lake, NY and Natalie must find out who or what it is.
With a feeling of fearful apprehension, you will read this one in one night to get to the answers.
I read upcoming books that interest me so that I can help get them into the hands of readers who will also love them. Thanks to St. Martins Press for the gifted ARC copy. All opinions are my own.

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This is the fourth book in the series about Detective Natalie Lockhart and it's a nail-biter to the finish! When we last saw Burning Lake NY, Natalie's boss and longtime friend, Luke, was found at the bottom of a ravine, seriously injured by their corrupt colleague Peter Murphy. In this instalment, the recently-recovered Luke and Natalie try to fit all the pieces together and link up the violence and strange events in Burning Lake. Natalie makes a gruesome and unsettling discovery at a property in Burning Lake, uncovers startling new information about her missing friend Bella Striver, and makes some decisions about her relationship with Hunter Rose.

The tension is ratcheted way up in this latest book about Burning Lake. The descriptions of the grim discoveries, dark witchcraft, and dilapidated houses create that classic Burning Lake atmosphere of foreboding mixed with anticipation. The pace is quick and the revelations come fast and furious, especially in the final chapters of the book. Natalie's hesitation to commit to Hunter finally comes to a resolution, proving that you should never, never ignore that little voice inside, and there are some character stories that take a surprising turn.

I was definitely all in on this one. It is a satisfying conclusion to the many professional and personal mysteries haunting Natalie throughout the four books. It felt rather final in the last pages which leads me to question if perhaps Alice Blanchard is finished her series about Natalie Lockhart. I certainly hope not, as I have grown very attached to her. So many thanks to Alice and Minotaur for allowing me to read an advanced copy. It was a complete pleasure and a privilege.

If you love a tense mystery and a modern, gothic Salem-ish setting with witchy themes then, witch, get yourself to the bookstore and buy this series!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Minotaur books for the opportunity to read and review this book.
I read this as a stand alone, just learning of the series. That definitely affected my response to the book. I would recommend readers read the series as it was written.
I enjoyed the writing of the author. Natalie Lockhart was an interesting protagonist.
In this book Natalie is investigating 2 murders, that of the local Wiccan and that of a man who worked in a Halloween store. Witchcraft/occult vibe is high here. I particularly enjoyed the descriptions of how Natalie and her team investigated the crimes, following leads and interviewing suspects/witnesses. It seemed very authentic. The solution to the murders was clever and surprised me.
The romantic relationships fell a little short for me, likely because I had not followed the characters through the series.
It seemed the book was a freight train rushing to resolve all the issues from the other books, definitely alot of action and plot lines converging.
For fans of the series it should be great fun and a satisfying conclusion.

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A decent enough mystery that has a ton of layers and maybe a smidge too much plot. Also how much grief can be heaped onto one woman (Natalie) and the book very much depends on you having read the previous entries. What was oddly distracting to me was the specificity in people's ages. I noticed it happened a lot and there was also a great deal of contrivance. I hope for other installments, the editing tightens up and focus on one thing, in this instance The Shadow Girls, as opposed to everything around it (bc they really aren't the focus at all). 2.5 stars

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“The shadow girls “is a gripping thriller that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat until the very end. The story centers around the unsolved cases of missing women from the past, which are reopened by a current-day murder. The characters are well-developed with such opposing personas that it's hard not to wonder what lies behind the faces of people you meet on the street. The story takes unexpected turns, and presumed facts of cases are upended as the detectives try to solve the case.
What sets this book apart is the tangled love story that revolves around four people. It adds another layer of tension to the story, making it feel like a theme park with so much to explore in every direction. The magical component is a delightful addition, but this is not a paranormal story. The main characters, Natalie and Luke, are both strong and capable detectives, and their dynamic drives the story forward.
Overall, "The shadow girls” is a powerhouse of a thriller that will keep readers engaged from beginning to end. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a well-crafted mystery with plenty of twists and turns.

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It appears this might be the last book of the series and what a way to finish! Natalie finally has answers to things that have haunted her. There are several plots happening in this one and it's put together in a way that makes it impossible to put down. I was blown away by the things that were revealed! I have been a big fan of Natalie and Luke since the beginning so it was very satisfying to see them once again meet the challenge their work brought while navigating huge changes in their personal lives. I loved this one!

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There was a lot to like in this installment of the Natalie Lockhart series! It's tense, fast paced, full of twists, dark and edgy. Yet... there was just SO much going on. It got a bit bogged down with personal and professional happenings for Detective Lockhart. I get trying to wrap up all of the loose ends and tying the series up but it was just... a lot. I've enjoyed this series and the character development. The case in this one was complex and dark, intricately pieced together and I was surprised by the conclusion. A great conclusion to a great series! 3.5 ⭐️

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The Shadow Girls is the fourth book in the Natalie Lockhart series. It is helpful to read the previous novels but not 100% necessary to do so. The characters are good, but could use a bit more dimension in my opinion. I did however enjoy the twists and turns of the novel and how the mystery unfolded.

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Enjoyed this story, but did not realize it was part of a series. The crimes in the books interconnected and I was missing details and relationships as I head never read the other books in the series. Loved the characters of Natalie and Luke, so I have gotten the first book in the series to read next.

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This is a powerhouse of a thriller. You have a current-day murder that re-opens the unsolved cases of missing women from the past. You meet people with such opposing personas that you won't help but wonder what lies behind the faces of people you meet on the street. Presumed facts of cases take switchbacks as they roll toward resolution. And you have a tangled love story that revolves around 4 people, which elevates the tension to another degree. This story is like a theme park, because there is so much going on to explore in every direction that you look. And it is incredibly woven together. Natalie and Luke are both strong characters and great detectives. I loved the magical component, although this is not a paranormal story. The story was so engrossing that I barely put it down once I started -- exciting to the very end!!

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What a twisty, dark, creepy, but totally engaging read! Natalie Lockhart is a detective in Burning Lakes, she has become a bit of a local celebrity after solving a couple of serial killer cases. However, when a practicing wiccan witch is killed and Natalie’s partner Luke Pittman is put in a coma after an attack, things in Burning Lake are becoming increasingly violent. Another murder begins to unravel secrets, long buried, powerful people who want to keep their power and dealings with the occult lead Natalie both solving present day cases and past unsolved cases. What does the killing of the local witch have to do with her sister’s death or best friends disappearance and does anyone ever really know a person?

I could not put down this read, the relationship between characters Natalie and Luke has that element of tension just below the surface, the way the author was able to intertwine the past and the present events was seamless and believable, the creepy factor was perfect just enough to make you a tad nervous. Overall, this was an enjoyable murder mystery, I’m looking forward to reading more from Alice Blanchard.

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First I’d like to thank NetGalley for the opportunity to read this. Unfortunately when I started the book I didn’t realize it was a series… so maybe if I’d read the earlier books, this one would have made more sense. There was really just way too much going on. I think the cliffhangers from all the other books converged in this one. As for the writing, I felt like I was being told the story rather than experiencing it. The characters felt like cardboard cutouts more than actual people and I was never invested in any of them. I may be in the minority here but unfortunately this book didn’t work for me.

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Wow! I didn't realize The Shadow Girls was part of a series and although this was the fourth one, it was great as a standalone. This story of the goings on in Burning Lake hooked me immediately as Detective Natalie Lockhart investigated the murder of Randolph S. Holmes. As if a new murder investigation wasn't enough, Natalie is also trying to discover why Burning Lake's best known modern-day witch Veronica Manes was murdered, and who put her Lieutenant Luke Pittman in the hospital in a coma. She's also trying to navigate her relationship with Hunter Rose, figure out what she really wants out of life, and if possible lay to rest a few ghosts from her past.

The Shadow Girls is a captivating read. Fast paced, with lots of action and a good mystery at its core. Although, it is obvious that this novel was intended to wrap up a lot of the threads from the earlier books, it was a satisfying read on its own. I will go back and read the earlier books as I want to learn more about all of these characters.

I was provided with this ARC by Netgalley and Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review.

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Great read, fast paced and easy to follow story even if you haven’t read the entire series. No cliffhangers but resolutions were very quick at the end. First read of author’s work but will not be the last.

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The Shadow Girls was my first time reading this series. It has great characters and is well written. It is a story that boils down to good and evil.

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