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The Déjà Glitch

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Holly James Does lit fic and magicalRealism in the best way. Gemma has the best kiss of her life and wakes up in a weird Deja Vu situation. She runs into Jack and curious if she's met him before. Come to find out Jack has lived out this day with Gemma about 147 times. But today. Is different. She makes so many different decisions that Jack has no idea which way is up. It's done in LA where the wild is believable and both the main characters back stories are filled with Hollywoods elite.

I loved it. I love the way James writes and i love that it feels like dropping into a story for real. It felt like a movie and a true way of not needing to teach a lesson but the reader just experiencing a wild fun crazy story. That probably has some romance but definitely has some magic. It was incredible. Immediately putting it on my wishlist.

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A very unique concept! This was a fun read! The characters were fleshed out really well and the story went on very smoothly. An almost perfect read for summer time!

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Time loop romance for the win. Also refreshing to be told from the other perspective. Love is such a fickle event, especially in a time crunch.

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Book Review:
Title: The Déjà Glitch
Author: Holly James
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/3 stars

I'm not the biggest fan of timeloop books, so once I realized that this book incorporated one into the plot, I was a bit hesitant. Fortunately, it wasn't that difficult to follow. Sometimes timeloop plots can get super confusing!

Gemma Peters and Jack Lincoln have been stuck in a timeloop for five months! They keep reliving the same Thursday over and over. I would go insane! 147 times, they run into one another under the circumstances, but only Jack catches on. Over the course of this time, Jack falls in love with Gemma. But every Friday morning, Gemma forgets him all over again.

Gemma realizes she does have very vague, blurry memories of some of the dates she's had with Jack, but he's afraid to tell her the truth, thinking she'll think he's nuts. She's experiencing a hard case of déjà vu on a daily basis. If you're looking for a happy ending, then grab this book!

Published: August 1st, 2023

Thank you, @netgalley and @duttonbooks, for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Ahhhhh I absolutely loved this! Such a clever plot with a good twist on the classic favorite Groundhog Day. I looooce that it was Jack who knew they’d been living every day on a loop, working to build their relationship and win her trust through time and effort. Such a romantic story!

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From the meet-cute opening moments when Gemma literally crashes into the enigmatic Jack, James has a deft touch with humor and characters that instantly click. Gemma's befuddlement at experiencing constant déjà vu while Jack is all too aware of their cyclical nightmare makes for an engaging opposites-attract dynamic. As Jack tries convincing the skeptical Gemma they're time-trapped lovers, their spirited back-and-forth repartee and escalating flirtation will leave readers joyfully invested in their budding romance against the odds.
Beneath the effervescent laughs, James also explores deeper themes about seizing the day, learning to let go of baggage, and being vulnerable enough to open your heart. The time loop premise allows her to montage Gemma's journey to self-discovery alongside Jack's unwavering efforts to break the cycle through ultimately winning her love.
A frothy, immensely enjoyable rom-com romp, "The Déjà Glitch" is simply a blast from beginning to end. With her razor-sharp humor and keen insights into modern love, Holly James is a delightful new voice in the genre. Fans of playful metaphysical conceits and electrifying courtships are in for a real treat.

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This charming romance follows Gemma and Jack trapped in a time loop, offering a unique love story with moments of love, confusion, and acceptance. James skillfully avoids repetition in handling the time loop trope, adding mystery and urgency. While the romance may feel fast-paced, Gemma's growth and the humor from supporting characters like Lila make it enjoyable. However, a deeper exploration of the emotional impact of the time loop could have enhanced the story. Overall, 'The Deja Glitch' is a fun blend of romance and sci-fi that time-loop fans will appreciate

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This one was kinda cool, but confusing af if you go in completely blind. I think I even stopped partially through and read the blurb because I was like “what is happening” since it kinda starts in a slow unfolding session.

Gemma is in a time loop, although she doesn’t quite know it but she’s starting to come to and feel a bunch of deja-vu moments. Cue Jack, who is the only one aware that they’re in a time loop and has repeated the same day with Gemma hundreds of times. He finds that as he changes up how he interacts with her, she’s starting to come out of the fog a bit more and their day is finally changing.

Gemma is a radio producer who has a lot of baggage (from a failed relationship with someone who truly used her, to a failed relationship with her own father that she’s too stubborn to fix). Then there’s Jack, and all he needs to do is get Gemma to fall in love with him in a day and it might be what saves them.

Don’t get me wrong, this was a cute premise. But to me, it was just too much of a slow burn and it made it feel like it was just dragging on. Repeatedly.

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This was such a beautiful and whimsical story. Jack and Gemma have been stuck in a time loop for 147 days, but only Jack remembers and he’s desperate for the girl he’s fallen in love with to remember too! While I was initially disappointed that we wouldn’t get to experience the time loops, the love story in this made up for it. The majority of the story happens over the course of one day, but what happened in that day was nothing short of spectacular. Gemma’s growth was amazing and I love that meeting Jack pushed her to do things she hadn’t done before. She found a lot of healing and the love of her life — swoon! At first this felt insta-lovey, but then something happens at the end to make it all more believable. I adored this!!

Content: closed door, some language

Thank you to Penguin for a gifted copy. My thoughts are my own.

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"The Déjà Glitch" by Holly James presents readers with a delightful romantic comedy tinged with a touch of magical realism. Gemma Peters, a radio producer in the L.A. music scene, finds herself caught in a time loop, reliving the same Thursday over and over again. When she collides with Jack, a charming stranger who seems strangely familiar, Gemma's world is turned upside down.

James skillfully weaves together humor, romance, and mystery as Gemma and Jack navigate their way through the time loop. Gemma's reluctance to break her "no musicians" dating rule adds depth to her character, while Jack's determination to win her heart in a single day adds a layer of urgency to their budding romance.

The concept of a time loop adds an intriguing twist to the traditional romantic comedy formula, keeping readers engaged and guessing until the very end. With its witty dialogue, relatable characters, and heartwarming romance, "The Déjà Glitch" is sure to captivate fans of contemporary romance and magical realism alike.

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The Deja Glitch is a cute rom-com with a strange little spin on the classic time-loop drama. Gemma, our lead, is in the unique position of not knowing that she is in a time loop. While this is an interesting premise, it causes us to pack a LOT into one day. This was the point that stuck the most for me, as Gemma has what must be the busiest day anyone has ever had. Jack's character is not as fleshed out as one might hope, but, we only know him for a day, so to some extent that's understandable.

It was cute, but not life alteringly so, and I was so stuck on the fact that it all happens in one single loop that I got a little bogged down by it.

4/5 stars

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I loved this book! Time loops are such an interesting twist on a story. Gemma was a perfectly lovable character and their romance felt real. It was an easy read, just a good time all around.

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Took me a while to get to this one but I will say I struggled to finish it. I dont think it had anything to do with the book per se but I couldn't get invested at all and found myself wondering why I was even finishing it. Maybe it is meant for someone else but not me.

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This book was pretty cute! I'm not always the biggest fan of the time loop trope but the way James did it was very enjoyable and not repetitive. Although I love how quick-paced and action-packed the story was it wasn't very realistic for a 24-hour time period.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for providing this earc in exchange for an honest review.

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This was such a cute book! This reminded me of Groundhog Dates meets 50 First Dates in the best way!

Gemma is perfectly content with her life. She goes to her normal job, hangs out with her normal friends, and goes home to her normal dog. Until her life in thrown off balance when she meets Jack, a stranger who informs her that they've met before and can tell her things that happen before they do. His persistence leads Gemma on a journey to discover what's going on and why this stranger says he's met her several times before.

Ah! This was so cute! I always enjoy seeing how much action authors can pack into a short time span. In this case, everything that Gemma and Jack were able to accomplish might be a little unrealistic, but that's fiction for ya.
I loved Gemma's character growth with her relationship with her father and brother. On the other side, it was frustrating to see her still hold tight onto a small mishap that her 7 year old self did.

But, overall, this was a great YA read!
Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Group Dutton for an eARC of this story! All opinions are my own

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Something about time loop romances really gets me, they feel so cozy and easy to slip into. I found Gemma and Jack to be easy characters to root for but I wasn't super invested in them as their relationship developed, so while I enjoyed this, I'm not sure I'll return to it in the future.

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If you are looking for a light hearted rom-com, this is the book for you! I love reading magical realism but never read a book with a time glitch/loop. I was worried at first, but it truly enjoyed it. Getting to know Jack and Gemma was so fun, I loved learning about them and seeing their character development.

Thank you NetGalley and Dutton for the opportunity.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advance copy of The Deja Glitch by Holly James in exchange for my honest review and opinion. This was an absolutely adorable Rom Com that keeps you turning page after page waiting to see what is going to happen next. Clear your schedule as once you start reading, you will not want to stop!!!

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I am honestly so mad at myself for not reading this sooner because it was SO CUTE I COULD CRY.

Not only was the romance sweet and genuine and lovely, but Gemma’s friends and family had their own special brand of love that was so incredible and strong. The way she and Lila were so in tune, the strength and earnestness of her relationship with her brother was heartwarming.

And Jack!!! Is!!! A cinnamon roll who would die for her!!!! This poor boy needs like a solid month of vacation just to cope with the chaos of being trapped in the same day for so long. He’s so expressive and kind and just genuinely wants to be around and with and alongside Gemma wherever she goes. This man is s m i t t e n and we adore him.

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3.5 ⭐ The Deja Glitch by Holly James is a contemporary romance novel centering around Gemma and Jack who get stuck in a time loop, having to repeat the same day over and over (a la Groundhog Day). Jack has been living the time loop for a few months now, running into Gemma - but she doesn't notice. One day Gemma wakes up, after kissing a guy at a party, and notices that things seem oddly familiar as if she can tell what people will say or how they will act. Then she meets Jack (again), and he tells her it's not really deja vu, but rather a time loop that has been going on for months. And when Jack and Gemma kissed the night before something triggered it for Gemma so that she can finally notice what's happening. Jack then tells her that he thinks that the key to ending the time loop is them falling in love - if Gemma can remember him tomorrow (a la 50 First Dates).

I really enjoyed this book. I think sometimes with time loop tropes, the story can get super repetitive and boring, but this wasn't like that. There were some parts that were predictable, but Gemma and Jack have great chemistry from the get-go, Jack is charming, and the side characters are fun. I think if you enjoy the time loop trope and sweet, closed-door romance stories you will enjoy The Deja Glitch.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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